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Say You Want It

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by Jenika Snow

  Say You Want It

  Jenika Snow


  By Jenika Snow

  Copyright © October 2018 by Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: October 2018

  Cover photo provided by: Adobe Stock

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

  Proofreader: Liz Murach

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.


  Say You Want It

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  Excerpt: Deeper (Underground, 3)

  The Underground Series


  Chapter 1

  More by Jenika

  About the Author


  It was supposed to be a summer job, something to help me transition from graduating high school to starting college. But to me, this wasn’t just some office cleaning position.

  I’d be working for Zane, the one man I’d loved for longer than I even wanted to admit.

  The one person who could make me weak in the knees with just a glance.

  My father’s friend who was far too old for me, but sexier than sin.


  I hired Piper to keep her close, to help appease my need for her. But I played it off like I was helping her earn some money before starting college.

  I was too old for her.

  She was too innocent for me.

  She was my friend’s daughter.

  Off limits.

  But I’d wanted her since she turned legal last summer. I saw the way she watched me, the way she bit her lip, the fact that her pulse jumped at the base of her throat when I was near. Did she know how obsessed I was with her, how I’d go to any means to keep other men away from her?

  I could see how much she wanted me and that was dangerous.

  Because her need for me made me territorial, desperate.

  Everything I was, everything I had, belonged to Piper.

  All she had to do was ask and it was hers.

  Warning: If you like possessive, territorial, and obsessed men in your stories, this insta-love one is just for you. With an older celibate hero, an innocent virgin heroine, and all the gooey juiciness you love in romance, make sure you have something cold to drink as you read this one.



  “You nervous?”

  I looked up at my father, who sat across from me at the table, his chipped and old “World’s Best Dad” mug in his hand. I’d given him that mug when I was six years old, and it was still his favorite and going strong.

  The handle had been glued on a few too many times, the print on the side was faded to hell, but still he refused to get rid of it.

  “What’s there to be nervous about?” Of course, I was lying. I was nervous as hell. But it wasn’t because this was my first full-time, summer job. Although I was almost nineteen, my father had refused to let me get a job while in high school because he wanted me to focus on my studies.

  But a part of me thought that he just wanted me home more. After my mother had left us high and dry when I was twelve years old, I saw a change in my father. It wasn’t a bad change, per se, but he kept me close, maybe worried that I would leave him as well.

  And I supposed I was, in a sense. This was the last summer I would be here before I started college. Although the university was only an hour away, I would be living in a dorm and might not even be able to come home every weekend, much to my father’s dismay.

  “Well, you’re working a full day and you’ve never actually done that before. Not to mention, you’re working for Zane.”

  At the mention of my father’s childhood friend, my heart sped up. But I stayed calm, collected. I didn’t want my father to see that the very mention of Zane had every part of my body coming alive.

  Zane Alfonso.




  He was the opposite of my father in many ways. Whereas my dad worked at a construction yard, got dirty, and sweated all day as he did manual labor, Zane wore a suit and had business meetings.

  Where my father had to work overtime to make ends meet, and didn’t have a fancy degree under his belt, Zane had a multimillion dollar architecture company, was rolling in money, and could retire now if he wanted to.

  But before he’d found success, he and my father had gone to school together, grew up in the same shitty neighborhood, dealt with the same kind of drunken and abusive fathers. And even now, despite being on opposite ends of the financial spectrum, they were still closer than ever.

  And that’s how I got this job. Although it was just a cleaning position in his office, there was no interview, no background check. He’d hired me on the spot last weekend when my father mentioned how I wanted to work before going to college, save up and get some experience under my belt.

  But God, it would be hard as hell being around him and trying to hide how I felt.

  The receptionist stood, her body perfectly toned … of course. The tight pencil skirt she wore showed off how long her legs were, and her white blouse amplified her massive breasts.

  In other words, she was everything I wasn’t.

  I felt pretty inadequate standing next to her in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, my outfit far from luxurious in this architecture firm.

  I probably looked like a bum compared to her. She eyed me up and down, and I could see the disinterest on her face.

  She opened her mouth, maybe to tell me to leave, to give me a smart-ass retort, but the sound of heavy footsteps coming closer, and then of a masculine throat being cleared, had my entire body going rigid … coming alive.

  “Piper,” Zane said, and his voice, so deep and rugged, masculine with a touch of a gruffness in it, had every feminine part of my body coming alive.

  I became wet, my nipples hard underneath the thin material of my shirt. My heart pounded, my palms sweating. It was the same reaction I got any time I was near him. We didn’t even have to say a word to each other. Just one look at him and my body instantly ignited.

  I could imagine all the things he’d do to me, how he’d use his much bigger body to press me down on his mattress. He’d use his hands to spread my thighs apart, his warm breath teasing the most intimate part of me. I knew nothing about this, apart from my fantasies, sexual acts that were only things I’d read about or unabashedly watched on the Internet.

  Here I was, a virgin who thought filthy, inappropriate things about a much older man, her father’s best friend. My throat was tight, my mouth dry. I curled my hands around the strap of my purse, not sure what to say, but sure as hell not wanting to seem like a teenager who couldn’t get her emotions in check.

  I was here for a job, nothing more.

  “Mr. Alfonzo, I didn’t know you knew her,” the receptionist said in a much happier, sexually laced voice than the one she’d used on me.

  But Zane ignored her
, waving his hands in dismissal before placing one on the small of my back and guiding me down the hallway. I glanced over my shoulder at her, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly parted.

  A little piece of me felt triumphant, even if how he acted toward me was probably nothing more than affection because of who I was, not because of any desire he felt toward me.

  “Here it is,” he said, as we walked into his office. I looked around, everything so clean, so pristine.

  “You need a cleaning lady?” I turned around, looking up and down the office. “Because this looks pretty damn clean right now.” Shit. Like I needed to swear to my boss in his office. “Sorry,” I said and looked over my shoulder at him. “But seriously, this place is immaculate.”

  He grinned and shrugged. “It’s just a surface clean. I have no doubts you can get the hard-to-reach places.”

  I chuckled and looked around the office again. If you say so.

  “Mr. Alfonso, your first meeting of the day is set up when you’re ready,” his receptionist said softly.

  Zane didn’t take his gaze off of me.

  “I’ll be there in a minute.”

  We were left alone again, and I swallowed, feeling my body come alive in his presence.

  “Are there any other offices I need to clean, any other things you’d like me to work on?”

  He took a step toward me, this strong expression covering his face. “No other offices, no other places in the building. You’re mine, Piper.”

  The way he said that had my toes curling. I could imagine he meant that in the very basic, literal sense, and his expression hinted that possibly that was the case. But maybe that was just in my head?

  “Just get acquainted with the layout.”

  “Don’t you want me to start working? I don’t want any special treatment because you happen to be my father’s best friend.” I chuckled, but it sounded a little awkward.

  “No rush, Piper. I’m just glad you’re here, and I can help you out with this steppingstone before you start your life.”

  He gave me a warm smile before turning and leaving me alone in his office. My body still buzzed with his presence and he wasn’t even here anymore.

  God, this was probably a bad idea if I couldn’t even get myself under control where Zane was concerned.



  One week later

  One week.

  Seven days.

  It was such a short time in the grand scheme of things, but having Piper here, working beside me daily, was the hardest fucking thing in the world, especially where my self-control was concerned. Why I thought I could handle this—handle having her near constantly—was still left to be seen.

  I shouldn’t want Piper for many reasons.

  But the main reason I should have stayed away was because she was my best friend’s daughter.

  She was too young for me, her father like family. I’d known Liam nearly my entire life, and although I hadn’t been around and watched Piper grow up, I still should’ve kept my distance.

  At thirty-eight, I was nearly two decades older than her. I knew better than to desire her, but damned if I was going to stop myself from going after her.

  I couldn’t.

  So, when I found out she was looking for a job right out of high school, something that was a steppingstone before she found her career path, I didn’t even give her a chance to find something else. I’d created a job for her, one that would keep her close. One that would have her around me constantly.

  I’d be able to watch her, keep an eye on her.

  I’d be able to make sure no little fuckers messed with her.

  Having her this close to me was dangerous, but fuck if I was going to show restraint.

  And those bastards did sniff around. I’d seen it for over a year now, since the moment I saw her as mine.

  She was gorgeous, petite and feminine in every single way. Just thinking about her got me hard, had my heart racing and my blood rushing through my veins. No other woman compared to her.

  And it was that moment I’d seen her again after so long, a gorgeous eighteen-year-old who had me feeling alive, that I knew no other woman would compare.

  So I’d become celibate, wanting only Piper, needing only her.

  I could hear voices on the other side of my office door and glanced up to look out the window that showed the hallway. I saw Piper with a spray bottle and rag, rising on her toes as she reached to the top shelf for something. Her shirt rose up, a swatch of skin peeking out, and my dick instantly got hard.

  I groaned and reached under my desk, grabbed my cock through my slacks, and felt like a fucking creep for touching myself with just a piece of glass separating us. Her ass, a perfectly-shaped bottom that reminded me of a ripe peach, was just begging for my handprint on it.

  I groaned softly, my pants becoming tighter the harder my dick became.

  And then I saw Brandon walking toward my office, his attention on a file he held. He glanced up and stopped mid-step when he saw Piper stretched out like an offering. The grin that spread across his mouth had my eyes narrowing and this low growl leaving me. I found myself standing, moving toward my door, possessiveness slamming into me.

  Every territorial bone in my body wanted to smack that look off of Brandon’s face, to become some animal and tell him that Piper was mine, that looking at her would cause his nose to be broken after my fist met his face.

  Brandon leaned against the wall, his smile still in place.

  “Hey,” he said to Piper, and she turned and looked over her shoulder at him.

  She smiled at him, but I could tell it was more of a polite gesture and not one of interest. Every part of my body tightened at the low sound of his voice. I could just imagine what he said to her, asked her. Fraternization was a big hell, no in my workplace, but where it concerned Piper that was on a whole other level.

  I stepped out of my office just as Brandon started speaking again. The caveman part of me wanted to go over and knock him on his ass for even thinking he could look at her, let alone speak to her.

  “You’re liking this place so far?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. I love working for Mr. Alfonso.”

  Hearing Piper be so formal got me off.

  “It’ll get easier,” he said softly, the smile in his voice sexually laced. “Mr. Alfonso can be a little rough around the edges when he gets in the zone, but he’s harmless.”

  I clenched my jaw.

  She laughed softly.

  Brandon straightened and moved a few steps closer. “If you want we can go out for drinks or dinner, and I can give you a few pointers, some insider tips on how this place runs, how to get on Zane’s good side.” He chuckled deeply.

  I clenched my teeth together, my jaw aching from the force.

  “Thanks, but I think Zane might frown upon employees—”

  “Brandon, I think it’s time for you to get back to work.” Brandon straightened and faced me, his eyes widening slightly. I used my authoritative voice on him, the one that I reserved for the boardroom. He was decent when it came to drawing up premature building drafts, which was one of the reasons he even still had a job after speaking with Piper and hitting on her.

  He glanced at Piper, eyeing her up and down before looking back at me.

  He was an asset to the company, but if he kept up that shit, his ass would be out the door faster than he could comprehend.

  When it came to Piper and keeping her close, keeping her mine, I didn’t fuck around.

  Brandon gave one sharp nod before turning and leaving, knowing better, smart enough not to say anything to me. I stood there watching him leave, and once he rounded the corner and it was just Piper and me, I looked over at her. She had her focus on the ground in front of her, her little white teeth worrying her bottom lip.

  She was nervous. I liked seeing her like this, part of her vulnerable and on edge around me.

  She lifted her head and our gazes clashed. For long moments,
neither of us said anything as we stared at each other. I shoved my hands in the pockets of my slacks, curling my fingers into my palms and digging my nails into my flash. Thank God my cock wasn’t a steel rod behind my zipper anymore. Brandon’s pick-up line had made sure my arousal had taken a backseat as my possessiveness had risen up.

  “Mr. Alfonso,” she said softly.

  “As much as I like hearing you be formal with me, I like when you say my name, Piper.”

  In fact, I want to hear you scream it as I have my cock deep within you, as I’m claiming every part of you, making you beg for more.

  It took all my willpower not to go over to her, wrap my hands around her shoulders, and pull her in close, her body to mine. I wanted to press my lips to the shell of her ear and tell her to come back to my office, to let me show her that she was mine.

  Do it. Show Piper that she is meant to be mine. Show her with words, my touch, that there is no other woman that compares.

  I’d do just that and more.

  I was done waiting, unable to stop myself from going after her. Having her this close was torture, and I was ready to put myself out of my misery.

  I’d make Piper realize that when it came to her, I’d be a possessive bastard in every single way.



  I found myself popping in my headphones and turning up the volume on my phone, getting lost in the music as I buzzed around Zane’s office. I had a duster, going over his books that lined one whole wall, floor to ceiling shelves that had the nerd in me becoming envious.


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