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The Fire Within

Page 14

by Nicholas Clausen

  Draek’s words echoed in Hayden’s head, and while he was tired and knew that a good night sleep in a bed was something he needed, he put on his breastplate armor first and staged the rest of his armor where he could grab it quickly. His sword he stood next to his bed within arm’s reach.

  He tried his best to get comfortable but failed. He gave up and moved the blanket and pillow to the grass, and after serval movements, he found a position that allowed him to get comfortable, and he fell asleep on the floor.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Hayden awoke the next morning, sore and groggy. He tried to stretch, but his muscles screamed in protest. Hayden wanted to take his armor off, but he quickly remembered what was happening and why he had his armor on. He forced his stiff legs and arms to lift him off the grassy floor of his tent.

  Draek, are you awake? Hayden asked. He stood up as he spoke, and the tent tilted and swayed. He closed his eyes and pushed through the morning grogginess as Draek began to stir. He sat on the cot and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

  I am. Hayden figured that Draek had probably slept as well as he had and that they were both in for a rough morning.

  Hayden knew that complaining and grumbling was going to do nothing to help, so he settled for putting the rest of his armor on. It didn’t take him long to get ready, and when he finished, he grabbed the two saddle bags and drug them out of the tent.

  He pushed the tent flap open and almost walked into Draek’s open mouth. Teeth the size of short swords and daggers greeted him. Strands of hot saliva dropped from the roof of his mouth, landing on his dark red tongue.

  “Woah, Draek!” Hayden shouted. He took a step back, tripping on the saddlebags and fell into the tent. Draek was finishing up his yawn and surrounded Hayden with hot, morning dragon breath.

  I was wondering what was taking you so long. Draek said lazily when he finished yawning.

  So you were going to come in and check on me? Hayden asked, trying to figure out what had been Draek’s plan.

  Yes. Draek replied.

  They both looked at each other, looked at the tent, and then back at each other.

  “Ok,” Hayden said with a shrug. He pulled the saddlebags over to Draek.

  He had made sure to keep a few bandages, his arrows and throwing knives in the bags. The guards saw what Hayden was doing and asked if they could help.

  Hayden was impressed that they were willing to get so close to Draek and decided to let them help. Within a few minutes, the three of them had Draek situated with the saddlebags and was ready to take off. Hayden strung his bow and strapped it to the saddle.

  They didn’t know what the day was going to hold for them, but they decided to be ready for anything. Hayden went back into the tent one last time.

  In the confines of his tent, alone for possibly the last time for the day, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He tried to calm himself and clear his mind.

  He grabbed his sword belt and strapped it on, so his sword was on his back, his dagger at his chest. He put his dragon helmet on his head and picked up his silver shield. Hayden was gone and, in his place, stood a silver warrior.

  Hayden stepped out of the tent and walked to Draek.

  “We will spend most of the day flying, or at the main tent where we first met,” Hayden told the guards before he climbed onto Draek’s back.

  “Please get some rest and meet us there at midday. If fighting breaks out before then, do not search for me.” Hayden explained.

  “Yes, sir.” They said in unison.

  “Thank you for all your help.” Hayden climbed onto Draek’s back, and they jumped into the air.

  Nignra says the leaders are meeting at the tent already. Draek said as he opened his wings and started flying. The guards tried to stand still as the violent wind pushed them back. The grass bent away, and Draek was gone before the men brought their arms down from protecting their face.

  Let's get this going then, shall we? Hayden said sarcastically. He was hoping that they would have a little time to fly before the planning started again. It turned out that it was not going to be the case. Hayden looked over Draek’s sides as they soared over the tents. Many people seemed to be stirring and morning fires were being started. Several on lookers stopped what they were doing and watched Draek pass overhead.

  Draek flew over to the tent and landed, this time there were five dragons in the clearing. The other dragons made room for Draek to land but quickly fell in to meet their friend. Hayden wanted to get off the saddle and in the tent as fast as he could, so he didn’t get stepped on by one of the dragons.

  They want us to be near our riders. Draek explained. Hayden didn’t have to ask why that was. He undid his straps and climbed down onto the ground. Being careful not to get in any of the dragon’s ways.

  “I will make sure they bring you food,” Hayden said aloud as he made his way to the tent.

  Like the night before, there were guards from each race around the tent, except for humans who Hayden had sent to go rest.

  The guards ignored Hayden as he stepped into the tent and kept their eyes forward and even scanning the skies around them.

  The chairs and table from the day before had been moved and in its place stood a large round table covered in maps, charts, and little figures. There were several other people in the tent beside the leaders of each race. Hayden did not seem to recognize any of them except for Raena.

  “Hayden!” The young elf shouted and ran to hug him. They were both wearing armor, so their hug clinked as they clashed together.

  Her shout silenced everyone, and all eyes fell on Hayden.

  “Good morning,” Hayden said awkwardly.

  “Good to see you,” Durgen said. “Please, no hug.” He raised his hands up as he spoke.

  “Hayden, you look.” Kirin started.

  “Dangerous.” Kne finished when she could not find the word.

  Hayden took it as a compliment coming from the Bone Thief.

  “What are we doing?” Hayden asked. He wanted to take the attention off of him and figure out what they were doing.

  “We are trying to plan out what the ground troops will be doing and how best to utilize the armies,” Durgen explained.

  “What do we have so far?” Hayden looked over the maps and charts and couldn’t make out what he was looking at except for Celestial City. The city had been drawn on several different pieces of dried, tan paper and was pieced together to make the map complete.

  Hayden guessed the figures were there to represent the armies, but they also worked to hold the paper to the table.

  “We have them surrounded, and the river blocked off as well,” Rimney said as she swept a few of the charts away to further uncover the picture of the city.

  “We are pretty well broken into groups surrounding the city, but there are a few weak points.” Rimney continued.

  “So what we are going to do is focus all the ground troops around the gates and leave the siege weapons around the city. That way if they send out troops to fight, we will have armies at each gate ready to engage them, but the siege weapons will be able to hit the city from all around.” Kirin added.

  “Sounds great,” Hayden said.

  “The problem is,” Klarack said as he leaned back and put his hands on his hips. “Who is going to lead the ground troops?”

  As the shouting rose in the tent, Hayden understood the problem. They each wanted a member of their own people to lead. They refused to be led by a member of another race.

  “This is exactly what Elizabeth wants,” Hayden shouted. He could feel his anger boiling and rising inside as he looked at the leaders of each race as they acted like children.

  “You should all be ashamed of yourselves.” He continued. He made sure to look each of the leaders in their eyes until they turned their gaze away.

  “Elizabeth is sitting in her pyramid while we squabble and yell like babies. We are the leaders here, and we need to decide this quickly before Elizabeth a
ttacks us, and our ground troops do nothing.” As Hayden spoke all eyes fell on him, and everyone remained silent.

  They will do something, they will die. Draek said. He must have told the other dragons that because all the riders in the tent looked down at their feet.

  “I am sorry, but I will not be talked down to by a Metallic Rider.” One of Durgen’s dwarves said. He puffed his chest up as he spoke. “I care not that you left their ranks, you are still one of them, and you don’t tell me what to do.” He spat at Hayden’s feet.

  Durgen turned redder than his dragon, but before the King could speak, Hayden responded.

  “Listen, all of you!” He shouted. He pulled his molten sword free of its scabbard and pointed it at the dwarf who challenged him. The blade seemed to be fed by his anger and was glowing brighter than before.

  “We have come too far and lost too much to destroy each other now and fall apart.” Hayden locked eyes with the dwarf. He saw fear in his dark eyes as Hayden stepped closer, his hissing blade drowning the dwarf in a red-yellow glow.

  “If any member of any race, disobeys an order from their leader, it is treason. And they will be dealt with as such.” Hayden almost growled.

  The dwarf looked to Durgen, but the dwarf King had pulled out his ax and was bouncing it against the palm of his hand.

  “The ground troops will need leaders, but we don’t have time to fight over this.” Hayden lowered his blade, but he didn’t put it away. He held it to his side and noticed that all eyes were following his sword.

  “Durgen, who led the Utahnen against the Metallic Riders when we first fought at the start of this war?” Hayden asked.

  “The dwarf you seek is dead,” Durgen replied.

  “Who trained him, or did he have an apprentice?” Hayden asked.

  Durgen pulled at his beard as he thought. “I believe his daughter rides an Utahnen now, and she was trained by her father. Why?” He asked.

  “They surprised us in that battle and would have devastated our ground troops and cavalry if not for the dragons,” Hayden explained. “Find her, if she is willing and if you think she is able I think she should lead all our mounted ground troops.” Hayden looked to the other leaders, but no one argued or gave a suggestion. He could tell they wanted to say something, but they refrained.

  “Kirin, the elf that led the archers?” Hayden asked. By now they knew what Hayden was doing, and Kirin nodded to him.

  “Go find him and bring him here.” She said to one of the elves that had been standing with her. The elf bowed and ran from the tent.

  “Rimney, your Sea Serpents are used to using those giant crossbows on your ships, find your best crewmen and put them in charge of our war machines.” Rimney nodded. She stuck out her tongue slightly and tapped her foot as she began thinking of who would be best suited for that title.

  “Klarack, pick ten of your best fighters and have them take charge of the infantry. Combine all the fighting men and women of all the races and divide them into ten even groups.” Klarack smiled and before he could speak the Frost Fangs with him ran out of the tent just as the elf had done.

  “What about us?” Durgen asked.

  “I have something special in mind for your people and Kne’s,” Hayden said. He finally calmed down enough to put his sword back up. The moment his blade disappeared from view, there was a noticeable change in temperature in the tent.

  “The dwarves were promised to be in the front of the attack and that is where I will be.” Durgen smiled. He rested his ax on his shoulder as he spoke but didn’t but the massive thing away.

  “That is something we can do.” He smiled.

  “Kne.” Hayden turned to face the Bone Thief. “I want you to organize your people and have them prepare to fight like we did at Aldreth Stronghold.” Kne did not respond to Hayden but just stared at him.

  “Remember how your people climbed onto your black dragons and jumped off on top of the buildings?” Kne nodded.

  “These walls are metal, and they are thick. They won’t fall easy. But if we had some Bone Thieves inside to open up the gates.” Hayden started.

  “We could walk right in.” Kne finished. Hayden was sure the Bone Thief was smiling, but he had no way to prove it.

  “Exactly.” Hayden looked to the group. “We have a lot of work to do, get after it.” Everyone began dispersing to work out Hayden’s plan. Kirin stood back for a moment before walking out herself.

  “You would have made a great Silver Rider.” She said with a smile.

  “No,” Hayden replied. “I make a poor leader.”

  “Open your eyes.” She said as she opened the tent flap. “You’re leading.”

  Hayden looked over the mad, alone in the tent, and thought about what Kirin had said. He didn’t know what was going to happen, but at least they were working together. He sincerely hoped that he wasn’t leading everyone to their deaths.

  They still hadn’t worked out what all Elizabeth could be plotting deep inside her pyramid. Hayden was sure she wasn’t going to be stumped by them, he just hoped whatever it was she had planned wasn’t going to stump them either.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “HAYDEN!” A shout rang out. Hayden was still in the tent looking over the maps and charts when he heard his name screamed.

  He wasn’t sure how much time had passed since the others had left. He didn’t know who was yelling at him or what was wrong.

  He didn’t need to know any of that as he tore out of the tent, his hand on his sword hilt. The sun was starting to set, and Draek was the only dragon still outside of the tent.

  Draek! Get ready. Hayden shouted as he ran and jumped onto Draek’s front leg, vaulting into the saddle as quickly as he could. The wind wasn’t blowing, the world seemed to be standing still as Hayden tried to understand what was going on.

  “HAYDEN!” The shout came again. It was coming from the ridge that was between the tent he had been in and the rest of their camp. Hayden watched as a lone rider on a horse came thundering down the path.

  Let the leader’s dragons know something is going on, and they need to be ready. Hayden said.

  Draek did not respond, but Hayden knew that he was relaying the message. The rider stopped a ways before Draek, the horse refused to get any closer to the dragon.

  “What is it?” Hayden shouted to the rider.

  “The Metallic Pyramid, it's moving.” The rider shouted back. Hayden and Draek did not have to ask what that meant.

  Draek jumped into the air before the rider could say anything else, there wasn’t time for that anymore. The sudden movement sent the horse in a frenzy, and Hayden saw the rider get bucked from the saddle.

  Dragons. Hayden said as Draek climbed higher. They could see the Metallic Pyramid, it loomed over everything, but they couldn’t see anything moving.

  They assumed that they meant the doors were opening up which could only mean that they were releasing their dragons.

  Tell the leaders to get their dragons in the air and meet with us. Hayden said. He refused to take his eyes off the Metallic Pyramid. He squinted and strained as he tried to see if one of the large doors had in fact opened.

  Draek roared as he leveled out and began a wide circle around Celestial City. From their current angle, they could only see one full side of the pyramid at a time.

  Within a few seconds, there were five other dragons in the air flying behind Draek. Even Kirin and Nignra were keeping pace with Draek.

  They want to know what is going on. Draek said once they were all together.

  Tell them what the rider said and what we are looking for. Hayden instructed. He could feel his heart beating so fast he thought he was going to throw up. His right leg was shaking against the saddle uncontrollably, and he felt like his skin was crawling.

  Even the air seemed colder than usual, and his body kept wanting to shake. Hayden was nervous, and he was losing control of his body.

  Tell them to spread the word to the other dragons to prepare
to take off and have the ground troops assemble. Hayden was trying to make sense of all the thoughts racing through his mind and figure out what they needed to do next.

  He didn’t want to miss anything, and there was so much that needed to be done before the enemy dragons took to the sky.

  The dragons need to get ready but tell them not to take off, not yet. The ground troops need to assemble, but they do not need to begin marching on the city. Hayden said. He knew his thoughts were coming across lightning fast and jumbled up to Draek. Draek was able to sift through the mess and get coherent thoughts to the riders.

  Hayden dared a quick glance at the dragons and their riders flying behind him, and he saw that all five of the dragons and all five of their riders had their eyes turned towards the Metallic Pyramid.

  They continued to fly around the city as the armies beneath them moved like an upturned anthill. An upturned ant hill that was on fire while fighting another ant hill that was also on fire. And they were both being stomped on by people trying to put out the fire.

  Nothing was organized, and nothing was going smoothly. Hayden has a sinking feeling in his gut as he remembered how fast the Metallic Nation could assemble and be moved. They were a unit that worked together, and his army was mass of individuals that weren’t working, at all.

  Hayden was fully and undeniably scared. Even if they had the numbers, they were not a working army, and they were not going to be able to fight well. Their numbers tipped the scale in their favor, but they did not outnumber the Metallic Nation enough to win by numbers alone.

  Please. Hayden thought to himself. Not now. Draek remained silent and didn’t attempt to reassure him. That was something that scared Hayden even more.

  They turned in the air as the third and final side of the Metallic Pyramid came into view, and Hayden saw that one door near the middle of the Pyramid was open. It was only one door that had opened to make the landing pad where a dragon could take off from and land.


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