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Operation Ball N' Chain (Cottonwood Falls Book 11)

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by Aliyah Burke


  Operation Ball N’ Chain

  Copyright © 2017 Aliyah Burke

  Cover illustration copyright © Covers by K

  Cottonwood Falls logo copyright © Covers by K

  Sensual Romance Publishing copyright © MMJ Designs

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system-except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, or on the Web-without permission in writing from the publisher or author. The unauthorized replication or allocation of any copyrighted work is illegal. File sharing is an international crime, prosecuted by the United States Department of Justice and the United States Border Patrol, Division of Cyber Crimes, in partnership with Interpol. Copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is punishable by up to five years in federal prison, a fine of $250,000 per reported instance, and seizure of computers.

  This book is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is coincidental. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only.

  Published by: Sensual Romance Publishing

  Operation Ball N’ Chain


  Aliyah Burke

  Blurb for Operation Ball N’ Chain

  If they’re not careful this wedding day may never come…

  Although having secretly been married for years, Grey Sorenson and his wife Sarah Mallery were having an actual wedding to make her mother happy. The only problem was that each day that counted down to the event increased his chances of being served with divorce papers instead. Sarah and her mother weren’t agreeing on anything and his Marine was becoming increasingly volatile.

  If they managed to survive the meddling mother, there was a far more sinister plot in the works that may make the actual ceremony extinct along with one of them. Will they survive long enough to take vows before their hometown? Will he actually be able to call her his forever and see her use his last name? Or will it all be for naught?


  To everyone who has to fight to get your Happily Ever After. Don’t give up, it’s out there and no matter what anyone may tell you, you deserve it!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  About Cottonwood Falls

  About The Author

  Additional Books By Aliyah Burke

  Chapter One

  The entire figurine display crashed to the floor seconds before a litany of not so muttered curses filled the air. Grey Sorenson exhaled loudly and waited. Were he a betting man—which he wasn’t—he would put all his money on who would be coming into view, in a very short space of time. Sure enough moments later, his charming “bride-to-be” stormed into view. Her dark eyes spat fire as she ate up the ground in is direction. Even though she was confined to a small indoor space, she moved with a coiled grace that took his breath away. It had since he ran into her after not seeing her for a good number of years on Parris Island.

  “Things going well?” he asked, doing his best to hide his amused smile although it was a hell of a struggle to accomplish.

  His own personal safety dictated he not show her any amusement on his part, not in the slightest. He loved this woman so goddamn much, some days it hurt how much he loved her and it didn’t fade. If anything, his love grew stronger, day by day, minute by minute. Even as pissed as she was, to him, there wasn’t a more beautiful, sexy woman in the world. This was the only one for him and he was proud to be known as her man.

  I can’t wait for this to be over so I can have her back in my life and calm. I need this woman calm.

  Sarah was damn good at what she did for the Marines, and she could do a lot of damage if she wanted. Right now, he knew she teetered on the edge of her control. A control she took great pride of having a lot of, lately he could see that thread fraying at a rapid pace. When it did, he shook his head, this town wasn’t ready for the explosion that could come from that. Kind of like when as a child, you built a soapbox car and raced it down the hill, well aware that there were no brakes and as you barreled faster and faster, when it hit, there would be pain.

  And he knew she loved him but right this moment, that wasn’t even a blip on her radar.

  Sarah Mallery barely slowed enough to pause and glare at him. “I’m going to kill her.”

  Then she was gone, out the door in a flash. It rattled with the force of her closing and shook the fancy and delicate items on the walls. He held his breath, hoping that those tiny little ceramic figurines would stay put.

  Who the hell would find it wise to put them up on the wall so close to a door anyway?

  No doubt in his mind who the her was. His mother-in-law “to be,” Candace Mallery, rounded the corner and stopped short when she spied him there. Her expression sour instead of the typical smooth and serene one he had become used to seeing on her. At least until this entire wedding planning had begun. It seemed as if everyone involved had lost the joy.

  Including his own ‘Bridezilla’ that he wanted to sweep up in his arms and take out of town until life returned to their version of normal.

  “Where is she?”

  Grey had some ideas as to the location Sarah jetted off to, but he wasn’t about to share them with her mother. Not if he planned on getting sex for the next year or two. “She didn’t tell me where she was going.”

  Mrs. Mallery scowled but brushed by him in a similar manner her daughter had just done. However, her exit was a lot quieter and more dignified, much like the woman leaving. Mrs. Mallery didn’t approve of displays of temper.

  He exhaled slowly and shook his head before nearing the toppled over display case. Rolling his shoulders, he bent and picked it back up to where it should have been. Then he crouched down and began picking up the numerous small objects that had once occupied those now empty shelves.

  Light clicking footsteps neared and he glanced over the pearlescent tile floor to see a woman wearing heels at an insane height coming near. He peered up and smiled.

  Cassandra Finder had an exasperated expression until she realized he was down there. Her face smoothed out and she pasted on a smile. Grey understood her frustration all to well and had to admire how she was putting up with the Mallery women during this tumultuous time.

  “Hi Grey.”

  She went to her knees across from him and began gathering more of the figurines that lay scattered.

  “Cassandra.” He coughed. “I’d say I think this is going to be difficult but I’m guessing you already know this.”

  Her features said more than any words ever could. She sighed and waved a hand around. “This is why I left the big city and came home.” She brushed some loose ends of her blonde hair back from her face. Her skin heated with the blush that skated over her cheeks. “I shouldn’t have said that, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to imply your fiancée is a difficult woman.”

  He snorted and barely stopped the laughter from escaping. “Cassandra,” he said with understanding. “She is a Marine, she’s going to be difficult and stubbor
n. Then there’s her mother. Let’s not forget we all grew up here, we know how Sarah was, running with her brother and causing problems. She’s always been hardheaded and wants things done her way.”

  Running a free hand through his shaggy hair, he took a deep breath, Cassandra’s perfume overtaking the soft scent that had been around Sarah. He pushed to his feet and carried the items he’d picked up to the shelves and placed them down, unsure of how she wanted them presented.

  “I’m so grateful and I know this is a huge deal for the town. Navy SEAL and Marine from same hometown getting hitched. Everyone is going to turn out. But…”

  He turned back to her when she didn’t finish. “But what?” Concern rose, replacing the aforementioned amusement he had experienced.

  “One of them is going to have to give. They can’t agree on anything. And when I say anything, I mean anything. Mrs. Mallery is making this about her and not her daughter. Oh my God, I can’t believe I just admitted that to you.” She started to get up and wobbled on her heels, he was there to help her. “Thank you,” she breathed, eyes grateful.

  “Sure.” Grey took the items from her and set them on the shelf as well beside the ones he just put there. Turning back to the door, he saw Sarah standing there, looking in. Her face a blank unreadable slate.

  Without another word, he headed for the door and yanked it open to face her. “Sarah?”

  His woman’s expression could have been carved from ice for all the emotion and warmth it portrayed. Right now, this was the Marine who worked Black Ops that were so dark, he’d at one time been sent in to infiltrate and try to bring this group down. Of course, that was before he resigned his commission and began working for Tungsten Protective Services. Sarah still served in active duty. The unflappable warrior woman he loved.

  Until this.

  “Where is she?”

  He knew who she asked about. The mother element. “I don’t know, she left looking for you.”

  “I’ll be out at Turbin Park.”

  She didn’t say another word, just spun on her boot heels and strode to her bike. With a loud rumble, she raced off and out of town. Away from him.

  Raking a hand through his hair, he sighed and hesitated all of three seconds. After that moment, he followed. There wasn’t any doubt he would. He climbed in his truck and drove to the park that they’d grown up bicycling out to and spending their hot Georgia summer days. Parking beside her motorcycle, he killed the engine then climbed out. She was off to the left sitting on top of a picnic table. From the looks of things, they were the only ones out here right now. That would change once school got out and the kids either rode in cars or biked out here.

  Hands in his pockets, he made his way to her side and sank down next to her.

  “I love you,” he said, staring around them at the impressive grove of cottonwood trees that helped give the town its name.

  “I know you do,” she replied, her entire body starting to relax. “But I can’t do this. Can’t we just skip the ceremony and have a party? I mean we’re already married.”

  He smiled and wrapped an arm around her. Grey nuzzled the side of her neck, allowing that subtle scent of her to embed deep into his pores once more, making his world right. “I know that and so does your mother but she wants this. She needs this.”

  “I know but I want it my way, not hers.”

  “Any hope of a neutral meeting ground?”

  She drew back enough to level an exasperated look from narrowed eyes in his direction. “Not likely.” Sarah leaned into him burrowing close into his neck. “We can’t even agree on a dress. She wants me dressed up like a princess, a fucking princess.”

  He smiled, confident since her head was buried in his shoulder.

  “Stop smiling, you asshole,” she snipped jabbing her hand into his side.

  “You’re not supposed to be able to see me or my expressions. If I was making any.”

  “Marine trumps Navy any day.”

  “I’m not going to rise to the bait because you’re having a bad day.” He brushed his lips over her temple. “Look, we can get through this. It’s two months away.”

  “I’m not going to get through today much less two more months of this.”

  Grey hopped off the table and stood between her legs, pulling her close enough that his cock rested against her pussy. He hated the dejection streaming from her. This wasn’t her, she didn’t quit. Not his woman.

  “Are you giving up, Marine?” He bent his head to her ear. “Have you hit the wall and can’t go any further. Do you need to tap out?”

  She went rigid against him. Two sharp breaths were ingested and she pushed against his chest, not hard enough to move him, just enough so he knew she wasn’t happy with him and his statement. “Fuck you,” she snapped. “I’m not in the habit of giving up, Navy man.”

  He touched the tip of his index finger to her chin. “There’s my woman. We just need a battle plan.”

  She captured her plump lower lip in her mouth. “You don’t have to worry about any of this. I have fittings and all that shit. You don’t. I have to sit through all these damn decoration ideas that aren’t at all what I want.”

  “It’s a labor of love.” This time she punched him and damn it, that hurt. Rubbing his shoulder, he clucked his tongue at her. “That’s going to cost you, wife.”

  Sarah wagged a finger before his nose. “Sorry, there will be none of that before the wedding.”

  Suddenly all the humor at this entire situation disappeared in an instant puff. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Just another of my mother’s rules. She said it’s two months away, apparently, we can stop with that ‘horizontal mambo.’ I’ve been ordered home to sleep.”

  “I don’t like this at all,” he groused.

  “I’m sure there will be a happy medium for you somewhere at night. With your lotion and dreams.” She tugged him closer by his shirt and he went willingly. “Not so much fun now is it?”

  “We will just not have sex at night.”

  “Sorry, no sex until we’re married.”

  He narrowed his eyes a bit. “You’re already my wife.”

  “Yes, but you are the one who agreed to this. So, you can deal.” She pressed her lips to his. “Like you said, a labor of love.”

  So not at all what he meant.

  Chapter Two

  Sarah sighed in frustration as she paused on her childhood porch. She didn’t want to go in here nor did she want to face her mother. Truly I just want to go to Grey’s house and sleep with him. But she’d given her word which is why at this time of the night, she was standing on the porch of her childhood home.

  There were so many memories surrounding this house. Her and Chase as well as her brother, Jason. They’d been the three musketeers right up until Jason had fallen in with the wrong crowd. She closed her eyes at the memory of getting the call that her brother had been shot and killed during a drug raid. She’d taken leave and had come home for her mother.

  The same mother who was making this so damn difficult. It wasn’t like she didn’t want to make her mama happy, it was just that she didn’t give a flying fig about the pomp and circumstance. Never had been important to her.

  She and Grey had gone through enough trials and tribulations just to get to the point of her being willing to accept the marriage instead of going through and filing for the divorce she’d thought she’d wanted. The wedding was going to be good for the town, etc. That’s all she heard about and now this was about making her look like some fairytale princess which she was far from being. She thrived in the conditions most didn’t. Sarah loved her career and didn’t have any thoughts of slowing down, much less to pop out a child or two to give her mom someone else to spoil, for she doted on Chase’s child. Another sore spot between them. Seemed as of late that’s all there were.

  Turning the knob, she pushed it open, walked in then closed the door behind her. Only the hall light was on and she released a breath
she wasn’t aware she’d been holding. No confrontation.

  This is shameful. I’m fucking Recon Marine trained and assigned to Special Forces and here I am scared to walk in a house where I may have to talk to my mother.

  Shoving her nerves under control, she locked the door, something her mother rarely did even nowadays, and continued on her way to her bedroom. Nothing from her mother the entire way so she shut off the light as she passed the final switch. She stripped down to her sleeping attire of a ripped t-shirt and a pair of Grey’s boxers. After brushing her teeth, she rubbed the back of her neck as she retreated back to her room.

  A groan left her as she slipped between the cool sheets. This day had completely exhausted her on an emotional level and she wanted nothing more than some good sleep. Drawing up the bedding, she burrowed down and wished for what wasn’t to be.

  “Damn it, I want Grey. This is bullshit that I can’t sleep with him before a wedding that I didn’t want in the first goddamn place.”

  “I want you, too, Sarah. Always.”

  She started slightly only to shake her head as her husband slid in the bed beside her.

  “What are you doing here?” she whispered even as he drew her willing body tight to him.

  “Breaking all kinds of rules, I’m sure. But I never promised to keep my hands off you.”

  “This is my mom’s house.”

  “Kinky, isn’t it?” The warm air from his words moved along her skin, causing goosebumps to kick up all over her neck and shoulders.

  She sucked a deep breath as he skimmed his rough, calloused hands along her belly. Somewhere in her mind, she was firmly aware this shouldn’t be happening, that this was her mother’s house. However, that bit of knowledge was silenced by the touch of the man beside her in the double bed of her childhood.

  “You’re not supposed to be here.”

  “I missed my wife.”

  Yeah, I missed you too. “You sound like you’re pouting.”

  “I am.” He tightened his arms around her.


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