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Say You Want It

Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  He chuckled softly. “Done, baby.”

  I could see us together, how this would go.

  Skin wet with sweat, muscles stretched and taut, straining as we came together.

  I became wetter by the second as that image slammed into my head over and over again. Without thinking, because at this point all I wanted was him shoved so deep inside of me nothing else mattered, I reached down, grabbed his huge cock, and angled it at the entrance of my pussy.

  “You sure about this?” His voice was a serrated tone.

  For a moment, time seemed to still. There was no crossing lines, no worry that I was going to ruin things with my father’s relationship with Zane.

  There was just me and the man I loved.

  He held my body up with one hand holding onto my ass, and placed his other hand on the wall beside my head. The tip of his cock became lodged in my body, and we both breathed out roughly. He opened his mouth to say something, but I shifted in his arms, causing his dick to slide in another inch.

  He grunted.

  “I’m sorry, baby. It’s going to hurt but then I’ll make it feel so fucking good.”

  Then he was clenching his jaw and closing his eyes. He ground his teeth, and the sound shouldn’t have been as erotic as it was, but it was like my body was on autopilot. I moaned against his lips and clenched my pussy around his shaft.

  The pain was unmistakable, had my breath stalling, and my body becoming strung tight. But despite all of that I did feel pleasure. I was finally with Zane, the man I loved, the one person I’d wanted for longer than I could even remember.

  I didn’t want him to see any discomfort, because I knew he’d stop this, worried he was hurting me too much.

  I needed him to go on. I needed this like a lifeline.

  “You’re making me feel so full, Zane, and you’re not even all the way in.”

  He rested his forehead against mine, and we panted into each other’s mouths. “You’re so fucking tight. God, and so damn wet and hot.” In one swift move, he was buried fully inside of me. I rested my head against the wall behind me and closed my eyes, the sting, burn, and stretching taking my breath away. It felt like I was burning alive, like he was burning me alive.

  “You okay, baby girl?”

  I nodded. “Yes. Don’t stop.”

  Zane started moving in and out of me, and I couldn’t wrap my head around the exquisiteness of it all. The pain started to diminish as pleasure took over. I watched the play of ecstasy cover Zane’s face, and tried not to let the pleasure take me under once more.

  “Zane.” He pulled out, and the head of his cock brushed along a hidden, sensitive spot inside of me. An involuntary shiver worked through me. What spot he’d hit had my eyes rolling back in my head.

  “Piper. Christ, Piper it feels so fucking good.” He pumped into me.

  In and out.

  In and out.

  He was so far inside of me that there was no part of my body that he wasn’t touching. The pleasure stole any coherent words or thoughts from me.

  He curled his fingers into my waist, holding on to me with a force that startled me. He moved in and out, and the sounds of our flesh slapping together was filthy, erotic. My pleasure mounted. The root of his erection rubbed against my clit every time he slammed into me. Zane might have started off slow in moving inside of me, but with each passing second he was going faster, and harder, and the burn of my back rubbing against the wall blended with my pleasure.

  “I want to see you get off, to feel you milk my dick until we both go over the edge.”


  And then he was moving away from the wall. It was all a blur as I found myself in the bedroom, the sheets cold against my overheated flesh. He pulled back and reached between us to press his thumb to the hard bundle of nerves that was already swollen and ultrasensitive. He rubbed my clit back and forth, his cock still deep in my virgin pussy.

  And then he was right back in me, pushing all those thick, long inches into my pussy, causing me to cry out.

  Zane kept that pressure right on my clit though, until I was swiveling my hips on him, trying to have him go impossibly deeper into me. He pressed his mouth to my ear, had his cock deep in my pussy, and had his thumb on my clit.

  “God, I’m going to come, Zane.”

  “Fuck. That’s my girl.” He buried his face in the crook of my neck, pounded into me like he had no more control, and that was when I finally let go, when Zane gave me the release I so desperately needed.

  My orgasm crashed through me, took my sanity, and refused to let go until I was nothing but a pliant mess pressed to the bed, the scent of Zane washing through me.

  It was never ending, and then I felt Zane’s cock stiffen even further inside of me right before he groaned deeply against my throat and came.

  His breath was warm and moist against my skin, his hushed, harsh words murmured against me. I couldn’t understand what he said, but I knew it was filthy.

  I clung on to him as my pleasure crested, peaked, before slowly coming back down to reality. He pulled back and looked down at me, sweat coating his hairline, his breathing harsh.

  “God, Piper,” he said and leaned down to kiss me, his breath warm, his body hard, hot. “I love you.”

  My heart skipped a beat.

  “I love you so fucking much. There’s nothing and no one that will keep me from you.”

  “I love you too,” I whispered and smiled, feeling happier than I had in a long time.

  No. I’m happier than I’ve ever been, and it’s because I’m finally with the man I love.



  The silence was deafening. I looked between my father and Zane, the fact we’d just told him that we were together causing the air to be so thick I couldn’t even breathe.

  “Dad,” I whispered, feeling my nerves running wild. He looked away, out the front window, his thoughts written across his face.

  He was scared.



  He didn’t know what to think, didn’t know how to process this.

  “You’re with my daughter?” He looked over at Zane then. “As in a relationship with her?”

  “I am,” Zane said instantly, with pride in his voice.

  “We are,” I replied then.

  My father exhaled and stood, moving over to the window and staring out. He was silent for so long I started to bite my lip, nervous on how this would play out.

  “I’d like to talk with Zane alone,” my father said, his focus on the man I loved, his tone very … fatherly.

  I watched as Zane stood, and then both of them headed out to the back porch. I was left wondering what in the hell was happening, and if I’d have to break up a fight in the next five minutes.

  I shook my head and said a silent prayer that the shit wasn’t about to hit the fan.

  * * *


  I knew how this would play out, but I also knew that Liam needed to know this.

  He didn’t say anything as he walked a few feet in front of me, his hands in his pants pockets, his focus on the property. For long moments nothing was said, but I waited until he spoke, because I knew he had a hell of a lot more to say than what he’d spoken back in the house.

  “We’ve been friends for a long time, Zane.”

  I looked at my feet and exhaled. “We have.” I looked at him just as he turned around to face me.

  “And you couldn’t have said something to me before starting a relationship with my daughter?”

  I ran a hand over my nape and shook my head slowly. “It wasn’t like that, Liam.” Although I’d had feelings for Piper when she’d turned eighteen, I’d kept my control in check … until it wasn’t anymore. “What happened between us, being together, that just happened. We didn’t want to keep this a secret. We didn’t want to lie.”

  He nodded slowly and looked away.

  “I love her, Liam.” The man I’d known for years, the one w
ho had seen me at my worst, when I was nothing more than a rowdy, dysfunctional asshole teenager, was now put in a position I hated he was in. “I’m sorry. I really am, but I love her, Liam. I love her with everything I am.”

  Liam looked at me, the torment in his eyes slowly leaving as his expression relaxed.

  “And it’s because of that love, of the fact I won’t let her go, that I can’t, that I’m willing to risk everything to be with her.” I felt my heart pound a little harder, knew that going there, telling him all of that, could risk losing him, our friendship.

  But when it came to Piper, I wasn’t budging on this. I wasn’t letting her go, wasn’t going to walk away because her father didn’t approve.

  “She’s younger than you.”

  “I know.”

  “She’s barley nineteen.”

  “I know.”

  He moved close to me. “She’s my fucking daughter, Zane.”

  I swallowed and nodded. “I’ll make sure she’s happy, that nothing bad will ever happen to her. I’ll make sure she’s always safe, that she’s provided for.”

  “She wants to go to college, have a career, her own life. She won’t be held back by anyone, not you, hell, not even me.”

  I smiled. “Yeah, I know. She’s tough, and that’s what I love about her.” I sobered. “I won’t hold her back. I’ll make sure all her dreams come true.”

  Liam stared at me, moving closer until we were a foot away from each other.

  “You hurt her and I’ll kick your ass, Zane.” Liam stared right in my eyes. “I don’t care if we’ve been friends a long time. I don’t care if I see you as family, as a brother.” He moved another step closer, his chest almost brushing against mine. “I don’t care about any of that shit, because if you hurt my little girl I’ll kill you.”

  I nodded once. “Understood.” I felt a weight lifting off my shoulders. “But I’d rather rip my own heart out than hurt her. I love her more than anything else.”

  Liam nodded. “Good. That’s how it should be.” And then he embraced me. “I know you’ll care of my baby girl, Zane. If there’s anyone I’d want her to be with, anyone I knew she’d be safe with, it is you.”

  And just like that everything fell right into place.

  Epilogue One


  One year later

  “I’m about to crawl out of my fucking skin,” I said as I tried for the third time to fix my damn bowtie. My hands shook, and I was starting to sweat.

  Bottom line … I was fucking nervous.

  “You’ll do fine,” Liam said with a chuckle in his voice. “Man up.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at his tone. I sobered and cleared my throat, never in my life feeling more nervous. When I opened them I saw Liam smirking. The bastard thought this was funny.

  He patted me on the back, a little harder than was probably necessary, which had me grinning.

  “I’m sure Piper is more nervous than you.”

  I didn’t bother telling him that I didn’t know if that was true. I was pretty fucking nervous right now. I was about to marry the woman I loved, the one person who meant more to me than anything or anyone else on this entire planet. Not to mention her father was standing beside me, going to walk her down the aisle and hand her over to me.

  I knew Liam was fine with our relationship, knew he could see how much I loved her, how I’d protect her and make sure she was always provided for. But this was still my best friend … and I was marrying his daughter.

  It was a little surreal, if I were being honest.

  “Come on. Let’s go marry my little girl off to my best friend.” I snorted at his jab, something he still did to this day even though he approved of our relationship.

  We both headed out of the dressing room and I took my place at the front of the altar. My groomsman stood behind me, while my best man stood with his daughter … my soon to be wife.

  The church was packed full of guests, both of our families and friends coming together to help celebrate our marriage. I felt sweat start to line my spine. I curled my hands into tight fists so they wouldn’t shake.

  God, I couldn’t breathe, and my bowtie was so damn tight it was suffocating me. I reached up and tried to loosen it, my heart racing as I stared down the aisle. And then the music started playing and I straightened, exhaling slowly and telling myself to not pass out. I stared at the closed double doors, and after only a moment they were pulled open by the ushers.

  There, standing on the other side, was the other half of my soul. She started walking toward me, Liam on her other side holding her arm. I didn’t stop grinning, couldn’t help that my eyes were watering. I lifted my hand and wiped the wetness away. I wasn’t ashamed that I was crying, not when the woman I loved was walking toward me crying herself.

  And then her father kissed her on the cheek when she reached me. He said something softly to her, something about how her mother would be so proud of her, how she was beautiful, and how he was happy she’d found love.

  She started crying a little more after that.

  God, leave it to Liam to be a standup father and a man I could look up to.

  He handed her off to me and gave me a stern look that told me not to fuck this up. I gave a sharp nod, understanding and promising without saying anything that I would take care of her above all else.

  Piper and I stood at that alter, holding each other’s hands, me staring down into her eyes. My world came full circle when she said she’d be my wife. I knew that even if I died right now, I’d know what heaven felt like.

  I’d know what it was like because surely I was experiencing it right now.

  Epilogue Two


  Five years later

  I headed up the porch, my feet aching from being at the office all day, my eyes feeling like sand was embedded in them. I unlocked the front door and stepped inside, the aroma of dinner filling up the house and making my stomach growl.

  “I’m home,” I yelled out and set my keys on the little table in the foyer. I heard pans banging together in the kitchen, and followed the sound, seeing Zane by the stove. He cursed and jumped back, shaking his hand as if he’d burned it.

  “You okay?” I asked and moved up behind him. He turned around and grinned, leaning in and kissing me on the lips.

  The sound of children’s laughter came from the dining room table. I glanced over to see the twins, our son and daughter, Laney and Parker, throwing utensils, napkins, anything they could get their hands on, at each other.

  I smiled when the children looked over at me, their eyes lighting up. They grinned from ear to ear before hopping down from their chairs and running over to me.

  “Mama,” the kids both said in unison before throwing their bodies at me. I stumbled back and braced a hand on the island, the marble counter underneath my fingertips smooth and hard, cold. “We missed you,” they said again at the same time.

  “I missed you too,” I said.

  I hugged them both. They only allowed the embrace for a second before running off and heading back to the table.

  The next few minutes were a flurry of activity, and Zane brought dinner to the table.

  “Let me help,” I said but he shook his head.

  “Sit. Relax. Let me take care of you.” He kissed me again and the kids showed their disgust by making gagging noises.

  I sat down across from the kids and chuckled at their disgust of their parents showing affection. They were my life, all three of them.

  Once Zane was at the table and the food was served, I sat there and watched my little family.

  Since being with Zane, I’d become not only a wife, but a mother, and employed in his architecture firm. I still had a lot of schooling to be completed, needed more years under my belt, and more experience to absorb, before I could think about possibly becoming a partner, but God, I wanted that.

  And as I looked at Zane, felt my love for him grow, I knew that I had made the best decision of my life b
eing with him. The fear, worry, and uncertainty of how everything would play out had held me back, but I’d finally pushed it away and now here I was. I looked over at our twins, how they interacted with their father, how he gave them his love and so much more. It made my heart swell.

  It was pretty incredible to be where I was at, to have what mattered in my life. And I’d never forget how lucky I was.

  The End

  The Underground Series

  Something Fierce

  His Wrath




  Want your very own Real Man? Check out the series HERE:

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