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Be Were: Paranormal Shifter Romance (Southern Shifters Book 5)

Page 8

by Eliza Gayle

  "Does that life make you happy?"

  To his dismay, she stiffened behind him. Should have kept his damned mouth shut. But he couldn't. Not when he wanted her more than anything he'd ever experienced. She belonged to him now.

  "Does your life make you happy?" she asked.

  He turned in her arms and gripped the sides of her face, tilting her head until their gazes met. "Then why fight us? We have a chance here to take a different path than the one we were given by others. Be brave." He pressed his lips to her mouth and took full advantage of her surprise by pushing his tongue until it slid against hers. Goddess, he could not get enough of this woman. Her strength drew him close, but the longing he found in her eyes drove him insane.

  Letting go of her face, he moved his hands to her neck and encircled the graceful column. He didn't need to hold her tight to feel the power buzzing underneath his fingers. His beast yowled in his head. Animal seeking animal. He breathed deep, imprinting her scent with his. He didn't have all the details of her life, but he knew what happiness felt like and that's not what he got from her when she spoke of home. Not at all like home had been for him, growing up with two parents so deeply in love it was difficult to imagine any other way.

  His whole life he'd wanted what they had. Now he held it in his hands and she resisted, her cat rumbling every time he took control. This was just the beginning. He was determined to make her his and by the time he was done, she'd be begging him to mark her forever. The only thing standing in his way at this point was the people who wanted to steal her from him.

  She wrenched her mouth free and jerked loose from his hold. "Dean, what's wrong?" Alarm widened her eyes.

  He didn't understand the question. "Huh?" he said.

  "You're starting to sound like an angry bear and look." She yanked his arm and pulled him to the dresser mirror. To his surprise he'd started to shift and stopped halfway, which in no way was a sexy look. Face contorted with a thick layer of dark fur over his skin, same with his arms. Claws too. Long, grey and razor sharp. Dammit. He'd lost control and not even noticed.

  He staggered back and took a deep breath and held it. He'd been thinking about someone hurting his mate and nature had taken over. He counted to five and slowly exhaled. The anger receded to a manageable level as did the animal inside him.

  "What in the hell were you thinking about?" She still sounded alarmed as she grabbed her clothes and dressed.

  "The people who took you. It's time. It can't wait any longer." He knew his voice sounded harsh but it couldn't be helped. He'd reached the point of no return and only one thing would bring him back.

  He almost missed the subtle flare of her nostrils as she sniffed the air. All shifters had a keen sense of smell, but she wasn't like all shifters. It seemed the answers she sought came to her through her little button nose.

  "Then let's go. Just as soon as I pee." She rushed into the adjoining bathroom and shut the door.

  Dean shook his head and crouched down to lace up his boots. He needed to talk to Bhric about borrowing a bike. That would be easier to stash on the edge of Pickwick land than a car. It didn't exactly sit well with him taking Niki into battle, but based on how easy it had been to retrieve her, she'd have no trouble holding her own. And no one would get a chance to take her by surprise again. Not with him at her back.

  Although she was right. Those boys were not smart enough to get the jump on her without help. They needed to revisit that topic as soon as possible.

  First things first. "C'mon, babe. Get your fine ass out here. We need to get on the road."


  Niki stared at the mirror and didn't know what to do. Fear had wrapped around her brain and she couldn't seem to shake it. This emotion had no business in her life. Yet another reason why staying with Dean was impossible. It was one thing to take care of herself and quite another to feel responsible for another.

  "I'm coming. Hang on."

  Automatically she pressed a hand to her stomach. She now had someone to worry about and it left her scared and uneasy. Convinced she'd never be a mother, she had no need to learn how to cope outside her carefully constructed universe. Then it got complicated.

  She still needed to consider and plan for so many things. After tonight. As soon as she helped Dean with this mission, she'd find somewhere else to go. Away from him and away from here. His problems with his brother aside, she'd already witnessed the possibilities of family life. Whether they wanted to admit it or not, those two meatheads cared deeply for each other. It made her mad they'd let a woman come between that. A true family bond. Didn't they know how precious and rare that was?


  She washed her hands and dried them on the towel hanging next to the sink. She'd been surprised to find this room so well-furnished when she'd arrived. The men who lived here were rough and tough on the outside but they kept their rooms neat, extremely clean and well stocked with supplies. It was homey in comparison to her sterile world. She could easily describe her home as pristine, but that was the only word that came to mind.

  Her family didn't "hang" together in a bar downstairs or fight over who got to kill the bastards who hurt her. Nor did they drink and have sex in the same house they lived. In fact, she only went to their hidden mountain compound when it was necessary to check in or she needed time to heal from any random wounds she got during the course of her job.

  Niki preferred isolated and temporary so she was always on the move from place to place. This place was kind of isolated. Sure it was on the edge of Deals Gap, the small town in North Carolina that served as the hub for hybrids, but the Dark Moon stood alone in this section of the woods at the far end of a gravel road off the edge of the main road running through town. Everyone knew where it was, but strangers rarely came through.

  Stop. Do not go there. Even thinking about settling down with Dean and his family was a colossally bad idea.

  She ran her fingers through her hair and divided the long lengths into three segments, crossed one over the other at the base of her skull and pulled tight.

  This was not Dean's home nor was it hers. This crazy town held no solution. She'd let the fear take root and her mind had wandered because of it. She needed to rein it in and remember her plan. The only way to keep her child safe meant finding a safe place for it to hide—as far away from here as possible.

  She finished braiding her hair and scrubbed her face with her hands. She needed to get the hell out of here. Maybe some fresh air and space would clear her mind. Niki opened the door and came face to face with Dean inches from the bathroom.

  "What's wrong?"

  Niki rolled her eyes. "You're too paranoid. Nothing's wrong. Other than this mission. I think those cocksuckers don't deserve the time of day let alone our time. They aren't the ones we're after."

  "Sorry, babe. But today they are. Already told you no white trash wolf gets to come here and kidnap my ma—"

  She narrowed her eyes even though he'd managed to stop before the word came out. He looked back at her with that damned arrogant expression that clearly told her whether he said the word mate or not it's exactly what she was.

  "Don't push me, Dean. You will not like what happens."

  His face hardened and his lips compressed into a smirk. "And you, babe, can fight me all you want. But don't think about running. If you do, I'll hunt you down with every resource I have and there will be no mercy for you when I find you."

  She stood and stared at him in shock. No man, animal or hybrid had ever dared to talk to her this way. Not if he wanted to live. "Why you—" Ready to flay him alive, she stepped closer and stopped mid move when her stomach fluttered wildly as if a flurry of bubbles were popping inside her.

  "Oh my Goddess." She dropped her hands to her stomach and cradled the spot where she felt him."

  Dean grabbed her around the waist and lifted her into his arms. "Oh shit. Niki, what happened? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Dammit I didn't mean— Shit. Baby, please tell me what's wrong. Do
you need a doctor?"

  He started for the door when her answer stopped him.

  "I'm fine, Dean. Really. But the baby—I think it moved."

  "What?" He turned, sank to his knees and placed her on the bed with as much care as if she were made of china. If it wasn't for the wonder of the little eruption the baby was making, she'd be on her feet and out the door.

  "Can I feel?" He held his hand out above her stomach but waited for her to answer.

  "Okay," she said. "Although I don't know if it's strong enough for you to feel. It's so weird. It's not like a kick or anything. It feels like a feather brushing against my skin from the inside out."

  Niki watched his hand descend and rest on her stomach next to hers. The instant warmth she felt every time he touched her brushed her from head to toe. The stamp of possession he branded her with every time they met skin to skin made something shift inside her. His genuine interest in the child frightened her and awed her at the same time. How could she make him understand getting attached was a huge mistake?

  "I don't feel anything." He moved his hand to different locations seemingly trying to find it. "But I like the way you describe it. This baby is a blessing."

  She frowned. This situation was getting out of control. Pushing his hand aside, she stood and headed toward the door. Anything to get away from this situation. Before she disappeared through the door, she turned back to find him still sitting on the bed with a gorgeous grin on his face. Her heart tripped.

  Bad. This is so bad, she reminded herself.

  "No, Dean. It is not."


  Not ready to explain herself, Niki hurried down the stairs. Outside, she found the entire group plus Rafe and his off-the-wall mate waiting for them. Bhric leaned against Dean's dark green SUV with his arms crossed over his chest and sunglasses hiding his eyes. To everyone else he looked casual, but Niki sensed the tension vibrating just underneath the surface. Unleashed he would make a formidable opponent. At the moment she was glad he wasn't on the wrong side.

  Greer and Robert stood next to their bikes not far away, as did Calder, who in the light of day, looked bigger than his damned Harley.

  "What are they doing here?" Dean asked from behind her.

  Niki turned to see Dean indicating Rafe and Kitty.

  Bhric shrugged. "She's tenacious. You want her out of your business? Good luck with that."

  "We weren't planning to take anyone along on this trip. In fact, I need to borrow a bike for us."

  Bhric stood to his full height and Niki's animal tensed, going on alert. "You're taking her with us?"

  "I'm not leaving her here."

  Niki bristled at the way they talked over her. Who the hell did they think they were? "Don't talk about me like I'm not standing right here." She stepped forward and moved toward Bhric. "Anyone who thinks they can leave me behind like the little woman can challenge me right fucking now."

  Dean growled and Bhric raised his hands in surrender. "Fine. Not my call."

  "Damn right," she said.

  "Unfortunately, there aren't any extra bikes. If everyone is going then you should take the Jeep and the wolf with you."

  Niki started to open her mouth and let loose when Kitty stepped forward holding a white box in front of her. Again, Dean reacted and stepped in front of her.

  "Relax," Kitty said. "I come bearing breakfast."

  Niki couldn't see Dean's reaction but the smirks on both Rafe and Bhric's faces indicated he wasn't happy. Seems these idiot males took entirely too much pleasure when the females didn't behave as expected.

  "We don't need—" Dean started.

  "Whoa." Niki shoved him to the side. "Speak for yourself. I'm starving." She sniffed the box. "Blueberries?" she asked hopefully.

  "Yeah, we stopped at Mia's bakery in the village and she had these blueberry muffins fresh made."

  Niki lunged for the box and tore into it. Her stomach rumbled as she plucked the biggest one from the box and peeled the wrapper from the bottom. She and Dean had a lot more on their minds than food, so they hadn't thought about eating, until food came into view and then bam. Starved. She took a huge bite and savored the burst of fresh blueberries. "Oh my goddess," she moaned. "These are so fucking good."

  Laughter burst out around her and she realized all eyes were on here and most of them were quite amused.

  "Hello. Pregnant." She took another bite and tuned them out. She might have to rethink her attitude toward the scarred feline. Bringing blueberries bought her a lot of goodwill as far she was concerned.

  "So are we going or what?" Niki asked. "Cause if we're not, I'm going back inside to find some milk."

  "Depends on whether you're done having an orgasm over those damned muffins," Dean said.

  Niki looked up with her mouth stuffed with the fruity treat. They were all still staring at her, their looks intense.

  Uh oh.

  "Yeah," he said. "Your little display is affecting everyone."

  She focused on Dean and breathed deeply. He wanted her and damn it was strong. "Crap." She shoved the rest of her muffin back into the box. "Let's go. Now."

  Niki scooted behind Bhric, opened the door of Dean's SUV and slid into the driver's seat, waiting for the others to follow suit.

  "What are you doing?" Dean popped his head in the open window.

  "That sounds like an unnecessary question," she said. "If it's not abundantly clear: I'm driving." Her mood had gone south after humiliating herself. This pregnancy was really getting on her nerves. It made her act beyond strange. Dean shot her a harsh look, accompanied by one of his sexy low growls probably meant to intimidate her, but made her hot instead. This was going to be one long trip...


  Dean opted to go with the flow for now instead of poking at his feisty mate. Not only did he feel the need to protect her, he also desired her happiness. His beast pushed for it, in fact. Had to be that one-quarter bear talking. Besides making him larger than the average shifter, it was well known a bear's instincts about protecting its cub and its mother were an extremely high priority. He opened his passenger door and slid in next to his riled up woman.

  Rafe appeared at his window. "We'd like to help," he said.

  "We're good on this trip. But Bhric mentioned you have a doctor."

  "Simon, my beta. I can bring him by later."

  Dean nodded. "That would be good. Thanks."

  Before anything else was said, Niki started the vehicle and headed down the gravel road. He frowned. Damn stubborn woman.

  "What?" Niki asked in irritation.

  "Rafe may not be a hybrid, but he is an alpha of his pack. Under normal circumstances, what you just did would be considered an extreme insult.

  "Did you want them to tag along or not? Half a minute more and they would have been crawling into the backseat. Isn't it enough we have a motorcycle gang following us?"

  Dean looked in the side mirror and saw three motorcycles not far behind. "Bhric isn't the kind of man who asks for permission. He'd rather ask for forgiveness later."

  "I don't even think it's a good idea we are going. The last thing we need is a small army to announce our presence. That'd be overkill on a job like this. If we must do this, then let's get it over quickly."

  "Then what?"

  "Then I figure out who in my family has betrayed me. After that, I'll decide a course of action. I like facts and plans. Not going off half-cocked."

  Dean leaned back and pushed his fingers through his hair. "And that's what you think this is? A bunch of males going off half-cocked?"

  She didn't answer but the smirk on her face said it all.

  "Why are you so sure someone in your family is responsible? Aren't there any other possibilities? You're quick to judge them."

  She didn't answer right away as she turned on the two-lane highway that crossed over the mountain and headed west. "You're right," she said. "I am quick to judge. It's a skill I've honed to a fine edge over the years. Quick yet thorough dec
isions mean the difference between success and failure. If I can't rely on my own ability to make a good choice in a crisis then I'm doomed."

  He didn't know what to say. She called these people her family, yet her internal code was all about being alone, only protecting herself. "Have you ever trusted anyone?" Maybe it was a shitty question to spring on her, but damn. Her idea of family made no sense.

  Niki drove through the hairpin turns of the last of the dragon tail, as this stretch of road was called due to its many dangerous curves. "Trust is dangerous, Dean. It gets people hurt. I see it all the time."

  "Is that a no?" he asked.

  She didn't turn and glance at him. She kept her eyes on the road. He took her continued silence as his answer. He got the impression she wasn't used to being questioned. At least not by someone outside her family. Whatever that meant. His head still spun every time he thought about her being the product of some genetic experiment, or what kind of childhood that had meant for her. Raised to be a killing machine. It was alarming to know the rumors about white cougars had barely scratched the surface.

  How would that affect our child? There was so much to work out between them. Not the least of which included his riff with his brother. He couldn't prove his ability to raise a family if he couldn't fix this situation between him and Bhric.

  The neutral zone sat in the middle of the North Carolina mountains, the most beautiful area of the country as far as he was concerned. Thick forests of pine made the perfect cover for a shifter on the run. The current blanket of snow changed the landscape, making it more of an adventure.

  Niki turned onto the larger highway, quicker to access Pickwick land, leaving clan grounds behind. The moment the tires hit the super roadway, Dean's cat started to bristle. Some rare shifters were suited to the modern amenities of city life, but he wasn't one of them. In that respect, he and Niki had more in common. He dealt with the smattering of humans that occupied his bar, but he preferred the company of shifters. It was too much damn work to be constantly on guard and keep his beast from being revealed. Not to mention the woods. He never wanted to be far from where he could run and roam freely.


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