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Shadow Mate (Wolf Moon Academy Book 1)

Page 16

by Jen L. Grey

  "Mia..." My brother's eyes widened. "The car is right there."

  He didn't want me to leave with Liam. I couldn't blame him. If I wasn't so damned thrilled about my effect on him, I'd be in the same boat. "Please, I want to leave."

  "You're leaving with me." There was a darkness to his voice. He expected to be listened to, demanded it.

  "I know." I took a deep breath, trying to figure out if I dared to touch him. I had to go with my gut. I reached over and touched his clenched fists. "Let's go."

  "That's not..." Micah started, but Evan was the one who growled.

  "Shut up." Evan's eyes glowed almost white. "You're making it worse."

  "This is bullshit." Simon shook his head with his jaw tight.

  "Come on." The longer we stayed the situation would only become more dangerous. This drama needed to end and now. I needed to somehow appeal to his wolf. "I'm kinda getting cold."

  "Fine." He took a few steps back, retreating. "Don't follow us." He turned his back on the heirs and intertwined his fingers with mine. "Let's get you warm."

  His actions melted my heart a little. He was being caring toward me for the very first time.

  "Mia..." My brother took a tentative step toward me and stopped.

  "Let me talk to my brother for a second, okay?" I hated to ask permission, but I couldn't leave here without at least talking to him and my friends. They were worried about me.

  "Fine, I'll go get the car started, but if he," Liam said as he pointed to Kai, "takes one too many steps toward you, he'll have more than a broken nose."

  "It's fine. Nothing will happen." I'd stay three feet away from him if I had to.

  "Make sure they don't mess with her." Liam looked at Evan and turned, heading to the car.

  "Make it quick." Evan waved over at the other two guys. "Let's move out and get back to the dorm. I'm exhausted after all this shit."

  "Are you serious?" Simon didn't budge. "We aren't going to follow them?"

  "No, we aren't." Evan lifted his chin and looked down his nose at the other two. "Look what wound up happening because of our interference."

  "But my dad said..." Micah pointed at me.

  "Shut up!" Evan's voice was laced with power almost as strong as Liam's. "Get in the damn car now."

  Their group was fracturing.

  "We'll deal with all this shit when we get back." Simon smacked Micah in the back. "They won't get away with this."

  Micah and Simon headed to what had to be Evan's vehicle. Though Evan stayed back with me for a minute. "We're even now." He turned his back to me and headed to the car.

  Nate turned off his car. Then, both he and Tripp headed over.

  "Even?" Bree glanced at me. "What is he talking about?"

  "It's nothing." I couldn't spill his secret. I was only just beginning to realize how messed up the whole council was.

  "You can't go with him." Max nodded his head in the direction of Liam's car.

  "I agree with him." Kai pinched the bridge of his nose.

  "Hey, man." One of the guys who arrived with Max hurried out from the front porch. "Is everyone okay? We saw the whole thing from the house."

  He smelled distinctly human. Of course, they'd be too afraid to come outside with all the wolf shit we had going on. They didn't understand what it was, just that they needed to stay inside. Though, he was too curious now that Liam was in his vehicle and the other heirs were pulling out of the driveway.

  "Just a crazy ex-boyfriend." Tripp chuckled.

  Tripp was a genius. Liam did act like a jealous, crazed ex, which should scare anyone shitless. Except me of course. I was quickly learning how messed up in the head I truly was. Who would've thought it was possible after being raised normally and by two loving, caring, and nurturing parents?

  "Well, he's still there, glaring at you all." He shook his head and took a step back. "Hell, he may get out again. I'm going back inside, but, uh... yell if you need help."

  "Thanks, man." Max mashed his lips together, trying not to smile.

  When he was a few yards away from us, I looked at Bree. She had to understand this, unlike everyone else here.

  "My brother isn't leaving without her." Bree took a deep breath. "And he won't hurt her. If she doesn't go, he won't leave, and things will get extremely bad."

  "I'm starting to see what you mean now about the university not being what it seems." Nate ran a hand through his hair. "I thought he was bad the time he came and got you. That's nothing compared to how he's acting with her."

  "Wait..." Max sucked in a breath. "Is he your mate?"

  "Why else would he be acting all crazy?" Nate laughed.

  "Uh... he's always kind of acted that way, but not to this degree." Bree glanced at Kai.

  "You don't have to go." Kai took a few steps toward me, and I countered them, moving back away from him.

  I wasn't about to get Liam going again. "Look, it's best if I go. I'll see you back at school."

  Defeat appeared in Kai's eyes. "Of course. He always gets what he wants."

  "Maybe, but if I don't go with him, both you and Max are going to get hurt. I can't live with that on my conscience." Despite everything, that was the truth. Yes, I may be thrilled that Liam showed up here and wanted me to leave with him. However, I'd do anything I could to protect my friends and family.

  "He won't hurt her." Bree touched Kai's arm and smiled. "If I thought he was going to, I wouldn't let her leave. But she's right. He won't let this end any other way."

  The driver’s side door opened. I turned to find Liam about to get out of the car.

  "I’ve gotta go. I'll see you back at the dorm." I turned and hugged my brother tight. "I was proud of you tonight. You played well."

  As I let go and turned to walk away, Max grabbed my hand and turned me back toward him. "If you need me, I don't give a fuck who he is; you call me and tell me where you are. I'm serious, Mia. Don't let him hurt you."

  "He won't. I love you." The fact that my brother was willing to go to battle for me meant more than he'd ever know. I turned and headed to the car.

  Liam finished getting out to walk over to the passenger side door and opened it. "Let's go."

  I slid into the seat, not bothering to say thank you. It's the least he could do after everything he’d put me through. I glanced around the car as he was climbing in. If I had thought Kai's was nice, this car proved me wrong. It had all the bells and whistles.

  As Liam slid into the driver's seat, my heart began to pound. I wasn't sure what to expect. He was a wild card for me, which was scary and exciting all at the same time.

  He pulled out of the yard, and soon we were on a road that led us back toward the stadium.

  "Hey, I think we're supposed to go that way." I pointed to the interstate.

  "We're not going home." His eyes stayed on the road, and his breathing was still hard.

  "But that's what we agreed on." Did he conveniently forget that part?

  "No, that's what you said, and I played along." He turned down another road, and soon we were within a mile of the stadium. He slowed as we approached the Ambassador Hotel and turned into the unloading area. "We're staying here tonight."

  "What? Why?" We'd told everyone we were heading back to Wolf Moon.

  "Because you and I have a lot to work out. I don't need him and the others getting in the way." He parked the car and motioned for me to get out.

  He was referring to Kai as him. "What about your tres amigos? They're going to be looking for you."

  "I don't give a fuck about them." He got out of the car and slammed the door shut.

  Well, okay then. I climbed out, not wanting to risk the car to another assault, and followed him inside.

  When we reached the valets, Liam tossed his keys to them, not bothering to say a word.

  In an attempt to avoid starting an argument in front of the hotel staff, I followed Liam inside, staying near him as he checked us in and grabbed the key card from the attendant.

  "Come on." He motioned toward the elevators.

  Within minutes, we were on the seventh floor, entering a room. Of course, it was super extravagant. It had a neoclassical style with a bathroom to the right as soon as we entered. It had dark tile flooring that looked nicer than my parents’ master bath back home.

  As we stepped into the room, I realized there was one king bed. Apparently, he was ready for another night like the last one we had together weeks ago. Even though deep down I wanted the same thing, I wasn't sure I could survive another round. "No. I can't do that again."

  He paused as he put the key card and his wallet on the dark cherry table that the flat-screen TV was hanging over. "Do what?"

  "That night almost killed me." It wasn't wise for me to admit that to him, but he had to understand. "You abandoning me, disappearing like that. I can't go through that again. I … I won’t."

  "I can't either." He ran his hand through his hair and pulled. "Do you know how many times I tried to get you out of my head? No one could do it."

  "Great, so you slept around?" That was comforting.

  “No, I couldn’t.” He sighed and shook his head. “No one measured up to you. There are things I need to tell you about why I have tried so damn hard to stay away. Reasons that don’t seem all that damn important anymore. And to see Kai hanging all over you." Liam's nose wrinkled in disgust. "It's like a dagger to my heart."

  "I didn't sleep with him. We were just hanging out." I didn't want to say date. That word wouldn't bode well.

  "Which is all that much worse." He growled as he pulled me into his chest. "You were trying to replace me."

  My body responded to his words, his touch, and his smell. "I wasn't the one trying to reject our bond."

  “Do you think it was easy? It was as much for you as for me.” His fingers dug into my sides.

  “How so?” For the very first time, he was opening up to me.

  “We were raised that our fated mates only serve to make us weak, that we had to reject them.” He lowered his head against my hair, breathing in my scent.

  “But that can’t be possible.” Fate choices are the ones that should make us stronger.

  “I used to think they were right, but it’s been hell trying to ignore you.” He leaned back to look into my eyes. “But then there is a rebel group forming. It’s not fair for you to become a target just so I could have you. That’s a lot to ask of someone.”

  Now that he mentioned it, I’d never really thought about the risk. Though, when someone is in a powerful position, they would have enemies. I had already assumed the risk in my mind. “It doesn’t matter. That doesn’t change anything.”

  His shoulders sagged, and he blew out a breath he’d been holding. "Thank God, because I realized tonight that I didn’t care if you were okay with it or not. You're mine now and forever." He placed his lips on mine, and my heart almost broke free from my chest.

  Could it be that simple? His heart rate was steady, and the telling scent of a lie – the smell of rotten eggs -- was missing. He was telling the truth. Something in the back of my mind was screaming at me not to do it. He had done so many terrible things to me. I knew that I was being stupid, trusting him, and taking a risk. I pulled back, trying to keep my heart in check. “You had someone ruin my clothes to publicly humiliate me. You and the heirs threatened me and my family, and you spread rumors and lied so many times. I want to forget it all, but it’s not that easy … I can’t.”

  “I’m sorry.” His eyes were full of remorse. “I thought I was protecting you. I’m so fucking sorry, Mia.”

  Those were the words I needed to hear, and at this point, I couldn't stop myself. I placed my lips on his, needing him to know I was giving in.

  As he threw me on the bed and kissed down my neck, there wasn't another place I'd rather be.

  "I need you." He unbuttoned my jeans before pulling them and my panties off. "We can go slow another time, but I need you now."

  His words turned me on, and my head grew dizzy. "I need you too." I tried pulling at his jeans, but my fingers kept stumbling. After weeks of being apart, our wolves were needing to be together and immediately.

  He pushed my hands away and removed his clothes himself. He then yanked at my shirt removing it and my bra. His mouth caught my breast as he plunged into me. He moved fast, nipping at my neck and flooding my body with emotions.

  My body moved in sync with his, and the overcoming urge to claim him surged through me. "I need you. All of you."

  I moved my lips to his neck and waited for him to resist, but he didn't. He kept slamming into me as he allowed his wolf to take over. "You're mine … only mine." He nipped harder into my neck, needing the same thing as me.

  "Do it … please." If we did this, there was no going back.

  As soon as he had my permission, he bit into my neck, and his power mixed with mine. If I'd thought it was amazing before, it was nothing like the way I could feel his wolf inside me too.

  My wolf howled, and I didn't give a damn if anyone could hear. I then tore my teeth into his flesh, and our magic began flowing into each other. Finally, our wolves were able to connect.

  His lips crashed on mine as we climaxed, and something more locked into place.

  You're mine. His words were in my head, and I moaned against his mouth.

  There was no going back, no stopping. We needed each other.

  My phone vibrated, waking me from sleep. I almost ignored it when I realized that Liam's arms were around me and we were spooning. He was still with me. Things were different between us now.

  Just when I was about to drift off again, the phone began vibrating once again.

  Dammit, it could be my brother. Max had been really worried last night. I glanced at the clock and couldn't believe it was already nine in the morning. I slowly crawled from his arms, careful not to wake him. We'd been up most of the night.

  I grabbed my phone, and Kai's name was flashing. I tiptoed to the bathroom and shut the door. "Hello?'

  "Thank God I got you." Kai's voice sounded relieved, but there was tension in it.

  "Are you okay?" Did the heirs do something to him?

  "No, we need to talk." Kai's voice was unusually low. “I just talked to my dad, and there is something you really need to know about your pendant.”

  Whatever he wanted to tell me didn’t sound like it was going to be a good thing.

  Chapter Nineteen

  "What do you mean?" I was about to learn what that pendant meant. It's crazy that my mom somehow got a hold of something that appeared to be important.

  "So remember how I said that your necklace reminded me of The Blood Council's symbol?" He cleared his throat.

  "Yeah, I do. But that's kind of crazy."

  "If you think that's crazy, wait until you hear me out." He took a breath like he was getting up the nerve to say something. "That pendant you have, it was The Blood Council's symbol when the Overseer was alive."

  "What?" I wanted to say he was crazy, but in Shifter History, I'd seen the current Blood Council symbol. It was the same except for the ruby paw on top and centered with the four underneath it.

  "They changed it as soon as Brent Forrest was found dead. They demanded no one use the old signature and embrace the new. They required the new one be used in the history books and to never mention the old one." Kai sighed.

  "But why?"

  "No one knows. Some speculate that it was because Mr. Hale was so heartbroken from losing his best friend. He and Brent grew up together and were inseparable." He huffed. "Mia, I don't know how or why you have it, but you need to get rid of it. Nothing good can come from it."

  "Mia?" Liam's voice called out to me, and I heard his footsteps. "Are you okay?"

  "Are you still with him?" Kai's voice cracked when he said the words, and then he barked out a laugh. "Why am I even asking? Of course you are. He wouldn't let you leave."

  Right when I was about to tell him that I had to go, the bathroom door swung

  "Do you need me to come get you?" Kai pressed the issue, not realizing Liam could hear everything he said.

  Liam's eyes flashed with anger, and he took the phone out of my hand. "No, she doesn't. Now, leave her alone." He hung the phone up, and his eyes landed on me. "What the hell? The first thing you do after claiming me is call that asshole?" His hurt flowed through the bond.

  He was jealous and insecure, but the problem was he had been the one who made our relationship this way. Not me. "No, he called me to tell me something important."

  "Oh, I'm sure he did." His jaw clenched. "Don't worry. He won't be calling you anymore."

  "Stop with the asshole act." I couldn't deal with it right now. There was more going on than his insecurities. "I need to go home."

  "Fine, let's head back to the dorms." Liam turned around, but I reached out and touched his arm.

  "No, I need to go home-home." I reached over and grabbed my phone from his hand. "I'll get Max to take me."

  "No, I'll take you." He turned around and finally looked at me. "What did he say?"

  "Now you want to know instead of acting like an idiot?" He was getting on my damn nerves. "You know what? Forget it." I pulled my brother's name up on my phone.

  "Look, I'm..." He took in a deep breath and glanced at the ground. "Sorry. I came in here because you being upset woke me up … and then to hear you talking with him…"

  Wow, I wasn't quite sure what to do. He was acting like a mate. "No, it's fine." I bit my lip. Do I dare tell him? He was officially my mate now in every damn way. My parents told each other everything. If I wanted a healthy relationship, I may have to be the first one to make a move, but I needed to know something first. "What did Kai's father tell you the other day?"

  "Something about how Kai finally found a girl that was worthwhile." Liam's voice grew growly. "And he asked me what I knew about you."

  "So he didn't tell you about a pendant?" I was scared that he was going to lie, but I needed to know if he completed the bond last night for the same reason that Kai's father wanted him to be with me.


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