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Her Border Lands Wish

Page 3

by Marla Monroe

  That didn’t work. What do I do now?

  She decided subtlety wasn’t working, so she’d be straightforward.

  “Jeremy. Wake up. I need to get up.”


  “I said, wake up. I’ve got to get up.”

  Jeremy just grunted.

  She jerked her leg, hitting him in a soft spot, which had him grunting harder and jerking up.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Sorry, but I need to get up. I’ve been trying to wake you up for the last five minutes. I need to go to the bathroom,” Amanda said.

  “Crap. Okay.” Jeremy released her and eased off the bed, holding his crotch as if she were going to attack him again.

  Garrett still had a hold on her. She pulled away from him, but it wasn’t as hard with Jeremy out of the way. Amanda hurried across the chilled room to the bathroom to do her business. The guys had been right. It had gotten cold overnight. She was freezing by the time she’d washed up and walked back into the room.

  Jeremy was sitting on the side of the bed waiting on her. He looked cold with his arms crossed and his feet curled under the covers off the side of the bed.

  “Come on back to bed. It’s too early to get up yet. Can’t do anything in the dark anyway,” he said.

  “You were right. It got cold last night,” she said.

  “Once we get up and have a look outside, we’ll see if it smells like snow or not and go see the Rileys about those chickens and a milk cow. You’ll like going there. They have all kinds of animals,” Jeremy said.

  Amanda climbed back into bed and nearly moaned at how warm it felt to cuddle back under the covers. Garrett instantly gravitated toward her and snuggled in. She had to chuckle as he buried his nose at her neck.

  “He’s a covers hog so watch him. Had to pull the covers back from him twice last night. Had them all wrapped around him so that I only had half my body covered. Could have frozen to death for all he cared,” Jeremy said.

  “I guess being in the middle has its merits. I don’t lose out on the covers. I get them one way or another,” she said.

  “Grab another nap, honey. I’ll wake you up when it’s time to get up,” Jeremy said.

  Two hours later, Amanda stood in front of the fireplace wearing her own clothes and feeling better for it. She still wore Garrett’s sweatshirt over her blouse to keep warm though. It had turned out to be quite chilly. Jeremy said it was probably close to freezing. They were going to take a sled with them to the Rileys’ place and let the cow haul it back with the chickens on it.

  It took a little over an hour to get there, but once they were there, Amanda had a ball looking at all the different animals they had. The men bartered for six chickens and a rooster, followed by a milk cow. Once the chickens were crated and on the sled, they hitched the sled to the cow and started the long walk back to their place.

  By the time they made it home, Amanda was exhausted. She’d never walked so much in her life as she had in the last week. Her legs were getting a good workout, that was for sure. She watched as the men settled the chickens and then the cow. She’d enjoyed petting the cow and hated to leave it outside but was getting cold. They’d eaten beef stew for lunch, but that had been a long time ago. She was ready for dinner now.

  “I’ll fix something for us to eat. Do you have any preferences, or can I just go with whatever I find in the fridge?” she asked when they’d all walked into the house.

  “Anything you want to make is good with us, honey,” Jeremy said.

  Amanda settled on making fried steak fingers using the deer steak they had and mashing potatoes to go with it. She opened up a jar of green beans and soon had the meal shaping up. They talked over dinner about their plans once the snow started and Amanda realized that they did a lot of the same things the Johnsons had done back home. That made her homesick.

  “What are you thinking about over there, Mandy? You look sad,” Jeremy asked.

  “I guess I’m a little homesick. I miss my sisters and the Johnsons,” she said.

  “We’ll get you back home to see them come spring. It’s not like you won’t ever see them again, hon,” he said.

  “I know. It’s still hard. You guys are the best, but I still miss them.”

  “We’ll have to figure out something to keep you busy this winter so you won’t dwell on it so much,” Garrett said.

  That thought sent a thrill through her at the thought of what he might mean. Immediately her body responded to the idea that he meant something sexual. Why am I thinking about sex all the time when I think about them?

  Probably because they were two sexy men and they seemed interested in her. She was sure interested in them, but she was also nervous. Did they really want her to stay with them like they’d said? They sure seemed like they did. Amanda needed to think more on the subject over the next few days to be sure she made the right decision. Being attracted to them wasn’t all that she needed to factor in. Maybe it was a big part of it, but it wasn’t everything.

  * * * *

  Amanda watched the snow fall outside the window the next day as Jeremy got ready to go outside. Though she knew it was coming, Amanda felt her stomach drop at the knowledge that it would be an entire winter before she’d be able to see her family once again. She was sure the Johnsons were worried sick about her, and if her sisters had heard that she was missing, they would be worried as well.

  “Stop thinking about it, Mandy,” Garrett said. “You’re only going to make yourself sick. There’s nothing any of us can do about it now. As soon as winter is over and it’s safe to travel, we’ll take you to your sister’s place, and you can show them you’re safe and healthy.”

  “I know you’re right, but I can’t help but think about it,” she said.

  “I’m going to check on the chickens and the cow,” Jeremy said. “Should have eggs and milk for breakfast.”

  “They said the disruption might upset the hens and they may not produce for a day or two,” Amanda warned him.

  “I know, but I’m keeping my hopes up for eggs for breakfast anyway,” he said.

  Amanda watched him bundle up before going out the back door. She couldn’t help but admire his strong arms and broad shoulders before he covered them up with a thick coat. Both men were well built, and yet they hadn’t used their strength against her. She could only thank the good Lord for sending them her way right when she needed them.

  When Jeremy returned, he had a pail of warm milk and five eggs. She whipped up breakfast for the three of them then cleaned up after they’d eaten. They sat around the kitchen table discussing the snow and what needed taken care of before it got too deep.

  “Do you think it will get bad?” she asked.

  “Not this time,” Jeremy said. “This is a first snow. They rarely do. We aren’t far enough north for them to produce more than a foot the first storm. Did you get more than that where you lived?”

  Amanda thought back. “No. We rarely got more than that the first time it snowed. We must not have been much farther north than you are here. That means we aren’t that far from here. I know I only slept twice while we were walking.”

  “Two days’ walk is still a good distance. You must have been traveling from either the west or the east then,” Garrett said. “Makes sense considering the path you were on.”

  “Had you ever seen the man who had me before?” she asked.

  “No, but then we normally weren’t on that path. We’d just taken a detour because there was a pack of wolves roving around our usual pathway, and we didn’t want to get in the middle of them,” Garrett said.

  “Lucky for me that they were there. If you hadn’t shown up when you did, I don’t know what would have happened to me,” she said with a shiver.

  “Don’t think about it anymore. It’s in the past, and you’re safe with us,” Jeremy said.

  “Come on. Let’s get you bundled up in the den on the couch. We’re going to have to go out and bring in more wood for the fi
replace,” Jeremy said.

  “I hate that you have to go out in this weather,” she said.

  “It’s not all that bad out there now. Just a little snow. Not even any wind to go with it,” Garrett said. “We’ll be fine.”

  They bundled her up on the couch with covers and a pillow then pulled on their coat and gloves and disappeared out the back door. Every few minutes they would return with their arms loaded down with wood and pile it near the fireplace then go back outside to get more. After a while they stopped coming inside, as they stacked it outside on the back porch instead.

  Once they were finished, they pulled off their coats and gloves and stood in front of the fireplace to get warm again.

  “I’m glad you’re back. I was getting lonely,” Amanda said.

  “We’re glad to be back because we were getting cold,” Garrett said with a laugh.

  “So, you missed us?” Jeremy asked.

  “Yeah.” Amanda fiddled with the covers.

  “Soon as we get warm, we’ll sit with you and talk some more,” Jeremy told her.

  Amanda admitted to herself that she wanted that. Wanted to talk with them more and wanted them to sit with her. She liked talking with them and spending time with them. She just plain liked them. It bothered her that she felt so attached to them after only a few days. Surely that wasn’t normal. Then again, look at her sisters. They’d moved in with their men after only a few days. Maybe that was how things were done now.

  “What are you thinking so hard about?” Jeremy asked as he walked over to the couch and sat down, moving the covers so that he could get beneath them as well.

  “Just thinking that we’ve only known each other for a few days and I already like you both an awful lot. It all seems so fast,” she said.

  Garrett sat on the other side of her, burrowing under the covers. “Not really. When you like someone, you usually know right off.”

  “I guess.” Amanda shivered, feeling the cooler air from when they’d lifted the covers.

  “Sorry. We fanned the covers on you, honey,” Jeremy said. “Come here and let us warm you back up.”

  Both men scooted closer to her and wrapped her in their arms. Their body heat felt good, even though she felt tense in their arms. After a few seconds, she relaxed once more, feeling safe in their arms.

  “Have you thought anymore about what we talked about yesterday, Mandy?” Jeremy asked.

  “What?” she asked with a start.

  “About being our woman,” he said.

  “I guess I haven’t really. I’ve been so preoccupied with worrying about my family,” she said.

  “That’s understandable,” Garrett said. “But we’d really like you to think about becoming our wife.”

  “I don’t know what to say. I know my sisters both have two men, but I never thought I’d have two men. I just assumed if I found a man I cared about, then I’d be with him,” she said.

  “It isn’t safe for a woman to only be with one man any longer. Most women have two and even three men for husbands these days. It takes more than one to keep them safe. You saw firsthand what can happen if you’re left alone,” Jeremy said.

  Amanda shivered at the memory of the man’s hand over her mouth as he stole her away. She didn’t need reminding of that.

  “I see your point. But how do you know I’m someone you’d want as a wife for you?” she asked.

  “Like I said before, you’re a fighter, you’re sweet, and you’re a hard worker. You’re kind, and you’re beautiful. Garrett and I both love your golden hair and pretty blue eyes. You fit us perfectly, Mandy,” Jeremy said.

  “I want to say yes, but I’m still nervous about it. Give me a few days to get used to the idea, okay?” she asked.

  “No problem. We’ve got the entire winter, but I sure hope it doesn’t take that long,” Garrett said.

  “Me either,” Jeremy said.

  Amanda was sure they were thinking about sex and blushed at the idea. Since she’d never had sex, she couldn’t help but feel embarrassed thinking about it. The idea of having it with the two men sent her body into overdrive, and her nipples hardened even as her pussy clenched with a need she wasn’t even aware of.

  How could she want something she’d never had before? Amanda shivered at the awareness that coursed through her body. She was very aware of the two men sitting on either side of her. Their body heat seeped into her, even as she felt the strength of their thighs against her own. Jeremy reached over and took one of her hands and squeezed it.

  “I’m going to kiss you, Mandy,” he said.

  Chapter Four

  She opened her mouth but didn’t know what she would have said because he closed the distance between them and took her mouth with his. Heat flared between them as he claimed her with his kiss. He swept inside with his tongue, mapping every inch of hers then sucking on it until she wasn’t sure where she stopped and he started. By the time he let go of her, Amanda’s head was spinning. She’d never felt anything like that kiss. Of course, she’d never been kissed before, but still. It had been amazing.

  She opened her eyes to find Jeremy watching her. He smiled as she looked at him. It made her frown. He didn’t have to look so pleased with himself.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Why are you smiling like that?” she demanded.

  “You liked my kiss,” he said.

  “It’s not like I have anything to compare it to,” she said, jutting up her chin at him.

  “I can take care of that,” Garrett said, turning her to face him.

  Before she could say anything, Garrett pulled her into his arms and covered her mouth with his. He slowly coaxed her lips to open to him so that his tongue snaked in to tangle with her own. Heat consumed her body and burned through her bloodstream as he kissed her, consuming her. By the time he released her, she was once again dizzy from it.

  Amanda slowly opened her eyes to once again see a man looking pleased with himself. She huffed out a breath and narrowed her eyes at Garrett.

  “I suppose you feel just as good about your kiss as Jeremy felt about his. You’re both egotistical idiots,” she said.

  “What?” Garrett asked, sitting back.

  “You both are full of yourselves. I’ve never been with a man, so I have nothing to compare you to. For all I know, you both suck at kissing,” she said.

  Jeremy burst out laughing while Garrett frowned. She nearly laughed herself at Garrett’s obvious confusion.

  “I’ve never had complaints before,” Garrett said.

  “So, you’ve kissed someone before?” Amanda asked.

  “Well, yes,” he said.

  “What about you, Jeremy? Have you kissed other women?” she asked.

  “Yes. We’ve both been with other women in the past, Amanda. It’s been a long time ago though. I’m sure we’re out of practice, but practice makes perfect,” he said with a grin.

  She couldn’t stop the smile from pulling at her mouth at his obvious suggestion. He wanted to practice with her. She wasn’t really against that idea at all. She’d liked their kisses but was still a little unsure about committing to them. What if they turned out to be mean or cruel men in the long run? How was she supposed to know in such a short time?

  She remembered that her sisters hadn’t had much time to make up their minds, but they’d told her they’d just known. Where did that put her? Could she trust her gut instinct? It said these two men were good men. They’d rescued her and hadn’t pushed her in the few days she’d been with them. They could have forced her to have sex with them by now but hadn’t.

  “Tell us about yourself, Amanda. What do you like to do most?” Garrett asked.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I like to grow herbs and flowers. We had to grow food, but I enjoyed growing other things, too.” She shrugged. “Mrs. Johnson thought it was a waste of time, though she liked using the herbs I grew.”

  “I bet the flowers looked good on the table when you ate,” Jeremy said.

>   “I thought so. It gave the room a little color,” she said.

  “You could have your own little garden near the house here and grow all the flowers and herbs you want to,” Garrett said.

  Amanda recognized the offer as the bribe that it was but smiled anyway. She’d love to have her own little garden. The fact that they offered it meant a lot to her. If they were true to their word, she’d enjoy planting it and watching it grow each year.

  “What else do you like to do?” Jeremy asked.

  “I like to read. My sisters and I have a small library of books at the Johnsons’ house that we read over and over again every year. I’d love to have more books to read,” she said.

  “There are a few books up in the attic here. We moved them all out of the den when we enlarged the fireplace and made a place for the logs where the bookcase was. We can bring them back down and put them in the back of the room for you to go through,” Garrett said.

  “I’d like that. It would be nice to have something to read while I’m here,” she said.

  “We’ll go up and get them down this afternoon,” Jeremy said. “There were quite a few of them. Not sure what they’re about. I didn’t look at them very closely.”

  “Doesn’t really matter. I’ll read just about anything,” she said.

  “I figured you would like those romance books women love to read,” Garrett said.

  She felt her face heat. “I love to read those, too, but I’ll read other kinds of books as well.”

  “There’s a small town not far from here. If you decide to stay with us, we can go to the library there and find more books for you there,” Jeremy said.

  “That’s cheating,” she said.

  “What?” Jeremy asked.

  “Both of you are trying to bribe me,” she said.

  “Is it working?” Garrett asked.

  “Maybe,” she said.

  “Then we’ll keep on trying,” he said.

  Amanda shook her head. They were incorrigible. It was obvious they weren’t going to give up until she agreed to be their woman. What was she going to do except agree? She liked them and trusted them. What more could she ask for? Deep down she knew they weren’t going to turn out to be cruel or mean. They would have already let that trait slip if they were. She might not get the chance at two such good men again.


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