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Fortress Europe- European Fortifications Of World War II

Page 37

by J E Kaufmann


  Chicken, Steven. Overlord Coastline. New York: Hippocrene Books, 1993. One of the few good books in English describing the fortifications.

  Partridge, Colin. Hitler's Atlantic Wall. Guernsey, Channel Islands: D.I. Publications, 1976. An excellent descriptive history.


  Kupka, Vladimyiar. Atlanticky Val. Prague: FORTprint,1995. Good summary with complete lists.


  Gamelin, Paul. Object if Douvres. Nantes: l'imprimerie Le Pape, 1976. Describes the Channel coast.


  Zimmermann, R. Heinz. Der Atlantikwall. Munich: Schild-Verlag GmbH, 1982. Good account of German defenses on the Channel. A second volume covers the remainder of fortifications on French coast.


  Rolf, Rudi. Atlantic Wall Typology. Beetsterzwaag, Netherlands: AMA, 1997. Excellent.


  Arimo, Reino. Suomen linnoittamisea historia 1918-1944. Helsenki, Finland: Otava Publishing Co. 1981.

  Aron, Lubomir, et. al. Ceskoslovenska opneni 1935-1938. Nachod: 1990.

  Axworthy, Mark, Cornel Scales and Cristian Craciunoiu. Third Axis Fourth Ally. London: Arms and Armour Press, 1995.

  Bettinger, Dieter R. Der Westwall. Unpublished manuscript, 1993.

  Bettinger, Dieter and Martin Buren. Der Westwall. Vol 1-2 Osnabruck, Germany: Biblio Verlag 1990.

  Bilek, Jiri. Evropskd staid opevneni 1918-1945. Nachod:Czech Rep 1988.

  Blau, George. Invasion Balkans! Shippensburg, PA: Burd Press 1997.

  Bond, Brian. France and Belgium 19'19-1940. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1975.

  Bogdanowski, Janusz. Architektura obronna. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1996.

  Bour, Bemard and Gunther Fischer. Le fort de Mutzig 1893-1945 Mutzig, France: 1991.

  Brongers, E.H. Grebbelinie 1940. Baarn, Netherlands: Hollandia N.V. 1971.

  Bruge, Roger. Faites sauter la Ligne Maginot! Paris: Fayard, 1973.

  -On a livre la Ligne Maginot. France: Fayard,1975.

  Burk, K. Die Deutsche Landbefestigungen im Osten. Osnabruck, Germany: Biblio Verlag, 1993.

  Campbell, John. Naval Weapons of World War Two. London: Conway Maritime Press, 1985.

  Castellano, Edoardo. Distruggete 1o Chaberton! Torino: 11 Capitello, 1984.

  Ceux du fort D'Eben-Emael. Liege, Belgium: Imprimerie MASSOZ, 1978.

  Chazette, Alain. 1940-1944 Les Batteries allemandes. Tours, France: Editions Hemidal.

  Chazette, Alain and Alain Destouches.1944: Le Mur de l'Altantique en Normandie. Tours, France: Editions Heimdal,1989.

  Chicken, Stephen. Overlord Coastline. New York: Hippocrene Books Inc., 1993.

  Cine, Bernard and Raymond Cine. Ouvragedu Barbonnet. Menton, France: Auto-Edition, 1988.

  Clarke, George Sydenham. Fortification: Its Past Achievements, Recent Developments and Future Progress. (Reprint of 1907 edition.) Liphook, UK: Beaufort.

  Claudel, Louis. La Ligne Maginot: conception-realisation. Lausanne, Switzerland: Association Saint Maurice la Recherche de Documents Sur la Fortresse, 1974.

  Clerici, Carlo Alfredo. Le difese costiere italiane nelle due guerre mondiali. Parma, Italy: Albertelli Edizioni, 1996."

  Collin, LTC Georges and Jean-Bernard Wahl, The LigneMaginot in Basse Alsace. France: Association des Amis de la Ligne Maginot d'Alsace,1981.

  Corvisier, Andre. The Dictionary of Military History. Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, 1994.

  Danckwardt, Jean-Carlos. Kustartil,'eriet i Sverige under andra Varldskriget. Karlskrona, Sweden: Abrahamsons Tryckeri AB, 1992.

  Deventer V. Mart, and Marina Fermo. De Stelling Kornwerderzand, Betonnen verdedigingswerken op de Afsluitdijk 1923-1936. Leeuwarden, Neth.: Monument van de Maand, 1990.

  Durcak, Josef. Openovani ostravska v letach 1935 az 1938 AVE. Opava, Czech Rep.: Informacni centrum Opavska, 1995.

  Eastwood, James. The Maginot and Siegfried Line: Walls of Deaths. London: Pallas Publishing Co. Ltd, 1939.

  Eden, Anthony. The Eden Memoirs: Poring the Dictators. London: Cassell and Company, 1962.

  Edwards, Roger. German Airborne Troops 1936-45. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1974.

  Egger, Martin ed. Festung Sevastopol: Eine Dokumentation ihrer Befestigungsnnlagen and der Kaempfe von 1942. Koln, Germany: Lippmann,1995.

  Ehrhardt, Traugott. Die Geschichte Der Festung Konigsberg/Pr. 1257-1945. Frankfurt, Germany: E.S. Mittler & Sohn GmbH., 1960. New York: Viking 1944.

  Epididis, Alexandros General. The History of the Greek-Italian War and the German-Italian War 1940-1941. Athens, Greece: Paypros Press, 1952.

  Etat-Major de L'Armee de Terre, Service Historique. Les Grandes Unites Francaises: Guerre 1939-1945. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1967.

  Ellin, John R. Battles for Scandinavia. Chicago: Time-Life Books, 1981.

  Fenoglio, Alberto. II Vallo Alpino: lefortificazioni delle Alpi Occidentals durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Cuneo, Italy: Susalibri, 1992.

  Fjeld. Odd T. Captain. Fort Austrktt. Orland, Norway: Municipality of Orland,1992.

  Fjortoft, Jan Egil. Tyske kystfort i Norge. Arendal, Norway: Agder Press, 1982.

  Fodor, Denis J. The Neutrals. Chicago: Time-Life Books Inc., 1982.

  Forster, Otto-Wilhelm. Das Befestigungswesen. Neckargemund: Kurt Vowinckel Verlag, 1960.

  Fjortoft, J.E. Kanonene Ved Skagerak. Arendal, Norway: Agdin.

  Frohle, C. and H.J. Kuhn. Die Befestigungen des Isteiner Klotzes, Herbolzheim, Germany: Druck, 1996.

  Fugate, Bryan and Lev Dvoretsky. Thunder on the Dnepr. Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1997.

  Fuhrer, Hans R., Walter Luem, Jean-Jacques Rapin, Hans Rapold, and Hans Senn. Die Geschichte Der Schweizerischen Landesbefestigung. Zurich: Orell Fyuussli,1992,

  Gamelin, Paul. Object if Douvres. Nantes, France: Le Pape, 1976.

  -La Ligne Maginot: Images d'Hier et d'Aujourd'hui. Paris: Argout Editions, 1979.

  Gander, Terry and Peter Chamberlain. Weapons of the Third Reich. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1979.

  Gariglio, Dario and Mauro Minola. Le Fortezze Delle Alpi Occidentali. Vol. 1 and 2. Cueno, Italy: Edizioni L'Arciere 1996."

  Gilbert, Martin. Marching to War 1933-1939. New York: Military Heritage Press, 1989.

  Ginns, Michael and Peter Bryans. German Fortifications in Jersey. Jersey, Channel Islands: Meadowbank Trading Co., 1978.

  Goralski, Robert. World War II Almanac 1931-1945. New York: G.P. Putnam and Sons, 1981.

  Goerlitz, Walter. History of the German General Staff 1657-1945. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1995.

  Grasser, Kurt and Jurgen Stahlmann. West wall, Maginot-Linie, Atlantikwall. Leoni am Starnberger See: Druffel-Verlag, 1983.

  Grimnes, Ole Kristian, The Battle of.clegra 1940. Oslo, Norway: Forsvarets Pressetjeneste, 1994.

  Grimes, Ole Kristian and Odd T. Fjeld. Oscarsbourg Festining:9. April 1940. Oslo, Norway: Informasjonskonsulentene,1990.

  Gryner, Peter. "Czechoslovakia'38", Hitler's Army. Conshohocken, PA: Combined Books, 1995."

  Gunsburg, Jeffery A. Divided and Conquered: The French High Command and the Defeat of the West, 1940. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979.

  Hakala, Jaakko and Martti Santavuori. Summa. Helsinki, Finland: Otava Publishing Company, 1960.

  Halle, Guy le. Precis de la fortification. Paris: PCV Editions, 1983.

  Harrison, Gordon A. Cross-Channel Attack. Washington,D.C.: US Government Printing office, 1951.

  Hart, Liddell. The Defence of Britain. London: Faber and Faber Ltd., 1939.

  Hogberg, Leif. Skdnelinjen. Unpublished manuscript (to be published in 1999)

  Hogg, Ian. British & American Artillery of World War 2. New York: Hippocrene Books, Inc., 1978.

  -The History of Fortification. New York: St. Martin's Press Inc., 1981.

  -German Artillery of World War 11. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1997.

bsp; Hohnadel, Alain and Michel Truttmann. Guide de la Ligne Maginot: des Ardennes au Rhin, daps lea Alpes. Bayeux, France: Editions Heimdal,1988.

  Hohnadel, A. and R. Varoqui. Le fort du Hackenberg. Veckring, France: AMIFORT, 1986.

  Holub, Ota. Trutnovosti hranicari. Trutnov: 1995.

  Home, Alistair. The Price of Glory. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1962.

  -To Lose a Battle: France 1940. Boston: Little, Brown and Co, 1969.

  Hughes, Judith M. To the Maginot Line. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971.

  Jager, Herbert, Gerd Wildfan and Robert Jurga. Die Kiistenbatterie Fort Kugelbake in Cuxhaven. Cuxhaven, Germany: 1996.

  jaillet, Andre. Pourquoi uneforteresse a Pre-Giroud, Vallorbe? Brassus, Switzerland: R. Dupuis, 1988.

  Jurga, Tadeusz. Obrona Polski 1939. Warsaw, Poland: Instytut Wydawniczy PAX, 1990.

  Kaplan, Vaclav. Delostrelecka Tvrz Dobrosov. Nachod, Czech Rep.: Okresni Muzeum v Nachode, 1989.

  Kaplan, Vaclav and Broz Jaroslav. Opevneni z let 1936-38 na Sumave Ndchod, Czech Rep.: Oresny Muezeum w nachode, 1988.

  Kaufmann, J.E. and H.W. Kaufmann. Hitler's Blitzkrieg Campaigns. Conshohocken, PA: Combined Books, 1993.

  -The Maginot Line: None Shall Pass. Westport: Greenwood, 1997.

  -Maginot Imitations. Westport: Greenwood, 1997.

  Kedryna, Anna and Robert Jurga. Grupa warowna Werkgruppe Scharnhorst. Krakow, Poland: Donjon, 1994a.

  -Grupa warowna Werkgruppe Schill. Krakow, Poland: Donjon, 1994b.

  -Grupa warowna Werkgruppe Ludendorff. Krakow, Poland: Donjon, 1995.

  Keegan, John. World Armies. New York: Facts on File Inc., 1979.

  Kemp, Anthony. The Unknown Battle: Metz, 1944. New York: Stein and Day, 1981a.

  -The Maginot Line. London: Fredrick Warne, 1981b.

  Kesselring, Albert. The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Kesselring. Novato, CA: Presidio, 1989

  Kleczke, Major Carol and Major Wladystaw Wyszynski. Fortyfickacja stala. Warsaw, Poland: Wojskowy Institut Naukowo-Oswiatowy, 1937.

  Komjathy, Anthony T. The Crises of France's East Central European Diplomacy 1933-1938. New York: Columbia University Press, 1976.

  Kornwerderzand: Geschiedenis van de verdeigingswerken. Netherlands: De Stichting Komwerderzand, undated (circa 1985).

  Kuhne, Rudolf Theodor. Der West Wall: Unbezmingbare Abwehrzone von Stahl and Beton an Deutschlands Westgrenze. Munich: J.F. Lehmans, 1939.

  Kupka, Vladimyiar. Atlanticky Val. Prague: FORTprint, 1995.

  La battaglia delle Alpi Occidental: giugno 1940. Rome: Ministero Della Difesa, 1947.

  Lansivaara, likka and Arvo Tolmunen. Salpa-Asema-Sodan Monumentti. Finland: Hansaprint Salo, 1996.

  Lasek, Radan. Prazskd Cdra Ceskoslovenske opeveni let 1936-38. Praha, Czech Rep.: FORT Print, 1995.

  Leach, Barry. The German General Staff. New York: Ballantine Books, 1973.

  Levaux, Louis. Ceux des darts de Liege. Brussels, Belgium: Edition CAREYMA, 1978.

  Linklater, Eric. The Highland Division. London: HMSO, 1942.

  Lbem, Walter and Andreas Steigmeier. Die Limmatstellung im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Baden, Switz.: Baden-Verlag, 1997.

  Madej, W. Victor, ed. Italian Army Handbook, 1940-1943. Allentown, PA: Game Publishing Co., 1994.

  Maistret, Georges. Le gros ouvrage A-2 Fermont de la Ligne Maginot. France: Association des Amis de l'Ouvrage de Fermont et de la Ligne Maginot, 1978.

  Mallory, Keith and Arvid Ottar. The Architecture of War. New York: Pantheon Books,1973.

  Manstein, Erich von. Lost Victories. Novato, CA: Presido Press, 1982.

  Mary, J.Y. La Ligne Maginot. Cuneo, Italy: SERCAP, 1980.

  Mayer, S.L. ed. Signal: Years of Triumph 1940-42. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1978.

  McEntee, Girard L. Italy's Part in Winning the World War. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1934.

  Meehan, Patricia. The Unnecessary War. London: Sinclair Stevenson, 1992.

  Memorial of the Maginot Line, Marckolsheirn (Alsace). Colmar, France: S.A.E.P.,1983.

  Miniewicz, Janusz and Boguslaw Perzyk. Miedzyrzecki Rejon Umocniony 1934-1945. Warsaw, Poland: "ME-GI" Sp. Cyw. 1993.

  -Wal Pomorski. Warsaw, Poland: Militaria Boguguslawa Perzyka,1997.

  Mrazek, James E. The Fall of Eben Emael. Novato, CA: Presido Press, 1970 (1991 reprint).

  1929 World Almanac and Book of Facts. New York: Workman Publishing Co., Inc., 1929 (1971 reprint).

  Novak, Jiri. Opevneni no Krdlicku: Befestigung In Der Gegend Von Krdliky. Kralove nad Labem, Czech Rep.: Fort Print, 1994.

  Office of Military History. Sotatieteen laitoksen julkaisuja. Volumes 1-4. Helsinki, Finland: Werner Soderstrom Co., 1977.

  Partridge, Colin. Hitler's Atlantic Wall. Guernsey, Channel Islands: D.I. Publications, 1976.

  Perrett, Bryan. Knights of the Black Cross. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986.

  Pimlott, John. Rommel In His Own Words. London: Greenhill Books, 1994.

  Plan, E. and Eric Lefevre. La Bataille des Alpes: 10-25juin 1940. Paris: Charles-Lavauzelle, 1982.

  Prasil, Michal. Tezkd dela Skoda. Bmo-Nachod, Czech: Prvnyia, 1995.

  Puelinckx, Jean. FortAubin-Neufchateau: Mind Out! Belgium: Privately published, 1995.

  Rabon, Martin. Prehled Tezkeho Opeveni. Brno: Military Club Brno, 1994.

  Rabon, Martin, Tomas Svoboda Ceskoslovenska Zed. Brno, Czech Rep.: FORTprint 1993.

  Rabon, Martin, Tomas Svoboda, Karel Vancura and Milam Blum. Der Tsechehoslowakische Wall. Brno, Czech Rep.: FORT Print, 1994.

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  Rothstein, Andrew. The Munich Conspiracy. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1958.

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  Salmond, J.B. The History of the 51st Highland Division. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons Ltd., 1953.

  The Salpa Line. Finnish military booklet for foreigners.

  Saunders, Andrew. Channel Defences. London: English Heritage, 1997.

  Schwarz, Urs. The Eye of the Hurricane: Switzerland in World War Two. Colorado: Westview Press, 1980.

  Senger and Etterlin, F.M. von. German Tanks of World War 11. New York: Galahad Books, 1969.

  Showell, Jak P. Mallmann. The German Navy in World War Two. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1979.

  Silvast, Pekka. Hangoudd Som Sov etisk Orlogsbas 22.3.1940-2.12.1941. Sweden: Hango Muesum Publication 2.

  The Simershof Fort. France: 1988. (Guide booklet).

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  Stato Maggiore Dell'Esercito. Memorie Storiche Militari 1983. Rome: 1984.

  Stehllk, Eduard. Lexikon tvrzi cs. opeveni let 1935-38. Krzlovd nad Labem, Czech Rep.: FORT Print, 1992

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