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The Fire Within

Page 4

by Nicholas Clausen

  He was genuinely terrified thinking about what was going to happen to the bodies, but Draek insisted there was nothing wrong with it.

  We are all living creatures, and we all must die someday. They will go back to the ground and rot away while we will turn to stone one day. Only to eventually be worn away by nature and time. What does it matter if their bodies are buried or burned whole? Hayden did not have an answer for Draek, he didn’t have a clue on what could make him feel better, but Draek added something that stopped Hayden from worrying about it anymore.

  If this bothers you, why have you not worried about the bones they all wear? They had to come from someone or something, and there are hundreds of them. Hayden hadn’t given too much thought to how the Bone Thieves had obtained the bones.

  He decided that his best option was to go to Draek and wait with his dragon until it was time to leave Aldreth. He didn’t want to wander around and accidentally stumble upon the Bone Thieves harvesting bones.

  When Hayden made it back to Draek, he could tell that his dragon was hungry and needed to hunt. They hadn’t had a chance for Draek to hunt since before they had made it to the Dark Hold. Now, not only had they flown a fair number of leagues in just a few days, but they also partook in a battle.

  Hayden was hoping to stay with Draek so he wouldn’t have to be alone with his thoughts, but his dragon’s hunger was a far greater need.

  Go, hunt but return quickly. Hayden said as he neared his dragon. Draek lowered his head and nudged Hayden slightly before climbing up the nearly destroyed buildings and taking flight. Hayden watched as Draek quickly disappeared behind the still standing structures, and with nothing to do, he sat down.

  Hayden didn’t know what to do with himself. He fumbled through his saddlebags as the sun began to rise and pulled out his black scale. He felt the ridges of the black scale and saw that it was the roughest of the ones he had. Like it was carved out of stone but was unfinished.

  Hayden waited for close to an hour before Draek returned. Draek had eaten enough to subside the hunger but not so much that he would be too full to fly and fight. Nearly half an hour before Draek’s return Hayden had noticed a column of black smoke beginning to rise into the sky.

  It had started as a small, almost invisible stream but soon it was a stain on the morning sky. Hayden knew the only thing that could be causing the smoke, but he tried his best to ignore it. Draek knew as well, but the two did not speak of it.

  Can you tell Kne that we are leaving? Hayden asked, knowing that Draek was ready to be off. Hayden began working on getting the saddlebags packed properly. With his shield, blades, and his bow within reach just in case they had to fight at a moment’s notice.

  Kne wishes to see us off. Draek said as Hayden tightened the last of the straps to hold his saddle to Draek. Hayden’s ankle seemed to have healed enough to no longer cause him problems. He tested it as he worked the saddle into place.

  Hayden didn’t have to ask how long it was going to take for Kne to arrive. Within a few seconds of Draek speaking, Hayden watched a black dragon circle overhead and lower himself to the side of a crumbled building. The dragon caused a small landslide of debris until it found a perch to hold on to.

  The Bone Thief broke off the dragon and made its way to where Hayden stood.

  “You are off then?” Kne asked. Hayden looked at the Bone Thief but could respond right away. Just when he had thought the Bone Thieves couldn’t get any more nightmarish, Kne showed up adorned in new armor.

  The bones Kne now wore were still red, and there were strings of gore dangling down from a few pieces. Hayden turned his head away, so he didn’t have to look at it.

  “Yes, we are leaving now to find the dwarves,” Hayden said, still looking away as he spoke.

  “We will leave soon; we are almost finished.” Kne looked back to where the column of smoke was.

  “You know where to go?” Hayden asked.

  “We do, we will head straight to Celestial City, but we will fly with our entire group and have a scout ahead. Just in case we make it to Celestial City before your Kirin does. It will be slow going but it is the best way.” Kne said.

  Hayden nodded his head; it was a sound plan. He was sure that it was probably made by Cass before she had left.

  “Sounds good. I think that Kirin will already be there waiting for us. I just hope we are not too late to the battle.” Hayden said.

  “As do I. I would suggest riding fast,” Kne added.

  “I think your right Kne.” Hayden turned and faced the Bone Thief, looking past the gore. “Good luck Kne. Be safe.” Hayden reached out his hand and patted the thief on the shoulder, ignoring how wet the bones covering Kne were.

  “You do the same Hayden; we will see you soon.” Kne bowed slightly and walked away so Hayden and Draek could take to the air.

  Hayden tightened the last saddle straps and checked Draek’s wounds. His wing had scabbed over, but the hole remained. Draek promised that it did not bother him. The scratches on his chest and side weren’t bleeding anymore. Draek said they itched more than anything. Hayden tried to work the saddle straps around the wounds to make it more comfortable for him.

  With that done, Hayden quickly got on his saddle, and within a few minutes they were up in the air and leaving Aldreth Stronghold and the Bone Thieves behind them.

  Chapter Four

  Hayden and Draek flew north along the Shadow Desert, keeping the gray wasteland to one side and the Starlight Plains on the other. It took them most of the day before they began to see the Bergelmir mountains, but just like TheeAgren, they were far off when they came into view.

  Hayden and Draek remembered seeing the Bergelmir mountains every time they had looked at the map of Arvain. It was a vast mountain range that spanned the entire north portion of Arvain, connecting Eytherka to the Shadow Desert on either side.

  Right in the middle of the southern edge of Bergelmir stood the Stone Gates. Hayden assumed that the Metallic Nation would have abandoned it to answer Elizabeth’s call. Hayden didn’t know where the dwarves would be, but he thought that the Stone Gates was the best place to start. It seemed better than idly flying around the mountain range looking for signs of dwarves.

  They flew in silent conversation. They let their minds open to each other but without words. Draek felt Hayden’s pain and fear for whatever was happening to Cass and Shaylin, and while he did comfort him, Hayden felt his worries in Draek’s mind as well.

  They shared thoughts on what they thought Elizabeth’s plan might be, how the battle was going to go, and it didn’t take long for them to start thinking about life after the fight.

  They dreamed about flying across Arvain like they had done but this time enjoying it. Taking their time to meet people and look over the land. Hayden had wondered what was at the other end of The Shadow Desert, or how far the Frozen Tundra stretched.

  Hayden watched the land grow hard and jagged as they made it to the base of the Bergelmir Mountains. Draek landed and together they looked up at to the mountain tops that stood above them.

  Hmm. Draek mumbled.

  What is it? Hayden asked.

  I thought they would be taller. Draek admitted.

  Hayden looked up at the mountains and realized that Draek was right, there was a noticeable difference between their height and that of TheeAgren.

  It shouldn’t be a problem to fly over these then, right? Hayden asked. Draek turned a silver eye to Hayden.

  I don’t remember having a problem flying over TheeAgren. Draek said. Hayden was going to bring up how Draek had to climb the mountain range because the winds were so strong, but he decided against it.

  Do you think we should continue to the Stone Gates? Hayden asked as he unpacked their map to look at how far away they were from the Stone Gates. From what he could guess he assumed that if they flew nonstop that they would make it late that night or sometime early the next morning.

  He didn’t like the idea of pushing Draek so hard this cl
ose to Celestial City, but they didn’t have a choice. They needed the dwarves help, and they needed it now.

  I think it is our best chance to find them fast. Draek admitted. Hayden quietly climbed back into the saddle and got ready for the flight ahead. Draek stretched, and Hayden knew that was a result of the wound on his chest itching. Draek was never going to admit that it bothered him, but Hayden knew better.

  Draek, to prove a point to Hayden, ran up the side of one of the steep cliffs and pushed off it to get into the air. Hayden knew better than to doubt a dragon, especially Draek.

  Later that night, long after the sun had set, the two stumbled upon the Stone Gates. Hayden had expected to find the gates lit up with torches and braziers burning. He assumed the dragons would have fled back to Celestial City, but the soldiers would have remained.

  Hayden and Draek had talked it over while flying and decided that the best thing to do was to be aggressive and attack the Stone Gates as soon as they found them. They didn’t want the soldiers there to get a chance to stop them.

  It is better to fight them while we have the upper hand even though they have the numbers. Draek had insisted.

  Hayden had gotten over the idea of peaceful encounters with the Metallic Nation, and he knew that tactics like these were necessary, but he still didn’t like taking lives like this.

  He did not voice his concerns to Draek, but he knew that his dragon could hear his thoughts. For his part, Draek remained silent as Hayden battled within himself.

  But as they found the Stone Gates, they learned that all their planning was for not. The Stone Gates appeared to be abandoned entirely.

  They almost passed over it if it had not been for Draek’s keen eyesight. In the darkness, the Stone Gates blended in with the mountains around it.

  The Stone Gates were made up of two tall and narrow towers carved in to either side of the mountain pass. A giant bridge connected the two towers near the top, high above the road underneath. The gate was made of giant, thick iron bars as wide as Hayden’s hands.

  The night air had brought a chill with it, and Hayden could feel himself begin to shake slightly, from the cold or his excitement he couldn’t tell. The odd thing was that the sounds of the bugs and wildlife around the gates continued, undisturbed by the sudden appearance of a silver dragon and its rider. It was as if they couldn’t be bothered by their new companions.

  Draek had flown in cautiously, making sure that it wasn’t a trap. As he landed, there was no noise or signal that there was anyone there but them.

  Hayden dismounted and withdrew his silver sword, carrying his shield but not wearing his armor. They had planned on Draek burning the Stone Gates down. They hadn’t seen the need to stop during their flight to let Hayden put on his armor.

  Hayden smelled the air and found nothing to suggest anyone was around. No smell of food or a smoldering fire, no sound of hushed whispers or unsheathing swords. All was silent.

  I don’t think anyone is here. Hayden told Draek as he made his way to one of the two towers. Draek roared and blew fire into the base of the second tower. The light illuminated the area around them, and Hayden was able to see the Stone Gates in the light.

  They were in the middle of a wide path that twisted its way into the mountains. The Stone Gates had been built to block off the road. Without a dragon or the gate being open, there was no way to continue up the path.

  As Draek’s fire died away so did Hayden’s ability to see the Stone Gate. Just as quickly as the light had appeared the darkness snuck in just as fast.

  They listened to the sound of Draek’s roar echoed off the mountains around them. Was that necessary? Hayden asked.

  If there were anyone here, they would be coming for us now. Draek stated as nothing but silence answered his roar. Hayden was about to complain that since he didn’t have armor on if someone decided to attack, he would be vulnerable.

  Hayden sighed and slowly walked into the base of the left tower. Hayden could not see anything in the darkness, but he was able to feel around until he found a torch against the wall. He replaced his sword in his sheath and took the torch off the wall. He made his way back out to Draek and was about to dig through the saddlebags to find his flint when Draek sent a puff of smoke at him.

  Hayden held the torch out, and Draek made the smallest flame that Hayden had ever seen him create. The fire was still more than enough to set the torch ablaze and surround Hayden with an orb of light. Hayden kept his shield on his left arm and held the torch in his right hand as he went back into the left tower.

  With the torch illuminating the main room at the base of the tower, Hayden was able to see that it had been ransacked. Chairs were overturned on the floor, and every cabinet and trunk were left open and all the contents of value long gone. Hayden assumed that Draek had been correct thinking that they had all been called back to Celestial City.

  He didn’t know if it had been them that had cleared out the Stone Gates as they were heading back to Celestial City or if some passerby had made off with anything left behind. Hayden explored the main room a little longer before heading up a set of stairs and climbing the tower.

  Each room is destroyed. Hayden told Draek as he continued looking around. He found what he assumed to be the sleeping chambers of the troops and even the beds were turned over.

  They left in a hurry. Draek added. Hayden agreed and continued his search. Eventually he found the kitchen, a dining hall, and finally, he found the armory. He knew that his hopes for finding any useful gear was going to be misplaced and he was right.

  The armory had been picked clean, save for scraps of gear that were far too damaged to be of any use. Swords broken in half with chips in the blade were scattered on the floor. Hayden kicked around a few pieces of the leather scraps, but nothing seemed worth grabbing.

  At the top of the tower, there was a large wooden door that opened to the bridge that connected the two towers. In the room before the door, Hayden found that it was there they had stored their arrows and bows and found two quivers still full of arrows that he quickly slung on his back. He opened the door with a grunt, the hinges squealing in protest as the door opened begrudgingly.

  Hayden hadn’t realized just how stale the air had gotten in the tower until the fresh night breeze swept into the room around him. Dust had already begun to settle and was now stirred up in the air, floating around in the light of the torch.

  Hayden stepped out onto the bridge and looked over the edge. Down below was Draek on all fours looking up at him. How’s it look from up there? Draek asked. Hayden held the torch higher, even though it didn’t help him see any further.

  All around him was darkness. He couldn’t tell how high the mountains grew around them, all he could see was sections of the sky that had stars and others that were total darkness. He was about to relay the information to Draek when something, far off in the distance caught his eye.

  In the darkness in front of him, on the other side of the Stone Gates in the Bergelmir mountains, was a small light, high up in the sky.

  Hayden squinted his eyes and tried to make out what could be the cause of the light. No matter how hard he tried he could not figure out what it was.

  I see a light. Hayden told Draek. He focused on the image of the shine off in the distance, and he knew that Draek could see it in his mind.

  I will never understand how you can walk around without bumping into stuff with how little you see. Draek replied with a sigh.

  Hayden was about to make a comment when Draek’s head popped over the bridge and looked to where the light was. Draek had climbed the metal gate and was holding on while he snaked his head to get a look at what Hayden saw.

  Well, what is it? Hayden asked as Draek stared intently. Draek seemed to be deep in thought when he finally answered.

  It seems to be some sort of light. Draek replied.

  Seems to be? Hayden asked, looking at his dragon with a smile. Oh, great seer of things. Thank you for showing me just how bli
nd I am. Hayden said mockingly.

  I think it is something burning within a cave. Draek continued.

  Cave? Hayden asked, still smiling, as he looked back to the light. It’s in a cave? All Hayden saw was darkness with a small glowing light high above them. He had thought it might have been a dragon rider with a torch on the back of the dragon.

  Yes, Hayden. That is a cave in a mountain. Draek replied smugly, knowing that Hayden couldn’t even make out the mountain in front of them.

  Want to see what it is? Hayden asked.

  It’s too dark, lets rest tonight, and we will find it in the morning when you can see the mountain. Hayden was about to protest, but Draek let go of the grate and landed back on the ground beneath him.

  Fine, I am going to go to the other tower and see if there is anything worth getting there. Hayden explained as he walked across the bridge. There was an eerie silence as Hayden walked. The only sounds being the hollow footsteps he took as he walked and the occasional popping sound of the burning torch.

  Hayden made it to the other side and found the door slightly ajar, but he still had to put some force into getting it open. Just like the other side, there were quivers and broken bows laying around the main room.

  With his two quivers full of arrows he didn’t think he would need anymore, so he left the arrows and continued to search through the tower. This side of the tower had an armory as well, but there were no broken pieces of weapons laying around on the floor. It looked like whoever cleared out this side took their time and made sure to grab everything.

  As Hayden made it down to the bottom levels of the tower, he found the sleeping chambers of what must have been the four riders that had watched over the Stone Gates.

  It explained why the right tower appeared to be better cared for, and the equipment that was stored there would have been better quality than those that the regular soldiers had.

  There even seemed to be less dust floating around the rooms and the air was not as stale as it had been in the other tower.

  The bottom portion of the tower was a single, giant empty room, large enough for multiple dragons to reside within. The room was so large when Hayden stood in the center of it, the light from his torch didn’t reach the walls. Hayden guessed that this room had been carved further into the mountain to make the room as large as possible.


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