The Demon On My Chest: Waking Up

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The Demon On My Chest: Waking Up Page 10

by Dan Farris

  “I’ll come with you, then.”

  “No, you can’t! I’m sorry, it’s urgent, and it has to be done alone. But I’ll return to you shortly.”

  Alfred hugged Rebecca, kissed her on the forehead, and walked in the opposite direction.

  Darn! I should have made him mine by now.

  Chapter 14-Samael

  Samael was standing near the many shorelines of a large body of water in Hell-- The Lake of Fire. The screams and cries of all the countless souls who had been cast in the Lake were loud and could be heard from afar.

  Samael was surrounded by the kings of Hell: Lucifer, Beelzebub, Salikethal, Berith, and Pursan. Like all angels, each was beautiful in their own way. Each of them, except Pursan, wore fine suits and stood nearly equal in size and stature. Pursan was much smaller and wore plain garments. Like Lucifer, they each wore crowns of fire, except for Pursan. Salikethal and Berith had pale skin, long hair and gigantic beards. Beelzebub’s skin was pitch black, and he was clean-shaven.

  Samael and the kings of Hell all stared at each other. No one uttered a word until Lucifer spoke. “Brothers, as you see, Samael has blessed us with his presence. I called this--”

  “Silence. I summoned each of you. Lucifer said you would only meet in a neutral zone. By now, each of you are aware that I’ve declared war on Heaven. War on Father.

  “Lucifer has given me the history of this place. After I defeated you, you were cast down here. Then you started fighting over this forsaken place. How pathetic. Is this what you want for the rest of eternity? To fight over humans? We conquered worlds! We conquered galaxies! We conquered spaces! We conquered powers! For eons! Do you remember what we had? What we were? Do you?

  “Lucifer, you were Father’s favorite, the Morningstar. He loved you even more than any of us! Do you remember all the spaces you ruled over? Now look at you--the smallest kingdom in Hell. And Father only gives you authority over Earth as punishment to our other brothers! Any fool could see that. And your precious Hime, does she compare to the companion that you lost doing the rebellion? Have you forgotten her? How strong, beautiful, and wise she was? Have you forgotten your offspring? Have you? I haven’t. Look at how weak you’ve become! Pathetic!

  “Beelzebub, look at what has happened to you brother. You decided to join Lucifer, and look at how much you’ve fallen. You were the wisest and most curious of us. No one saw more spaces than you. Beelzebub the explorer. Now look at you, forced to remain on this forsaken space for all eternity! And I know you haven’t forgotten about your companion--Herith. It was well known that the only thing Beelzebub loved more than Father was Herith. Now she is gone forever! What are you going to do about it?

  “Salikethal, it hurt me the most when I learned you had joined Lucifer. All the battles we fought together. Now look at you, engaged in petty feuds for control of Hell for all eternity! Berith, you trained more brothers than any of us. How many of them looked up to you? Your kingdom is only slightly larger than Lucifer’s!

  “And finally, Pursan the cunning. I never thought much of you; none of us did. We were wrong. You are not a commander, but you are the most powerful creature in Hell. However, Lucifer refuses to grant you access to Earth. Your kingdom will never expand into the darkness. Are you truly content with remaining here for all eternity? Aren’t you ready to expand your power? Do you know how big this space is? And the other spaces? They’re infinite. Endless spaces to potentially conquer and rule over, but you’re stuck here? Are you Pursan the cunning or Pursan the coward?

  “Brothers, it is time to take back what is ours! It is time for Father to answer for his betrayal! I will not stop until Heaven burns and Father kneels before me and begs for mercy! Me, Gabriel, Uriel and other commanders are mobilizing. The majority of our brothers in Heaven are mobilizing. Will you join us? Will you join me?!”

  Beelzebub spoke. “Quite the speech, brother. I forgot how rousing you could get. You’re right, I’m the wisest, though I’ve made mistakes. Joining Lucifer was a mistake. But let me remind you. Father is our creator. He is older and more powerful individually than any of us. Even you, the mighty Samael, cannot defeat Father. It is intriguing that it appears we have more numbers than the first rebellion, but victory is not guaranteed. What is guaranteed is that if we don’t join you, Father will continue to let us reign in Hell for all eternity, undeterred. Hell is no paradise, but it is ours. If we agree to join you and lose, then what? Maybe this time, we get closer to victory, but when we undoubtedly lose, how will Father react? Will he cast us back down here? Or will he destroy us, to make sure we never rebel again? That, my brothers, is a powerful consideration. Yes, I’m intrigued, but not yet convinced.”

  “Father is weaker than ever. With all of us fighting together, he will be defeated,” replied Samael.

  “Then what? Assuming Father is defeated, then what? Who rules?” asked Beelzebub.

  Then I destroy you all.

  “Oh, let me answer this one. The humans have a saying: we’ll cross that bridge when we get there,” said Lucifer.

  “My thoughts exactly,” said Samael. Beelzebub and Samael stared at each other intensely.

  “What do you think, Pursan?” Asked Salikethal.

  “The mighty Samael,” said Pursan. “The ground has shaken, the sky has rained blood, and I feel time works differently now--your power is too great for Hell. It is an honor to stand before you. I remember seeing you many times, though we never spoke. I know how serious it is, your being here. No angel or demon has ever willingly come to Hell. You make a powerful argument for rebellion, but Beelzebub has given us much to consider as well. Unlike you all, I’m no commander. I don’t yield such power. I’m constantly at risk of being overthrown because of my weakness. I couldn’t make a decision of this magnitude without consulting with our brothers who follow me.”

  Weakling. The most powerful creature in Hell and you have to seek permission? I’m not impressed.

  “I don’t like being here longer than I have to, so don’t take too long,” said Samael. “When I return, I expect each of you to join us. If not, I may not forgive the fact that it was your actions that lost us so much in the first place! In fact, perhaps I should start here before I destroy Father. Each of you, take that as a threat.” Samael’s wings appeared. He created a portal and left Hell.

  Traitors, I’ll make them submit. No matter what it takes, they will submit to my will.

  Chapter 15-Sean

  Sean lay comfortably on his living room couch. Persephone slept in his bedroom. Sean couldn’t go to sleep, because he was too excited about Father Adams and Brother Boudreaux coming to his home the next day to get rid of the demon that was after him.

  “Mary Ann, Mary Ann.”

  Mary Ann appeared before him. “Why are we whispering?”

  “Shush, I have company in the bedroom. I may have found a way to stop the demon that’s after me.”


  “Some preacher from down south. I’m meeting him tomorrow.” Sean kissed Mary Ann.

  “We have to be really quiet,” Sean added.

  “Let’s have sex like a wolf and a pig. You’re the pig, I’m the wolf.”

  Sean laughed. Are all ghosts this goofy? Sean and Mary Ann then had sex well into the night.

  Father Adams and Brother Boudreaux arrived at Sean’s house early the next morning. Sean and Persephone were waiting for them when they knocked on the door.

  “Sean, this is Brother Boudreaux. Can we come in?” Asked Father Adams.

  “Of course, please come in.”

  Brother Boudreaux was an old man, very tall and thin, but he walked with the vigor of a man still in his youth. He was carrying a Bible and a bottle of olive oil.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Brother Boudreaux. This is my friend Persephone.”

  “Nice to meet you, Sean, and you, ma’am. Thanks for inviting us into your home.” He spoke in a thick Cajun accent. Sean led everyone to his kitchen table. Persephone sat right next to

  “Persephone, I’m Father Adams. Blessed to meet you.”

  “Thank you for helping us. God bless you both.”

  “Don’t put the cart before the horse,” said Brother Boudreaux. “Did Father Adams tell you what’s going on here?”

  “He said you can help me.”

  “Yes, he did, and I’m sure gonna try. But, I can only do what God allows me to do; that’s all I meant. Let’s all hold hands and pray first. I always like to start with a prayer.” They all held hands.

  “Holy Father, thank you for providing me safe passage on my way up here. Thank you for loving us, even though many times we don’t deserve your love. Father God, I ask that you give me strength for what I’m about to do. I ask that you give us the power to defeat Satan and his legion. I ask that you cover us in the blood of your son, Christ Jesus. In his name, amen. Praise God.

  “Sean, you’ve been able to see and sense things since you were a child. Spirits come to you when you sleep? The first time they came to me… oh, I was about three years old. I was so scared. I remember running to my papa. That was about seventy or so years ago. I didn’t understand it at first, but God showed me the truth. It’s a gift. I have it too. You see, God has a purpose, a role, for each of us to play. A divine destiny. Some of us are called to preach, to heal, to steward. But, not all gifts are necessarily spiritual gifts. Some of us are blessed with the heart of compassion. Some of us are blessed to be good organizers. Every human being on this planet has something unique about them that can serve the will of God. It’s just that most of us never truly seek to understand his plan for us. Most people never figure out what their gift is, and most of the ones that do use it for self-gain. But people like me and you, we are God’s warriors on Earth. You can sense and feel these things, these spirits and demons, because God ordained you to be a warrior before you were born.”

  “What type of warrior?”

  “The only kind of warrior that can engage in what I’m about to do right now: spiritual warfare. A demon has chosen you for a reason that I don’t know, but, through the grace of Christ, I’m going to send it back to the pits of Hell. I sensed its mark on you soon as I walked in here. It was here recently, wasn’t it?”

  “How’d you know that?”

  “The gift, Sean, the gift.

  “If you truly were to cling to Christ, you’ll be a mighty warrior for him. Give up the basely desires of the world and cling to him. By God, young man, all the people you could save. Evil spirits and demons are everywhere; it’s just that most people can’t sense ‘em like we can. Only a few have our kind of gift.”

  “The demon said it was looking for me because it sensed some type of power. It said it hadn’t felt power like that since it was in the presence of its father. What does that mean?”

  “Demons speak in riddles and contradictions; you can’t trust anything they say.”

  “There’s more… a ghost has been coming to me, even when I’m not sleeping. How do I know if it’s evil? How do I know if it’s a demon or not?”

  “Why didn’t you tell me? Why would you keep that from me? People have died!” Yelled Persephone.

  “Listen to me carefully. You can’t trust this other sprit that’s been coming to you. It could be a lost soul, or it may very well be the same demon that’s been after you, in disguise. Or it could be a vengeful soul that’s trying to lead you to Hell with them.”

  Mary Ann isn’t evil, she can’t be. “You’re right.”

  “Now, let’s send this demon back to Hell.”

  Brother Boudreaux placed some olive oil on Sean’s head and placed his hand on Sean’s forehead. “In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I demand the evil that’s after this young man to release. Release. God has given us the authority to send you back to the pits of Hell. Our Lord and Savior has died for us so that we may be free and have everlasting life. We demand that you release this young man. You can’t have him. He belongs to God, not you. Back to the pits of Hell, I command you, I command you. In Jesus’ name, I command you. Do you hear me demon? Release and go back to Hell. I feel it…. it’s here.” Suddenly, all the lights blew out, and the furniture shook. A dark shadow appeared before them.

  “It’s come back for me,” cried Sean.

  “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid. Demon, I command you to release your hold on this young man. I command you to return back to the pits of Hell. In Jesus’ name, I command you,” said Brother Boudreaux.

  “No, the boy is mine. The power is mine.”

  Sean struggled to breathe; he felt his life slipping away. God, please forgive me for all my sins and accept me into your kingdom. Please God.

  “No, demon, you can’t have him. Father God, I ask for your grace and mercy. We need you now, God, we need you now. Demon! I command you to release him and go back to Hell. I command you to release him.”

  “What’s happening? He’s dying? Save him!” Screamed Persephone.

  “God, Christ Jesus? Something is wrong…. God, please help this young man. Give me the power to send this demon back to Hell,” pleaded Brother Boudreaux.

  Father Adams stood. “In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I command you to release him. I command you to release him, by the power of Christ and all the heavenly Saints, release him.”

  Sean continued to feel his life slipping away.

  “It’s not working! He’s dying! Help him!” Yelled Persephone. She stood over Sean and covered him with her body.

  God, please forgive me, please forgive me. Just as Sean was about to lose consciousness, he spoke in a weakened voice. “Demon, damn you. You killed Luke and the others…. I wish you would just go to Hell. Go to Hell.”

  Suddenly, the dark shadow was thrown back as if it were being pulled away by an unseen powerful force.

  “No, no, the power. The power… No, no!” It looked toward Sean. “You. We had a deal! You have betrayed me! The power… No, I can’t go back. I can’t go back!” The black shadow disappeared.

  “Praise Christ, the demon is vanquished. We did it, Brother Boudreaux, we did it,” said Father Adams.

  “Sean, Sean?! Are you ok? Breathe, that’s it, breathe,” said Persephone as she hugged Sean.

  “God help us,” said Brother Boudreaux.

  “Is it gone? Did it work? Is the demon gone?” Asked Sean.

  “Yes, through the power of Christ, we sent the demon back to hell. God has saved you. He has saved you,” said Father Adams.

  “No, he didn’t,” said Brother Boudreaux, shaking his head.

  “You mean the demon is still here? It’s still after me?”

  “No, it’s gone. Back to Hell,” said Brother Boudreaux.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ve seen sprits and demons. I’ve even seen little children possessed. I’ve sent so many demons and evil spirits to Hell, I’ve lost count. But what just happened here--and I don’t mean the lights and stuff moving--I ain’t never seen.”

  “What are you getting at, Boudreaux?” asked Father Adams.

  “God wasn’t here with us today. Whatever sent that demon back to Hell--and I felt the power--it wasn’t God.”

  “Was it another demon? The ghost that’s been visiting me told me about the hierarchy. Maybe it pissed off a more powerful demon?”

  “I’ve felt demons before. Whatever power sent that demon back to Hell didn’t come from another demon. The power that gripped that demon… I’ve never felt power like that before. Never.”

  “That’s what the demon kept saying. What does that mean?” Brother Boudreaux looked at Sean, confused.

  “It means that the demon wasn’t lying when it came after you. Everything I told you about having the gift… I may have been wrong. You may have something else. Something else entirely.”

  “Are you saying that I got rid of that demon?”

  “Yes, and I’m saying that God didn’t have anything to do with it.”

  God, is this real?

>   That evening, after Father Adams and Brother Boudreaux left after hours of praying, Sean was alone in his home with Persephone. “You need to get away from me,” he said.

  “Why would you say that?”

  “After everything that’s happened, people dying, demons after me... You heard what that preacher said, something is wrong with me! You’re risking your life, your soul, by staying with me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I’m not leaving you alone.”

  “Why? You’ve only known me a few days. You don’t even know me. You don’t owe me anything. You need to get away from me as quick as you can.”

  “I do know you! You’re kind, sweet, and selfless. You have a good heart, Sean.”

  “No! I’m an arrogant asshole who can’t keep it in his pants. You know that ghost that’s been coming to me? It’s a woman, and I fucked her! I fucked her several times. Every time I look at you, I want to fuck you. That’s who I am! I’m damned, cursed. Can’t you see that? I’ve been damned my whole life!”

  “You had sex with a ghost?”

  “You should get away from me.” Sean fell onto his knees and started to cry. God, don’t you love me? Why don’t you love me? You’re my creator, why have you abandoned me? You’re all I have. You’re all I’ve ever had. Why can’t you forgive me? Please, forgive me.

  Persephone got on the floor with Sean and started to kiss him. “What are you doing?” Sean asked.

  “I’m doing what I wanted to do the first time I saw you.”

  Sean started kissing her back before stopping himself.

  “What’s wrong? Don’t you want me?” Persephone placed Sean’s hand on her backside.

  Sean began kissing her again before stopping. I can’t.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m sorry, I just can’t. You should leave now.”

  “If that’s what you want, I’ll go. But call me, so I know you’re safe. Promise?”


  Persephone hurried out of Sean’s home.

  Sean lay down in his bed. “Mary Ann. Mary Ann.”


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