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Shadow Mate (Wolf Moon Academy Book 1)

Page 14

by Jen L. Grey

  "Hey, can I come in?" Kai's voice came from right outside my bedroom door.

  "Yeah, sure." I’d forced myself to wash my pillow after my run-in with Kai earlier so the room only smelled like me. I'd even hid my pillow from the cleaners and had been wallowing around in Liam's scent from that night so many weeks ago. I hadn't wanted to let it go. It was the only thing that proved he existed lately. It was pathetic and something I wouldn't admit to anyone.

  He opened the door and stopped in his tracks when his eyes met mine. "You look gorgeous." He winced. "Not that you don't normally. It's just nice to see you in clothes other than Wolf Moon Academy's red and silver."

  "Thank you." He was super nervous, which added to his sweetness. Why wouldn't I want to be with him? He was sweet, caring, and damn handsome too. "You don't look so bad yourself."

  He wore a blue polo shirt and jeans. The blue complimented his light olive skin and made his brown eyes seem warmer. "I wanted to catch you before we left."

  "Good, I wanted to talk to you as well." I'd been thinking about my brother and the threat the heirs gave me the last time I bothered their precious leader.

  "Okay, shoot." He closed the distance between us and took my hand in his.

  "Well, the heirs threatened to hurt my brother if I messed with one of them a while back." I hated talking about them, especially with Kai. His eyes darkened with my words already. "And, well, as you know, they blamed me for Liam messing up the last game I went to. I guess what I'm saying, at the game for my brother's sake, can we keep some distance between us?"

  "At the game or the whole night?" His shoulders tensed, and he held his breath.

  "Just at the game." I chewed on my bottom lip. I didn't know how to make this any better. "Max wants us to go to a party with him, so there it'll be just us … no heirs around."

  The light seemed to return to his eyes. "Okay, I understand even if I don't like it."

  "I don't either." Hell, if Liam didn't want to be with me, he shouldn't be able to have influence over my life at all. Despite that, I believed he would carry out his threat all too willingly. "And I'm sorry."

  "It's not your fault." He leaned his forehead against mine and took a breath. "Fate has a way of messing things up sometimes."

  "Maybe." I sucked in his scent, needing it to cleanse my mind and erase Liam's from my memory. "How was your lunch with your father?"

  "That's what I wanted to talk to you about." He lowered his lips to mine, brushing them for a moment before pulling back.

  It felt nice, but that was it. Not like... Dammit, I had to stop. "Oh? Is he back to hating me again? That was really strange."

  "It was odd. Actually, he wants me to bring you home for a weekend sometime." He shook his head. "He mentioned your necklace. Asked me if I understood what it meant." His eyes landed on it. "I think you should take it off. Whatever made him change his tune is due to that."

  "Really?" I'd always found it odd how Mom reacted but never questioned it, thinking it was a family heirloom. I never took it as more than that. "What else did he say?"

  "Nothing because," he said as he winced, "Liam interrupted us."

  Of course he did. "So your dad wouldn't say anything in front of him?" This still didn't make sense.

  "No, he said he’d come visit in the morning so we can continue the conversation. And to ask you if you wanted to come home with me one weekend." Kai chuckled. "I've never had him want to spend time with a girl I'm interested in before. It's kind of nice, but I think it's because of whatever that means." He pointed to the necklace.

  "It's just five paw prints." I didn't see what the big deal was. I pulled it out so he could see it more clearly.

  "It's sorta like The Blood Council, which is even more of a reason not to wear it." He ran his fingers down my arm. "I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

  "You're right." I'd have to ask Mom about it next time I saw her.

  "Here, let me get it." He turned me around gently and brushed my hair to the side. As he unclasped the lock, his fingers brushed my neck.

  It should've given me chills and made my body warm, but it didn't.

  "There." He held out the necklace, and I turned back around, taking it from him.

  "Thanks for telling me." He didn't have to. He could have kept this all a secret from me, but he was being honest. I was learning how damn rare that was around here.

  "Always." He smiled.

  "Come on. Let's go." Bree yelled from the living room. "You two better not be getting it on. We gotta get to KSU and pronto. My man's waiting on me."

  "Dear God," Tripp whined. "I don't want to be the only one who has to suffer her obsessive need to get out the door. Get your asses in here. You can make out later."

  I was going to kill him for that. He knew what was going on.

  "Come on, we’d better go." He held his hand out to me.

  "Yeah, one second." I rushed over to my jewelry box and put my necklace back in it. Once it was situated, I turned to him and smiled. "Now I am." I walked over and took his hand in mine.

  It was time to go.

  As we pulled into KSU's parking lot for the game, I couldn't help but feel tense. "Are you sure you want to park your car where everyone else does? It's going to get banged up." The parking lot was already full, and the game was still over an hour out.

  "It's just a car, Mia." He glanced at me and smiled.

  It was more than a fucking car; it was a 2020 Bentley Bentayga. The car probably cost more than all of my parents’ and Max's vehicles combined.

  "Not all of us come from money like you two do." Tripp leaned forward between the front seats to glance at me and then Kai. "And I'm with her."

  "It's just metal." Bree snorted.

  "More like plastic." At least that's how the exteriors look nowadays with all these new vehicles.

  "True." She tilted her head to the side.

  Kai found a parking spot near the back and pulled into it. "It'll be fine." He put the car in park and turned off the engine.

  We all climbed out and headed toward the dorms.

  "So your brother lives on campus?" Kai caught up to walk beside me.

  "Yup, he had to his freshman and sophomore years though I’m not sure why." I shrugged my shoulders. "The last I heard, Nate and he might be renting an apartment together off-campus next year."

  "Nate's current roommate graduates, so it's kind of perfect timing." Bree appeared on my other side.

  "Well, this place is kind of cool." Tripp glanced around, and he winked at a couple of girls that walked by. "I'm not with her in case you're interested." He pointed at Bree.

  One girl slowed down and smiled. "That's interesting."

  "Really? You're pulling that shit right in front of me?" Bree's mouth dropped, and she tensed up. "Remember what I told you would happen the next time you even thought about cheating?"

  "What?" The girl wrinkled her nose in disgust and turned to catch up with her friends.

  I burst out laughing.

  "What the hell?" Tripp lifted both hands in the air and shook his head despite the smile spreading across his face.

  "Sorry, I couldn't resist." She bumped her shoulder into his. "Anyway, she was a slut. You need someone better than that."

  "Who said I was looking for a relationship?" He pointed at Bree and then me and Kai. "You are catching up with Nate, and those two are on a date …" He paused and pursed his lips, "kind of a date. And I'm all alone. So let me have some fun."

  "Oh, stop." Bree pushed his arm. "You'll find another one in seconds. Just don't make us hang out with any idiots tonight. At least, pick a pretty one with a brain."

  "We'll see." He winked at her.

  Soon, Max's dorm came into view and my pace increased. I hadn't seen him for such a long time. Within ten minutes, we were knocking on his door.

  When the door opened, I got pulled into loving, comforting arms. "My baby sister." He took a deep breath and let me go. "Was the drive okay?"

  "Yeah, Dad, it was." I stuck my tongue out at him.

  He nodded his head and smirked. "Okay, that's kind of fair." His eyes then landed on Bree. "Ah, Nate said he'll meet us outside in ten minutes. He got stuck helping his roommate with something."

  "It figures." She sighed. "He can't be anywhere on time."

  "And who are these guys?" Max glanced at Tripp and Kai.

  "Oh, this is Tripp." I pointed at him. "He's a freshman like me, and we met on the tour that Kai," I said as I pointed at Kai, "gave on campus."

  "Well, I'm Max." He glared at Kai and Tripp. "So how long have you been at Wolf Moon?" His gaze landed right on Kai.

  "I'm a junior." He shrugged.

  "His dad is also a regional alpha who reports directly to my dad." Bree grinned at him. "And one of the best guys I know."

  "Oh, really now? How's Nate going to like that?" Max crossed his arms across his chest and smirked. "I could have fun with this."

  "Kiss my ass." Bree narrowed her eyes at him and grinned.

  "Did you get our tickets?" Surprisingly, I was ready for the game.

  "Sure did." He pulled them out of his jeans pocket. They were bent as if they had molded to his ass. “Let me grab my stuff, I need to get there soon to warm up.”

  "Then let's get rolling." I led the way back to the stadium.

  We hung around outside the stadium, waiting for Nate while Max joined the team for warm-ups.

  When Nate finally appeared, heading in our direction, a huge ass grin filled Bree’s face. “It’s about damn time.” She ran over to him, and he pulled her into his arms, kissing her in a way I’d never wanted to see.

  “Uh... ” Tripp glanced over to me and Kai. “Is it just me, or does it feel like I’m watching the beginning of a porn video?”

  “Dude.” Kai chuckled as he shook his head. “Accurate, but not needed.”

  “Bree?” I cleared my throat hoping to get some sense back into both of their heads. “We need to get in there. The game starts in thirty minutes.”

  “Fine.” She pulled away and took his hand. “Let’s go before they all start whining.”

  “Start?” Nate laughed and pointed at me. “She already has.”

  “You better watch it.” Bree pulled him over to our group. “She may kick your ass.”

  “After watching her stand up to your brother, you could be right.” His eyes landed on the two guys. “Who are they?”

  “Oh, hi.” Tripp held his hand out to him. “I’m Tripp, and I’ve never hit on her.” He pointed to Bree.

  “Well, why not? She’s hot.” Nate wrapped his arm around her.

  “I told you they don’t act like new mates.” It would be amazing if I had a mate who made me feel that confident and secure.

  “Wait, he’s your mate?” Kai shook his hand next. “I’m Kai. I’ve been friends with her for a long time, so if you ever need stories…”

  “Yes, he is but no,” Bree said as her eyes widened, “don’t even offer that.”

  “We’ll talk later.” Nate pretended to whisper, causing Bree to smack him in the stomach.

  “Let’s go.” This is how things were supposed to be—friendly, comforting, and fun.

  Within seconds, we were through security, and Nate led us to where our seats were. Both teams were out on the field, warming up. My eyes went immediately to Liam. I could pick him out of the crowd easily.

  His body stiffened, and he turned in my direction catching my eyes.

  The world seemed to stop, but I forced my feet to continue moving.

  He stared into my eyes and pointed at my brother. He made it clear: one wrong move with Kai, and my brother would get injured.

  The problem was that all of the heirs were on the offensive team with Liam being the quarterback. My brother was a defensive back on KSU, which meant they would be up against one another and they could inflict injury on him. This was the way they could hurt him and easily get away with it.

  After a few seconds, I tore my gaze from his. I hadn't expected him to locate me like that, especially when we were sitting on the KSU side.

  "Hey, are you okay?" Kai followed where my gaze landed. "Of course, they’re already threatening your brother.” He sighed and grabbed Tripp, putting him between us.

  "It'll be fine." Liam had made it clear he didn't give a shit about what I did as long as Kai wasn’t touching me.

  “Here we are.” Nate pointed to the front seats Max had scored for us. “The best in the house.”

  Nate headed in with Bree behind him. I needed to make sure I wasn’t next to Kai, so I followed in next.

  “Oh, man. Go ahead.” Tripp waved Kai on so he could sit next to me. “You’re on a date so…”

  Liam’s eyes were on us once again, which made Kai laugh but without humor. “Nope, go ahead and sit next to her.” Kai motioned for Tripp to go first.

  “Uh… okay.” Tripp slid next to me and sighed. “This is really weird.”

  He had no idea how right his words were.

  As soon as we settled, Liam turned his attention back to the coach. He was going to be watching me the whole damn time.

  "So how are you doing, Mia?" Nate leaned over Bree and grinned. "Bree hasn't stopped talking about how she's so glad you're the one rooming with her this year."

  "I'm doing good. The classes are interesting." That was the only way I knew how to put it with so many human ears around that could be listening.

  "And my dad has taken an interest in her." Bree leaned into me. "I knew there was something special about my girl."

  The crowd began to cheer as the band played, ready to begin the game.

  As Wolf Moon Academy's football team took their spot on the sideline, it was so easy to pick out the four heirs. They were the tallest of the bunch, and they stuck together. It was as if Liam was a magnet and the other three moved along with him.

  The band ended their song, and the coaches went toward the middle for the coin toss. It wasn't long before they took the field. KSU had the ball first, which meant Liam wouldn't be playing right away.

  Liam glanced over his shoulder, meeting my eyes once more. They flickered to where Kai sat and then back to me. One of the heirs punched him in the arm and pointed forward.

  I wished he'd stop playing mind games with me. It was obvious he was keeping track of where I was in relation to Kai. Even though he’d left me the morning after we’d been together, and disappeared from my life, he still wanted to control me. I had to get a hold of myself and move on since he didn’t want me. The problem was... I wasn't sure if I really was ready to let him go.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The entire game, Liam had paid more attention to me and what I was doing than he had the entire school year. It was asinine. The one time Kai got me a drink, his hand brushed mine when he gave it to me, and one of the heirs sacked my brother way harder than was truly necessary.

  I was afraid to take anything from Kai for the rest of the game. The worst thing was that it kind of thrilled me. Liam was paying attention to me again, but our relationship was on a profoundly messed up level that I didn't want to think about.

  Finally, the game was over. Wolf Moon Academy whooped KSU's ass, which was to be expected. Our whole team was wolf shifters while only a handful of players on KSU weren't human.

  "Well, it could've been a lot worse." Nate stood in his seat and turned toward us. "Max said he'd meet us at the house, so let's head on over there."

  It was around eight, so we had plenty of time to hang out before needing to head back to Wolf Moon’s dorms. "Okay, sounds like a plan."

  The five of us walked through the stadium, pushing through bodies, ready to leave. Everyone was being loud, and after all the threats, I needed to get away from the crowd.

  Soon, we were heading out to the parking lot. Bree pulled out her phone, and then mine dinged in my pocket. I took it out of my pocket to find Nate's address in the message.

  "I take it you won't be riding with us?" I hadn't expected
that she would, but I still had to give her a hard time.

  "Nope, but now you know where to go." She forced a smile and took a step closer to Nate, which didn't seem possible. “Or do you remember how to get there?”

  "No, not really. Max had been driving that night. We'll see you there." As I took a step toward Kai's car, he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.

  "It's okay now, right?" He lifted our joined hands.

  "Yup, we are out of the danger zone." They'd left my brother alone for the most part, which left me relieved. I wasn't sure if they would have even if I’d behaved.

  "Oh, God." Tripp groaned. "Please tell me you aren't going to start porno kissing like those two did. It could get awkward with me in the backseat."

  "Just, please, stop." There were some images I didn't want in my head and there was no telling where he was taking the conversation if I didn't shut it down and fast. "We will behave as long as you do."

  "Thanks a lot, man." Kai laughed but pretended to give him the stink eye. "I'll remember this for when you go on a date."

  "If he does." I couldn't help but tease him. "I have yet to see his skills work on a female."

  "So are you implying that it works on males?" Kai's eyes shone with humor.

  "Okay, I'll stop." Tripp lifted both hands in the air.

  Kai unlocked the car, and the three of us climbed in.

  As I typed the address in the GPS, Kai started the car.

  "This is going to be fun." Kai glanced around at all the traffic. "We should've left the game early."

  "It wouldn't have mattered." Tripp popped up between our seats. "People were already leaving early, so it wouldn't be much better than this."

  "Luckily, his place isn't too far away." As I pressed start on the map, we buckled in for a slow ride.

  It was surprising that we were the first to reach Nate's. Everyone else must have gotten stuck in the same mess we had. We were able to pull up directly in front of Nate's house.


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