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21 Taboo Tales

Page 52

by Robin Pressley

  “Me neither,” he says, “I want to remember this night.”

  “Fair enough,” Vaz says before giving us a wave with his bendy noodle arm. “Well then, I’m sure you’re both ready to be on your way, so I’ll just return you to the exact moment that I retrieved you. Happy trails.”

  My hairs begin to stand on end as static electricity crackles all around us, and the room begins to fill with a strange, wavering light.

  “Wait,” I gasp. “What about—”

  There is a white flash, and for an instant everything goes silent. Then ever so gradually I’m aware of the sounds of rustling leaves and the “hoo hoo-hoo” of a nearby owl. I can smell the woods again—the scents of the deciduous trees and the charred wood of the fire. My vision takes a few seconds to adjust, but once it does, I’m looking around at the moonlit forest again.

  Braxton is standing next to me, dressed once again in his boxer briefs and boots. I’m back in my thermal undies.

  We both look around in wonder, and then we turn to each other.

  “Did that just really happen?” I ask.

  “I think it did,” Braxton says in a hushed voice. “It was almost too weird to believe, but…it didn’t feel like a dream. Plus, we both saw the same thing.”

  “Right,” I say, “Wait, did we? Let’s make sure we’re talking about the same thing. It was aliens, right?”

  Braxton nods.

  “Yup. Little gray-green guys. Voivodians or Vixvonians or something like that.”

  “Voyvoxians,” I correct him. “And you and I had, um—”

  Before I can finish, a ridiculously loud snore comes from inside the tent. Well that’s good. At least Mom slept through the whole thing. I guess to her it’s like nothing even happened, since they returned us right back to the moment when we left.

  But hearing Mom snore jolts my mind back to another important detail.

  “Braxton,” I say in a hushed voice. “What are we going to tell Mom?”

  “What do you mean?” he whispers. “We’re not gonna tell her anything. She wouldn’t believe it anyway.”

  I shake my head.

  “I mean, what about what Vaz said? You know, afterward. He said there was a ninety-nine point nine percent chance that, you know…”

  Braxton silently mouths the words “Oh yeah.”

  He sighs, thoughtfully rubbing the stubble on his chin. Then he takes his big, strong hands—those hands that made me come again and again tonight—and places them reassuringly on my shoulders as he gazes into my eyes.

  “We’ll have to cross that bridge when we come to it,” he says softly. “But whatever happens, I promise I will take care of you, support you, and protect you. Understand?”

  I nod and nibble my lip, wondering if I really am pregnant with Braxton’s baby. Secretly I kind of hope that I am.

  He leans down and kisses my forehead, then the tip of my nose, then my lips.

  “But now it’s time to sleep,” he says with a faint smile. “Come on, Lacie, let’s hit the hay,”

  He unzips the tent and crawls inside, and I follow him in. It’s dark inside, but it’s immediately clear that Mom has rolled over in her sleep, and now she is lying right on top of Braxton’s spot, leaving him with no way to get back into his sleeping bag.

  “Shit,” he grumbles. “Well, I guess that’s what I deserve. It’s okay, I’ll just sleep here in the middle.”

  “Oh Braxton,” I whisper, touching the hard, round bulge of his muscular shoulder. “You can’t do that. It’s much too chilly.”

  He chuckles quietly.

  “I don’t have another option, sweetheart.”

  My nipples swell once more and my pussy floods with renewed wetness as I get a very naughty idea.

  “You could sleep with me,” I whisper.

  Braxton’s breath catches.

  “In your sleeping bag? But there’s hardly room for both of us, Lacie. It would be a very tight fit.”

  Braxton can’t see in the darkness of the small tent, but I smirk a little. A tight fit is exactly what I’ve got in mind.

  “That’s okay,” I whisper as my heart thumps in my chest. “After all that excitement, I’m not very sleepy. Maybe if we’re real quiet, we could…”

  “We could what?” Braxton asks. I can hear the hint of a smile in his hushed voice.

  I run my hand across his smooth shoulder to the lightly furred muscles of his chest, then lower, letting my fingertips ripple over the ridges of his hard abs, following his happy trail down to his underwear.

  My hand bumps something long and hard and hot beneath the cotton of his undershorts. He’s got another massive erection. He’s ready for another round.

  We said that what we did on the space ship was only going to be a one-time deal. Yeah, well that was before I knew just how good Braxton could make me feel. That was before I was hopelessly addicted to his strong, dominating body and his hard, throbbing cock that’s totally out of this world.

  Stroking my fingers over his tented undies and palming the round bulb of his head, I lean in close, my lips brushing his ear.

  “There’s plenty of time till sunrise,” I whisper. “Maybe we could have one more close encounter…of the Daddy kind!”

  Rinse & Repeat

  1. BECCA

  “Faster, Dean, Faster!” I shout as fat droplets of sweat trickle down my neck and run in between my bouncing breasts.

  “Damn, Becca, are you trying to give me a heart attack?” Dean grunts behind me. His words coming out between ragged, heaving breaths.

  “Oh, careful, Becca,” he adds. “Your shoelace has come untied.”

  I glance down at my feet, which are clad in the super cute pair of white running shoes I just got last week. Sure enough, one of my neon pink shoelaces has come undone, and it’s swinging wildly as my feet pound over the leaf-strewn path that winds its way through the forest.

  Coming to a halt, I take a moment to stretch my back, and I inhale a big gulp of the clear morning air, breathing in the incredible odors of the forest—the warm earth smells of the soil and decomposing logs sprouted with mushrooms and the slightly bitter aroma of the young leaves. There are sounds of songbirds twittering all around, and a pair of squirrels seem to be having an argument somewhere in the limbs overhead.

  God, I love the forest when it’s like this, bursting with color and vitality. And I especially love coming out here for a morning run. It’s the perfect way to start the day, and it always makes me feel energized all day long. But the best part is having Dean with me as my running partner. He pushes me to new heights, and I can never resist showing off in front of him a little.

  “I’m so impressed with how much you’ve improved, Becca,” Dean huffs as he comes up beside me on the trail, jogging in place on the balls of his feet while he waits for me to re-tie my shoelace. “It wasn’t that long ago, you used to hate jogging, and now look at you—I can barely keep up.”

  Dean’s words of praise send a prickle of goosebumps over my skin, which is exposed by my skimpy black two-piece exercise outfit, and I flash a smile in his direction.

  Dean is our neighbor and a close family friend. After Mom and I moved into the neighborhood, we struck up a nice relationship with Dean right off the bat. Since my mom was working two jobs as a single mother to make ends meet, Dean took it upon himself to lend a hand here and there, doing yard work and fixing things around our house when they went wrong.

  Dean is very handy.

  As I pause to look at him now, I can’t help but wonder if he is handy in other departments as well. I have no doubt that he is.

  Dean’s jet black hair fades into a super-sexy middle-aged platinum at his temples, and a masculine salt and pepper scruff lines his square jaw, really accentuating the deep dimples on either side of his perfect, brilliant smile.

  He’s dressed this morning in a tank top and super short running shorts. The tank top shows off his arms, which are bulging with tanned muscles glowing with a slight sheen of
sweat. His thick, clearly defined pectorals bounce so deliciously as he jogs in place. But my absolute favorite part is the way the muscles of his thighs pulse and twitch as they move, on full display below his skimpy running shorts.

  Okay, I said his legs were my favorite part, but maybe I lied. The thing that really gets my attention is that big member that I detect bouncing beneath the fabric of his shorts. It’s obviously enormous, and my mouth waters at the thought of seeing that beast naked and hard.

  Snapping out of it, I flick my gaze up to meet Dean’s pale blue eyes, and I realize he totally just caught me checking out his package. My already warm cheeks flush with extra heat.

  Bashfully hiding my blush, I bend over to tie my shoelace so that we can get back to our forest run.

  Goodness, what on earth is the matter with me? Why am I being so pervy? I mean, as sexy as Dean is, he’s totally off limits. For one thing, he’s a close family friend. And for another, he’s old enough to be my daddy.

  The thing is, over the past few years, Dean almost has been like a daddy to me. Not only does he help me and my mom around the house, but he often even comes over for dinner or invites us over to his place for a movie night. It just feels so good having that strong, protective, masculine presence that’s been missing from my life ever since my dad passed away when I was a little girl.

  In fact, when I was a bit younger, I used to wish that Dean and my mom would hook up so that he could officially be my daddy, but that never happened. He and my mom just don’t see each other that way. If there ever was any secret hanky-panky going on between them, they’ve done a heck of a job concealing it. And I’ve got to say, as I’ve gotten older, I’m glad.

  I know it’s totally messed up to feel jealous about the older man next door, but I just can’t seem to help myself.

  These thoughts are running through my mind as I’m lacing up my shoes. Instead of kneeling, I am bent over at the hips. I love the deep stretch that it gives my hamstrings. However, it suddenly occurs to me that in this position, I’m totally showing off my butt to Dean.

  I swear I’m not doing it on purpose.

  Still bent over, I glance over my shoulder and see that Dean’s beautiful, blue eyes are wide circles, and they are focused right on my bent-over little tushy. When I catch him looking, he quickly looks away. Now it’s Dean’s turn to blush, and the way the rosy color creeps into his sweat-slick cheeks makes me pulse with desire.

  But more than that, I can’t help but notice that the thing bouncing in the front of his shorts seems to have gotten a bit bigger.

  Is Dean getting turned on by me?

  With my shoelaces tightly knotted, I stand up again, and toss my head, whipping my tight ponytail back behind my shoulder.

  “Race you back to the house!” I chirp playfully, and then I take off down the path ahead of Dean.

  The thing is, I shouldn’t be surprised that Dean was checking me out. In fact, if I’m going to be totally honest, that is the reason I bought this brand new running outfit. Made of form-fitting black elastic, the shorts just barely cover the cheeks of my tushy, and the tight sports bra top squeezes my boobs together, making my cleavage look amazing.

  Remember when I said that I like to show off for Dean? Yeah, well, I like to show him my new body too.

  You see, after my daddy died, I developed so many problems. It started with bad grades in school, but as time went on, I started picking up other bad habits too. Eating loads of junk food. Sitting on my butt for hours in front of the computer just clicking my life away and feeling depressed. It took its toll on my body.

  So my new year’s resolution was to get fit again. I knew that Dean would always get up early to run on the forest trails behind our houses, so I asked if I could join him. I was worried that I would be a burden and slow him down, but he was super supportive every step of the way, and now, after several months, I feel and look like a new woman.

  I owe it all to Dean, and what better reward than to give him a peek at my hot body that he helped sculpt.

  But maybe it should have occurred to me that I’m just being a little tease. I mean, obviously nothing could ever happen between us. I mean, I’m nineteen years old, which is half Dean’s age. It would just be way too taboo.

  And to top it all off, I’m a completely untouched virgin. I’ve never gone any farther with a boy than first base, and I don’t even have much experience with that. Obviously Dean wouldn’t be interested in an inexperienced, untouched, young virgin like me. He probably wants an older, more mature woman who can give him what he needs.

  Oh well, a girl can dream, right?

  I grin as I jog down the winding path through the forest. The early morning sunlight is poking in through the spaces in the green canopy of leaves, and the slightly cool air feels so refreshing as it ghosts over my exposed skin. My little outfit is so skimpy, I almost feel like I’m running completely naked.

  That idea excites me to no end, and I stifle a naughty giggle as I think about how fun and sexy that would be to go on a naked run with Dean, my body on full display for him as he chases me through the dappled sunlight, his hard cock bouncing with each step as he runs me down, finally catching me, tackling me, throwing me roughly onto the carpet of leaves and—

  “Becca, look out!” Dean shouts behind me, but it’s too late.

  I was so caught up in my little fantasy that I forgot to keep my eyes on the path. My sneaker catches on a big, gnarled root snaking across the trail, and I trip, my body thrown forward with my momentum. I brace, expecting a hard impact, but I get lucky. The side of the path slopes downward to a low gully lined with soft green weeds. The combination of the grade of the hill and the foliage of the underbrush helps to cushion my fall. The forest whirls around me as I tumble and roll, finally sliding to rest at the foot of the hill. Aside from a couple of small scrapes and my bruised ego, I’m totally unharmed.

  “Becca!” Dean shouts. “Are you okay?”

  I’m lying on my back, spreadeagled, when Dean comes over the ridge, carefully stepping his way down the hill that I just tumbled down. The look of protective concern on his face sends a totally inappropriate tingle of desire wiggling up my spine.

  “Oof,” I say with an embarrassed smile. “Yeah, I’m fine, Dean. I can’t believe I’m so stupid that I wasn’t even looking where I was going.”

  Suddenly Dean stops in his tracks.

  “Oh boy,” he says nervously, his eyes darting all around me.

  The smile drops from my face.

  “Dean what’s the matter?” I ask, as I raise myself up on my elbows.

  “Look.” He gestures toward the surrounding leaves of the low weeds that helped cushion my fall. “Poison ivy.”

  Glancing around, I see that he’s right. I have fallen straight into a thick bed of those telltale three-pronged leaves. And with my ridiculously skimpy running outfit, those poisonous leaves are touching me all over my body.

  “Oh shit!” I gasp.

  In my panic to get up, I slip, losing my footing again and falling face first into the patch of poison Ivy. Great, now my entire front side has come into contact with the leaves as well. My pulse quickens with panic as I start to think of the terrible rash that I’ll soon have all over my entire body.

  2. DEAN

  “Becca, look out!” I shout as I see her heading straight toward a large root in the path.

  But it’s too late. Maybe I could have warned her earlier if I hadn’t been so focused on that incredible young body of hers, her perfect, bouncing ass cheeks just barely concealed beneath a thin swatch of skin tight black spandex.

  Never before in my life have I been jealous of an inanimate object until this morning. Looking at that skin-tight fabric wedged deep between her luscious cheeks, all I’ve been able to think about is how much I want to bury my face in her ass and lick every inch of flesh between her legs. It’s been a real struggle to keep from getting a full-on erection in my shorts. Hell, I’ve been running with a half chub all m

  And that’s so wrong. This sweet young girl couldn’t be more off-limits. She’s my neighbor, but she’s so much more than that to me. There’s no way that my secret desire for her could ever be a reality.

  But now, I’ve been so hypnotized by the tantalizing rhythm of her jiggling tushy, that I totally missed the fact that she was heading straight toward danger. Normally, my overprotective nature would have seen that root from yards away, and I would have called out to her in time. But now it’s too late.

  She trips, and her scantily clad body goes tumbling, quite literally, ass over spandex-wrapped tits. The last thing I see is her dark ponytail disappearing over the edge of the path as she rolls down the hill.

  “Becca! Are you okay?” I shout as I reach the spot where she went over.

  Thankfully, I find her sprawled out but unharmed in the little gully a few feet down at the bottom of the slope. It looks like her fall was broken by a soft bed of forest greenery, and I breathe a sigh of relief as I clamber down the hill after her.

  The way that she is lying there, her sexy, athletic thighs spread wide, excites me in the most inappropriate way. My cock jumps in my shorts, and I just hope that it is hidden by the way I’m walking down the slope.

  Right now, my main focus should be making sure that Becca is okay. She seems fine—totally uninjured—but as I look around her, I freeze, and not a moment too soon.

  She’s lying smack dab in the middle of the biggest fucking patch of poison Ivy that I’ve ever seen in my life. A couple more steps and I would have been up to my shins in the stuff too. I let her know, and she frantically scrambles to her feet, but immediately slips, this time sprawling face first in the toxic leaves.

  “Careful, baby girl,” I say stretching out my hand to help her up.

  I can’t believe I just called her “baby girl” like that. It’s definitely not something I would normally call her. It must just be that my protective instincts are in full overdrive. Then again, I’m sure it also has to do with all of that smooth skin she’s got on display.


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