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21 Taboo Tales

Page 29

by Robin Pressley

  We stop at the front door.

  “Well, thank you,” I say, trying my best not to stammer.

  Standing here alone with Darren makes me nervous, but in the best possible way. I love babysitting for him. His two little boys, Taylor and Charlie, are well-behaved and super cute, which is no surprise considering how handsome their daddy is. But my favorite part of working for Darren is when he finally comes home and we get to spend just a few fleeting minutes alone together.

  Oh, nothing has ever happened between us, of course. It would be totally crazy if it did. I mean, I’m only nineteen and a half, and Darren is a middle-aged widower. Sure, I’ve had a massive crush on him for as long as I can remember, but I know he doesn’t see me that way. He probably still sees me as a silly little girl.

  Plus, there’s one other teensy detail that makes him totally forbidden. He’s my Daddy’s best friend. It doesn’t matter that he is single and hot. He is majorly off-limits.

  Still, a girl can dream, right?

  “Don’t mention it,” Darren says.

  He’s looking down at me with that friendly smile on his ruggedly handsome face. God, I just want to brush my fingertips over the sexy, silver-flecked scruff lining his strong jaw.

  “I know how hard the life of a college student can be,” he says. “But a girl can’t live on nothing but Ramen noodles.”

  I giggle way louder than I should. It’s so crazy. When I’m at college, I really feel so mature, like a young adult, but whenever I’m alone around Darren, I become just like a giddy little girl again.

  “It’s a big help, Darren. I really appreciate it.”

  “You helped me by looking after the boys.”

  Things get quiet for a moment as we stand there in his foyer. Part of me doesn’t want to leave, but I can’t think of anything to say, so I just stand there like a fool, gazing longingly at this sexy man in front of me. The way that his dress shirt drapes over his shoulders and chest gives just a hint of the powerful muscles that are concealed underneath. His tie is loosened, and his top two buttons are undone, revealing just a little splash of the short, silver fur on his broad chest.

  Warmth and a touch of moisture pulses between my thighs as I think how it would feel to rub my face against that masculine chest.

  I’m staring—hanging onto the moment a little bit too long until it becomes slightly awkward.

  “Well, it’s late,” Darren says, breaking the silence. “Are you sure you’re okay to walk home, Anniston? Maybe you should call your dad to pick you up.”

  “It’s no problem, Darren. It’s just a few blocks,” I say, feeling a twinge of guilt for fibbing to Darren.

  Oh, it’s no lie about the distance to my parents’ house, of course. It really is just a few blocks away in the same suburb where Darren lives. Normally I don’t stay with my parents anymore since leaving for my first year of college. But now it is summer break, and I’m back home again until the fall semester starts.

  But my parents’ home isn’t where I’m going tonight.

  Darren lets me out the front door, and I walk the little path across his lawn to the sidewalk.

  “Anniston, just send me a text when you get home, okay? Just so I know you made it home safely.”

  “Okay, Darren.” I wiggle my fingers at him as he shuts the door. “Goodnight.”

  It’s funny. Whenever my daddy gets all protective of me like that, I get annoyed. I’m a big girl now, and I can take care of myself. Still, coming from Darren it feels good. For some reason, I like how protective he can be.

  But I feel a bit bad too because now I’ll have to fib to Darren a second time tonight. See, I’m actually not going home right now. Instead, I’m going to a big house party. A friend of a friend’s parents are out of town, so she’s having a throwdown at their place. My parents totally wouldn’t approve of me going to that party, so I lied and told them I was sleeping over at my best friend Shannon’s place.

  Now that means I’ll have to text Darren and lie to him again, telling him I arrived home when really I’ll be at an illicit party. I hate to lie to him, but if I don’t text him, he’ll probably contact my parents to see if I’m safe, and then I’ll really be in trouble.

  Shit, that sucks. I don’t like being dishonest to Darren.

  This guy Bobby is gonna come pick me up and take me to the party. I’m supposed to text him when I’m ready. But I wanna make sure I’m a few blocks away from Darren’s place first, just to make sure he doesn’t see me getting into a car with a guy.

  The summer night is warm, but a sudden, unexpected breeze comes along, and it makes me gasp as its cool caress touches my shoulders and my bare thighs, reminding me of just how little clothing I have on right now.

  I’m wearing a sexy little crop top that shows off my tummy, and a pair of denim cutoffs that are so short that the bottom of my cheeks peek out a little. I’ve also got a tight little choker around my throat, just in case it wasn’t totally clear what I want tonight, and I’ve even done my hair up in girly pigtails to complete the look.

  God, Darren probably thought I was a total slut when he saw what I was wearing.

  The thing is, I am being slutty tonight, and I’m not afraid to admit it. My girlfriends and I always tell each other that when we dress up sexy, we do it to impress other girls more than we do it for guys. Not tonight though.

  Tonight I want some dick, and I want it bad.

  You see, the thing is, even after a whole two semesters at college, I’m still a virgin. I’ve focused super hard on my studies like a good girl, but that means I’ve missed out on all the fun and games.

  It’s not like there aren’t any guys who would like to do the honors of popping my cherry. Actually, I’ve got swarms off horn-dog frat guys chasing after me constantly. While I like the attention, none of them really get me excited.

  God, I really am a brat, aren’t I?

  Oh well, now I’ve made up my mind. Tonight I’m turning in my V-card. Bobby may not be exactly what I’m looking for, but if I don’t get a dick inside me soon, I’m worried it might never happen. And Bobby is super into me, so tonight I’m going to make his dreams come true. Finally, finally I’ll be a real woman, not a pure little girl.

  It’s kind of weird that I’m not all that into Bobby. All the other girls at college are completely ga-ga over him. I mean, I guess he’s a hottie, but for whatever reason, he just doesn’t do it for me.

  Maybe it sounds pervy, but the real reason I want him to pop my cherry is because then I’ll magically become a real grown up, and the kind of men I really like will finally start noticing me.

  Men like Darren.

  Speaking of Darren, by now I’ve walked far enough from his house that I’m well out of sight, so I decide to go ahead and text Bobby to pick me up. I realize that I’m still holding the money Darren gave me in my clenched fist, so I stuff that in my handbag and then reach for my phone

  Oh crap! My phone isn’t in my bag…

  I pat my hips front and back to check my pockets, but it’s not there. I must have left it at Darren’s place. Hm, that’s a bit embarrassing. Maybe it was a subconscious thing, so I would have an excuse to see his handsome face again. Who knows. Anyway, I need to get my phone back, so I take a deep breath, and turn around to walk back to Darren’s house, trying to think where in his house I might have left it.

  I only make it a few steps before I freeze.

  Oh no. Oh dear God no…

  I know what you’re thinking. It shouldn’t be a problem. I should be able to just go back and tell her Darren I forgot my phone. No biggie, right?

  Wrong. So freaking wrong.


  Rewind one hour.

  Me and the boys had just finished watching The Iron Giant—their favorite movie even though it was made way before they were born. Actually, it was made even before I was even born, come to think of it.

  It was time for bed, so taking little Taylor and Charlie by the hand, I led them upstairs
in their jammies, their little bellies full of popcorn. Despite the fact that they were both struggling to keep their eyes open, they both protested that they weren’t tired at all.

  After they brushed their teeth, I tucked them in and said goodnight, and they said something that almost made me cry it was so sweet. They both asked if I could be their new mommy. I just smiled and gave them both a kiss on the cheek. Luckily I didn’t have to come up with an answer for their question because they were already dozing off into dreams about giant robots.

  Softly closing their bedroom door behind me, I tiptoed quietly down the hall. My plan was to bust out my e-reader and read a little something steamy to get me in the mood for hooking up with Bobby later.

  The only problem was that I didn’t have any stories about young guys like Bobby. All my stories were about older men.

  Men like Darren.

  As I passed by Darren’s bedroom door, my feet slowed to a halt.

  I knew that I shouldn’t do it. I knew that it was way too naughty, but I couldn’t help myself. Anyway, just a little peek couldn’t hurt, right?

  His bedroom was sexy as hell. Even though Darren was a single daddy and crazy busy between his high-stress executive job and being an awesome father to his boys, he still managed to make sure the house looked great, and his bedroom was no exception. The furniture had a sleek, minimalist design, and there were cool abstract paintings on the walls that probably cost a freaking fortune.

  But what I was interested in was the bed. It was absolutely enormous and covered in sexy, dark satin sheets and covers. Darren wouldn’t be home for at least another hour, so there wasn’t any risk of getting caught. Unable to resist, I crawled onto the bed and lay on my belly with my face buried in the plump pillows. The bed was clean, but still I could smell Darren’s body in the sheets and on the pillows, and that smell made my body come alive.

  My nipples stiffened into erect buds, and my pussy swelled with arousal. I was amazed how turned on I got just from catching the woodsy masculine smell of my employer’s body.

  If anyone had seen me, though, they would probably think I was a total perv.

  On top of being pervy, I have to admit I was being a little creeper too. I rolled to one side of the bed and slid open the drawer of the nightstand. Sure enough, there inside was a big box of condoms. There were two details that I noticed right away.

  1. They were Magnums.

  2. The box was open.

  I liked the first fact, but I wasn’t a big fan of the second. As I quietly slid the drawer shut, I reminded myself that it was none of my darn business what Darren did in his free time.

  Anyway, I knew that he had started dating again in the past year, and he had every right to. Nobody should have to be alone. But I had also gleaned a few facts about Darren’s love life from snippets of conversation between him and my dad. By all accounts, Darren was a real ladies’ man when he was younger, and he was the campus stud during his college years. However, once he met his wife, she became the love of his life, and he was one hundred percent faithful.

  After his wife passed a few years ago, he was obviously devastated inside, but he held it together and stayed strong for his little ones. Now he totally deserves to get a little loving. Besides, it would be such a shame for a yummy hunk like Darren to be going to waste. I felt a bit guilty for thinking otherwise.

  Still, I couldn’t help wishing that I could be the one to give him what he needed.

  Suddenly my phone dinged. I had a message from Bobby:

  Bobby: Hey U ;)

  Bobby: U comin 2 party?

  Even though I wasn’t super into Bobby, I was determined to lose my virginity once and for all. Still, I didn’t want to come across as too thirsty, and I wanted to see how badly Bobby really wanted to be with me. So what if I was planning on just using him for his dick. I didn’t want to be just another warm hole for him. I texted him back.

  Me: Maybe

  Me: Gonna try

  A few seconds later my phone dinged again as a couple more messages came in. He certainly seemed pretty eager.

  Bobby: Maybe?

  Bobby: Why wouldnt u

  Bobby: ?

  My my. Bobby certainly did seem more than a little interested, and I’m not gonna lie, that made me feel good. Every girl wants to feel wanted, right? But in that moment, that good feeling got all mixed up with my horn-dog thoughts about Darren, and I started feeling flirty.

  Holding the phone up in the air, I snapped a picture of myself sprawled on the bed, my pigtails spread out on the pillow as I made a sexy face. Then I sent the picture to Bobby with a message:

  Me: Kinda tired

  Me: Might just stay in bed

  Me: ;)

  I made sure to add the wink, because Bobby is not the sharpest tool in the shed, and I wanted to make sure he knew I was just teasing him.

  In a flash, he sent me about a million heart-eyes emojis.

  Bobby: im gonna need 2 see a little more!!!

  I was starting to feel even sexier and flirtier. The truth of the matter was that it had way more to do with being in Darren’s bed than texting with Bobby. But I wasn’t going to lose my virginity to Darren, as much as I would have liked too. He wouldn’t be interested in an inexperienced girl like me.

  Plus, he was totally forbidden.

  Still, I was feeling naughty, and my sexy clothes made me want to show off my body to someone.

  I snapped another picture, this time sticking out my tongue and winking. It looked pretty cute. But I didn’t send it to Bobby yet. I felt like I could do better. I lowered my eyelids, trying to look as sexy as possible, and snapped another.

  Hm, even better, but…

  Pulling down the edge of my skimpy top, I exposed my right breast. I wasn’t wearing a bra, and the nipple was as plump and firm as a ripe berry. I snapped another picture. And another.

  I was really getting into the act. The more I showed, the more I wanted to show. I pulled the top down completely, exposing both of my breasts. I cupped my left breast with my free hand. I pinched the stiff nipple and moaned lightly at how sensitive it was.

  Fuck, that last picture looked hot as hell. The expression on my face looked sexy, like I was coming. I was starting to get wet down below.

  By now I was starting to feel super turned on and dirty. Unfastening the top button of my jeans and unzipping them a little, I slipped my free hand into my panties and started touching myself.

  My pussy was already completely drenched with arousal, and I rubbed two fingers along the length of my slit, gathering my slick moisture to spread it over my throbbing clit. I held back a whine of pleasure as I started drawing circles around my nub.

  I switched my phone’s camera to video.

  At this point, I was really working over my love button something fierce, and hot sexy tingles were shivering all through my body. Biting my lip, I choked back the love sounds that were bubbling up in my throat.

  I panned the camera down my body, showing off my bared breasts with their pokey pink nipples, and down ever farther to my crotch, showing my hand disappearing inside my panties. The fabric was shifting as I rubbed myself frantically down there.

  Panning the camera back up to my face, I started talking dirty. I don’t know what had come over me, but now I was feeling way too turned on to stop.

  “Fuck me,” I begged into my phone as if I were talking to a lover on top of me. “Come inside me.”

  Sucking in a deep inhale, the smell of Darren’s manly musk invaded me. It penetrated every fiber of my shivering body.

  “Come inside me, Daddy,” I whispered.

  The climax shook me. My body spasmed with pleasure as I clamped down tight and held all of the lustful cries inside. But despite my best efforts, one little whimper of bliss did leak out of my trembling lips.

  As soon as it had passed, I took my finger off the record button. All told, it had been pretty quick. I might have been a virgin, but I knew how to get myself off in a hurry.r />
  Once the last aftershock of my orgasm shuddered through my muscles, the reality of what I had just done hit me like a ton of bricks.

  Holy crapola. I just masturbated in my Daddy’s best friend’s bed.

  And I filmed the whole thing.

  I played the movie again and watched myself come. As the video played, my real-life face involuntary mimicked the face on my phone. As the girl on the phone quaked and gasped, real-life me experienced a faint echo of the orgasm deep inside my core

  Damn. There was no denying it; that was one hot video.

  But there was was no way in heck I was going to send that to Bobby. Not on my life. He may have been the catalyst, but the real fuel for my lust had been Mr. Off-Limits himself. Darren. And there was no way I would show the video to him either of course.

  Dropping the phone on the bed beside me, I let my muscles enjoy the feeling of post-orgasm relaxation as I gazed up at the ceiling. I dreamed of how nice it would be to really have Darren there right then so I could snuggle in his arms and hear his deep sexy voice as we drifted off to sleep together. God how I wished he was there with me.

  You know how they say “careful what you wish for?”

  Well, at that moment, I suddenly understood that saying in a whole new way. From downstairs came the sound of keys rattling in the lock. The man of the house was home early.

  A jolt of adrenaline coursed through my veins, and in about two seconds flat I had my shorts buttoned up and I was out of the bedroom. My feet barely touched the floor in the hall, and by the time the front door finally swung open, I was halfway down the staircase, and I had slowed to a casual walk.

  “Oh, hi, Anniston.”

  Darren looked up at me as if he was surprised to see me coming down the stairs at that time.

  “Sorry, the business dinner finished up a little earlier than I expected, so I thought I would come on home and relieve you of your duties.”

  “Great!” I said breathlessly as I finished coming down the stairs.

  Darren glanced upstairs and back at me. I could tell he was wondering what I had been doing up there so late after the boys’ bedtime.


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