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Wicked Charming Cruel

Page 10

by Emmy Chandler

  “Yes, princess. Come for me.” He gave her clit a firmer touch and curled his fingers up inside her, stroking in hard, and she fell apart around him, grinding up against his hand. Soaking it.

  “Oh, gods,” she moaned, clutching at his arm as she rode out her orgasm. Then she blinked up at him almost shyly. “You’re certainly feeling generous this morning.”

  “Yes, I am.” He withdrew his fingers and sucked them clean, then he leaned back against the overstuffed white armchair. “However will you thank me?”

  Maari smiled at him as she sat up on her knees, posing between his legs, in one of the positions she knew he favored. She bent down and unfastened his pants, freeing a long, thick, slightly curved cock, already straining eagerly for her. Then she took it into her mouth, giving him a perfect view of her round ass, across the flattened plane of her back.

  “Deeper,” he groaned when his head hit the back of her mouth. “Show me how much you love me, princess.”

  Her frame tensed, and her head stilled, his cock still cradled by a hot, wet tongue that had stopped sucking. So he put one hand on the back of her head and pushed it down, forcing himself slowly into her throat.

  She whined, her hands clutching at his thighs, but Malac wasn’t feeling so generous anymore. After everything he’d done for her—everything he’d given her—why did the word “love” make her tense up like a frigid housewife?

  She would love him.

  “You remember how this works, princess,” he whispered, slowly sliding his tip in and out of her throat, glorying in the wet constriction. “Swallow. Show me that you love me.”

  Finally, she swallowed, her nails biting into his thighs.

  “Good girl.” He let her head go, and she popped up off his cock like a child’s toy from its crank box, gasping for breath. Her gaze met his, and she gave him a shaky, red-eyed smile. His cock bobbed between them, as the tears standing in her eyes drew a drop of pre-cum from his tip. His princess was stunning when she cried. “I’m sorry. I got carried away.” He folded his hands behind his head. “You may set your own pace.”

  A tear fell from each of her eyes, and she hurried to take him into her mouth again, to hide them from him. How cute. She still thought he hated to see her upset.

  Maari gave him several more shallow strokes, then she sucked in a deep breath and slid her tongue along the underside of his shaft, to keep it from blocking her throat. Then she took him deep, just as she’d been taught. Swallowing around his length.

  Malac thrust gently into her throat, because sometimes that seemed to help her, and she swallowed again, drawing an approving groan from him. “Good girl,” he whispered. “That’s very nice. Now finish me off, and I’ll show you what I brought for you this morning.”

  She quickened her strokes, taking him deep several more times, until Malac’s balls tightened and his hands reached for her all on their own. He held her head as he thrust up into her, fucking her throat as gently as he could, until he shot his release deep inside her.

  “Lovely,” he whispered as he pulled her into his lap for a kiss. “That was very nice. Would you like your surprise now?”

  Maari nodded, swiping tears from her cheeks again as she caught her breath.

  “It’s downstairs. Come on.”

  The princess climbed off his lap and straightened her sheer night dress, her pink nipples peeking at him through the material. Then she took the hand he offered and followed him downstairs.

  The cart still stood where he had left it, and Maari headed straight for it, already reaching for the largest of the domes when he caught her hand again and pulled her back. “I’ll do it. You just make yourself comfortable, and let me serve you.”

  “Is that champagne?” she asked as she took a seat at the table, facing the wall of windows.

  “Maybe…” Malac teased as he rolled the cart closer, then he began assembling her meal in front of her. First, a plate of sweet cakes with freshly whipped cream and sliced strawberries, which the kitchen said was her favorite. Next, a saucer of bacon and a small self-warming pitcher of maple syrup, as well as a pat of butter molded into the shape of the Camden crest.

  Malac set an empty cup and saucer on the table and poured coffee for her, then he set another tiny pitcher of cream alongside a bowl of sugar. Next came a glass of ice water, damp with condensation, and finally, he set an empty champagne glass in front of her plate and half-filled it from a carafe of bright red pomegranate juice. Then he popped the cork on the bottle, finally earning a real smile from his princess, and he filled her glass the rest of the way with champagne.

  Eyes bright, she reached for her treat, but he caught her by the wrist. “Patience, princess.” Malac took a small bowl of pomegranate seeds from the cart and dropped a few of the delicious fruit jewels into her glass. “Now, you may try it,” he said as he set the bowl of seeds on the table, within her easy reach.

  Maari lifted her glass and took a sip. “Delicious!” she declared, beaming at him. “And it’s such a pretty drink.”

  Malac shrugged as he sank into the chair next to her. “I’m not exactly trained as a bartender, but even I can’t mess up champagne and fruit juice.” He spread his arms to take in the entire table. “Enjoy!”

  “Thank you! This all looks wonderful,” she said, and he watched as she doctored her cakes with butter and syrup, then dug into them. “These are my favorite.”

  “I know. How’s your throat?”

  “It’s fine.” Maari washed down her first bite with a long sip of her pomegranate mimosa. “I’m pretty much used to having you there, now.”

  Malac’s cock twitched beneath the table at her sweet blush. “I almost fucked your handmaid this morning,” he said, and Maari coughed on the bite she’d accidentally aspirated.

  “What? Why would you— You want Annah?” Her wounded look made his dick even harder. He’d promised that if—when—she married him, he would take no other women, but they weren’t married yet. Was she the kind of woman who might realize how much she cared for him, if her position in his life were threatened, or the kind who would resent and grow distant?

  “No, princess. I found her in your bed. Where I expected to find you.” Relief flooded her features, and Malac took her hand. “She won’t make that mistake again, unless she wants to take every cock in the guardhouse, as a consequence.”

  “Oh, don’t do that to her. I asked her to stay with me.”

  “Then why did I find you asleep on the floor of the nursery?”

  “I don’t know,” Maari admitted. “I couldn’t sleep last night, so I got out of bed and wandered around, and that’s where I wound up.” She shrugged. “I guess I just drifted off.”

  “In the nursery?”

  She frowned, then she took a long drink of her mimosa. “Try not to read too much into that. It’s a very comfortable elephant.”

  Malac laughed. Then he picked up her empty glass and refilled it.

  “Another?” Maari smiled as she accepted the glass. “What’s the occasion?”

  “No occasion,” he lied. “Though I do have another surprise for you.”

  “What is it?”

  “I’m taking you out for lunch.”

  “Really?” Her eyes lit up, sparking like fireworks, and too late, Malac understood his mistake.

  “Wait, no princess, not outside of the palace. But outside of your suite.”

  That light died like flower petals closing at sunset. “In the garden again?”

  “Would that be so terrible?”

  “No. Of course not. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. I’m thrilled for another chance to leave my room. I just thought…” She shrugged and took another long sip from her glass, ignoring her food, as she tended to do when she was upset. “I thought I was going to go somewhere.”

  “You are. The palace is very big. I’m taking you someplace new.”

  “The last time one of you said that, I spent the entire meal trying not to orgasm, on the threat of further p

  Malac laughed again. “No punishments this time. Unless you’ve earned one I don’t know about.”

  “No. I’ve been very good.” She drained her glass and set it on the table while she chewed the pomegranate seeds that came with the last sip. “So, what should we do until lunch? You’re staying? Maybe we could come up with a game. I was going to ask Jude for some lawn darts, or something, for my little private garden.”

  “I have a better idea.” He stood and tugged her up by one hand, pleased when she wobbled just a little from the rapid consumption of two drinks. He needed her relaxed.

  Malac pulled her close for a pomegranate-flavored kiss, and as he fed from her mouth, letting his scent work its magic on her, he reached down to slide his hands over her hips, pulling her sheer gown up with the caress until he’d gathered it at her waist.

  “Mmm… You taste good,” she murmured when he finally broke their kiss, so he could pull the gown over her head.

  “So do you. Arms up,” he ordered softly, and Maari complied, her eyes glazed with a combination of lust and encroaching intoxication that was virtually guaranteed to make her pliant.

  “I think I’m a little drunk.”

  “I think I like you that way.” Malac dropped the sheer material at her feet and lifted her in both arms, pleased when she wrapped her own arms around his neck and began to nibble and suck at the base of his throat. She’d been very receptive, since his latest bite.

  “But it’s nine in the morning.”

  He laughed as he carried her across the room. “You’re welcome.”

  Malac took her up the stairs to her room and laid her on the bed she hadn’t slept in, where he stretched out beside her on the sheets he’d hand-selected for her two nights before. He started at her mouth, kissing her long and slow and deep, letting his hand wander lightly over her hip and up the side of her rib cage, then back down. Soon, she began to caress his tongue with her own, sucking on it when he gave her the opportunity. She arched her back with every stroke of his hand up her torso, fitting herself more perfectly into his palm with every little movement she made.

  She was ripe and ready to be fucked within minutes. But that wasn’t exactly the goal, this morning.

  Maari groaned when Malac abandoned her mouth, until he began a slow and thorough tour of her body, kissing, licking, and nibbling every inch of her skin. Spoiling her with caresses. Teasing her nipples into hard peaks. Drawing goosebumps across her stomach when his tongue dipped into her navel.

  Her hands found his head, her fingers sinking through his hair when she realized where he was headed. She opened her legs for him willingly, groaning in anticipation as he kissed his way over her mound. Her hips arced toward him as he spread her open to expose her inner lips.

  He licked her, one long stroke ending in a flick of the tip of his tongue over her clit. Her thighs tensed around his face and her hands clutched at his hair. “Gods below, do it again,” she moaned.

  Malac gripped her thighs and spread them until her knees hit the mattress to either side of her torso, spreading her wide open before him. Holy fuck, she was flexible. He should really start taking better advantage of that particular gift.

  “We’re going to play a game, princess,” he murmured against her thigh, punctuating his statement with a soft nibble of tender flesh, which made her jerk in his grasp.

  Maari groaned. “I don’t like—”

  “You’re going to like this one.” He kissed his way up her thigh, then he licked her again, from the bottom of her opening all the way to her clit, drawing a squirm and another groan from her. “The goal is to make you come.”

  “How long do I have to wait?”

  “No waiting. I want you to come as soon as you need to. As often as you need to.”

  “Unlimited orgasms?” She propped herself up on her elbows, frowning down at him. “There has to be a catch.”

  Malac only smiled. “I’m going to bring you release after release. After that, if you want to throw one my way, that’d be great. But for now, let’s focus on you.”

  Her frown deepened into true skepticism, and he could hardly blame her. Malac considered himself a generous lover, but he would be the first to admit that he was also demanding.

  “Lie back. You’ll see.”

  But Maari only frowned at him until he closed his lips over her alert little clit and sucked. Then, with a gasp that became a lustful groan, she gave in and lay back on the bed.

  Malac flicked his tongue over her clit, then he scooted down to reposition himself and resumed licking her, drawing her gasps and sighs out with long, gentle strokes, punctuating every third one with a generous circle of her clit. Maari moaned beneath him, arching toward his mouth, wordlessly demanding more.

  Moisture began to trickle from her opening, and he lapped it up, dipping his tongue briefly inside her, then replacing it with two fingers. She groaned again as her body clutched at him, greedily trying to consume his digits as they stroked that sensitive place inside her.

  “I don’t have to ask?” she gasped, clutching the comforter on either side of her hips. “I can just come?”

  “Any time you like.” Malac kissed her sensitive inner thigh, then he went back to work on her clit, listening for the familiar rapid hitch in her breath. Monitoring the clench of her muscles around him.

  When she was right on the edge, he withdrew his two drenched fingers from her pussy and pressed one of them past the tight ring of muscle into her ass, just barely breaching her.

  “No! Please!” She bucked beneath him, dislodging his finger, and he had to reach up and press one hand to her sternum to hold her still. “I didn’t do anything!”

  “You’re not in trouble, princess,” Malac assured her, stroking her thigh with the hand that wasn’t holding her down. “This isn’t a punishment. I’m righting Jude’s wrong. I’m trying to make up for the way he treated your ass that first time. Then that next time.” He smiled, then he gave her clit another firm lick. “I’m teaching you to like it.”

  “I don’t want to like it. It hurts.”

  “It won’t always hurt. You got used to my cock in your throat. You will get used to this too.”


  “Princess.” His voice was firm. “My brothers and I have discussed this. We expect you to give your entire body to us. Including this part.” He pressed that finger against her anus again, applying pressure, but not enough to breach her. “But we don’t want you to hate it. Which means you need to be taught to like it.”

  “You discussed this?” She whined as he increased the pressure, then began to massage the tight ring. Forcing her to get used to the embarrassing, uncomfortable contact. “What was said in this discussion?”

  “What I’ve just told you. That you need to learn to like giving us your ass. And that I should be the one to teach you, because Jude didn’t think you’d be receptive to this from him, at the moment.”

  “He’s right.”

  “And because Orlann’s a fucking sadist. Which leaves me to seduce your sweet little asshole.” Malac leaned down and licked her clit again, pressing a little harder against her tightly closed muscle.

  Maari moaned, but the sound was as much dread as arousal. “Please, Malac, I don’t want—”

  “Shhh,” he insisted. “Just relax and let me make you feel good.”


  “Would this be easier if I tied you down? There are restraints tucked under the mattress.”

  “There are? No! Why would that be easier?”

  “Some women find it easier to give in to pleasure if they physically can’t fight it. It’s a surrender, of sorts. I’ll tie you down, if that’s what you want. Or if you refuse to cooperate.”

  “Please, Malac. I—”

  “Princess, do I need to tie you down?”

  “No,” she said at last.

  “Okay, then. Lie back and spread your legs wide for me,” he ordered. Maari’s thighs trembled as she
complied. “That’s beautiful. Now just relax.” And Malac used his tongue on her again.

  She was stiff, at first, obviously hyper-aware of what was coming, but eventually his scent and the combination of his mouth on her clit and his fingers in her cunt brought her back to the edge. And this time when he pulled out of her pussy, she tensed, but made no objection when he slid his fingers down, spreading her arousal toward her tight back hole.

  Malac closed his mouth over her clit, strumming it gently but insistently with his tongue while he pressed one wet finger past the tight ring of muscle. She whined as he slowly slid it deeper, but then his tongue began to work her clit faster, harder, and her breathing started to quicken.

  He stroked that one finger into her, stretching her slowly, timing his short strokes to the rhythm his tongue had established, and soon she was clutching the comforter again, her head thrown back, her shoulders and neck tight with the need for release.

  “Let it go, princess,” he murmured against her damp flesh. He flicked her clit with his tongue again, still stroking one slick finger into her ass. “There’s no shame in this. Just let it go and enjoy the release. Come for me, Maari.”

  Malac sucked on her clit again, and she fell apart, her back entrance clutching at his finger tighter than her pussy could have. He stroked into her as she came, forcing her to associate the pressure and the slight feeling of fullness with the pleasure his tongue wrung from her.

  Finally, she went limp on the bed with a groan, and he gently withdrew his finger. Only to start the whole thing over again.

  “Wait,” she moaned. “I need a minute.”

  “No, you don’t.” He’d been delighted to discover, when the princess had first been given to him, that she was capable of multiple, sustained climaxes, and with the help of his day-old bite, that should be even easier for her to achieve. Virtually impossible to resist, in fact.

  So he lavished more attention on her beleaguered clit and brought her to orgasm twice more, with one finger slowly sliding in and out of her ass.


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