Her Border Lands Wish

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Her Border Lands Wish Page 8

by Marla Monroe

  Garrett reached over to his side of the bed and pulled out the jar of butter he’d secreted away and set it on the side of the bed. The cool room had kept it from going rancid but kept it at a soft form. He watched as Jeremy coaxed Mandy to crawl on top of him. She slowly slid his long, hard cock inside her pussy and rode him.

  Jeremy thrust inside of her, rocking with her as he did. Garrett liked watching his friend make their woman happy, but he had a job to do, and they needed to hold on for a while.

  “Jeremy. Hold up, man.”

  “She’s so damn tight,” he said.

  “I need to get her ready. Hold her still for me.” Garrett pushed Mandy down to Jeremy’s chest so that the other man could hold her there.

  “Easy, Mandy. He’s just going to get you ready. Just relax,” Jeremy said as he wrapped his arms around her back.

  Garrett looked at her tight little rosette staring up at him. It looked much too small to accommodate his girth. He wasn’t the same size as Jeremy, but he wasn’t small by any stretch of the imagination either. He dug a finger into the butter and pressed it into her little hole. He rubbed it around just inside then pressed one finger inside to the first knuckle. It spread for him without a problem. He added more of the homemade lube and was able to get his finger all the way in. He pumped it a few times then added more lube and added a second finger. Mandy moaned.

  “Babe? Are you okay?” he asked.

  “It burns,” she said.

  “Breath in and out, babe. Slow deep breaths in and out,” Garrett said.

  He returned to slowly moving the two fingers in until he was able to hold them inside her. Then he moved them in and out her back hole. She moaned, but instead of crying out, she moved with him as he pumped them slowly in and out of her. He took that as a good sign and added more lube as he spread them inside her to try and open her up farther.

  When he was sure she was ready, he spread lube on his dick and fitted it to her back hole and began pushing inside of her.

  “Oh, God. You’re so big,” she cried out.

  “Do you need me to stop?” he asked in a strained voice.

  “No,” she said.

  He continued to press until he was all the way inside, and then he stopped. She was hot and tight and squeezing him to death. He wasn’t going to last long once he started moving inside of her. With Jeremy in her cunt, she was too tight to move.

  “Jeremy, pull out then push back in,” he said.

  Then Jeremy did, and Garrett started moving in tandem with his friend. Nothing had ever felt so good. His ears began to ring as he thrust deep into her ass then pulled out to allow Jeremy to delve deep into her pussy. This was what it felt like to be joined together as one. This was what making them a family felt like. He’d never let her go. She was theirs.

  Chapter Nine

  Amanda felt as if her body was floating somewhere above her as the two men moved inside her. It had pinched and burned a little at first when Garrett had first entered her ass with his cock, but after that, it had turned into something different. She couldn’t really explain it, but with both men moving inside her, she felt complete.

  Then there was the pleasure building like a tidal wave or tsunami waiting to overtake her. She knew it would be big when it hit, but she didn’t know how big until it crashed over her, stealing her breath and every thought in her head. White-hot heat burned through her bloodstream as the roaring in her ears obliterated everything except the beating of her heart, which was almost louder than the roaring.

  When she slowly came back to herself, it was to find Garrett cleaning her up and Jeremy offering soft words of encouragement to her as he stroked her back.

  “You okay, Mandy?” Jeremy asked.

  “No. I think I died,” she said in a hoarse voice.

  Garrett chuckled. “That makes two of us.”

  She sighed and curled around Jeremy as he turned over. She felt Garrett’s much cooler body wrap around her from behind. Her body was pleasantly sore, but her ass was a little tender. While the sex had been mind-blowing, she needed a few days to recuperate before they did that again.

  “You were amazing, babe,” Garrett whispered into her ear.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  “You belong to us. We’re not ever letting you go,” he said.

  “I don’t want to be anywhere but here, Garrett,” she told him.


  Jeremy grumbled at them. “Stop talking and go to sleep.”

  She giggled. She couldn’t help it. She was happy and sated and between the two men she loved. That thought hit her hard. She loved them. They made her happy and took good care of her and were sweet at times and fun at others. Yeah, they were bossy and stern sometimes, but they had her best interests at heart.

  She didn’t know what to do with this newfound knowledge. Should she tell them? The sound of Garrett’s soft snore in her ear settled that for her. She’d tell them later. With that thought, she settled down and fell asleep.

  * * * *

  One day turned into twenty until a month had passed, and Amanda hadn’t found the right time to tell the guys that she loved them. While they hadn’t said the words either, she felt that they did in the way they touched her when they didn’t need to and how they kissed her each morning before they went out to work.

  The snow was coming less frequently, and the sun had melted a lot of it during the day. Garrett said spring wasn’t too far off now. She couldn’t wait. Not only would she get to see her family, but she’d also get to plant her garden. Both things had her excited.

  Before she finished cooking breakfast that morning, she felt nauseous and had to stop and run for the downstairs bathroom to throw up. She worried that she had a stomach flu or something but didn’t know how she would have caught it with no one around. She’d never been sick like that before.

  When the guys came down and started eating, she found that she couldn’t eat and ended up in the bathroom again. Jeremy held her hair back and soothed her as she retched into the commode.

  “Are you okay?” he asked after handing her a dampened cloth.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t been sick like this other than the time we all ate the bad meat one summer.” She looked at him. “Do you guys feel okay?”

  “We’re fine. I think you’re pregnant, hon,” Jeremy said.

  “What?” she asked, nearly choking.

  “You haven’t had a period in a long time, and you’re sick. Your breasts have been more sensitive than usual. Even I noticed that the other night. You’re pregnant.”

  Garrett walked into the doorway. “Is she okay?”

  “He says I’m pregnant. Can that be true?” she asked.

  Garrett smiled. “Babe. You’ve had quite a bit of sex lately, and you haven’t bled in a long time. I’d say it’s a pretty solid yes.”

  “I can’t believe it. A baby. Oh, God. That means I’ll be pregnant all through harvest. How will I ever get it all done?” She started crying.

  “Hey, easy there, babe. You’ll be fine. We can help. We’re a family,” Garrett said, pulling her into his arms. “Don’t cry. I can’t stand it when you cry.”

  “Pregnancy hormones already. We’re in for a long ride,” Jeremy said.

  “I need to see my sisters. Hope just had a baby. I want to see her. She can tell me what to expect. When can we go see her?” Amanda asked.

  “It will be another month, hon,” Jeremy said. “It’s still too early to go. We’re going to have another snowstorm before it’s all gone. Can’t take the chance of getting caught out in it. Especially not now that you’re pregnant.”

  Amanda wrapped her arms around Jeremy and buried her face in his chest. She couldn’t believe she was going to have a baby. What had she been thinking? That she could have all the sex she wanted and never have to worry about babies? She knew better. It was bound to happen eventually. It was a wonder it hadn’t happened before now.

  “Does it matter who the fat
her is?” she asked, mumbling into Jeremy’s chest.

  Jeremy’s chuckle was loud in her ears and echoed in his chest. “No. It’s both of ours.”

  “All three of ours,” Garrett added. “Who the father is doesn’t matter to us. There will be more, and it won’t matter with them either.”

  “Let’s get through this one first before you add more,” Amanda cautioned, pulling her face out of Jeremy’s clothes.

  Garrett grabbed her and pulled her into his arms. He looked deep into her eyes and smiled. “I love you, Mandy girl. I’ll love our babe just as much.”

  She smiled. He loved her. She’d known it, but it felt good to hear him say it.

  “I love you, too,” she said. “Even when you’re being bossy.”

  She turned to Jeremy when he pulled at her hair. He smiled down into her eyes and kissed her. “I love you, too. You’re my world. This baby will be proof of our love.”

  “I love you, Jeremy. You’re my voice of reason when I want to beat on Garrett for being so bossy.”

  “Hey!” Garrett demanded.

  “Just saying,” she said with a huge grin.

  Her world was right despite the morning sickness. She was having their baby, and they loved her. What more could she ask for? Well, she wanted to see her family, but they would be doing that come spring. It was still early yet. She understood that it was still too dangerous to travel yet. She couldn’t wait to tell them she was expecting a baby. She covered her belly with a hand and grinned.

  She spent the next few weeks walking on air when she wasn’t puking her guts up. It didn’t seem to matter if it was morning, noon, or night, she got sick at the drop of a hat. Sometimes she could eat, and sometimes the smell would set her off. She did good to get the guys a meal cooked. They insisted they could fix their own meals, but she was bound and determined to cook for them.

  “How are you feeling, babe?” Garrett asked when he’d finished dressing one morning.

  “Pretty good right now,” she said.

  “It’s a pretty day out there it looks like. If it’s warm enough, want to bundle up and walk around outside to get some fresh air?” he asked.

  She clapped her hands together. “I’d love to. I’m so sick of sitting around in here. It’s been nearly a month since I’ve been outside.”

  “I figure you could use the fresh air,” he said.

  “Jeremy’s been talking to you,” she said with a grin.

  “Yeah, that, too.”

  “Thanks, Garrett. I really need this.”

  After lunch, they helped her bundle up and walked her outside to sit on the back porch while they brought wood up. That way, one of them was near her at all times. Amanda inhaled the fresh, crisp air and sighed. It smelled so good outside. She eyed the area the guys had said would be perfect for her little garden and pictured it without the snow and soggy ground where they’d traipsed around. She couldn’t wait to get started planting it.

  “What has that smile on your face?” Jeremy asked.

  “Just thinking about planting my garden,” she said.

  “Won’t be too long now. Another month or six weeks. You’ll see, the snow will melt and the sun will shine and everything will blossom out,” he said.

  “Will taking me to see my family put you behind on starting the garden?” she asked.

  “Not by much. We’ll start out the week before we usually start working the ground. We’ll only be gone a week, ten days at most. We can’t stay long, Mandy, okay?”

  “I know. I just need them to know I’m okay and to talk to Holly about having this baby. I don’t have a clue what to expect,” Amanda said.

  “What are you guys talking about?” Garrett asked, walking up with a load of wood.

  “The trip. Mandy is anticipating seeing her sisters. I was just warning her we couldn’t be gone long. We have to get the seeds in the ground to make the most of the good weather for growing and harvest,” Jeremy said.

  “We’ll get you to see them though,” Garrett said.

  “I know. I’m just antsy. It’s getting closer to the time, and I can’t wait,” she said.

  “Come on. It’s time to go back inside. You’re getting cold, and we’ve gotten all the wood we need on the porch now,” Garrett said.

  “Thanks for letting me sit out here. I loved breathing in the fresh air. I think I needed it,” she said.

  “Your cheeks are rosy. You look good,” Jeremy said.

  “I hope you still feel that way when I’m big and fat in a few months,” she said, frowning.

  Jeremy popped her on the ass as they walked inside. “Funny. You’ll always be beautiful to us. You’ll be round with our babe. Nothing fat about that, Mandy girl.”

  She rubbed her butt, though it hadn’t really hurt. “I may get big as a house. Then what will you say?”

  “We’ll still love you then watch you lose it all chasing around the baby once he starts crawling and walking,” Garrett said with a laugh.

  “Asshole,” she said.

  “But I’m your asshole.” He kissed her on the nose then helped her out of her coat and scarf.

  “Go sit on the couch for a while and warm up. I’ll warm up the soup. No need for you to do that. I can handle that. You’ve already got crackling bread ready for us to eat. We can eat in front of the fire,” Jeremy said.

  “Come on, babe. Let Jeremy be the wife for a change.”

  “Fuck you. I heard that,” Jeremy called out as they walked into the den.

  Amanda laughed. They were always poking fun at each other. She liked that about them. They didn’t take themselves too seriously. They were fun loving, and though Garrett was the more serious of the two, he still knew how to have fun.

  “Feeling okay?” Garrett asked.

  “Yeah. I feel good. I think the fresh air was good for me. I’m actually pretty hungry right now,” she said.

  They’d been worried that she hadn’t been eating enough. Not only had she been throwing up a lot, she hadn’t had much of an appetite. She could tell she’d lost some weight, and that had worried her as well.

  “Good. You need to eat. You’re eating for two now, Mandy. It’s important that you eat all you can,” he said.

  “I know. The morning sickness will pass soon enough. I know I’ve read that in books that it can be pretty bad at first but will go away, and then the real eating begins,” she teased.

  “Can’t wait to feed you weird stuff when that happens,” Garrett said.

  “Here we go.” Jeremy walked in with a bowl of soup and a plate of the crackling bread. He set it in front of Amanda then returned to the kitchen to bring back two more bowls.

  “Eat up,” Garrett said.

  She inhaled the aroma of the soup and was pleased that it didn’t bring on the nausea. She demolished the soup and two pieces of the bread before declaring herself full as a tick and ready for a nap.

  The men settled her on the couch. Jeremy covered her with a blanket while Garrett added another log to the fire. They got into their recliners, and all three of them settled down for an afternoon nap. Amanda could get used to this, she thought. Unfortunately she didn’t fall asleep right away. Instead, all the worries about the garden and actually having the baby circled in her head. She couldn’t help but smile at the competing snores of the two men as she contemplated how they were going to deal with the harvest and her delivery at the same time.

  There has to be a way I can still help without leaving it all up to them. It’s not fair to them to have to do all the work. I’m supposed to be helping them not causing them even more work.

  But Amanda couldn’t come up with any scenarios that would allow her to help any more than she’d already figured out. She was stuck with a massive belly that pushed her away from the counter and an ass that got in the way of the men when they were trying to work. Sometime in all of that she’d be pulling them away from the work to actually deliver.

  And there was another worry. What kind of pain would there
be with that? Would she be able to stand it? She really wasn’t ready to have a baby. She was too young.

  Women younger than I am have had two and three by now. Suck it up. I’m having this baby and that’s that.

  Amanda sighed and started listing all the things she needed to get done prior to the baby coming. It was a long list and daunting. If nothing else, it would keep her occupied so that she had less time to think and dwell on the things that upset her.

  Chapter Ten

  “Are you sure?” Garrett asked again.

  “I’m sure. We need to start preparing the garden next week, so this is the week we need to head out if we’re going to get her to her sister’s place,” Jeremy said.

  “And you don’t think we’re going to get caught in the snow?” Garrett asked again.

  “He said no, Garrett.” Amanda interrupted them. She was tired of listening to Garrett hesitate about the trip. She was past ready.

  They were taking the sled to bring back her clothes and things from the Johnsons’ place when they visited there. She just hoped they hadn’t gotten rid of them since she’d been gone. Surely they wouldn’t have. Where would they have put them?

  “Good. We’ll start out early in the morning,” Jeremy said.

  Amanda was so excited she didn’t think she’d fall asleep that night but finally did. Unfortunately, dawn broke much too early for her. She had to pry her eyes open in order to get ready. She pulled on jeans and two shirts since it was still chilly in the mornings. She could remove one of the shirts if it got warm enough later.

  “Ready, babe?” Garrett asked.

  “Yeah,” she said.

  “Eat up. We’ll head out as soon as you’ve eaten,” Garrett said.

  “It’s too early to eat,” she complained as Jeremy shoved a meat pie into her hands.

  “Nonsense. Eat, Mandy. You need something in your stomach before we leave.” Jeremy bit into his.

  She nibbled on hers and soon found herself demolishing it. Thank goodness the morning sickness had seemed to pass. Occasionally something would make her gag, but she’d quickly get over it. Now she tended to eat more than she thought she needed to and worried she’d gain too much weight. She tried to watch what she ate, but the men were always on her to eat more.


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