Her Border Lands Wish

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Her Border Lands Wish Page 7

by Marla Monroe

  Jeremy positioned his dick at her slit and began to push inside her. She was tender, but not too sore to accept him as he slowly entered her. Amanda moaned at the way he filled her. It was amazing. He seemed so much larger than she had imagined he’d be.

  “God, you’re so hot and tight, Mandy. I’m not going to last long. Play with your breasts, babe. Let me see you pinch your nipples,” Jeremy said.

  She immediately began pulling and twisting her nipples, pulling on them and pinching them as she arched her back. She wanted this to be good for Jeremy and if putting on a show would help him, she’d do it. Already she could feel her own body begin to heat up like she might come again. She hadn’t expected that.

  “Fuck, you look amazing. Love seeing you pull on those tits. Your cunt is squeezing me like a vise,” he said with a snarl.

  Then he was rubbing at her clit and she couldn’t help but scream out his name as her orgasm rushed over her out of the blue. She had no warning as it tore through her and took him with her. It was the last thing she remembered.

  Chapter Eight

  “I’m sick of sitting in here all day every day,” Amanda said. “Can’t I go outside with you guys just once? I’ll sit on the back porch while you shovel snow. Or wait until you’ve finished and just walk around in it with you two. Please.”

  “I don’t want you to get sick,” Garrett said.

  “I won’t if I’m bundled up. There’s plenty here for me to put on,” she told him.

  “Just for a little while, Garrett. Please,” she begged.

  Garrett looked over at Jeremy and huffed out a breath. “Fine. Just for a few minutes. Let us finish shoveling the path to the barn, and then we’ll come get you to go out. We’re not leaving you on the porch for some asshole to take you like they did before.”

  Amanda nodded. She didn’t want that to happen again either. Of course, that was how she’d met Jeremy and Garrett, so she couldn’t feel too bad about it. Fate had a way of throwing together the right people at the oddest of times.

  She gathered the clothes she’d need to go outside while the men returned to their chores outside. She was so excited that she had trouble being still the rest of the afternoon while she waited for them to return to get her.

  By the time they finally walked inside, she was a jumping mess of nerves. She instantly began pulling on clothes while they waited at the back door. She felt like she had on a dozen layers of clothes instead of three when they agreed she was ready.

  Despite how bundled up she was, Amanda felt the bite of cold the second she stepped out onto the back porch. It nipped at her nose and froze the air she breathed in. Regardless, she was excited to be outside for the first time in nearly a month. She walked down the steps with Jeremy holding on to her so she didn’t slip and instantly ran her hands through the snow to squeeze some of it in her gloves.

  “What are you doing?” Garrett asked.

  “Playing. I haven’t played in the snow since last winter. My sisters and I used to have snowball fights every winter with the boys,” she said.

  “We’re not having snowball fights,” Garrett said in a no-nonsense voice.

  She nodded but made a snowball anyway and threw it at Jeremy. Jeremy chuckled and chunked one at her, hitting her in the chest.

  “Damn it, you two. I said no snowball fights,” Garrett yelled as a snowball hit him in the shoulder.

  Amanda laughed and continued to make and toss them at both men as Jeremy and, finally, Garrett tossed them back at her. Finally, she called a halt and sat down in the snow to make a snow angel.

  “Okay, that’s it. You’re covered in snow. It’s time for you to go back inside and get warmed up,” Garrett said.

  “I’ve had so much fun. Thanks for letting me come outside,” she said, going up on tiptoe and kissing him.

  He smiled. “You’re welcome.”

  She winked at Jeremy, who just smiled and shook his head. He knew she was buttering Garrett up for another day of playing in the future.

  Once inside, the two men stripped her down to her regular clothes and hurried her upstairs for a hot shower. She teased until the three of them squeezed into the shower stall and played while they got warm.

  “I swear I didn’t even get wet,” Jeremy said as they got out to dry off.

  “Sure you did. There’s a drop on your chest. I can see it,” Amanda said.

  “Quit your playing and dry off before you catch a cold. What’s for dinner, Mandy?” Garrett asked as he pulled on jeans.

  “Stew. I’ve got griddle cakes to go with it. I’ll run down and make them as soon as I get dressed. Should be ready in about twenty minutes,” she said.

  “Sounds good. We’ll be down in a few minutes,” Garrett said.

  Amanda finished dressing and headed downstairs. She was still high on having had a great time outside. She hoped that she would be able to talk Garrett into another day out soon. She’d pretty much followed his directions with the exception of the snowball fight. He’d had a good time playing as well once he got into it.

  She quickly put together the griddle cakes and checked the stew that she’d had simmering on the stove most of the afternoon. It tasted great. Her stomach growled, and she grinned. Yeah, she was hungry after all that activity. She couldn’t wait for dinner.

  She heard the men’s footsteps pound down the stairs and knew they’d be ready to eat once they arrived. She dipped three bowls of stew and set them on the table then added the platter of griddle cakes just as the men walked into the kitchen.

  “Smells great, babe,” Garrett said.

  “I’ll get the tea,” Jeremy said.

  They ate, laughing and talking about the snowball fight earlier. Garrett tried to be stern about the situation but soon joined in the laughter. When he wasn’t being all stern, he was just as much fun as Jeremy. Amanda knew he tried to be the voice of reason among them to keep them on the right track, but he needed to relax sometimes, or he’d turn into a grumpy old man. She vowed to not let that happen. She wanted him to be happy and as relaxed as Jeremy, if that were possible.

  Later, the men returned to the den as she cleaned up. She thought about how much her life had changed in just a little over a month. She’d been kidnapped, rescued, and found her home. It was a lot to think about. She was still a little homesick. She missed her sisters, and she missed the Johnsons as well. David and Tom would be growing, and she’d miss it as they got taller and turned into grown men, but she wouldn’t trade her current life to go back to live with them for anything. This was where she belonged. She was sure of it.

  Amanda quickly finished cleaning up and joined the men in the den. They were talking about how much longer they could expect snow and what they planned to do once it cleared up.

  “Don’t forget we’re going to see my family,” she interrupted them.

  “We haven’t forgotten,” Jeremy said.

  “How much longer until you think we’ll be able to go?” she asked.

  “We’ve got another two months probably. Don’t want to get caught out in a storm,” Garrett said.

  “I miss them, you know?” she asked.

  “I know you do, hon. You’ll see them soon enough,” Jeremy said.

  They talked about the coming spring and what they planned to plant, as well as making the corral for the cow a bit bigger. She talked about her garden and the seeds she’d need from her sisters and the Johnsons. By the time they called it a night and headed to bed, she was exhausted and ready. She prayed for the men’s sake that it didn’t snow again overnight. It seemed that it snowed every day there.

  Amanda curled around Garrett and felt Jeremy wrap around her as she settled in to sleep. The last thing she thought about was if she would be able to handle a harvest by herself. She’d always had Mrs. Johnson there with her when they’d gone through harvest. That thought worried her, and she dreamed of boiling pots and thousands of jars of beans and tomatoes lining the cabinets with her wringing her hands in the middle
of the kitchen.

  * * * *

  Garrett watched as Jeremy leaned on his shovel once they’d finished shoveling the path to the barn for the thousandth time that winter. He was fucking tired of doing it. Why did they have to have the damn cow in the first place?

  “It’s time, Jeremy,” he said.

  “For what?” the other man asked, wiping his brow with the back of his arm.

  “We need to take her together and seal our relationship. She belongs to us, but it will make it more solid once we’ve taken her at the same time,” Garrett said.

  “I agree. Do you think she’s ready?”

  “As ready as she’ll ever be.”

  “Do we have enough of the butter we’ve been making for lube?” Jeremy asked.

  “Yeah. I’ve been hoarding it so that she’s made extra. Felt bad about doing it, but we needed it to do this. I don’t want to hurt her,” Garrett said.

  “Make sure she’s ready, man. We promised not to hurt her any more after we took her virginity,” Jeremy said.

  “I know. I’m the one who caused her that pain. I’ll take care of her,” Garrett snapped.

  “Hey, I’m not accusing you of anything. Just saying.”

  Garrett huffed out a breath that misted in the cold. “I know. I’m just nervous I guess. I don’t want to hurt her either, but we’ve got to do this. It makes us a family.”



  Garrett carried his shovel back toward the house as Jeremy followed him. It was nearly dark. They’d shoveled the path to the chicken house and to the barn as well as to the wood pile. They’d carried in enough wood for a few days, and now it was time to call it a day. He was ready as hell to put it behind him.

  They stomped off their boots on the back porch then traipsed inside and took off their boots and their outer clothing to hang everything on the hooks by the back door. While it wasn’t cold in the kitchen with the oven going, it wasn’t warm either. He could smell something good cooking in the oven and was thankful once again they’d found their Mandy. She was a good cook as well as a wonderful woman.

  “Hey, you guys are back inside. Dinner will be another hour if you want to shower and change,” she said.

  “Sounds good to me,” Jeremy said. “I’m first.”

  “Go for it,” Garrett said with a sigh. “I’ll be in the den in front of the fire.”

  He walked into the other room and stood with his hands clasped behind his back in front of the fire after poking it until it was roaring. Amanda joined him and smiled up at him.

  “Cold?” she asked and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I’ll take care of the front side.”

  “I like that idea,” he said, bringing his hands around to wrap around her.

  “Brrr. You are cold. Turn around and let me snuggle up against your back now,” she said.

  “That doesn’t sound fair. You’re using me to get warm. I thought it was supposed to be the other way around,” he said with a chuckle.

  He turned around, though, and let her snuggle against his back long enough that he got warm then turned her around and pulled her down on his lap when he sat on the couch. She sighed and burrowed into his chest with her head under his chin. Garrett pulled on her strawberry-blond hair and wrapped it around one finger as he kissed her forehead.

  “You happy, Amanda?” he asked.

  She hummed and sighed. “Very. Why?”

  “Just wondering.”

  “You both make me happy. Are you?”

  “Yes. You make me happy,” he said.

  “Good. I want you happy, Garrett. I want you both happy.”

  “We are.”

  “What’s with all the questions?” she asked, sitting up to stare into his eyes.

  “We want to take you together tonight, Mandy. Both of us together,” he said.

  “I don’t understand,” she said. “What do you mean together?”

  “I’d take your ass and Jeremy would take your sweet pussy at the same time,” he explained.

  “Oh. I guess I hadn’t thought about that. I’ve, um, read about it but really didn’t think it was actually possible,” she said, fidgeting on his lap.

  “So you know a little bit about what I’m talking about?” he asked, relief flowing over him like a lazy stream.

  “Just what I’ve read about in a book. I guess it pretty much covers it. I suppose that if the sex part was pretty accurate then maybe this would be, too. Right?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “I guess,” he said. “What did the book say about it?”

  “Oh, well, just what you said. One man took the woman in her ass and the other took her, um, pussy. They made love to her like that, and all three of them climaxed,” she said, looking down at where her fingers were toying with his buttons.

  “Did it hurt her?” he asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

  “Not really. It burned and pinched some, but that went away after a little bit. They were really careful to use lots of lube. Um, do you have lube?” she asked.

  “Yeah, we’ve got lube, babe. I’d never attempt it without having some. We don’t want to hurt you, Mandy. Never again,” he said.

  She looked up, and he could see the uncertainty in her eyes. She was nervous, unsure about the dual penetration, and he could understand that. He’d never done it before, and neither had Jeremy. It would be a first for all three of them. He was nervous, too.

  “Do you trust us to take care of you?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said without hesitation.

  “Good. We’ll always look out for you and make sure you’re safe. Always, Mandy. Okay?”


  “Through with my shower,” Jeremy called down the stairs. “I’m headed to bed. Too damn cold to get dressed again.”

  Garrett grinned and winked at Mandy. “Wimp.” He yelled it up at the other man, making her laugh. “Let’s go.”

  He popped her lightly on the thigh, and she scooted off his lap to hurry to the stairs ahead of him. He cautioned her to go slowly up the stairs then checked all the windows and doors before following her. The entire time he showered he thought about the night ahead. He knew he would need to go slow and use lots of the butter he’d saved up to make sure she was well lubricated before he even attempted to enter her.

  He grasped his hard cock and pumped it a few times. He couldn’t help being aroused at the thought of taking her sweet, hot ass. He knew she’d be tight back there, but more than that, it would mean she was truly theirs. Once they both took her, he’d see the three of them as a family once and for all. Maybe that was foolish, but it was how he saw it. It took a lot of faith for her to allow them to make love to her this way. Faith that he planned to earn every day for the rest of their lives.

  As soon as he finished in the shower, he dried off and raced to the hall closet to turn off the solar power that kept the hot water heater going then raced back into the bedroom to hop between the covers where it was warmer.

  “Damn, you let in the cold air,” Jeremy complained.

  “Fuck you,” he said.

  “Boys, play fair,” Mandy said.

  “Warm me up, babe,” he said, scooting closer to her.

  “Ahhh, you’re cold as ice,” she yelped.

  Jeremy chuckled. “See? Tell me to play fair. Now you see why I complained. He’s cold.”

  “He’ll warm up soon enough,” she said.

  Garrett wrapped a hand around the back of Mandy’s neck and pulled her closer so he could kiss her. As soon as his lips met hers, heat burned through his body. He deepened the kiss as her mouth opened to him. He thrust his tongue inside to run alongside hers then lick around until she was moaning into his mouth. He pulled back and smiled at her.


  “Yeah, lots warmer,” she purred back.

  “Think I’ll take this down below,” he said.

  Before she could say anything, he moved lower beneath the covers and bega
n sucking and licking on her breasts. He pulled one nipple into his mouth and teased the tip with his tongue before flattening it against the roof of his mouth. When he let go, he noticed that Jeremy was doing the same thing on her other breast. Good. They’d double team her and have her wild with desire.

  Garrett wanted her to climax once before he started preparing her for his dick in her ass. He needed her as relaxed as possible for that. He sucked hard on her nipple once more then moved farther down the bed, licking and kissing her body as he went. He paused at her belly button and ran his tongue all around it until she was thrashing beneath him. Garrett chuckled. She was so ticklish there and at the juncture of her hip and thigh.

  While Jeremy continued loving on her breasts, Garrett slid between her legs and concentrated on her pussy. The first swipe of his tongue found her wet and slick with her juices. She was already hot for them. He loved it that it didn’t take much for her to be ready for them to take her.

  He spread her thick lips wide so that he could delve between them with his tongue and thrust it deep as he used his nose to nudge her clit. Then he pulled back and circled her clit with his tongue. Normally he’d tease her for long minutes before pushing her toward orgasm, but he needed to get her loose fast so he could work on loosening her up to take his cock in her ass.

  Garrett ran the flat of his tongue over her clit once then thrust two fingers into her pussy while lapping at her clit. She squirmed beneath him, groaning and begging for him to take her. Her sweet pleases were music to his ears. He thrust his fingers in and out of her hot cunt then curved his fingers to find that soft spongy spot while he sucked hard on her clit, sending her over the edge fast and hard. She screamed and bucked beneath him as he rode out her orgasm until she was panting and begging him to stop.

  When he crawled back up her body to kiss her, she was gasping for breath. Her eyes were closed, and she seemed oblivious to everything around her. He smiled and looked over at Jeremy.

  “I think she’s ready,” he said.

  Jeremy nodded. “I think you’re right. Go slow.”

  “I will. As soon as she is able, move her on top of you.”


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