Book Read Free


Page 17

by Cameron Coral

  The color flees from her face, but she says nothing.

  “Cassie is one of my up-and-coming bright stars. You did the right thing,” Kenmore reassures her. He busies himself with the medical equipment that Rik laid out, grasping a long syringe. The thought of the needle penetrating my flesh sends my pulse racing.

  “I remember how much you love needles. Sorry, about that.” He leers as the needle breaks my skin. It’s like a hot searing knife entering me, and I groan. A wave of dizziness hits me, and I wonder if I’m about to faint as blood fills the syringe.

  “There, there,” he says in his cold tone after removing the needle. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  I grind my teeth to stay alert. “What the hell is your plan? Why go to all this trouble? Why build this place underground?”

  “Well, that’s a long story.” He parks himself on a nearby stool.

  Cassie leans against the wall. Rik guards the door while Ogre stands immobile.

  “I’m sure you’ll agree with me that the world has gone to shit,” Kenmore says. “The cities are in peril. People on the streets are killing each other and looting. Sure, a few cities are still okay for now. But we can’t stop the Heavies from spreading across Earth. They’re winning the war, and they’ll destroy us all.”

  “But,” I manage weakly, “there’ve been recent victories.”

  “A victory here and there is not going to win a war. I have no doubt that more alien ships are on the way with reinforcements. Once they arrive, it’s over for us. That’s why I have a plan.”

  “So, the world turned to shit,” I say. “What are you going to do about it?”

  “Since you ask,” he says pacing the small room, “I believe the answer lies in what’s happening at Space Squad in Colorado. I understand you were just there recently.”

  I say nothing and bite the inside of my cheek, wishing I’d updated Reed on my whereabouts. Had I asked more questions—not trusted Cassie—I could have contacted Reed for help using the transponder on my ear.

  “As you can tell from the people you’ve met, I have a very interesting and powerful group of youngsters here. Believe me, I’ve spent years and poured my heart and soul into creating the perfect race. And I’ve succeeded. Just look at Cassie and Max.” He gazes at them, beaming like a proud father. “Rik can control machines with his mind. I’ve thought of everything, every nuance. Each of them is like a cog in an engine. An engine that works like clockwork, everyone cooperating together.”

  “Together to achieve what, exactly?”

  He pauses. “Don't you get it yet?” His face reddens, and I glance at Cassie who hangs her head.

  “Jesus, do I have to connect the dots for you?” says Kenmore. “I'm saving humanity.”

  I scoff. “That's not possible. You're a monster.”

  “No.” A vein bulges on his forehead. “It’s hybrids like Peterson who are the monsters. They and the Heavies can rot together on Earth for all I care. I'm the genius behind these brilliant children who will grow up to lead humankind long after I'm gone. I'm setting them up for a bright future.”

  “How? You keep them hidden underground. How can they possibly have a bright future?”

  “My children will go on to lead the world. They’ll continue my research and start over as a new race possessing enhanced abilities. And it won't just be limited to this planet.”

  “What?” He’s out of his mind. “Cassie, are you hearing this bullshit?”

  Kenmore interrupts. “I believe the key to the human race’s survival is going to space. I share a lot in common with your friend, Reed Reynolds, actually. He and I both believe that colonizing other planets for humans is the key to our survival.”

  “He'll never go along with your plans. You represent everything Reed stands against. He'll never help you get to space.”

  He forces a grin. “I suspected the same. Thank you for confirming. That's why I’ll take Space Squad by force.”

  I bite my tongue so hard I taste blood. Why do I keep screwing up?

  Kenmore paces the floor of the lab. “Dr. Reynolds is making progress toward colonization and space travel. I understand he has several highly classified projects that only a handful of people in the world with the very topmost security clearances know about. I smell a breakthrough. And whatever that technology is, Dr. Reynolds will cooperate with me fully.”

  “No, you're wrong. He’ll never cooperate.”

  “Remember my people. Max can make others hallucinate with his simulations. I have soldiers who can crumble concrete walls with the snap of their fingers. Rik can control machinery. How useful do you think a gun is after Rik passes by? Whatever security your Space Squad friends have will be no match for my children.”

  Space Squad is fortified, but Kenmore’s right. They would have no idea how to handle people like Max and Cassie. They would be overpowered, not realizing what they are up against.

  “Once the Heavies invade North America, people will flock to me. Terranus remains hidden for an important reason. We can't take everyone who wants help.”

  “Let me guess, no poor people? No weak people? No people who don’t fit your version of the ideal specimen?”

  Clenching his fists, he seems to talk to himself rather than to those of us in the room. “The surface population will be annihilated. But my people will exist underground for generations. The ones at Space Squad will travel to new planets. I’ll go with them. The seeds of my labor will multiply and settle the galaxy.”

  “You’re insane.”

  He snaps out of his daze and scowls at me. “Don't you understand? I'm giving life to humans when we have no other options.”

  “I repeat, you’re insane.”

  “We’ll see about that. We leave for Colorado the day after tomorrow to start our assault on Space Squad.”

  “It’s not going to work.”

  He raises his eyebrows as if to mock me. “Pray tell, why is that?”

  “You think I came here alone? Only an idiot would do that. Reed has a vested interest in protecting me.”

  “Really?” His tone makes him sound amused, as if this is a game to him.

  “I have Space Squad security and a battalion of androids from Spark City standing by. They know exactly where I am and exactly where Terranus is.”

  “Is that so?” Kenmore paces and glances past Cassie and Max at the open doorway.

  “If they don't hear from me, they'll attack. Block the entrance, turn it to dust. You'll be trapped down here.”

  He rounds on me. “And so will you. Not a great plan, Ida.”

  “It doesn't matter. Reed would sacrifice me for the greater good. He would rather destroy this place than let you out.”

  He furrows his brow. “Well, this is concerning. It certainly puts a dent in my plans.” But he's being coy.

  I need him to believe me. “I’m not messing around.”

  “Forgive me, if I have trouble trusting you.” He nods to Rik. “Bring her in.”

  A young woman with wavy red hair strides into the room. I recognize her right away. Cecile. The girl who was with me and Rik the night we were forced to hunt down and assassinate Peterson. Back then, I admired her quiet strength yet feared her at the same time.

  “Hello again,” she says with a cold, strained smile.

  “Well?” Kenmore asks her.

  “She's bluffing.”

  I flush. How could she tell so easily? Scoffing, I say, “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “What a lovely reunion,” says Kenmore. “Cecile can read minds by the way. She's reading yours right now.”

  “Bullshit.” Nevertheless, I try to make my mind a blank slate.

  She studies my face, and I stare at the floor, concentrating on counting the black and white checkered pattern.

  After a pause, she says, “There's nobody nearby. Certainly no army or even anyone who’s armed.”

  My chest tightens. How can I fight against someone who infiltrates my though

  “There's something else.” Her bright eyes search mine. “She's hiding something important that she doesn't want us to know. It's something on her.”

  My pulse skyrockets. I squeeze my eyes shut and start humming a nursery rhyme. I don't want to think about what it is that I'm hiding. They can’t know.

  “Mary had a little lamb, little lamb…” I sing out loud, trying in desperation to cloud my thoughts.

  Above my singing, Cecile laughs. “It's small, I think. She's trying so hard not to think about it, but she can't help it.” Her voice grows louder, more amused as she teases me.

  “I hated you in the desert, and I freaking hate you now!” I shout. I occupy my thoughts with visions of punching her and kicking her.

  She cocks her head. “The feeling is mutual.”

  I sing the nursery rhyme again, louder until I’m shouting.

  But Cecile stares at me. I look away, then down at the ground. Clench and unclench my fists. Anything to distract my mind from thinking about…

  “I have it,” she blurts out. “It's on her ear. It's that tiny metal cuff. A transponder that will signal someone. I'm not sure who, but it's meant for her to get help.”

  “Well done, my dear,” says Kenmore. He dons protective gloves, then approaches and yanks the cuff from my ear.

  I stop singing. “So, you take Space Squad over,” I challenge Kenmore, “then what? Force Reed to work for you? How long do you think that's going to last?”

  “Oh, I think he’ll cooperate. After all, I have you,” he says with a smug smile. “I’m sure he’ll bargain to protect you. And I have certain serums to convince the others.”

  “The same serum you use to brainwash them?” I nod at the others.

  “There’s no brainwashing,” Kenmore says. “You are so naïve. Why do you think anyone would choose to be subjected to a world of violence? To live above ground in a world under constant threat of an alien invasion? Why wouldn't they choose to live here in safety, and to follow me and my vision? Other leaders offer weak attempts at resistance, battles that constantly fail. I offer a vision of the future. Not only that, I've granted my children immeasurable powers. Mark my words, tens of thousands of your surface level scum will flock to join my cause.”

  “If they do, it’s because people are desperate. They won't know what a monster you really are. How many innocent people did you experiment on? How many people did you kill before you got it right? Hey, Cassie and Max, did you forget that your boss kidnapped women, men, and children and locked them up like prisoners?”

  “That'll be enough,” Kenmore interrupts, frowning.

  “No!” I shout. “Cassie, listen to me. Don't help him. He's planning terrible things. People will die, and you'll be helping him.”

  “Leave now,” Kenmore orders them. They all file out except for Rik and Ogre.

  I gasp for air, struggling against my restraints even though I know it’s useless.

  Kenmore lingers in the doorway, watching. “I’m done with her. Lock her away. I may need her later.”

  I scream after him, “Kenmore, I'm going to kill you.” I bang my head against the back of the chair.

  He spares me one last, cold stare. “Sedate her,” he says then leaves.

  Rik pulls a vial from his pocket and presses the top, revealing a needle. His mouth twists into a mean smile. “This is gonna sting.”

  “Rik, listen to me. Kenmore has brainwashed you. You're not a killer!”

  He slams the needle into my bicep.

  My words slur,” Rik, listen…”

  I black out.


  I wake up to pounding temples. I'm in a tiny cell with concrete gray walls that smells like something died in here recently. Seeing my breath, I shiver under an itchy threadbare blanket. Staring at the peeling paint, I have no idea what time it is; my biocuff is gone.

  I groan softly. I fell into Kenmore’s trap. Now I wait in a prison cell, rotting.

  Every inch of me wants to give up, turn off my brain, and just lie here like a dead person. I'm tired. Fighting is all I've ever known. Whether it was surviving on the streets in New York, fighting to survive in Kenmore’s lab, fighting in a war, or going up against Vance Drem and Will Hunter.

  It's all the same. And I'm tired.

  Get up, a whimper of a voice says in my head.

  I straighten, and my neck aches. Rubbing my neck, I sit up and inspect the skin on my sore upper right arm. Patches of a dark bruise are spreading, and specks of dried blood surround a tiny needle hole where Rik sedated me.

  I have a vague recollection of Ogre carrying me to the cell and placing me onto the bed. I swing my legs over the edge of the cot and slowly rise, pushing away dizziness.

  Examining the room, I’m surprised there are no bars. Instead, a transparent blue barrier separates me from the corridor. It looks electrified.

  I approach the blue barrier and try to peer out. A metal clunk startles me. Ogre stands guard next to my cell.

  “Ogre? Can you hear me?”

  The android’s visor tilts toward me as though listening.

  “Are you okay? What did they do to you?” Tears well up and my nose runs.

  “Ida?” It's Ogre’s monotone voice but it sounds far away. Strained.

  “Yes, it’s me. I’m right here…in this cell.”

  “The one named Rik. He infiltrated my neural networks. I can't function at optimal level. Not functional. Cannot move.” Ogre’s words sound slurred.

  This can't be happening.

  “I feel sick, Ida. Now I know what humans mean when they have a…flu.”

  I clench my fists. “Don't worry, Ogre. I'm going to get you out of here and fix you. You'll be fine soon.”

  “Thank you. I'm going to rest now in standby.”

  “Okay, Ogre. Just rest.”

  The android grows silent and props itself against the corridor wall outside my cell.

  I collapse on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Give up. The thought crosses my mind again. It would be so easy to just die. Give up this fight.

  I sit up, racking my brain for what to do when footsteps sound nearby. “Who's there?” I ask.

  Cassie appears in the corridor, stepping timidly. “It's me,” she says.

  On my cot, I lean against the wall. Then she disappears and shows up in my cell, in front of my bed.

  “Jesus,” I say, jumping.

  “Hey,” she says.

  “What do you want? I'm here locked away. Isn't that what you wanted?”

  “I hated having to lie to you.” She hangs her head. “Sorry.”

  If she's looking for forgiveness, she won’t get it from me.

  She wrings her hands. “I never meant to hurt you. I consider you my friend.”

  “Your friend? I think that's the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. I don't have a lot of friends, but I know this isn’t how you treat one.”

  She hesitates, and her eyes are red, puffy. “Do you need anything? Are you hungry?”

  “I could eat, I suppose,” I say, realizing I’m ravenous. I look around the cell. “Do you know where my jacket is?”

  She shakes her head. “I’ll try to find it. And I'll get you some food too.”

  “Wait,” I say. “Before you go…look, I think you want to do the right thing. You believe you're doing the right thing but consider who you're working for. Did you hear Kenmore's plan? He's going to attack and try to take over Space Squad. Cassie, his plan is crazy, and he's going to hurt a lot of innocent people. Families with small children live there.”

  She gazes down at the floor. Her mouth twists like she wants to say something but can't find the words.

  “He's going to attack for no reason. A lot of people will die. He could talk to Reed, offer a solution. But he won't. He just wants to hurt people.”

  “It's for the greater good,” she says. “Kenmore saved me from the surface life. He keeps the hybrids away. We’re safe down here. We trust him. He won’t h
urt kids.”

  “What do you mean about the hybrids? Kenmore created the hybrids in his lab. I was there.”

  She shakes her head immediately. “No. No way, that's impossible. The scientists in Spark City created the hybrids. That's why they all live there.”

  “No. Kenmore is lying to you.”

  “Why would he lie? He created us, but he would never create a monstrosity such as the Beast.”

  “How did the Beast get here?”

  “He tried to break into Terranus. Tried to kill us all but Kenmore had a team stop him. That's why he's caged, and that's why he can't be released. If he got loose, he would rampage and hurt people. Hurt us. Hurt you.”

  “Lies.” I edge closer, locking my gaze on hers. “Peterson was an experiment of Kenmore's. Then he was a guard in Kenmore’s lab. He was my guard when Kenmore threw me into a cell after he abducted me.”

  She studies me, her face frozen in confusion and doubt.

  “Cassie.” I lean forward. “Peterson was kind to me. He helped me try to escape. Kenmore found out and…now, Peterson pays the price.”

  She folds her arms against her chest, frowning. “I have to go.”


  But she's gone from the cell.

  The people here—Kenmore's children—are brainwashed. Kenmore has been feeding them lies about the evils of surface life.

  About how awful and dangerous hybrids are.

  Kenmore uses fear to control his people.


  I pace the cell for hours. Restless, racking my brain for a plan.

  After managing to eat a few bites of bread a guard brought, I feel stronger.

  I wonder how Cassie is dealing with our conversation. Does she doubt Kenmore? I hope so. If she really considers me her friend, she has to question whether Kenmore may be lying.

  A buzzing at the end of the corridor signals a security door being triggered. Rik and two other guards appear. “You have a visitor,” he says.

  Kenmore steps into view. I approach the electric barrier and face him.

  He scans me from head to toe with a cold, clinical stare. “How are you doing this morning?”


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