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The Fire Within

Page 26

by Nicholas Clausen

  “Does she know where we are, or what I am doing?” Morgane asked. He saw the copper rider move in behind Hayden.

  Again, Hayden remained silent and shook his head. The time for words had passed.

  “Perfect. When I am done with the two of you, I will be on my way.” Morgane said with a smile as he took his shirt off to reveal his body covered in scars. The cut Fendrel had given him was healed, but it was the largest one on him now.

  “Tell your dragons to come out, and I will do the same, but they are not to interfere. We fight, but only us.” Morgane said. The two riders didn’t move, but their dragons flew over the trees and landed near the group just as Morgane’s silver came out of the water.

  “Let’s be quick, I have places to be,” Morgane shouted as he drew his silver sword and ran at the two riders.

  Chapter Thirty

  Shane might have lost an arm, but he did not lose his fight, and he had spent the last three months healing and learning to fight with his left hand.

  Hayden had tried to use his left hand during their travels, but it felt odd and his wrist weak. The same could not be said for Shane and Morgane was learning that for himself.

  Shane pulled out his copper blade with a swish and went on the offensive. He walked around until he was on the other side of Morgane. Putting the fleeing rider between them.

  Hayden had never seen him fight so aggressively, but Fendrel had been his friend as well.

  Hayden had the silver blade he had taken from Giles at what was being called The Battle of Arvain, but he did not need it, not for this fight.

  His hand found the dagger that was at his chest, and he pulled the blade free. Morgane did not seem to care that Hayden was using a dagger instead of a sword. He didn’t seem to care about anything as he flipped his silver blade free and jumped away from Shane.

  Morgane was fast, surprisingly fast.

  He had his blade spinning around him so quickly that Shane and Hayden were both forced to block instead of attack. All this was done at the same time Morgane was stepping closer to Hayden.

  Hayden held the blade tightly in his hand as Morgane’s sword slid off its edge. They stepped closer to the water as they fought, the sand giving away slightly under their feet as they went.

  Morgane seemed to glide on the sand, never faltering or sliding while Shane and Hayden slipped with each uncertain step. Hayden fell to one knee as his left leg sunk into a weak spot, and a large portion of sand gave way.

  Morgane took advantage of the fall and sent his sword slicing through the air across where Hayden’s neck should have been. Hayden fell backward and lay flat on his back, letting the blade soar above him.

  Morgane twisted above him and went to plunge his sword into Hayden, but Shane locked their two blades together behind his back.

  Shouting, swearing, and the sound of metal clashing with metal continued to echo across the water. Their dragons stood watch around them, none of them interfering in the fight.

  No matter how Hayden and Shane fought, one at a time or together, Morgane seemed to be able to block and retaliate with his own attack. They fought on as Hayden’s arm grew tired, his feet becoming more unsure as they continued to dance around each other.

  Shane seemed not to slow, but the sweat dripping off his face showed signs that he too was feeling the wage of their fight. The sandy beach around them had been smooth when Hayden had arrived but now was showing evidence of their fighting. There were small hills and valleys in the sand that they had to fight over.

  Morgane’s scarred body was covered in muscle and had grown slightly red from the sun. He too was sweating, but he still wore a smile like this was the only place he wanted to be.

  “I don’t understand.” He said with slightly labored breathing. “Why you are so set on trying to kill me.”

  “You killed Fendrel,” Hayden shouted in one breath. “He . . . He . . . was our friend.”

  “He was my brother,” Morgane explained as he knocked aside Shane’s attack and sent him sprawling across the sand. He stepped over to Shane to continue pressing his attack, but Hayden jumped around him and slashed at his face with the dagger.

  An attack he easily dodged but now he was facing Hayden, and it would buy Shane time to recover.

  “He was your brother, and you killed him.” Shane roared.

  “I should have killed him all those years ago when we were trying for our eggs.” Morgane spat. “He wasn’t worthy of being a rider. I was.”

  Hayden was able to slash at Morgane’s leg as he spoke and cut a thin line across his flesh. Morgane looked down at his leg more out of curiosity then pain.

  “Congratulations, you have left your mark,” Morgane said and continued his attack.

  The injury seemed to revitalize him, and he fought with renewed fervor.

  His strikes became stronger and faster. He quickly cut Hayden’s arm and struck Shane’s missing arm and sent both of his attackers retreating a few feet to recover. Shane had sand splattered across his face as he looked over to Hayden.

  “Give up, both of you,” Morgane said with a smile. “Flee from here, and I will leave this cursed land forever. You have my word.” When neither of them responded, Morgane continued.

  “I have no need to kill you two, and once I am gone, I promise I shall never return.” He explained. “End this, and you will soon forget about me.”

  “No,” Hayden said, He was bleeding from his arm, but the cut wouldn’t kill him, or stop him from achieving his goal.

  “Fendrel was my friend. You will die here, today and then all will forget you.” Hayden nodded to Shane and raised his dagger to Morgane.

  “If you insist!” Morgane said, spit flying from his lips.

  He ran at the pair and knocked Hayden back while slamming the hilt of his sword into Shane’s temple, knocking him out cold.

  Hayden saw Rilora twitch but other than that the dragons remained still. This was not their fight.

  “Just you and me, last chance Hayden,” Morgane said. They circled each other, Hayden seeming to be more winded then Morgane.

  “You are more my brother then Fendrel ever was. We are almost the same person, you and I.” Morgane spat in the sand as they walked.

  “Stay here, play King to the new Queen, and live until you are old and gray. I don’t care.” Morgane shrugged.

  “It doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me is getting off this stupid land and conquering what’s out there.” He pointed his blade out over the water.

  “You have been a plague upon this land far too long. I won’t let you do the same to another land.” Hayden didn’t shout as he stabbed at Morgane. He was out of breath enough as it was. He wasn’t sure he could shout or scream if he wanted to.

  Morgane continued to block his attacks, but he wasn’t trying to hurt Hayden anymore.

  “Fendrel took me in,” Hayden shouted and feinted a stab at Morgane’s right shoulder. Morgane raised his blade to easily block the small dagger.

  Just before the two blades were too meet, Hayden released his grip and let the dagger fall free.

  He caught it with his left hand and plunged it into his stomach. Morgane was still smiling at Hayden and looked lost when he didn’t feel the resistance of the dagger. Morgane’s sword fell onto Hayden’s face, cutting a line into Hayden’s cheek.

  Hayden did not flinch from the cut as Morgane’s sword fell into the sand.

  Morgane looked down at his stomach and started to realize what had happened.

  Hayden took a step back and went over to Shane. He checked on his friend and picked up the copper blade that had fallen in the sand.

  “He led me to Celestial City and taught me what it meant to be a rider,” Hayden explained.

  Morgane winced in pain as he lightly touched the handle of the dagger.

  “He wasn’t worthy of being a rider, how could he teach you to be one?” He grumbled through the pain. Rilora and Draek had their eyes locked on Morgane’s dragon, ready to atta
ck if it tried to move.

  The silver dragon seemed content sitting on the beach, watching everything take place.

  “He was better than all of us,” Hayden explained.

  Morgane staggered but was able to stay upright.

  “He was my friend.” Hayden walked over to him with Shane’s blade. Morgane lifted his sword out of the sand, but it was slow, and Hayden grabbed him at his wrist. He twisted his hand until the blade fell free.

  Draek and Rilora shifted as Morgane’s silver dragon took to the sky and began flying over the water, towards the horizon.

  He would rather not be stuck on this beach for all time. Draek explained as Rilora followed the silver dragon. Draek stayed on the sand with Hayden.

  Hayden understood and felt bad for what he had to do. The look in Morgane’s eyes told him that the rider would not change who he was. There was no telling what unspeakable evil he would force upon some distant land.

  Hayden let go of his wrist, Morgane’s arm fell limp to his side. He swayed as an ocean breeze stirred around them. He fell to his knees and looked up at Hayden.

  “I was doing what was right, what needed to be done.” He explained. A blood vessel had burst in his left eye and caused it to turn red.

  “I think you truly believe that,” Hayden replied.

  He lifted Shane’s blade over his head, but it was for not. Just as the sun sets slowly on the water, so too did the stone begin to set on Morgane’s scarred body.

  It started where Fendrel’s dagger lay buried in his stomach and ever so slightly worked its way out across his body.

  Morgane watched it spread for a moment and looked back up at Hayden. Hayden locked eyes with him, never looking away.

  He stared until the light disappeared and was replaced with dull stone.

  Hayden heard a splash behind him and knew that his dragon had fallen into the water. Hayden walked over to Shane and helped his friend up, he was confused and wanted to know what happened.

  “You fought bravely and killed Morgane,” Hayden explained.

  “Did I really?” Shane asked, rubbing his head.

  “No, but it’s over now, my friend.” He smiled as Shane looked over to the stone remains of Morgane, the dagger still in his stomach. Hayden did not retrieve it as they left the beach.


  “Are you sure about this?” Hayden asked.

  “I am,” Shane said.

  They stood on the deck of the Misty Maiden, with Rimney Sky holding onto the captain’s wheel. Cass, Shane, and Hayden stood together on the deck while their four dragons swam beneath them.

  It had been almost a year since Elizabeth had fallen and peace had, in fact, come to Arvain. To the joy of all except a restless few that still longed for adventure, Rilora being the biggest of them.

  The goodbyes had all been said, except for the ones hardest to say.

  “You really want this?” Cass asked.

  “There are a lot of lands out there, a lot to see. Rilora can’t live a life of leisure, she would get fat after all.” Shane explained. Rilora roared somewhere beneath them, and the three laughed.

  “You know there is plenty to do here Shane?” Hayden said, knowing his friend had made up his mind.

  “And you two have it under control. I will be back of course when there is nothing to see. We will come back and tell you about everything out there.” Shane tried to laugh again but the time had crept upon them, as time often does.

  Hayden and Cass looked at their friend and tried to hold back tears, a feat they failed at. Cass hugged Shane as Shaylin came up to the deck of the ship and waited for her rider.

  Shane and Hayden embraced, and he knew Draek was coming to get him as well.

  “Watch after my family,” Shane said, trying to clear his throat.

  “You watch after yourself. And come home to us.” Hayden jokingly punched his friend in the chest.

  Draek raised his head to the deck, and Hayden took the hint.

  Rimney nodded to them as they left her ship but didn’t say any more. It was a gesture Hayden appreciated.

  Hayden and Cass circled overhead with Farius and Rilora as the Misty Maiden crept across the face of the water to lands unknown. They flew together until the land was about to disappear, and they finally had to leave their friends to the adventures that awaited them.

  They left back to the land, constantly looking over their shoulders, both dragons, and riders. They all roared their goodbyes. By the time they landed on the beach, Shane and the Misty Maiden were gone. Even the dragons could no longer be seen in the sky.


  “Hey, watch out!” He yelled. “You need to be careful.” The man explained as he picked up the child that had been running about with no care in the world.

  They had been playing on a stone that was overgrown with grass and vines. The stone seemed a familiar shape. The child had been trying to slide down the side of the stone when her father had caught her.

  She giggled with a shrill laugh as if it was all a game, and her dad was a monster trying to get her.

  Her dad smiled under his beard and threw his daughter on his shoulders, letting her squirm until she was taller than everyone around them.

  The town was coming along nicely, and the first buildings were being raised. The town would soon be full of life again.

  The man’s wife came over smiling and looked at the town with him. “It looks amazing.” She said. The small family stood there together as the sun was slowly setting on the town of Erskine, the new Erskine.

  “You know we are going to have to build somewhere for the dragons to stay when we are here?” She said.

  “I know.” The man replied.

  “If you hadn’t promised the dwarves they could take back what their people had built, we would have a place to stay.” She poked at her husband, jokingly.

  “How was I supposed to know they built the Metallic Pyramid. Plus, it’s been two years since that happened.” Her husband laughed. “You have to admit though, they took it apart rather quickly.” He said.

  “Yes, they were very impressive with destroying our home.” She replied with a smile. She stood on her toes and gave him a quick kiss, laughing as the hair on his face tickled her.

  “I think this is good for Arvain. All of our dragons shouldn’t be in one place all the time. How would we help those in need if we never left Celestial City?” He asked.

  “You know what, that’s a good point. It sounded a little better when I said it though.” Their daughter pulled on her father’s ears and demanded they go play some more. She had grown bored with their talking.

  “Excuse me Queen Cassidy The Golden, the true ruler of Arvain demands my attention.” He said as he ran off and pretended to be a flying dragon.

  “Be careful Hayden!” Cass shouted after him. She watched as Hayden roared and their daughter shouted with joy.

  Their dragons raised their head out of the field they had been sunbathing in to watch the fun.


  Hayden The Silver- Rider of the silver dragon Draek.

  Draek- Silver dragon that hatched for Hayden.

  Shane The Copper- Friend of Hayden that he met during the trials, rider of Rilora the copper dragon.

  Rilora- Copper dragon that is bound to Shane.

  Cassidy The Gold- Also known as Cass. Friend of Hayden that he met during the trials, rider of Shaylin the gold dragon.

  Shaylin- Golden dragon bound to Cassidy.

  Giles The Silver- Made it through the trials with Hayden. Rider of the silver dragon Kurok.

  Kurok- Silver dragon bound to Giles

  Sebastian The Silver- Did not make it through the trials but was awarded with Hayden’s egg because his father was a rider. Hayden and Sebastian are enemies and Giles and Sebastian are becoming friends. Rider of the silver dragon Sullivan.

  Sullivan- Silver dragon that is bound to Sebastian.

  Arvain- The land that is ruled by the Metallic dragon riders, the land is d
ivided amongst the other races.

  Erskine- Home and birth place of Hayden the Silver.

  Bergelmir- Mountain range that covers most of the north of Arvain and is home to the dwarf tribes and their red dragons.

  Eytherka- Elvin forest that has become overgrown and now covers most of the western sea board. It is home to the elves and their green dragons.

  Burden Sea- Ocean that borders Eytherka. Humans came over the sea but were forced to stay out at sea by the elves. Now they are a pirate nation and the have blue dragons.

  Frozen Tundra- Frozen waste land to the south where there is little more than sporadic nomadic tribes of barbarian humans and their white dragons.

  Shadow Desert- Long stretches of gray dessert that goes on almost endless. No one knows what’s past it and almost nothing lives in it but the Bone Thieves with their black dragons.

  Celestial City- Center city that is at the center of Arvain. Home to humans and all three metallic dragons.

  Fendrel- Friend of Hayden’s that he met on the road to Celestial City. He had once tried for an egg but lost it to his brother Morgane. That egg was the same egg that Hayden hatched.

  Morgane- Fendrel’s brother who has been warped by the other metallic riders. Rider of the silver dragon Argentum.

  Estraken- Older gold rider that has a slight crazy/outlandish view on everything. He is their teacher and works and lives out of his library. No info on his dragon, yet.

  Lirand- One of Hayden’s trainers during his time at Celestial City. His silver dragon is Shynari.

  Bureg The Swift- Dwarf rider that Hayden chassed for stealing from the orchard of souls, his dragon is Trohen.

  Elizabeth The Gold- One of the current Rulers of Three that rule over Arvain. Rider of the golden dragon Herrdiga.

  Caine The Silver- One of the current Rulers of Three that rule over Arvain. Rider of the silver dragon Katen.

  Bryce The Copper- One of the current Rulers of Three that rule over Arvain. Rider of the copper dragon Sylet.

  Tynan- Hayden’s battle master. Taught Hayden and the other new dragon riders how to fight.


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