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Ezra's Awakening

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by B. A. Stretke



  A Blood and Bones Christmas

  By: B.A. Stretke

  Copyright © 2019 by B.A. Stretke

  Published by Superiorland Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person (living or dead), place, or event is purely coincidence.

  I want to take a moment and thank all of my readers who have enjoyed my stories and made this one of the most incredible years. I dedicate this book to all of you. Thank you for reading and making me a part of your world. Here’s to a wonderful and happy 2020.

  -B.A Stretke


  Louis walked into the Great Hall, a room of pure unrestrained extravagance. Its size and majesty was unparalleled in this part of the country. He’d built it to emulate the great halls of Versailles centuries ago when he and his people relocated to the New World. His Palace was as close a copy of the jewel of France as he could create here in the deep wilds of the Michigan countryside.

  He loved his home and his people, but most of all, he loved Ezra. Ezra Bentley is his beloved and the center of his life and source of all happiness. It had been nearly three years since he first set eyes upon the beautiful young man and every day since has been akin to a blessing. He never knew how isolated and alone he had been until the day Ezra blew open the dark heart of Master Louis DuCane and made him his own.

  Life without Ezra was unimaginable to him now, and his presence was a pure gift. Louis was happier now than he could ever remember. His beloved had filled a void that had lingered in his heart for centuries. Ezra, a young, quiet, and nondescript witch’s assistant, turned out to be the most important man in the world to Louis DuCane. Fate always gave you what you needed, and Louis discovered that he needed his quiet little beauty like he needed air and blood.

  They were coming up on their third Christmas together, and this year Louis wanted to make it special for his beloved. Trouble and discontent within the Coven had been dealt with and Ezra was beginning to open up and trust more than just Louis and his inner circle. Ezra was growing in confidence and self-esteem and it was a beautiful thing to watch.

  Their past Christmas celebrations had unfortunately been tainted by treachery in their ranks. Now with Chef Reid managing the kitchen and those who had intended to hurt his beloved dispatched permanently, the coven could truly enjoy a bright, loving, and festive Christmas celebration.

  Today he was meeting with Chef Reid to go over his proposed menu for the special day. Louis had discovered through careful investigation, several of Ezra’s favorite holiday dishes, many that his mother used to prepare for him, and Chef Reid was incorporating them all into the meal. They were discussing the seating and serving schedule when Ismael came into the room requesting Louis’ attention.

  “Order whatever you need. I leave the preparations in your capable hands.” He told the Chef before turning his attention to Ismael. Chef Reid nodded and quickly exited the room.

  “What can I do for you, Ismael?” Louis said as he walked over to the wall of windows and observed the broad porch and terrace beyond that opened to a massive lawn and shrubbery garden. He loved the artistry of his landscape and gardens.

  “We’ve received a request for a visitation,” Ismael stated and walked up to stand beside Louis.

  “From who?” Louis asked as he continued to stare out the windows.

  “The Duchess Aldessa Foix,” Ismael told him as he turned to regard Louis with a speculative glance. Louis knew that Ismael and the Duchess did not get on well. They maintained a surface civility towards one another but that was all. Ismael had never shared the reason for his attitude, but his distrust and dislike were evident although subtle and never rose to the level of rudeness.

  Louis couldn’t help the wicked smile that crossed his lips when he glanced over at Ismael. “I’m sure you’re looking forward to her arrival. Nothing like old friends to make the holidays complete.” Louis taunted him, but he too was not keen on having a visitor at a time when he was endeavoring to put a greater focus on his beloved. The Christmas party and celebrations were a means to show Ezra that Louis was always thinking about him even when he was otherwise occupied. The Coven had gone through some changes and growth and Louis’ attention was being eaten up with his duty as Master. Things would settle, but in the meantime, he intended to do everything in his power to keep his beloved comfortable and satisfied. Ezra’s happiness was everything to Louis.

  Ismael laughed. “I’ll manage.” He shot back sarcastically. “I no longer let the little things in life bother me, such as harpies the likes of Aldessa. Now that I have my beloved Easton by my side, I am filled with nothing but thankfulness for the life that I have.” Louis cocked an eyebrow knowing full well that Ismael was as headstrong, difficult and demanding as he ever was. But he would let him have this moment and not challenge the depth and sentiment he was embracing.

  “Yes, we were indeed fortunate, you and I, to have found our beloveds. Not too many vampires our age are given that gift.” As the years wore on, the likelihood of finding his beloved became less and less but Louis had never completely given up hope.

  Like Ismael, he never took a long-term lover and never established a romantic relationship with anyone in anticipation of his beloved coming to him one day. That day arrived nearly three years ago. Fate rewarding him with a lovely and delicate young man. Ezra Bentley was worth the wait.

  “Coven DuCane has been lucky these past few years with Fate bringing several members their fated bonds. I hope it lasts a while longer, and more of our soldiers find their Fated match. Nothing like a beloved to strengthen their commitment and resolve.” Ismael always had his mind on the welfare of his men, which helped make him the exemplary leader that he was. Louis felt fortunate to have such a man in charge of his armies.

  “Issue her the standard invitation, nothing special, and extend our regards,” Louis responded to Aldessa’s request. “How long will she be staying?”

  “Her letter states a few days, which in her case can mean anything from a few hours to a few months.” Ismael retorted.

  “I doubt she’ll stay long with Christmas approaching. Her coven is known in the Loire Valley for its lavish holiday presentations, and she wouldn’t miss it. The Duchess thrives on the sycophantic attention.”

  Louis considered Aldessa to be more of an old ally and not a friend. As much as he would prefer it, he couldn’t refuse her request for a visit based on that premise. On several occasions, centuries ago, they had been intimate but that was in the past. It had never amounted to anything but carnal lust and satisfaction. Louis had never given anyone his heart or singular romantic attention. That was saved for his beloved, Ezra, the one man who owned his heart and all his passion.

  “Is there a purpose for her visit?” Louis added.

  “Not that she’s stated, but there is always an underlying intent when she shows up. The leadership of her coven has recently changed with Master Charles stepping down. I understand that since he had no heir that he appointed his Second to rule. There may be other internal change-ups going on as well.” He theorized. “She wants something, she always wants something, and we’ll find out what it is soon enough.” Ismael’s pledge to not let the little things bother him seemed to be on shaky ground.

  “Let’s hope we find out what she wants early on and can send
her quickly on her way home.” Louis offered, and Ismael heartily agreed.


  Ezra met Easton in the dining room for lunch just after one. Since Easton’s arrival and bonding with Ismael a little over a year ago, the two of them had become fast friends. Ezra found in Easton someone who listened without judgment, and Easton found in Ezra a trusted friend.

  “I hear we’re going to be entertaining royalty,” Easton commented.

  “The Duchess Aldessa Foix,” Ezra stated clearly impressed. “She sounds grand.”

  “I got the impression that Ismael isn’t at all impressed by her,” Easton added.

  “Really?” Ezra sounded surprised, and Easton nodded. “That’s interesting.”

  “She’s influential in her coven back in France, but she has delusions of grandeur according to what I’ve heard. The Master of her coven recently stepped down without leaving an heir, and his second in command has taken over. It’s a theory that the Duchess had her eye on the position but lacked the connections and clout to secure it.” Easton continued as they finished their meal.

  “You really have a lot of info. Did you research all of this?” Ezra was amazed at his insider information.

  “I overheard Ismael and Silas talking about her and her impending visit.” Easton smiled and finished his coffee.

  “Louis just told me she was coming and that she was an old acquaintance from his time in France.” Ezra felt a little left out of the loop. “Do you know why she’s coming?”

  Easton shook his head. “All I know is that she is arriving on Tuesday. You should ask Louis for some details.”

  “I will.” Ezra felt a strange anxiety grip him and couldn’t identify the source. It felt like resentment.

  Louis called at three-thirty that afternoon and asked for Ezra to meet him in the hedge garden by the fountain. Louis loved his gardens and would often ask Ezra to meet him so that they could walk together or talk and enjoy one another. Ezra had a feeling that he wanted to talk about the Duchess and her visit. The Palace was preparing itself for what was beginning to look like an official visit. The Chef, the Butler, and the social directors were working overtime to impress. Chef Reid and Henri, the Palace Butler, were in their element planning a “royal visit.”

  This meeting in the garden was to prepare Ezra for the Duchess. He had a feeling he wasn’t going to like this woman. He didn’t know why, but his gut was telling him that she was trouble.


  Louis wanted to speak with Ezra alone and undisturbed, and the best place for that was the gardens. He needed to explain his past relationship with the Duchess so that if past references are made that Ezra understood the context. He would never want to cause his beloved a moment of discomfort or confusion.

  Aldessa enjoyed controversy and had the tendency to ruffle feathers and instigate trouble, and he would not put it past her to say something about their past in front of Ezra. With that in mind, he was going to make sure that Ezra was clear and fully aware of what to expect.

  It had reached him through his agents in the field that her mission was to gain his backing for her move to unseat the new Master and take over leadership of her coven. Master Charles had put his Second in the succession for the Crown before stepping down and Louis was not obliged to undermine his wishes. The Duchess was on her own and he intended to make that clear but he would wait for her to spell out her desire before shutting her down.

  His biggest concern was to make sure the Duchess was on her way back home before the Christmas celebration Louis had planned for Ezra. He didn’t want Aldessa getting in the way of the festivities.

  He sensed Ezra approaching before he saw him. It was an overall feeling of peace and happiness that swamped him whenever Ezra was near. He loved that young man more than anything upon this earth, and he would do anything to keep him happy and by his side.

  The sudden memory of the difficulty and disrespect his beloved had endured at the hands of the prior chef, and his cronies brought a darkness to Louis’ thoughts. The idea that anyone thought it a good idea to torture and debase the Master’s beloved was astounding to him. He’d taken care of the problem blood and bones style and he demanded that Ezra never hide such sufferings from him ever again.

  His beloved was too kind, too loving and too forgiving of those not deserving. But those were some of the qualities that Louis loved the most, so he accepted his beloved as he was, just as Ezra accepted him.

  “Hi,” Ezra said with a big smile that was all for Louis. Louis stood and greeted him with a hug and a hard kiss. He never tired of holding and tasting his beloved the contact was always revitalizing.

  “Sit, my love.” He waited until Ezra was seated and then sat down next to him and wrapped his arm around his shoulders, pulling him up close and keeping him warm. Ezra snuggled in and rested his head on Louis’ chest. It was moments like this that made his life perfect. They sat in silence for several minutes before Louis began.

  “I waited many lifetimes for you.” He said. “No one had importance or a place in my life before you.” Louis started by highlighting Ezra’s importance and position. “You know how old I am and the life that I led before Fate blessed me with you.” Ezra nodded but kept his head pressed against Louis’ chest.

  “As I told you this morning, the Duchess Aldessa Foix will be arriving tomorrow and will be staying at the Palace for a few days. The Duchess can be brash and insensitive and may make reference to a past relationship between us.” He felt Ezra tense and it bothered him. “You have nothing to fear, my love,” Louis lifted Ezra’s face up to his and placed a particularly hard and exacting kiss to his tender lips.

  “I’m only telling you this to avoid any unnecessary pain or misunderstandings which the Duchess thrives on. In my over nine hundred years of existence, no one has ever touched my heart except you. You own me Ezra, body and soul and that will never change. You are my beloved and I love you more than my life.” Louis finished with another heart-stopping kiss and he felt Ezra melt to him so beautifully and so satisfying. He felt confident that Ezra heard and understood.

  Ezra knew he should feel relief at Louis’ declaration, but a part of his mind remained insecure. It conjured pictures of Louis in the arms of some woman and the images were causing a subtle and growing uncertainty as to his purpose and place. He quickly shuttered the feelings so Louis would not pick up on them and worry. His beloved had enough to worry about without Ezra adding to it with his petty insecurities.

  “I know you love me, and I love you too. I won’t let the Duchess bother me if that is her intent.” Ezra reassured Louis as best he could because Ezra wasn’t so sure that the Duchess would not hit her mark each and every time if she decided to take a poke at him.

  His confidence and self-assurance had grown in the past year, but he admitted that there was still a long way to go. The increase in his magics had allowed him a sense of personal power and independent abilities apart from what Louis and the Coven naturally provided. He was beginning to feel less like a burden and more like a possible asset. But now, with the appearance of the Duchess, and all she represented, it caused his confidence in being a worthy partner to shake a bit.

  The two years of fighting off attacks by the kitchen staff and hiding his discomfort and distrust from Louis had taken a toll on his self-worth. They had deemed him unworthy of their Master and had set about a campaign of harassment to get him to either leave or die. But once he realized that they were never going to accept him and he made Louis aware of what was happening, the torment stopped, and the tormenters were eliminated.

  When Ezra requested that Chef Reid, a man that he respected and trusted, take over the kitchen, Louis made it happen, and now Ezra’s life had been made comfortable and easy. He feared though deep in the recesses of his mind that one day it would all end. The day would come that Louis would not see him as worthy and would cut him loose as everyone had before. This fear fed his anxiety surrounding Duchess Aldessa Foix.

ughout Ezra’s life, he noticed a pattern that whenever he gained a step up, there was always a step down that followed. His life had been perfect when his mother was alive but when she died, he was sent to the Kindred for training. They had thought he would inherit his mother’s magic which was immense and powerful, but he didn’t. As it became clear he would never be powerful, they made him a slave to the more powerful magics in the kindred and his life was pure hell. He’d gone from beloved heir to slave in less than a year.

  Then he was captured along with several others by the Hadden Coven and charged with attacking a beloved. When he was cleared and allowed to stay with the Coven under their protection, and away from the kindred, he thought life had really improved and things were looking up for him. Then several of the vampires within the Coven decided they didn’t like him and began making life hard and painful for him once again.

  When Master Louis DuCane showed up and declared Ezra his beloved, he thought he’d hit the lottery. Nothing bad would ever happen to him again now that Louis held him. Then began the harassment of the kitchen staff, and so goes the saga of Ezra. Life was good right now and so Ezra had been waiting for things to turn bleak as they always did.

  “She’ll be gone before Christmas and won’t interfere with our plans,” Louis added an assurance. Ezra figured he’d picked up on his discomfort so pushed the feeling deeper under his shield.

  Louis was a commanding and formidable vampire master and had the power to overwhelm most, but his influence was less with his beloved. Fate did not allow for him to know Ezra’s thoughts only his feelings and now with his growing abilities, Ezra was able to shield most of his negative feelings from Louis. It wasn’t that he was trying to be secretive; it was just that he didn’t want to burden his beloved with his insecurities.

  Besides, Christmas was coming, and there was a lovely party being planned. It was to celebrate the holiday and the addition of new members over the past year. Ezra refused to let his dark cloud of bitter resentment dampen the festivities.


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