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Dearest Biker MC The Complete Series Box Set

Page 63

by Blair Grey

  The thought passed when Spencer, a man Aaron introduced as his best friend, came over. He clapped Aaron on the shoulder and his girlfriend, Brooke, gave me a hug. I clicked with Brooke immediately, and was glad for an ally in the throng of men.

  Vanessa, while nice enough, clearly clung to Zach as though he was going to disappear into thin air, and Nathan’s girl seemed shy. I wasn’t going to try to push myself on anyone, knowing that this was all going to be passing. This could be a good night, but I was sure this was only going to happen once, and I wasn’t going to ever see any of these people again.

  “Let’s get a drink!” Brooke said with a laugh. She grabbed my arm and the two of us headed to the bar. It was nice to have some female company, especially by a woman who was close to my age. I didn’t know her well, but she was outgoing and friendly, and she seemed to sense my nerves.

  “I was the new one not long ago,” she said. “I know it’s hard to feel like you belong with these assholes.”

  “I just notice that a lot of them seem to treat Aaron differently,” I commented. “I mean, Spencer was the only one who didn’t seem to have any reserve around him.”

  We took a shot, then another, then the bartender handed us each a mixed drink. Brooke leaned in. I could see that the alcohol was starting to take effect already, and I wondered if she had a low tolerance. Hell, compared to Aaron, everyone did.

  “They get tired of his drunk antics,” she said. “Spencer has said more than once he’s going to talk to him about it, but I think he’s trying to find the right time. Aaron has been through some shit, and he’s trying to deal, so Spencer is trying to be understanding about that.”

  I nodded. I could understand both sides of the story.

  “I’m surprised that the two of you are getting along so well!” Brooke laughed. She was clearly tipsy at this point, and I was also starting to feel the alcohol creeping in.

  “Why?” I asked. I cocked my head to the side. It was one thing that I’d always done when I was feeling tipsy, and I couldn’t help it now. Tim had always laughed at me for it, and there was a time when Hanson thought it was cute. Now, it was just something that happened.

  I knew I was doing it, but I didn’t care. Brooke laughed. “You’re adorable! You cock your head like a puppy when you ask!”

  “It’s a habit I have!” I said with a laugh of my own. “I’ve always done it.”

  “I want to hug you!” Brooke pulled me close. “I love you so much!”

  “I love you too!” I laughed. I loved feeling this way. It had been a long time since I’d gotten drunk with a girl, and I did feel like I loved her. Hell, I almost let myself think that this could be real, but there was another side of me that threw back in my face the fact that it was temporary.

  “Why – why are you surprised that we get along?” I asked.

  “Who?” she asked.

  “Me and Aaron,” I said.

  “Because he’s always got a new girl. Like, every night,” Brooke said. I was sure my face fell slightly. I knew that had to be true about Aaron. At least I’d assumed. But, hearing that it was true from someone who knew the facts wasn’t what I wanted to hear.

  “No, don’t worry, he hasn’t since you came into the picture!” Brooke said. “That’s what I’m saying.”

  “It’s okay,” I said. “This is just going to be a means to an end!”

  “I don’t know,” she had a mischievous look on her face, and I cocked my head to the side once more, causing her to laugh. “I see the way he looks at you.”

  “I’m not sure I want to get involved with someone who has, you know,” I said.

  “A drinking problem?” she guessed. I nodded. “I’d give him a chance. I didn’t like him at all when I met him, but deep down inside, there’s a good guy.”

  “I thought that once about someone else,” I admitted, but once again, Brooke shook her head.

  “I think if anyone can bring it out of Aaron, it’s you,” she put her arm around me as we ordered another round, but I thought about what she said.

  I had made that mistake about someone else, but then, I hadn’t known Hanson. Brooke knew Aaron. She’d known him longer than me, anyway. If she thought there was a chance, then maybe there was. But I wasn’t so sure.

  What are you thinking? This is temporary!

  The thought rushed through my mind in an instant, but for the first time, I shoved it back out. It might be the truth, but right now, I didn’t want to think about that.

  I wanted to enjoy the night, and maybe, just maybe pretend that this wasn’t all temporary.

  Just for one night. What could it hurt?



  I surprised myself by waking up excited. The night of the engagement party had been a lot of fun, though April did insist that we leave early enough to pick up Sabrina before the night was over. There had been a part of me that was hoping I’d get to take her home for a night of uninterrupted, passionate sex, but I honored her wishes and the two of us left on the early side.

  “That was a lot of fun,” she said. “I really like Brooke.”

  “Yeah, Brooke’s a good girl,” I agreed. “I’m glad you found a friend here.”

  “Me too,” she replied. She was still looking out the window, but seemed to be in a lot higher spirits than she had been when we arrived at the party. I didn’t want to let myself think that she might actually like it here.

  It was an MC that had killed her brother, as far as we knew, so of course she wouldn’t want to get involved with another. Or would she?

  The night ended pleasantly. I bid her a goodnight when we got inside the house, keeping my hands to myself and not asking for sex. She seemed rather surprised, but pleased as she walked into her room with Sabrina, but I noted she still locked the door behind her.

  It didn’t bother me, but I wondered if she was going to continue to do that into our marriage. I’d never ask her not to. If she felt that was best, then I wasn’t going to argue. But, it was something I was curious about.

  Now, it was the morning of our wedding. Sure, it was going to be small, seen through by the justice of the peace with Spencer and Brooke as our witnesses. I was glad Spencer was going to be there. He had been my best friend ever since I got back from the service, and I wanted him to be there for this special event.

  April walked out of the room with her dress on. She was even more breathtaking now than she had been the night of the engagement party. Her hair was done up fancier, and she was wearing her makeup differently. But, she took my breath away.

  “We’re going to take April to Mama Rose’s on the way, right?” she asked.

  I nodded. I wasn’t feeling entirely myself, but that was because I’d not had a drink that morning. It was the first morning in as long as I could remember that I decided to stay entirely sober, and with the way she looked at me, I had a feeling she could sense it.

  “I’m almost ready,” she said.

  I was ready. It didn’t take me long to look nice in the MC gear. It was designed to go either way, and with a nicer hairstyle and shave, I was already ready to go. April reappeared with Sabrina on her hip, and we soon piled out in the old car.

  I knew I was going to have to get us a better vehicle eventually. That is, if this was going to last for any length of time. I wasn’t sure what to expect when it came to the court or how they were handling the custody battle. But, there was a part of me that almost hoped it would take a while to get everything sorted out.

  Though I didn’t want to admit it, I was falling in love with this woman, and knowing we were on our way to get married – really, legally married – I didn’t want to keep thinking about this as something that was going to end as soon as we could get it do.

  I looked forward to her being Mrs. Jackson. I never thought the day would come when I would have a Mrs. I was proud that it was finally hear, and I wanted it to last. Hell, we even already had a daughter. I’d gone from no one to a family practically ov

  And I was happier than I wanted to let on.

  We dropped off Sabrina, then we headed down to the courthouse. Spencer and Brooke were already there, both looking sharp themselves. Brooke always looked good no matter what she had on, but Spencer took a bit of work. He’d also done his hair up and shaved, putting on a clean shirt and his MC vest.

  “You ready?” he asked.

  “Ready as ever,” I admitted.

  “What about you?” Brooke asked with a smile.

  “I’m nervous,” April said. “I don’t really know what to expect.”

  “It seems easy enough,” Spencer said with a shrug. “You say what the Justice of the Peace tells you, then you sign papers and bam, you’re married.”

  “Seems so much easier to get in than out of,” I laughed.

  April nodded. “I think it’s going to work out, though.”

  “This is definitely a smart move if you want to make sure that ass isn’t going to come anywhere near your kid,” Brooke said. “I’ve dealt with plenty of assholes in my life, and I know how to deal with them. Take all the measures necessary to keep them at bay.”

  April nodded as the four of us headed into the courthouse. We’d already made an appointment, so there wasn’t any waiting. My heart raced in my chest as we headed into the small room, and both Spencer and Brooke took either side.

  The Justice of the Peace walked in, his Bible in his hand. “Alright, we’re having a wedding today!”

  He looked cheerfully around the room, and both April and I smiled. It felt so strange to think this was our wedding day, and we were really going to be married when we walked back through those doors. I felt butterflies in my stomach, but there was also an anxiety that April would back out at the last second.

  Now that we were here, now that she was standing right next to me, her hand in mine, I wanted this to be real. I didn’t want to think of this all as a sham that was only meant to last for a few months, if that. I wanted to imagine the rest of our lives together.

  Hell, I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life. But, if I was honest with myself, she had only been back in my life for a couple of weeks. To think that this would truly last was crazy at best.

  But, we both took our positions, and when the Justice of the Peace told me what to say and guided me through the vows, I meant every word. I was going to cherish and love her. I was going to protect her. I was going to be there for her through sickness and in health. I would be there through the good times and the bad.

  I didn’t care about money or anything like that. I just wanted to be with April, forever, until death do us part.

  As I listed to the vows she also gave, I pretended they were real. I wanted her to mean the words, though I knew there wasn’t any way I was going to be able to make that happen. She either did or she didn’t, and she was the only one who knew the truth.

  But still, I wanted to pretend that it was real.

  Then, we signed the papers, were given our documents, and the entire thing was over with.

  “Look at Aaron, a married man!” Spencer said with a laugh. “Who would have thought he would be the first to tie the knot out of all of us?”

  “I’m a little jealous,” Brooke said as she wrapped her arm around April. “What’s it like being married?”

  Spencer rolled his eyes. I knew the day would come when the two of them would also get married, but he was putting it off a lot more than Brooke wanted. She would have happily married the guy today if she could. But he didn’t want to rush into it.

  Hell, compared to me, any length of time after two weeks would be longer than we waited.

  “It feels much the same,” April said with a shrug. “I mean, I thought it was going to be a lot different than it really is.”

  “That makes me feel a little better,” Brooke said with relief in her voice.

  “Told you,” Spencer said. “The only thing that changes is that you get a ring on your finger.”

  She gave him a look, but I ignored them. I put my hand in April’s, my wife. “Shall we head onto the reception?”

  She smiled, and I was glad when she didn’t pull her hand away. We got back in the car, and both Spencer and Brooke followed in their own vehicle. April and I didn’t speak much on our way to the diner. Zach and the other MC guys had spent the morning putting together a reception for us, and I was glad.

  He’d closed the diner for the day, making sure there was plenty of food and space for all of us to celebrate and spend some time together. It made me feel good knowing that the boys all cared for me this much despite the trouble I’d had in my life.

  I felt like I belonged, and it made me want to do better. But, the one thing that stood out to me most during the day was how good it felt to call April my wife. I introduced her that way to Carl, and to several of the other guys who weren’t in the loop of what was going on.

  There was plenty of booze and laughter, stories and teasing. Hell, it was a wedding like I never thought I’d have. Then again, I never thought I’d have a wedding, so it was even more surprising to me.

  But, when it came time to exchange tattoos, I was shocked when April agreed. It was nothing more than a little mark on the inside of her ring finger, but I didn’t think she’d go through with it. Adam, being the artist that he was, did the honors, then I surprised everyone by doing the same thing.

  If she was going to make such a bold statement, then I was going to, too. It was as simple as that.

  Once the ink was on our bodies, things felt even more official – more real – than ever. I couldn’t take it any longer. Pulling April into my arms, I kissed her breathless, right there in front of everyone. Pretend, temporary, whatever it might be, I was the happiest man on Earth, and I was going to take advantage of the feeling.

  For the first time in as long as I could remember, I found something that sounded better than alcohol.

  And I would pick her over that shit any day.



  That was it. I was officially married. I hadn’t fully known what to expect throughout the day, and was pleasantly surprised when it all came together so well. It made me feel good knowing I was doing the right thing for my daughter, and I was constantly surprised with how the MC was treating this entire situation.

  There were times when I felt they thought it was all going to last. As though this was a real marriage that was going to stand the test of time. I hated to burst any of their bubbles, but there was a part of me that almost wanted to tell them that this was only going to be for as long as it took to get my daughter out of the clutches of Hanson.

  But then, with all the congratulations, the food, the booze – Hell, even the president of the MC came over to tell me he thought I looked beautiful in the dress and would do Aaron some good in life – it was all more than I expected.

  Brooke was by my side for most of the reception, and I could still sense the hint of jealousy coming from her when she talked about married life. I didn’t blame her. It had to be tough, wanting to be married then seeing someone else come in after and get married first.

  I wanted to tell her she was better off. This wasn’t real, and what she had with Spencer, well, it was. Aaron and I were on a mission to save Sabrina. When that was over, then we were over, and that was the end of things.

  I had assumed the whole reception would be over within an hour or two, then I was shocked when Adam appeared with his tattoo gun equipment. I’d heard about the marks married members of the MC had on each other’s bodies. It was another, more permanent way of shouting out to the world they were on the same page.

  None of the other couples had it. Carl did, of course, but he was a widower, and his wife had long since passed. She had gotten the ink when she had married him, but Aaron had told me that was years ago, and she had been gone long before he ever joined the MC.

  I didn’t think either of us were going to go through with getting the ink. I was sure Aaron would back down or
tell them that it wasn’t going to last long enough to merit wearing any. But when Adam set up the gun, he didn’t say a word. I was shocked when Aaron agreed to the idea, and suddenly, I wanted it.

  Despite the fact this was going to be temporary, this was still a wedding, and on paper, I was legally married. If I were to go to the courthouse right now, it would be on file. I was April Jackson, and there wasn’t any changing that. The idea filled me with a level of excitement, but at the same time, there was a level of sadness mixed in.

  I had always dreamed that my wedding day would be the day that I married the man of my dreams – the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I could argue that this didn’t count. This was nothing more than a show to keep creeps at bay, as Brooke had put it, but I knew that wasn’t the case.

  With the tattoo on my finger, and a matching one on Aaron, I knew this was a lot more serious than I had originally planned. And what scared me about that was the fact that I didn’t mind. I was glad that he was wearing my ink. And I was proud to be wearing his as well.

  We stayed a lot longer at the reception than I thought we would. It was getting dark by the time we decided it was time to head home. I was glad Aaron was the one driving. I had fortified myself with plenty of champagne for when we got home.

  Of course, he’d have plenty of booze in his house, but I didn’t want to break into his stash because of what I knew he’d expect. Hell, he had already asked for it, he had told me plainly that he was going to require it. If we were going to be married, then we were going to be married in every sense of the word.

  I wasn’t going to take his name and live in his house, acting as though I was his wife and getting all the benefits of being his wife unless I was also going to be willing to do what a wife did. That meant, that night, I’d be consummating the marriage just like any other wife would on her wedding night.


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