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Super Musicians Breakthrough Do

Page 25

by Marlynn Swanigan

were just horse playing so...Ruien watched and laughed in amusement. It was innocent. The golden calf snarled and gave Abed-nego a wedgie as the cupids tried to lasso it to sell it for money. All the holy Gawnden were there, even my role model, Hyper Nicholas. You may refer to him as Santa. Humiliation does not last forever, but a man’s not knowing what he deserves can last for generations. That life point uplifts curses off your family.

  We all barge into the white room, hundreds of ghosts moving aside to let us through, so we can give Ezequador a piece of our mind. As my entourage lifted off silently, I get to the old throne and start yappin’, “Ezequador, I don’t give a damn who’s next, you’re gonna keep my operation confidential or we’ll,” I turn around with my pointing finger raised over my head to find no Groove and no Demo. Ezequador sat still watching random surround belts. Suddenly, “MUTE” pops up on the screen and a small person’s head got in Ezequador’s way, ignoring the fact that someone could be watching. “Little Azarban, you know better! You’d better gimme that remote!”

  “I GOT IT, DOOD! Ihss compwicated!”

  “No, give it here!”

  “Uhm, I non’t speak that wanwuage. Can wou wepeat that in Buljoahwian? (I’m not playing!) …Hiymmhh.” Ezequador snatched the remote. Ban flapped his wings. A split second later, he was on Ezzy’s shoulder chewing and smacking his lips like he never wanted the remote. The attention span of the cupids- they care very briefly, just wave another toy in their faces. “Do what I tell you to do and ya won’t be whinin’!”

  “Little Azarban, are you eating?” Joelnaq asked, tossing his blade up and catching it by the hilt. Azarban smacked his lips, chewed more, and shook his head to say no. “Now the damn thing’s broken.” Ezequador discovered, smashing the mute button, then forced to use the volume button. Then, he found an empty space on the device where the mute button used to be. “Wait a minute…” he turned to look at his tiny brother drooling on his shoulder and smacking his lips, breathing in his ear. “ Joelnaq, how does he do that?” Ezequador was dying to know. “I caught it that time, and I’m not telling you.”

  “We already had this discussion, you have to tell me.”

  “Ok, I’m lying.” I sat with the children teaching them to summon holy-fire and holy light inside things. My wife, Rosebush, hovers over to me, double-clocked and blazing! She rubbed my head with both her hands. “Ha-you are so tough, big man!”

  “They’re always cheating, man, we have an opportunity to get revenge, and you keep lettin’ who-haa and any-who stroll right into my armor, no telling who’s following them!” Ezequador wrote me up for cutting in line. I was suspended. “I’m the write armor, you can’t suspend me!” I joked, walking closer to the old throne. I was famous, man. “I know I can’t suspend you, that’s why I don’t like you or your klutzy daughter,” said Ezequador, an angelic priest. An adorable teenage girl, flaming bright as the stars, broke into the castle window above the entryway and Rosebush was checking out a magazine, just about to look up, so, I was like, “Hey, let’s go somewhere…” to keep her focused on me. Glass was everywhere, the girl couldn’t control her armor, and she was striking several the hollownauts, receiving serious payment! “Now, why couldn’t she just keep outside and do that to the enemy.” the priest of Axe sighs. “HEY, EZEQUADOR!” She said. She jumped onto his lap and kissed him on his cheek, still sopping up Hollowbots from her klutzy actions. Ezequador put his arm around her, as she sat up on his knee overflowing with energy. He started to compensate the hollownauts by raising his hand and wiping thin air to send Hollowbots gliding and sailing across the room through the air, looking for damaged bots to auto-repair. Satan hates women because they took his place as most beautiful creatures… (♪BMMMM♪) “What are they doing in my briefing room? Marlynn, go-s-”

  “Affirmative!” I do a little no handed cartwheel across the hall in front of the doorway. I put my back against the wall and my daughter, Melancholy, a ruthless deity, stood across on the opposite side. I heard Little-Azarban and Demo. Then, I heard Elder Faulkner and a few grenades going off (♪BOOM♪); a tiny voice screams for it’s life. “AZARBAN!” Demo yelled from within the conference room, his guitar dispersing grave harmony. Elder Faulkner always has a stuffy nose, so, nobody really ever listens to him. “The Gener-dated d-nukes n-deed help at times themn-selvmnes-hmphhhh!” (♪sniffle♪) So, I open the door thinking, (“Oh, these guys are doing their routine playing with holy grenades at Elder faulkner’s meeting.”) I open the door and a huge wave of H2O flushes me right back out. I had never seen anything like it. So, I’m swimming, and I look up and there’s Azarban in a little bathing suit dipping by like a little fish. I’m soaked when I get back to the white room; Groove and Demo are talking to Ezequador completely dry. Dark Gawnden who were there to make trades where laughing. Groove and Demo move behind the throne to let Ezequador get back to work. Out of nowhere, Groove summons corn syrup and wipes it in Demo’s upper lip. “Hey! What the junk is that?” asked Demo. “It’s monster sperm, dude, hahaha. Eww! Ha-Oh my God!” Rosebush tells a fib to mess with Demo’s head. The nukes like to steal each other’s shine as far as replays and highlights. They always jump onto each other’s surround-belts to steal the other’s shine. They’re highly intelligent beings so I never get into any of this with them. Trust me, you can’t win. The next thing I knew, we were all lined up to be written up, because Demo swore and Azarban repeated after him. Zybu teleports into the white room from the portal Axe to the old Amolvia. “Come on over here and get yours, Zybu, I’m sure you’re somebody’s mentor.” Everybody cheered as if they agreed and like Zybu was deserving. We all laughed, and Zybu flipped Azarban off. “He jus fwipp me off!” Little tattles. We all laugh. Groove’s grows weak in laughter and falls to his knees. “I’m an officer, I’ll give you a reason.” Says Zybu. Ezequador stares at him. Groove flips Azarban off, hid his hands in his pockets, looking around curiously. Little turned to snitch, but he saw that Groove was all too clever. Then, Zybu purred and flipped Ezequador off. Shootouts emerge on the outside of the castle next door in Super Groove World. Ezzy wrote Zybu up quickly saying, “That didn’t look right, I thought you had a cramp until you said something (♪scribble♪) here! (HROAHHHHHH!)” He held the slip of paper outward. Zybu patiently walked to the throne, slapped the paper into the air with his paw, and caught it with his mouth as it was falling… The suspension slips transformed into glass boxes, and the boxes bound the suspended officers... The holy Gawnden can see the God in people. “Ya wanna know how it feels to be bound, I'll show you.” Ezequador lectured. Everybody waited about ten seconds in silence, then the boxes disappeared and they all opened fire at Ezequador... In super snow world, the objects are too dense and harder to possess... Snow converted, but he left his lands the same for stealth. He robs the exiles, a young white pup, and they never see him coming...I looked into my surround-belt and spoke to my followers, “Guys, we gotta get back to work. Grab some 4Ds and some actors and meet me at the next site.” Little-Azarban sails a flying holy grenade into some all-women’s bible reading. He sits on the podium to listen for ten seconds, then he starts to boil in heartbreaking boredom saying, “DOOOD, WHAT THE HECK, THIS IS THE WONGEST BOOK EVOAH!” he’s not even supposed to be there, he could leave whenever he wanted. The women just laughed without spreading any judgment onto him, because they were so close to God… “GOD WINS, THE END… HAWHH! NON’T WOU GUYS HAVE ANY TOYS? I’M SWEEPY…” He hopped into the leading woman’s bible, wrapped himself with the pages, and took off vertically like an astronaut in a space ship making engine noises with his mouth. Then the pages ripped and the bible fell back onto the podium… “She’s all woahs cappain…”

  “Why what a brave little pilot you are…” said the group leader, Super Katie. (♪POOF!♪) “HIHH...” Ezequador suspended Azarban again, so, he whined, fairly forced to listen to the women read, crossing his arms, and pouting in annoyance.

  Gawndihowl morph…

  (The ‘Melancholy’ narrator audio p
lays) ♫°It was a cold night, and Marlynn had travelled with Bigfoot to meet the abominable snowman, but they had failed because of an ambush by a pack of Chupacabras. Therefore, the lad was now 19 years old and lost in an area near the arctic north of Canada. Marlynn fought the pain in his body to raise his freezing hand. A trucker stopped and ran to him. “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YA, KID? JESUS!” He carried Marlynn to the truck and he was an extremely fat southern Caucasian guy with a cap on…A human beer also…He wasn’t a stupid guy, he could handle a few dozen beers and still control the wheel well. The truck slid down an icy road and Marlynn woke up saying, “’UH? HOLD ON, MAN, YOU F’’’IN’ UP! HOAHH!”



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