Scribblers, Sculptors and Scribes
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coep, coepisse, coeptum, began (17)
cgit, cgitre, cgitv, cgittum, to think, ponder, consider, plan (1)
cognsc, cognscere, cognv, cognitum, to become acquainted with, learn, recognize; know (in perfect tenses) (30)
cg, cgere, cog, coctum, to drive or bring together, force, compel (36)
committ, committere, comms, commissum, to entrust, commit (15)
commnis, commne, common, general, of/for the community (20)
comprehend, comprehendere, comprehend, comprehnsum, to grasp, seize, arrest; comprehend, understand (30)
cond, condere, condid, conditum, to put together or into, store; found, establish (29)
cnfer, cnferre, contul, colltum, to bring together, compare; confer, bestow (31)
cnserv, cnservre, cnservv, cnservtum, to preserve, conserve, maintain (1)
cnsilium, cnsili (n), plan, purpose, counsel, advice, judgment, wisdom (4)
cnsul, cnsulis (m), consul (11)
cnsm, cnsmere, cnsmps, cnsmptum, to consume, use up (30)
contemn, contemnere, contemps, contemptum, to despise, scorn (36)
contend, contendere, contend, contentum, to strive, struggle, contend; hasten (29)
contine, continre, continu, contentum, to hold together, contain, keep, enclose, restrain (21)
contr (+acc.), against (19)
cpia, cpiae ( f ), abundance, supply (8)
corpus, corporis (n), body (7)
ctdi, daily, every day (36)
crs, tomorrow (5)
crd, crdere, crdid, crditum, to believe, trust (25)
cre, crere, crev, cretum, to create (12)
crsc, crscere, crv, crtum, to increase (34)
culpa, culpae ( f ), fault, blame (5)
culp, culpre, culpv, culptum, to blame, censure (5)
cum, (+subjunct.) when, since, although; (+indic.) when (31)
cum (+abl.), with (10)
cupidits, cupidittis ( f ), desire, longing, passion; cupidity, avarice (10)
cupi, cupere, cupv, cuptum, to desire, wish, long for (17)
cr, why (18)
cra, crae ( f ), care, attention, caution, anxiety (4)
cr, crre, crv, crtum, to care for, attend to; heal, cure; take care (36)
curr, currere, cucurr, cursum, to run, rush, move quickly (14)
custdia, custdiae ( f ), protection, custody; guards (pl.) (32)
d (+abl.), down from, from; concerning, about (3)
dea, deae ( f ), goddess (6)
dbe, dbre, dbu, dbitum, to owe; ought, must (1)
decem, ten (15)
ddic, ddicre, ddicv, ddictum, to dedicate (28)
dfend, dfendere, dfend, dfnsum, to ward off; defend, protect (20)
deinde, thereupon, next, then (18)
dlect, dlectre, dlectv, dlecttum, to delight, charm, please (19)
dnique, at last, finally, lastly (29)
dsder, dsderre, dsderv, dsdertum, to desire, long for, miss (17)
deus, de (m), god (6)
dexter, dextra, dextrum, right, right-hand (20)
dc, dcere, dx, dictum, to say, tell, speak; name, call (10)
dis, di (m), day (22)
difficilis, difficile, hard, difficult, troublesome (16)
(superl. difficillimus) (27)
digitus, digit (m), finger, toe (31)
dignits, dignittis ( f ), merit, prestige, dignity (38)
dignus, digna, dignum (+abl.), worthy, worthy of
dligns, gen. dligentis, diligent, careful (27)
dlig, dligere, dlx, dlctum, to esteem, love (13)
discd, discdere, discess, discessum, to go away, depart (20)
discipulus, discipul (m), learner, pupil, student (male) (6)
disc, discere, didic, to learn (8)
dissimilis, dissimile, unlike, different (superl. dissimillimus) (27)
di adv., long, for a long time (12) (compar. ditius, longer; superl. ditissim, very long) (32)
ditius. See di. dves, gen. dvitis or dtis, rich (32)
dvitiae, dvitirum ( f. pl.), riches, wealth (13)
d, dare, ded, datum, to give, off er (1)
doce, docre, docu, doctum, to teach (8)
doctus, docta, doctum, taught, learned, skilled (13)
dole, dolre, dolu, dolitrum, to grieve, suff er; hurt, give pain (31)
dolor, dolris (m), pain, grief (38)
dom ( f ), at home (37)
domina, dominae ( f ), mistress, lady (40)
dominus, domin (m), master (of a household), lord (40)
dom ( f ), from home (37)
domum ( f ), (to) home (37)
domus, doms or dom ( f ), house, home (37)
dnum, dn (n), gift, present (4)
dormi, dormre, dormv, dormtum, to sleep (31)
dubit, dubitre, dubitv, dubittum, to doubt, hesitate (30)
dc, dcere, dx, ductum, to lead; consider, regard; prolong (8)
dulcis, dulce, sweet; pleasant, agreeable (16)
dum, while, as long as, at the same time that; or until (+subjunct.) (8)
dummodo (+subjunct.), provided that, so long as
duo, duae, duo, two (15)
drus, dra, drum, hard, harsh, rough, stern, unfeeling, hardy, difficult (29)
dux, ducis (m), leader, guide; commander, general (23)
ego, me, I (11)
elephantus, elephant (m and f ), elephant (31)
enim, for, in fact, truly (9)
e, re, i, itum, to go (37)
equus, equ (m), horse (23)
ripi, ripere, ripu, reptum, to snatch away, take away; rescue (22)
err, errre, errv, errtum, to wander; err, go astray, make a mistake, be mistaken (1)
est, is (2)
et, and; even (2)
et…et, both…and (2)
etiam, even, also (11)
ex, (+abl.), out of, from, from within; by reason of, on account of; of (after cardinal numerals) (8)
excipi, excipere, excp, exceptum, to take out, except; take, receive, capture (24)
exe, exre, exi, exitum, to go (37)
exercitus, exercits (m), army (32)
exig, exigere, exg, exctum, to drive out, force out, exact; drive through, complete, perfect (36)
expell, expellere, expul, expulsum, to drive out, expel, banish (24)
experior, experr, expertus sum, to try, test; experience (39)
explic, explicre, explicv, explictum, to unfold; explain; spread out, deploy (40)
exsilium, exsili (n), exile, banishment (31)
exspect, exspectre, exspectv, exspecttum, to look for, expect, await (15)
fbula, fbulae ( f ), story, tale; play (24)
facile adv. of facilis, easily (compar. facilius; superl. facillim) (32)
facilis, facile, easy; agreeable, affable (16) (superl. facillimus) (27)
facilius. See facile. faci, facere, fc, factum, to make, do, accomplish (10)
factum, fact (n), deed, act, achievement (13)
fma, fmae ( f ), rumor, report; fame, reputation (2)
familia, familiae ( f ), household, family (19)
fateor, fatr, fassus sum, to confess, admit (34)
ftum, ft (n), fate; death (29)
flciter adv. of flx, happily (32)
flx, gen. flcis, lucky, fortunate, happy (22)
fmina, fminae ( f ), woman (3)
fer, ferre, tul, ltum, to bear, carry, bring; suff er, endure, tolerate; say, report (31)
ferrum, ferr (n), iron; sword (22)
fidlis, fidle, faithful, loyal (25)
fids, fde ( f ), faith, trust, trustworthiness, fidelity; promise, guarantee, protection (22)
flia, fliae ( f ), daughter (3)
flius, fli (m), son (3)
fnis, fnis (m), end, limit, boundary; purpose (21)
fi, fier, factus sum, to occur, happen; become; be made, be done (36)
frmus, frma, frmum, firm, strong; reliable (38)
flmen, flminis (n), river (1
flu, fluere, flx, flxum, to flow (18)
for, fr, ftus sum, to speak (prophetically), talk, foretell (40)
fors, out of doors, outside (37)
fortis, forte, strong, brave (16)
fortna, fortnae ( f ), fortune, luck (2)
fortntus, fortnta, fortntum, lucky, fortunate, happy (13)
forum, for (n), marketplace, forum (26)
fove, fovre, fv, ftum, to comfort, nurture, cherish (35)
frter, frtris (m), brother (8)
frctus, frcts (n), fruit; profit, benefit, enjoyment (20)
fugi, fugere, fg, fugitrum, to flee, hurry away; escape; go into exile; avoid, shun (10)
gaude, gaudre, gvsus sum, to be glad, rejoice (23)
geminus, gemina, geminum, twin (25)
gns, gentis ( f ), clan, race, nation, people (21)
genus, generis (n), origin; kind, type, sort, class (18)
ger, gerere, gess, gestum, to carry; carry on, manage, conduct, wage, accomplish, perform (8)
glria, glriae ( f ), glory, fame (5)
grtus, grta, grtum, pleasing, agreeable; grateful (37)
gravis, grave, heavy, weighty; serious, important; severe, grievous (19)
habe, habre, habu, habitum, to have, hold, possess; consider, regard (3)
her, yesterday (5)
heu, ah!, alas! (33)
hc, here (25)
hic, haec, hoc, this; the latter; he, she, it, they (9)
hodi, today (3)
hom, hominis (m), human being, man (7)
honor, honris (m), honor, esteem; public office (30)
hra, hrae ( f ), hour, time (10)
hosts, hostium (m), the enemy (18)
hostis, hostis (m), an enemy (of the state) (18)
hmnus, hmna, hmnum, pertaining to man, human; humane, kind; refined, cultivated (4)
humilis, humile, lowly, humble (superl. humillimus) (27)
iace, iacre, iacu, to lie; lie prostrate; lie dead (25)
iam, now, already, soon (19)
inua, inuae ( f ), door (35)
ibi, there (6)
dem, eadem, idem, the same (11)
idneus, idnea, idneum, suitable, fit, appropriate (37)
igitur, therefore, consequently (5)
ignis, ignis (m), fire (22)
ignsc, ignscere, ignv, igntum (+dat.), to grant pardon to, forgive (35)
ille, illa, illud, that; the former; the famous; he, she, it, they (9)
immortlis, immortle, not subject to death, immortal (19)
impedi, impedre, impedv, impedtum, to impede, hinder, prevent (38)
impertor, impertris (m), general, commander-in-chief, emperor (24)
imperium, imperi (n), power to command, supreme power, authority, command, control
imper, imperre, imperv, impertum (+dat.), to give orders to, command (35)
in (+abl.), in, on (3)
in (+acc.), into, toward; against (9)
incertus, incerta, incertum, uncertain, unsure, doubtful (22)
incipi, incipere, incp, inceptum, to begin (17)
nfrmus, nfrma, nfrmum, not strong, weak, feeble (38)
ingenium, ingeni (n), nature, innate talent (29)
ingns, gen. ingentis, huge (16)
initium, initi (n), beginning, commencement
iniria, iniriae ( f ), injustice, injury, wrong (39)
inquit, he says or said (22)
nsidiae, nsidirum ( f ), ambush, plot, treachery (6)
nsula, nsulae ( f ), island (23)
intelleg, intellegere, intellx, intellctum, to understand (11)
inter (+acc.), between, among (15)
inveni, invenre, invn, inventum, to come upon, find (10)
invide, invidre, invd, invsum, to be envious; to look at with envy, envy, be jealous of (+dat.) (31)
invidia, invidiae ( f ), envy, jealousy, hatred (31)
invt, invtre, invtv, invttum, to entertain, invite, summon (26)
ipse, ipsa, ipsum, myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, etc., the very, the actual (13)
ra, rae ( f ), ire, anger (2)
rtus, rta, rtum, angry (35)
is, ea, id, this, that; he, she, it (11)
iste, ista, istud, that of yours, that; such (9)
ita, so, thus (29)
itaque, and so, therefore (15)
iter, itineris (n), journey; route, road (37)
iterum, again, a second time (21)
iube, iubre, iuss, iussum, to bid, order, command (21)
icundus, icunda, icundum, pleasant, delightful, agreeable, pleasing (16)
idex, idicis (m), judge, juror (19)
idicium, idici (n), judgment, decision, opinion; trial (19)
is, iris (n), right, justice, law (14)
istus, ista, istum, just, right (40)
iuv, iuvre, iv, itum, to help, aid, assist; to please (4)
labor, labris (m), labor, work, toil; a work, production (7)
labr, labrre, labrv, labrtum, to labor; be in distress (21)
lacrima, lacrimae ( f ), tear (40)
Latnus, Latna, Latnum, Latin (22)
laud, laudre, laudv, laudtum, to praise (1)
laus, laudis ( f ), praise, glory, fame (8)
lctor, lctris (m), reader (male) (36)
leg, legere, lg, lctum, to pick out, choose; read (18)
levis, leve, light; easy; slight, trivial (17)
lx, lgis ( f ), law, statute (26)
libellus, libell (m), little book (17)
libenter, with pleasure, gladly (38)
lber, lbera, lberum, free (5) (superl. lberrimus) (27)
liber, libr (m), book (6)
lber, lberre, lberv, lbertum, to free, liberate (19)
lberts, lberttis ( f ), liberty (8)
licet, licre, licuit, it is permitted, one may (37)
lmen, lminis (n), threshold (26)
lingua, linguae ( f ), tongue; language (25)
littera, litterae ( f ), a letter of the alphabet (7)
litterae, litterrum ( f ), a letter (epistle), literature (7)
ltus, ltoris (n), shore, coast (23)
locus, loc (m), place; passage in literature (9)
long adv. of longus, far (32)
longus, longa, longum, long (16)
loquor, loqu, loctus sum, to say, speak, tell (34)
lna, lnae ( f ), moon (28)
lx, lcis ( f ), light (26)
magis. See magnopere. magister, magistr (m), schoolmaster, teacher, master (4)
magistra, magistrae ( f ), schoolmistress, teacher, mistress (4)
magnopere adv. of magnus, greatly, exceedingly
(compar. magis, more, quality; superl. maxim, most, especially) (32)
magnus, magna, magnum, large, great; important
(2) (compar. maior, greater; older; superl. maximus) (27)
maior. See magnus. mairs, mairum (m. pl.), ancestors (27)
male adv. of malus, badly, ill, wrongly (compar. peius, worse; superl. pessim, worst) (32)
ml, mlle, mlu, to want (something) more, instead; prefer (32)