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Loving You Forever (Battle Born MC Book 7)

Page 22

by Scarlett Black

  “I-I just don’t know what to say.” All expectant faces look to me for answers, and honestly, I don’t have any.

  Vegas clears her throat, “Tami, Blade cares for you, you are his sister no matter what. You are Stryker and Moxie’s daughter, they claim you. It’s one messed up perfect mess. Don’t read too far into the whys, but you have the whole package right before you. Just reach out, hold tight, and don’t let go.”

  Stryker places a hand on my knee, “I’m so sorry you were without for so long. No family behind you. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, but you are never going to be one of them. Give me a chance to show you that you can trust me.”

  Those tears I worked so hard to hold spring free. Stryker wipes them away, “Don’t cry beautiful girl.” Never in my life have I seen such a strong biker be so soft.

  “It’s so hard, I’m pregnant.” I utter between breaths.

  Stryker gently pulls me into his embrace, “I’m sorry sweetheart, please don’t cry. Can you forgive me?”

  Can I? “What is there to forgive? You didn’t do anything wrong to me.” I take in another deep breath and release the tension that was built up.

  He moves back and presses a kiss to my forehead. “Can I walk you down the aisle? I know I don’t deserve it, but I would be proud to show off my daughter on the most beautiful day of her life.”

  I hiccup and Vegas sniffles behind me. Stryker’s eyes ping pong between us both, “Both my girls are pregnant?” He stands and his voice echoes in the room.

  “Shit,” Vegas cusses to herself. “We’re not telling anyone yet. Keep your voice down.”

  “I’m going to have more grandbabies.” Moxie declares with a quiet celebration.

  “You boys are creating a whole club on your own with all these kids,” Stryker muses.

  “Nah, it’s a baby girl,” Pawn corrects.

  “Baby girls.” Stryker repeats, he and Moxie get wrapped up in a conversation on how they are going to travel up here more often.

  “I’m sorry too, Tami,” Blade amends. “We wanted what was best for you all along regardless of what the outcome was.”

  Wiping under my eyes, “It’s not easy, but I understand. Just keep things to yourself for a while. I could live without surprises for— Well, for Forever.”

  “Promise. I’ll be a better brother.” Blade surprises me with the quick hug and the shocked looked on my face Vegas reads accurately.

  “Now you know you’re loved, when Blade gives out a hug. Love you,” She teases.

  “Love you, too.”

  “Don’t be handing out my love woman.” Pawn pulls me up from the chair.

  “Momma, sad?” Cash asks and I’m shocked how quiet he was the entire time. I take him from Pawn and snuggle my other favorite person in the world.

  “No, Baby.” I kiss his big little cheeks. “Love you.”

  “Love, momma.”

  “Meet your grandpa and grandma,” I turn toward them. “Say hello, baby.”

  Stryker stills with his hand over his heart at first.

  “Hi, poppa.” Cash smiles, with the few teeth he has, proudly.

  No one can resist Cash, not even the strongest man on the west coast. He comes to him and together they are off into another world with Moxie they play and get to know each other.

  Vegas rounds the corner and whispers to Pawn, “You know you are so fucked right?” She taunts him.

  “So, fucked,” Blade smarts, backing her up.

  Pawn groans but pulls me too him, “So lucky.”

  When I thought that I couldn’t even have more the world proves me wrong. The heart is the strongest muscle in our body and has an endless capability to love and grow. I’m not sure what tomorrow will be, but we’ll make the rules up as we go.

  Chapter 41


  Today is the day.

  Had you asked me a year ago that I would have Cash, Tami and a baby on the way. I would have laughed or punch you in the face for pissing me off by saying that to me. Through all the bad I battled and came out the luckiest I have ever been in my life.

  Tami wanted me to wear this white shirt and black slacks. Happily, I will wear whatever the fuck she wants today. I check myself in the dresser’s mirror.

  “Roll up the sleeves,” Jenn tells me from the doorway of my room at the clubhouse.

  I turn and raise a brow, “That’s an odd and a creepy thing to say.”

  “Yeah, I thought so too, but when we asked her what you were going to wear, she got all gooey eyed and said that and for a few buttons to be undone. So, make your woman’s dreams come true. I think you look like shit still with the bruising and cast, but she loves you and that’s all that counts, right?”

  “Thanks for your honesty. While we’re sharing, that dress looks like shit on you.”

  Jenn’s head falls back and releases a loud laugh, “You’re alright, dick. Break a leg today.” Jenn ducks out of the room and I seriously question how much time these women are spending with Tank.

  Speaking of, I call my best man, “Where are you?”

  “At the alter waiting for you, Tami’s about to walk down the aisle where are you?” My heart drops and I pull the phone away from my ear to look at the time. “Made you look,” he bellows from the doorway.

  “Asshole, did the car show up?”

  “Right on time. Now let’s get you to the alter.” Tank moves to button up my shirt.

  Swatting his hands away I explain, “Leave it, my woman wants to see my chest.”

  “That’s the weirdest thing I think you have ever said. But alrighty, let’s roll out.” Tank swings his arm in a grand gesture for me to lead. Reaching the doorway, I falter a bit at what I see. Every man in the MC stands tall from the hallway leading out to the backyard.

  The tone is serious and not what I was expecting. I walk down and look each one of them in the eye. Towards the end is Fuego, Ghost, Axl, Saint, Cuervo, Blade and finally Stryker.

  Stryker steps forward, “The day Solo died, the day I found out she was my daughter, Tami was claimed by each one of us to protect her. Take better care of her than each man promised to do before you.”

  The respect I have had for these men has changed my life but now, my pride to belong with them overwhelms me in this moment. It is a slice of time I will carry with me. They have helped to shape me, been my family when I didn’t realize I even needed one.

  Holding my hand out I shake Stryker’s hand, “Until the day I die. I will protect her with my life.”

  “Good. If you break her heart, I’ll kill you.” He pats me on the back.

  A statement he will make good on I have no doubt of.

  Stepping out into the fall sunshine, Titan chuckles, “You are so fucked. Congratulations, and good luck.” He pops salami and cheese into his mouth.

  “Nah, I’m the luckiest asshole to walk this earth today.” If I hadn’t been given the bad, I may not have ever seen the good in life. I’m ready to take it all.


  “Whose car is that?” I point, standing at the front steps of our home. Surprised to see the beautiful Tahoe that pulls in. It’s all white except the rims and windows are blacked out.

  Vegas whistles low standing behind me holding the small train while I hold the beautiful bouquet of red and orange flowers. A prospect gets out and helps escort us into the car.

  “Hey, whose car is this?” I ask.

  “Couldn’t say, ma’am, Tank told me to take it to pick you up.”

  We both look at Kat, “Is it yours?”

  “Nope, I wish it was though.” We take in the black leather interior for a few seconds. Once the car is in drive, I forget about who owns it. The closer we get the more my nerves pick up. I didn’t believe that I would have a day like this.

  Happy and anxious nerves that I can’t believe quite yet. We pull up to the side of the Clubhouse and Audio plays with Jenn the tunes to the wedding march. Stryker is waiting for me and is dressed in a stunning tux.
  Down the aisles stands Moxie and Pawn’s mom, Julie. Together they stand with a little Cash dressed in a mini tux. “Oh my God, you boys look so handsome.”

  Stryker places a kiss to my forehead and then rest my hand on his arm, “For you, anything. You look beautiful, sweetheart.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Let’s do this.” Stryker turn us and Maddy is held at the beginning of a short aisle. Dana coaxes her to drop the flowers and walk to her dad, Axl. Very sweetly she sprinkles the flowers on her way. Dana then points to the twins, with their little mohawks. They walk side-by-side following Maddy. She trips and the crowd gasps when she falls and then pouts.

  Cortez leaves his brother and helps her up. He clasps her hand and holds onto the basket. The crowd awes and then laughs when Easton steps around them and proceeds ahead. Cortez then helps Maddy finish dropping the flowers. The scene and my heart splinters with how cute they are.

  The music changes and guitars strum. Stryker, with the fierce confidence that is installed in the man, leads me down the aisle. I try to look at the faces, but it’s hard to do with a beating heart so fast I can barely breathe.

  We reach the end and he hands me off to Pawn. “Remember what I said.”

  “Every word,” Pawn nods.

  Leaning forward, he steals a kiss before the song ends and the preacher can even start. “You are the most gorgeous angel I have ever seen.”

  My hand touches his cheek, “I love you,” I whisper.

  The song ends and the crown awes again, when they hear my whispered words. Pawn chuckles, “Thank God.” I swat at his arm, “Love you.”

  “Let’s begin, shall we?” The preacher interrupts with humor in his tone. He gives us his blessing of an everlasting marriage and we listen to every word while we stare into each other’s eyes.

  “Pawn, do you take Tami to be your lawfully wedded wife, for better or for worse, until death do you part?” he questions.

  “Tami,” Pawn starts, “There was a time I thought heaven came down and stole you away from me. Took my angel from my life. Never in my wildest dreams did I believe that you would be returned to me. You’ve been the best mother to Cash and carry our baby now. Yes, I do take you now, always, and will love you forever.”

  Blade hands over my ring to Pawn and, gently, he places the band with a billion tiny little diamonds over my finger. I grip his hand because his words where the sweetest things he’s ever expressed to me.

  “Tami, do you take this man, Eric Anderson, to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better or for worse, until death do you part?”

  My chest heaves and I try to control my emotions and breathing, “Eric, I’ll always love you, never giving you up. We’ve always been better together than apart. Nothing could steal me away from you. Yes, I do.”

  “You may now kiss your bride.” Family and friends yell out their congratulations, but that’s all drowned out by the man standing in front of me. The kiss we share is surpassed by anything we have ever experienced together.


  Tami is twirled around by her dad, the Prez of the Las Vegas chapter. Her blonde hair shimmers in the setting sun. The fall is a perfect backdrop for her. I hand Cash over to my mom. I am determined to steal away my wife.

  “Can I cut in?” I ask her father.

  He nods and leaves her with me, cradling her into my arms. “I saw something,” I whisper into her hair.

  “What is that?”

  My fingers dig into her sides, “Your black heels. For a bride that is really bad, angel.”

  “Mmm,” she groans.

  “When this song ends, say good tonight to Cash. I’m taking you home to peel away that dress to see what you have on underneath this.”

  Tami’s nails dig into my back and I know I’ve got her right where I want her. Twirling her around, Tami’s golden hair is fanning out. I catch her and dip her backwards, kissing her chest. The crowd whistles and when I bring her back up, the blush on her cheeks is bright red.

  My angel is the perfect contradiction of good and bad. Bringing her in tight to my body, I whisper, “Never letting you go.”

  Her head rests on my chest. “Never letting you go,” she agrees.

  Once the song ends, she gives our son kisses and we tell the family goodbye as we walk over to the Tahoe. Holding out the keys to her, I explain, “It’s yours, a wedding present. But I’m driving you home.”

  Swiftly, I whisk her off her feet and gently set her in the front seat. If I could hold her all the way home, I would. While driving, I glance over at her and I see her staring back at me. This woman is perfect, she’s focusing on me and not even looking around at the wedding present I gave her. When we arrive, I again carry her all the way into the house and into our room.

  I set her on her feet with her back facing me. Slowly, I undo every button and zipper. My fingers caressing over her skin as I push the fabric away from her body. Tami stands before me in all black lace underwear.

  Leaving her in that spot, I walk around looking at her in every angle. She’s about to say something, but I raise a finger to her lips, I know that she wants to apologize she didn’t get me something more. “This is everything,” I say on my exhale, feeling like the breath has been stolen from my lungs.

  My fingers dance along the fabric until she stands naked for me. Gently, I nudge her over to lay on the bed. I remove my clothing and crawl between her legs. “Wrap those heels around me,” I whisper.

  She does, using the pressure on my ass to guide me inside her. Falling into place where we were always meant to be. Together. I love my wife and worship her body with every thrust and caress until she falls asleep from exhaustion.

  Chapter 42


  Months have gone by and Tami’s belly is large and ready for our baby to be born. I can feel her kick under my hand.

  Tami groans, “She wants me to pee my pants, I swear.”

  It’s really early in the morning, the sun hasn’t come up yet. But Tami cannot sleep very well. She is always hot and her body aches from our baby girl. I could feel her tossing and turning, which woke me up.

  I think back to the day that the doctor told us it was a girl. I knew it and I loved hearing it. It’s perfect we have Cash and now a girl. “Did you pick a name yet?”

  “I did, are you ready to hear it?” Her voice is scratchy.

  “Hit me with it.”

  “Mia Katherine Anderson.” Tami holds her breath and waits for my reaction.

  “Angel, that name is beautiful.” I can’t wait to meet her. To me, this little girl will have the golden blonde hair and the same eyes as her mom too. I don’t want her to be any different.

  “Eric, are you happy?” Her question is odd. Tami lately has been emotional and drained.

  “Why are you worried, Tami?” Placing a kiss to her shoulder, I wait for her to tell me.

  “I always worry. About what could happen tomorrow. Losing any of you would devastate me.”

  “Angel, turn this way.” Tami struggles, but manages to face me.

  “I promised you forever. I’m going to make that happen for us. I told you, I’ll bring you heaven, even when you think you’re living in hell. What happened?”

  She huffs out some air, “I saw Topaz and some of the other club girls the other day. I felt like a huge puffy marshmallow next to them.”

  My body starts to shake because she’s told me a lot how much she hates her swollen body. “I love your body, any size and shape, because it’s yours. This body takes care of me and the kids and loves me.” I push a few strands of hair away from her eyes. “Every moment is an adventure, I’ll never long for change without you in it. Back when I found out that Cash was conceived, I was so pissed because I knew if it was you, then my life would be okay. I wished it was you that was pregnant with him. There isn’t a thing I want more than this right here with you.”

  “Really? I didn’t know that.” She relents.

  “That’s what I sho
uld have told you then. I was scared and angry, but yes. I dreamed that it was you. I wanted you so bad, but I didn’t know how to be the man I knew you needed.”

  “Thank you, Eric, I needed to hear that today.”

  “Besides, these tits are fucking hot.” I try to palm them. But I get swatted at and cock blocked when Cash wanders into our room half asleep. I think since he’s figured out Tami is having another baby, he’s gotten very clingy with her and ends up in our bed almost every night.

  Tami chuckles and holds the blanket up for Cash to slide in between us. He places his little hands on her stomach. “Say hi to Mia, Cash.”

  “Baby?” he wonders.

  “Yep, baby Mia, your sister.”

  He plays along for a little while and soon we all fall asleep snuggled in one bed. It feels like my eyes just closed when a foot is jabbed into my back. “Son of a…” Popping my eyes open, I sit up and see that Cash is sleeping sideways.

  I give into the fact I’m not sleeping anymore today. Stretching, I get up then shower and dress. I grab Cash a set of clothes and set it on the end of the bed for when I wake him up in a few hours. Out in the garage, I work on my bike a little, getting it ready to ride this summer, happy that Tami will be able to head out with me again.

  Even though it’s been a great winter, it’s been long from being cooped up inside and I itch to get out. It’s close to time so I head out to the back porch and leave what I was working on for now.

  “Hey brother,” I no longer go to the cemetery to talk with my friend. “It’s been really good. I still wish you were here at times, but I’ve accepted that from the first day you and I became friends to now, our lives were meant to be this way. I wondered if I would have fought for Tami when I got out. The answer is Yes. There is no way I couldn’t have. She was meant for me. My blood runs with her in it. I just want you to know, how much I love her and our life.”

  I’ll never forget my friend, my brother, that lost his life. I just can’t ever change the fact that we both loved the same woman. It turned out the way it was meant to, and the timing was what it was, our fate. Since I’ve learned to accept the truth, I’ve come to peace with all aspects of my life. My only addiction is the woman I come home to at night.


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