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Super Musicians Breakthrough Do

Page 19

by Marlynn Swanigan

lab and I almost got booked. I was fired. I've successfully planned a heist and taken half his fortune. I want to give some of it to you before I make a run for it!”

  “How could you possibly be telling me the truth right now?”

  “I've seen his face, and I think – no, I believe he's some kind of Alien. He asked us to inspect your machines for the department of defense, and I caught him trying to rig them with telekinesis. The next thing I knew I was being revoked because Uncle Sam can't trust the man.”

  “HA-HA-HA! You can't see his face because his office is, literally, in the clouds! Besides, my brother's already buying me a lab on Sugg's property, this is berserk!”

  “What are you, high man?”

  “I'm the reason they'll, suddenly, refuse to give you the grant.”

  “This fool lyin'. How much is the grant?” said one of the new clan members. “Shut the hell up before I kick your goofy ass out the game, man.”

  “Kick me out then, scrub! Yo' clan sorry, anyway, I can talk all I want! What you gon' do? YAP-YAP-YAP-YAP! Who, the hell, y'all supposed to be? All the way from the BRONX, son, FLAT OUT! I bet you won't come to my hood and call me goofy, you, counterfeit-ass puss...” Lucky located the player's name on the scoreboard and clicked the name. A pop-up message prompted, “Do you want to mute this mercenary?” he clicked ‘yes’. “Gotta love your work...Lucky, I tried to stop him, but Sugg's trying to rig your machines as we speak! Yo, I wouldn't call you to lie to you.”

  “Yes you would! Hold-on,” Luck smiled, glaring aloft, to mock the idea as he tried to envision the rigged machine in its completion. “Hey, man, if you can get me half of Sugg's fortune, I’m in.”

  “It could be dangerous, Mr. Hawk.”

  “Ha-ha-ha...I have a force-field that's resistant to explosives!”

  “The money is already in your online checking account. All you have to do now is withdraw it. Yo, I’ll be on the moon, if you need me, son. Peace.”

  “You...are nerds, dude. Can you guys shut the hell up?” added an anonymous guy. “OH-GOD, MAN! WHY IS THERE SO-MUCH MONEY IN MY ACCOUNT!” Lucky yelled, anxiously, unplugging his game console. The next morning, Lucky wore a disguise and took a bus into the city to return the 2.3 billion dollars to its, mysterious, owner. When he arrived, he saw no harm in visiting his lab. He picked the lock and crept inside. There were demons in the lobby possessing the entrance-doors and pillars. Sugg-Soatchio, actually-was the antichrist, he was Lucifer. The demons hurried to the lab to warn Lucifer, who had finished rigging the machine. Lucky stepped into the lab and saw his machines and equipment combined into a masterpiece, unlike anything he could ever imagine. He saw lots of ripped caution-tape swinging - covering rays of light – the machine was powered-on. Ghosts are real; remaining unconscious, they sleep deep in the earth's soil. It is all they possess until judgment day brings them to justice. Humans; spirits; heaven; hell: they're all in the same dimension. Demons possess the Earth's oxygen, weak people, and things to drain the spirit of his Christ from the humans. Angels never wear masks and sneak around, they just stay in heaven. Angels really dislike the earth. It's a dishonor to them because heaven has more thoughtful elements. Lucky saw the panic-alarm button seemingly being activated by a strong gust of wind. Sugg or Lucifer was also an inventor. Who do you think made demons? He hid inside a robotic-human body that he possessed to walk amongst men. After he hit the alarm, he possessed the mechanical-body and ordered his minions to possess Lucky. Lucky saw the whole thing - even the, colossal, demons - all the way up-until a demon smashed him into the wall. Lucky also realized that he made a mistake when he went to sleep the night before. He forgot to charge his force field’s battery and it was starting to get weaker. The police and the fire department rushed into the lobby. When Lucky got up, dazed, he stumbled toward the door and tripped. He fell into the machine. It appeared to be a fatal-sequence of electrocutions that should have given him a heart attack. Had he not had his force field, which was about three minutes from shutting-off, he would be a dead man! The force field absorbed a minor charge from the surge, thank God! That's what Lucifer was missing – A lab-rat with one of Lucky's force-fields on. Upset that he hit the alarm button to soon as the police were getting to close to think, Sugg-Soatchio hopped out a window and used a jet-pack that was attached to his body to fly to the roof of the building. One of his minions just HAD to see what Lucky's fate would be. Lucky could see him. He was a huge dragon, but Lucky felt like he was dreaming after surviving the shock, so, he walked over to the minion and touched him. The police ran into a real-live dragon that day. Lucky's roars could be heard from blocks away, so, most of the cops and firefighters had already evacuated. “I NEED BACKUP, IT'S A G’’’’’’ DINOSAUR!” Screaming into their radios for help, the cops scattered as, Lucky, the dragon brought down the pillars and walls of the lobby. Fly was holding a, pocket-sized, holographic-projector. It was projecting the news. “LUCK!” Float called, awaiting an answer, standing next to Fly by the swimming pool. “You look just like this dragon, n’’’’!” Fly busted into laughter. “Quit playin', man...Chill-out, so we can watch the news, I want to see, - Who won the game?”

  “DRAGON BREATH...!” Float and Fly clung hands, laughing aloud, as they watched the footage. “Oh-NO! That's Lucky's building!” They raced into Lucky's corridor. Fly opened the door. The, gadgetry-drenched, bedroom seemed to have run, all-out of...Luck. That was a, horrible, joke; he was gone! “LUCKY!” They called, avoiding the distracting machinery while scanning the room from wall to wall. The news helicopter and the NYPD trailed Lucky toward Amy's estate. Float and Fly felt a light vibration expand into large rumbles. They grabbed a few back-up force fields and ran to the front of the mansion. They charged out the front door, finding a live dragon. The dragon curled up in a huge bird bath-fountain in Amy's yard, roaring at the police brigade in the driveway. Fly, a fearless martial-artist, back-flipped around the fountain. “Lily and Amy are on their way, and she's bringing Honeysuckle and Rosebush! I'll distract the dragon, while you get them those force fields!” Fly ordered Float, knowing what to do. Then, the dragon just fell asleep. Lucky's new machine rolled out of its mouth. Lucky opened hiss reptilian eyes to watch it; they brought forth tears, shutting, for Lucky was so exhausted that he couldn't protect the machine. Fly could see clearly. “Lucky?” he prompted, with a safe distance. “It's me, Fly. Don't ask. It's been a long day.”

  “Are you wearing your armor?”

  “FLY!” Lucky knew his over-protective brother, although he was blind and anxious to eat him. Only a man, as smart as Lucky, can hold back. “I'm tryin' to help you, what if they start bussin' caps, n’’’’?”

  “I am my force-field! Damn it; now, leave me alone. Tell em it's a joke or somethin'.” Float shook off the reporters to meet up with his wife and foster sisters at the gates. He hopped into Amy's limousine to say, “Before you get out, put these on.” but it took like fifteen minutes to assure it wasn't a prank. Detective Joust grabbed the microphone from the news reporter and butt-bumped her off the camera. “Hey!”

  “Keep it on me, or you'll be stuffin' tacos and tortillas in Staten Island.” Joust ordered the cameraman signaling his officers to surround Float as he escorted his family into the gates. “Man, what I do, man? D' F''' off-me, yo!”

  “Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is Detective Tony Joust here at Amy Hawk's crib, don't be playa hatin'. I'm yards away from the mysterious dinosaur that's been pummelin' this entire region because of one brave young man. Fitted Hawk, would you mind explainin' this, you ingrate?” he lowered his head, tipping the mic toward Float. “I'M INOCCENT...SECURITY!”

  “Boy is your life gonna suck in jail. Can you give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot you now, other than the fact that you're a gay-singer whose music I hate.”

  “Yo, ha-let me answer my phone, son! Get off me, n’’’’, you 'bout to crash my armor.”

  “Take off your force-field and repeat that, I couldn't hear ya –
Ha-Ha-Let him go.” They released Float, watching him use his cell phone. Float turned toward one of the officers, having not seen them the whole time, “And I should o' shook yo' fat ass boys, Joust. BACK UP, n’’’’, 'fore I punch you in da stomach and knock the wind out yo' lungs. Breavin' all on my neck like we on dancin' wit' da stars.”

  “How 'bout you just trust me? - Take off the force-field. I shoot you, we all go home.”

  “Hello?” Float listened to fly on the phone for a second. He turned around to see the dragon's head rise up and nod, vertically, while looking at Float. “It's Lucky, Joust!” cried Float. Float and the cops moved in closer. The crowd grew silent as Lucky stood and gave a speech. “I am a recruiter spirit. I am here to draft your ghosts into my army. I can become any ghost. I can emulate any voice. Your power can become mine at any given time. I can see Lucifer's footprints. I can see his traces. I can sense acts that are aided by Lucifer's essence. I am now replicating one of Lucifer's own warriors. The antichrist is here and I can sense his army. Soon, they will start to come out from hiding, to scare you. I know who deserves this power. In this world, we have no such a force.” The dragon

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