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Hot Cop Hero

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by Kara Kross


  Kara Kross

  Copyright © 2019 by Kara Kross

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book can be reproduced, redistributed, or used for any commercial purposes, in any form or by any electronic or manual means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written specific written permission from the author.


  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4



  Chapter 1


  At first, I thought I was dreaming. Who in the hell was calling me at four o’clock in the morning?

  Half asleep and with my head still woozy from all the cocktails I’d drunk the night before, I answered my phone.


  “Is this Beth Randall?” It was a man’s voice, low and sexy.

  Maybe I was dreaming…

  “Yes?!” I said.

  “Ma’am, I’m Police Officer Will Hartley. I’m outside the café on Main Street.”

  I sat straight up, suddenly wide awake. My mind racing through all the possible reasons a police officer might need to call in the middle of the night and tell me he’s standing outside my café. Knowing deep down it wasn’t going to be a reason I liked. Hoping it was something silly and unimportant. Something I could fix quickly and from the comfort of my bed.

  “You’re the owner right?”

  “I’m the owner,” I said, gulping down my worry, “has something happened?”

  “I’m afraid there’s been a break-in,” he said, “your front window has been smashed. There appears to be some damage to the interior of the store. Broken glass. Smashed cups and plates. That kind of thing.”

  “Oh my God,” I groaned, my heart sinking at the idea of my beautiful store smashed up and broken.

  This is a nightmare!

  “I’m on my way,” I said, hanging up the phone, jumping out of bed and turning on the light. Frantically, I looked around the room for some clothes to put on.

  The red dress I’d worn to the cocktail bar was a definite no-no and there was no time to iron anything. I pulled on yesterday’s jeans and a white blouse and I dragged a brush through my hair before running downstairs, shoving my feet into some sneakers and literally running out the front door.

  This couldn’t have come at a worse time. Saturday was my busiest day and with a big-chain competitor opening up just down the road, the last thing I needed was to be closed. I’d have to try and get everything fixed before opening, even if it meant paying through the nose.

  When I arrived at the café it was like entering a ghost town. The whole street was empty except for the police car parked right outside with its lights still flashing. I could see the broken window even before I pulled up and tears came to my eyes. The whole front was smashed. There was glass all over the sidewalk and serviettes and leaflets and bits of debris were scattered everywhere. All the hours of hard work and the money spent rolling about the floor like garbage.

  I practically ran out of the car to let myself in, praying the inside wasn’t ruined and none of the equipment stolen. Preparing myself for the worst, but hoping it wasn’t as bad as it looked.

  I turned the lights on and started to look around. The place was a mess. Just like the outside. There was broken glass all over the floor and most of the chairs and tables had been knocked over. The artwork that used to hang on the walls was now on the floor, ripped up and ruined. The till had been pulled out from its place behind the counter and smashed open. It was hanging from its chords with the money tray empty and open. We never kept money in it overnight, but somehow that didn’t make me feel any better.

  I was just about to head to my office and see if they’d found the safe when suddenly I heard the sound of footsteps crunching on broken glass behind me. My whole body froze. Had the thief returned? The deep thud of my heartbeat pounded in my ears.

  Ever so slowly I reached over and picked up the closest thing to me. It was a plastic menu holder and it wasn’t going to be much in the way of a weapon, but it was all I had.

  There was a knock on the door and trying to keep my voice as normal as possible I said, “hello?”

  “Mrs. Randall? It’s Officer Hartley,” said the same low, masculine voice I’d heard on the phone.

  I breathed a sigh relief and put the menu holder back on the counter. “It’s Miss Randall,” I said, correcting him without thinking. Freezing for a moment as I turned around and saw for the first time the huge figure of a man standing in the doorway.

  He was gorgeous.

  Tall and well-built, with broad shoulders, thick arms, slender hips, and strong thighs. Officer Randall looked more like a body-builder or a model than a cop.

  I swallowed, my mouth suddenly dry. All the feelings of anger and sadness at the destruction of my café disappeared, immediately replaced by an acute awareness of what I was wearing. My lack of make-up. A nightmare-like mental image of what my hair looked like. Why hadn’t he warned me on the phone he was so good looking?

  “Not that an Adonis like him would ever be attracted to chubby little me,” I thought as I patted down my hair and tried to straighten out my clothes. Realizing I was blushing and faffing with my hands all at the same time but completely unable to stop myself.

  Beth, focus, I reprimanded myself.

  “I’m so sorry this has happened Miss Randall,” he said, “have you had a chance to see if anything was taken?”

  He looked at me with genuine concern in his eyes and I felt my cheeks flush even more. He had amazing blue eyes, dark hair and the sort of full, sensual lips you could kiss for hours…

  “Just the tip jar, from the look of things,” I said, snapping myself back to reality, “and you can call me Beth.”

  For a while, we walked around the place checking for further damage and taking pictures for the insurance company. He told me it was probably just kids hoping for a quick score. Most likely the alarm went off and they got scared and ran.

  “With a bit of luck they’ll show up on CCTV somewhere,” he said.

  I tried to remember how much might have been in the tip jar as Detective Randall wrote down the details, giving me a chance to look him up and down some more. He really was one of the best looking men I’d ever seen, and he seemed really nice too.

  I looked at the wall clock all smashed up and laying on the floor and realized I was never going to get the place ready in time for opening. It was already a quarter after five and the list of things that needed fixing was huge.

  The sun was just starting to shine and I could hear the sound of birds in the trees outside and I thought to myself, “the only way to fix this is one step at a time.”

  But first I’m going to need some coffee...

  “Officer Hartley,” I said, “are you hungry?”

  He looked up from the pad he was writing in, “I’m always hungry,” he said, grinning at me with his big perfect white teeth. Small dimples appearing on his cheeks and a look in his eyes that made my thighs twitch with arousal.

  “Well then,” I said, feeling myself start to blush again, “I’ll make us some breakfast.”

  “As long as it isn’t any trouble.”

  “No trouble,” I said firmly, tying an apron around my waist. If there’s one area I’m confident in, it’s food. “How do you like your eggs?”

  “Sunnyside up,” he said, “doesn’t everyone?” />
  I smiled at that and started getting out what I needed. “Sophie wouldn’t agree with you.”

  “Who’s Sophie?” He asked, picking up a couple of chairs off the floor.

  “My best friend. She works here, too. Not that she needs to really, but her husband Darren works a lot and she says she’d rather work here with me than be stuck at home getting the dinner ready.”

  “That sounds nice of her.”

  “Sophie is nice,” I said, “really good-hearted.”

  That was just about the only thing that stopped me from being jealous of her perfectly shiny, long blonde hair and her slim, athletic body. “She’s probably the exact kind of woman Officer Randall would go for,” I thought glumly as I cracked the eggs on to the hot plate.

  Yet as I worked I kept catching him stealing glances at me. He couldn’t be interested, I told myself, he was probably just being observant. He was a cop after all. Yet it definitely felt like more than that as I walked towards him with two plates and his eyes swept me from head to toe, making me blush.

  “This is delicious,” he enthused as he tucked in and I felt myself go warm at his approval.

  “You’re welcome,” I said shyly. “So, Detective Hartley...”

  “Call me Will, please,” he insisted.

  “Will,” I corrected, rolling his name around in my mouth. I liked it. “I haven’t seen you in the area before?”

  “No, I’ve just transferred from downtown,” he said. “Fancied a change of pace. Looking for my happily ever after, white picket fence, 2.3 kids, a dog called Fido and a wife to cook me breakfast in the morning.”

  He caught my eye and held it. For a few moments, we just looked at each other smiling… and then I dropped my fork.

  Oh my God, I’m such a klutz!

  Mortified, I reached down and picked it up off the floor. When I sat back up Will was still smiling at me and there was no mistaking it; there was desire in his eyes.

  “I’m not imagining it?” I thought to myself, “am I?”

  My gaze dropped to those full lips and I couldn’t help wondering what it would be like to have him kiss me. To feel that mouth on my body. My breasts. In between my legs. I could feel my cheeks flame and my pussy tingle just at the thought of it.

  “Beth,” he began, but then his radio went off. It was all police jargon and Alpha Bravo Charlie, but even I could tell he was needed elsewhere. He said a few things into his radio and someone replied and the whole time all I could think was how sure I was he’d been about to say something I really wanted to hear…

  “You have to go,” I said, trying not to sound as disappointed as I felt.

  “I have to go,” he said, “but you’ll definitely be seeing me again.”

  “Really?”I said, unable to hide my pleasure. My tummy flipping once more at the thought of seeing him again.

  He nodded, “definitely. That was the best breakfast I’ve had in a long time. I’ll be in on Monday, as long as nothing comes up.” he handed me his card, “give me a call if anything else happens here. I’m sure it was just an opportunistic crime, but even so...”

  I nodded, realizing I’d completely forgotten the reason he was here in the first place.

  “Thanks, Will.”

  “You’re welcome, Beth,” he said, smiling at me as he put his hat back on.

  Chapter 2


  As I drove to Beth’s cafe for the umpteenth time that fortnight I was once again thinking about how much I liked her and that lovely, lush body of hers.

  She is so fricking hot!

  There was so much more to her than just her shape, but I was a red-blooded man and it was impossible not to notice.

  Everything about her just screamed sexiness and yet she didn’t even seem to realize it! Which of course made her even sexier...

  Those full breasts and her ass which filled the trousers she wore to work perfectly.

  Not for the first time I started fantasizing about what she would look like naked. The thought of her straddling me with those big, gorgeous tits right in my face couldn’t help but make my cock rock hard.

  I was going to ask her out, and I was determined that this time it would be a success.

  The week after the break-in I had popped in a few times, eager to try and get to know her, and quickly realized that my initial impression hadn’t been wrong; she was as genuinely nice, funny and sexy as I had thought.

  I tried to ask her on a date a few times but something or someone always got in the way. At first, I thought she wasn’t interested, but that was before I saw how hard she worked. Either she was rushing around serving customers, or overseeing repair work, or helping out in the kitchen. She was like a force of nature and the more I saw of her the more I knew I had to make her mine. This time I wasn’t going to let anything get in my way.

  As I pulled up outside the café her friend Sophie was just coming out. Sophie definitely knew I was interested in Beth. More than a few times she’d caught me looking at Beth and she wasn’t exactly subtle with her encouragement. Always giving me knowing looks and dropping innuendos.

  She seemed like a nice enough woman and a really good friend to Beth, but she was a little too forward for my tastes. Not to mention skinny.

  “Hello Officer Will,” she said, grinning at me widely, “fancy seeing you here!”

  “Is Beth inside?” I asked.

  “Of course she’s inside. Where else would she be?” Then she came up to the car and said more quietly, “today the big day? You finally going to ask her out?”

  “Yes ma’am,” I said, unable to hide the smile on my face, “got here when it’s quiet so there won’t be any interruptions this time.”

  “Good,” she said, “it’s taken you long enough.”

  I got out of the car leaving my radio under the seat. My boss would go mental if he knew I wasn’t wearing it, but it was unlikely he’d find out and even if he did, it’d be worth it. I wasn’t going to have this chance ruined by anything.

  “And Will,” Sophie said, already walking off towards her car, “I know you’re a cop, but if you break her heart, I’ll break your face.”

  I watched her get in her car and drive off with a smile on her face. Something told me she wasn’t joking, even though she sounded like she was. It didn’t matter anyway. I had no intention of breaking Beth’s heart, ever.

  Taking a deep breath I walked in. The place was empty except Beth and it reminded me of the first time we’d met. Although, this time the place was immaculate and Beth was leaning over a table, cleaning it with a damp cloth. Her perfect round ass jiggling with each scrub.

  I took a minute to admire the view before clearing my throat and letting her know I was behind her.

  “Will!” she blushed, tucking a stray piece of her thick, gorgeous, chestnut brown hair behind her ear. She was wearing it in a ponytail like usual and I couldn’t help but wonder what it would look like tumbling all over her naked shoulders…

  I pushed the thought away as I felt my cock twitch again. Standing there with an erection wasn’t the look I was going for.

  “Hey,” I said softly. She glanced at the clock.

  “I’m just closing. But if you’re hungry I don’t mind rustling something up quick.”

  I decided I just needed to tell her exactly what it was I wanted.

  “That’s really kind, but I didn’t come for food.”

  She blushed and those stunning blue eyes went wide.

  “You didn’t?”

  “No,” I said, stepping towards her, “I came for you.”

  She stared at me, the color rising in her cheeks, and I was close enough that I could see her pupils dilate. She wanted me as much as I did her. I was sure of it.

  “For me?” she said, biting her lip.

  “Yes, Beth. I’ve been thinking about you non-stop since I met you,” I confessed, stepping closer to her, “it’s been driving me crazy. Every time I see you all I can think about are your lips and what it
would feel like to kiss you… to make you mine.”

  I stepped even closer until we were so close her breasts were practically touching me. She stared up and a smile crept over her face making my stomach flutter with anticipation.

  “I’ve been driving you crazy?” she said, gently taking my hands in hers.

  “I’ve been a mess. All the boys at the precinct have noticed. I must have been in here every day this week but the timing was never right and I never got the chance to ask you out.”

  “You’re asking me out?”

  “I sure am, Beth,” I said, “I know you’re real busy, but how does Saturday night sound?”

  “Saturday night sounds perfect, Will,” she said, “you want me to give you my address?”

  “I’ve already got your address,” I laughed, “I’m a cop, remember?”

  She smiled, her eyes dancing. “Of course. How could I forget when you look so fine in that uniform?”

  “You’re fine,” I said, practically growling at her.

  She looked up at me, her lips half parted as though in anticipation and I leaned down and kissed her. Pushing my mouth against hers as she pressed her body against me. The minute our skin touched I felt a stab of desire rush through me and it took all my self-control not to pick her up, take her out back and fuck her brains out.

  Somehow I pulled away. Both of us gasping with passion, “I want to do this properly,” I said, still holding her by the hips with her hand resting on my chest.

  “Me too,” she said.


  “So, I’ll see you on Saturday.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I said, softly kissing her one more time before turning around and leaving. My cock heavy with lust and about to burst through my pants.

  Chapter 3


  As I knocked on Will’s door I felt my heart pounding as though it was ready to burst through my chest. This was the first time I’d been to his house. I couldn’t help but feel nervous even though we’d been dating for a few weeks.


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