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The Demon's Chamber

Page 35

by Brian Spielbauer

  “We…” Telon asked. “Who is… we?” He then looked at the top of the stairs and saw Quelna standing there. It was their time to challenge Herrog.

  Kyrie drew both of his swords and readied for the fight. The goblins on the stairs began to go after Quelna, but he raised his hand, causing them to be thrown back down the steps. Then Quelna addressed Herrog, “It is time for you to give in, your army is defeated. You are finished!”

  The goblins, gargoyles, and lava beasts in the lower chamber stopped to watch Herrog staring at Quelna, who had only just noticed his old apprentice. He then broke into a deep and eerie laugh. Raising his arms, the pool behind Herrog started to bubble out of control. Kyrie saw his moment and entered the room, swinging his swords with deadly accuracy. He dropped goblins with each swing, showing no mercy. The gargoyles that had just escaped from the dungeons and still had strength ran to aid Kyrie, joining in the battle. The stairs cleared, allowing Telon the rest of the gargoyles to begin the escape.

  Herrog threw two bright red bolts of lightning toward Quelna, wrapping the bolts around him. Quelna could not get free and was raised high above the chamber, far above the floor. He tried to wiggle and wield his own magic, but he proved too weak for his master.

  “Am I done now, Master Quelna?” Herrog said mockingly. “My time is indeed done! It is you who have led this rabble to its death, it is your time that is over!”

  The two lightning bolts began to rip at Quelna, and were on the verge of tearing him in two. Then a roar, low at first and then building, filled the chamber. Then all eyes were drawn to the top of the stairs. The roar grew as the chamber began to shake. Out of several halls water gushed into the chamber, flooding the stairs and lower level. It was filled with wood, dead goblins, and what was left of the lava beasts now cooled and turned into rocks. The water washed down the stairs, taking several of the feeble gargoyles with it, while the rest held onto the rail.

  The water never seemed to end as it washed over the floor. The flood took many of the fighters, both good and bad, into the pool of lava that was beginning to bubble out and onto the floor. Steam erupted as the cool water met the boiling lava, making it difficult to see across the chamber. Those unlucky enough to get washed into the pool died instantly. The rush of water moved Herrog’s attention from Quelna, who finally broke free of the spells his nemesis weaved. Quelna fell from ceiling toward the depths below, disappearing into the fog.

  Swinging through the air with a rope that held up a large chandelier, Tegan swung across the room to catch Quelna just before he hit the floor. He arrived just in time to save the good wizard.

  Tegan’s dwarves rushed into the fight that raged below as the fog began to fade away. Bombs of lava were being thrown from the pool into the room, exploding everywhere they hit. The water from the tunnels slowed to a trickle, allowing a way to escape for the once captive gargoyles and dwarves that were too weak to fight. One of the last gargoyles in the line stopped by Telon, “I will make sure the dwarf makes it to the outside, they will need you here. Thank you for freeing us.” Telon gave Gulac to the gargoyle, and watched them disappear into the hall. He slowly drew his axe, and turned to join the fight.

  Herrog turned to see his army in its last stand. The combination of the dwarves and the water had taken its toll. Herrog commanded more lava creatures from the pool. The monsters that met the water were hardened into stone, but that did not slow them down. They just kept coming, and were marching faster from the pool than they were being destroyed. Herrog again gained the upper hand, and was wielding his army while dealing blows to the enemy. He controlled the lava bombs, which he lobbed into the crowds of his foes. Though he was a master of his craft, each bomb and created monster took its toll on him more and more.

  Tegan and Telon met in the middle of the fight with Kyrie. It was the first time the brothers were brought together during the fight. Something about them being together drew Herrog’s weary interest. His wicked stare was leveled at them as if he were seeing them for the very first time.

  “We are losing!” Telon said as he dealt a deadly blow to another goblin. “There are too many of them!”

  “We need to retreat!” Tegan said, knowing that this battle would soon be lost. He prayed Skyler and his men had found Milan and his son, as defeat in the mountain set in around him.

  “We will not have a better chance than this. If we leave, we will never be this close to victory again,” Kyrie compelled his friends.

  A loud roar from one of the side doors made their decision, as Bryon and his men had finally arrived. Erol burst through a wall and into the open room, clearing a path for the men to join the fight. The ogre was finally in a space where he could do some real damage to his foe. He pummeled all the lava beasts that had been turned to stone, quickly reducing them to rubble. The men were making a large dent into the enemy, but they had little answer for the lava beasts that were still blazing. Against the goblins, they had little resistance, and slaughtered them with vengeance and ease.

  Herrog’s attention was torn from the dwarf brothers and Erol as the men trounced a wide swath through his forces. He had no time to react.

  Herrog ushered more lava beasts to slow Erol, and when he turned back, Tegan and Telon were gone, absorbed in the toil of the skirmish before him.

  Several lava beasts approached Tegan, and he grabbed two shields, swinging cuts into the liquid that splashed on the goblins close to him.

  “Telon,” a deep voice beckoned, challenging the brother of the king. It was Mylar, the last left alive of the turncoat Hills Dwarves. Telon turned ready for the fight, a meeting he anticipated since their last encounter.

  The battle raged all around as the two warriors readied to battle one last time amidst the sea of death. Mylar held two battle axes in his hands as he approached his rival. Telon had only his one axe, waiting for the fight. Tegan was busy with several lava beasts while Kyrie strove in battle with a host of goblins, neither aware of the contest about to commence behind them.

  Mylar began swinging both his swords in a whirling pattern over his head. Telon stood his ground, waiting for the right moment to engage. He stared into Mylar’s eyes, but was very much aware of the spinning axes. He knew how fast they spun and just where the gaps were as they twirled. Telon waited.

  Mylar was very confident, as usual. He considered his loss to Telon the night of the coronation a fluke and truly never acknowledged it. Mylar was indeed a great warrior, strong as a Tolltier, but nimble and graceful as a dancer. He had never encountered one that was his better. Not until Telon anyway.

  Mylar began to swing the swords a little slower but in larger arcs, measuring Telon as well. He took a few slow swings at Telon, toying with him. He hoped Telon would give up any secrets early in the battle.

  Telon waited.

  Mylar started to spin himself, each time spinning his head, late and quick, to eliminate any wasted time without eye contact with Telon. The testing jabs and swings grew more daring, making Telon move slightly to avoid them.

  Still, Telon waited.

  Mylar came to a quick stop, and brought both of his swords down on Telon, in a scissor like fashion. Telon saw his moment, even as he dropped below the slicing swords. He jabbed Mylar to his neck with is left hand, stunning him, causing him to step back. The disruption gave Telon time to get back to his feet, and begin his attack.

  He went right after Mylar, who blocked Telon’s first swing, but the second splintered Mylar’s sword. The two foes squared off again, each with only one weapon in hand.

  “Your entire tribe is dead, and you will soon join them!” Telon chided.

  “My line will not end, it is already assured!” Mylar boasted, then engaged Telon in exchanging blows with their weapons, sword against axe. The sound and energy from the blows could be felt by those close enough to watch, as both were mighty warriors and blessed with tremendous strength. Mylar came down hard against Telon, knocking him back, causing Telon to trip over a rock on the floor
. Telon could not catch himself and waited for the contact from the stone below.

  Mylar was quick to pounce, and soon was on top of Telon. He held Telon’s axe arm down, while trying to stab him with his sword. Telon was blocking Mylar’s sword arm as good as he could, but Mylar had the leverage he needed. The point of the sword was cutting the skin just above Telon’s heart. He became anxious as he could feel the blade pushing against his rib, blood started running down his chest. Desperation quickly rose in Telon as his hope for victory was gone, and soon his hope to live would be snuffed out also.

  Mylar leaned close, wanting Telon to know something before he died, “My line will not die, as I spent time with Lizzy before I left her worthless life to you!”

  He grinned as he peered into Telon’s startled eyes, knowing the pain from the news would hurt him as much as the sword did.

  The thought of Mylar being with Lizzy reignited the fire in his soul. His desire to live forgotten, it was quickly surpassed as his need for revenge exploded. Telon pushed with all his might, the knife rising away from his heart. Mylar again put all his weight against Telon, trying frantically to end the fight. It was too late though, as Telon gained enough power and threw Mylar to the side. Telon spun to his feet as Mylar once again lunged at him with a stab, but Telon caught Mylar’s arm with his left and grabbed Mylar by the throat with his clamp like right hand. He squeezed with all he had, causing Mylar to first drop the knife and then gasp for air.

  Telon let Mylar go, as his foe fell to his knees, clutching his crushed throat. Telon walked slowly around him, like a cat stalking his prey. Telon then bent over and picked up the dwarf, stretching him across the back of his shoulders. As Mylar lay on his back Telon pulled down on his neck with his left hand, his right pulling against Mylar’s legs. Mylar’s chest was stretched across Telon’s strong back, and the strength of Telon was shown! He pulled ever harder, trying to induce as much pain into his enemy as possible out of revenge for what he had done to Lizzy. Mylar groaned loudly, as his ribs began to separate, the pressure grew ever greater. Try as he might, Mylar could not escape the hold of the great dwarf warrior Telon.

  Telon had enough and decided to end the battle. He took a running jump off a fat, dead goblin and jumped high in the air. He landed hard on his thick trunk-like legs. The pressure was too much to Mylar as his back and neck were broken at the landing. The last life of the traitor dwarves of the Hills was ended. Telon let the lifeless body drop, not giving it a second look. “You are finished,” Telon muttered as he walked away, looking for his next fight.


  Quelna regained himself and reloaded for Herrog. He strode to the side of Herrog and took him by surprise, using his own bolts to wrap up the wizard. This caused Herrog to lose his staff for the moment. Bryon grabbed it, though he knew not what to do with it. Kyrie also wielded his magic at Herrog, weakening him further.

  “Take him down!” Tegan bellowed, seeing their chance. The dwarves let loose with their crossbows at the wizard, while the men were tossing their spears at him. Even though he was tied up, Herrog could block most of the shots from his enemy. Kyrie bombed Herrog’s shield of magic and it weakened a little more with each blow. Tegan hit him in the side with an arrow, which caused Herrog to lose his concentration even more as he winced in pain. The pool behind him suddenly began to churn violently. Timo spoke the truth. Herrog had not caused it to erupt. He was keeping the eruption from happening.

  “Tegan, Lord of Tunder Bin, you have won the day. Will you win the war?” announced Herrog, as he stopped his fight while still wrapped in Quelna and Kyrie’s bolts.

  “The day is the war, you are finished!” Tegan responded as he loaded another arrow into his crossbow.

  Herrog began to laugh and then looked to Timo, who was newly arrived and on the stairs. He bellowed, “Timo, my former companion, did you not tell Tegan all of my secrets?”

  Timo kept quiet, not wanting the evil wizard to know that with any luck, Milan and Jedrek would already be safe and out of the mountain.

  Herrog closed his eyes, and all grew quiet. Then, summoning his power, he exploded from the bolts that had kept him at bay. The sudden release causing both Quelna and Kyrie to fall to the ground. He then spun and shot a bolt of his own high and to the back of the pool wall where it exploded against the rocks. Massive boulders showered the pool from above, splashing more lava onto the floor. The hole that was opened revealed Tegan’s worst fear, as Milan was held there high above the pool, captive by Herrog’s soldiers. Several gargoyles held Milan out over the pool, but Jedrek was nowhere to be seen.

  “Tegan!” Milan screamed, afraid for herself and what she saw below. She hoped at least Jedrek would be safe.

  “Let her go!” commanded Tegan, wanting to find a way to get to her.

  Herrog turned to look at Tegan with a slight grin on his face. Telon stepped next to Tegan. The two together again wrought pain in Herrog’s face. He closed his eyes and wrenched his hands so tightly that Bryon witnessed blood dripping from them.

  Tegan felt his axe lift toward the wizard, and Telon felt the ring with the stone pull hard from his neck against his clothes. It was all they could do to hold them as the wizard called for his desire. Herrog’s power was spent, unable to force the answer to his call. He gritted is teeth as the multitude stood, entranced by the scene. Herrog seethed, “As you wish, my Lord!”

  Herrog then looked to his gargoyles above and ordered, “Send her to me!”

  Erol could wait no longer. He picked up two of the rock monsters and rushed through a throng of Herrog’s army, clearing a path to the wizard. The goblins continued shooting at Erol, but he used the rocks as shields.

  The gargoyles then pushed Milan out over the pool. She screamed for help as she fell from above to the lava. Tegan, the call on his axe released, could only watch as his wife helplessly fell toward her death. He rushed to the side of the pool, slaying all that dared to stand in his path. He tried to think of anything he could do to save her life.

  Erol’s bull rush ended at the feet of Herrog. He rushed the shields into the wizard, kicking him high into the air and out over the pool toward Milan. In his last gasp, the surprised Herrog reached for his staff and commanded it to him. It tore out of Bryon’s surprised hands, almost pulling him into the lava. It flew to his master at an amazing speed. Just before Herrog, with Milan close, hit the lava, the staff reached its master’s hand. Herrog spun both violently into a tornado-like whirl, just before they plunged into the pool. They quickly disappeared into the lava, and were gone.

  Tegan knew not what to do or say, it had all happened so fast. His heart was completely ripped in two, knowing he had lost his wife forever. He also had no idea of what had happened to his son, and was too stunned to move.

  All paused as the wizard Herrog passed, taking Milan with him. His control over the evil creatures was broken, and they quickly began seeking a path of escape. The lava monsters instantly sunk to the floor as mere puddles, showing Herrog’s magic ceased. It grew quiet for a second, and then all broke loose as the lava began to roar and erupt, exploding into the chamber. Every living thing on the floor ran to the stairs, the only way out.

  “None can escape, take them down!” Telon ordered a few dwarves of Tunder Bin who stood closest to the stairs.

  Telon led the other dwarves and men up the stairs, as Kyrie and Quelna tried as they could to shield their friends from the lava. There was little success, as many were injured and would not see daylight again. Telon turned to see Tegan still standing close to the lava pool, not recovered from Milan’s death.

  “Erol,” Telon yelled, “grab Tegan and get out of there!”

  Erol ran to him, dragging him off the floor, Tegan would not leave on his own. The ocean of lava could not be stopped and they began to understand the complete strength that Herrog wielded.

  “Keep them moving,” Kyrie yelled as the lava filled the chamber and began shooting up the lowest tunnels. Bringing up the rear, Kyrie and Qu
elna were collapsing the rock ceiling above to slow the lava flow. The lava could not be stopped and was shooting up other tunnels, claiming many a hampered victim. Anyone not being careful would get caught by backflow from another hall.

  There were half as many men and dwarves as had entered the mountain, and they were trying as they might to get out. They caught up to the weakened gargoyles who were trying to escape. The injured slowed their journey as they approached the opening to the mountain.

  Telon’s group rounded a corner and saw a backflow of lava coming back down toward them, blocking their escape. “Quick! Search for a side route!” Telon yelled. Erol let go of Tegan, who still was in shock over his loss. They started hammering on the walls trying to break through. The others searched frantically as the lava crept closer and closer, both from behind and in front.

  “Maybe you could come this way?” a smallish voice from above said. It was Leevite, who had helped Telon out of the tunnels the day before. He took on the role of secret assassin, killing any unsuspecting gargoyle that wandered down the wrong hall. His vengeance at the loss of his father had carried him through this dark time, now he was ready to get out of the mountain.

  “Leevite, help us out of here!” Telon responded, very happy to see the dwarf. Leevite lowered a bit of rope and some dwarves climbed while Erol helped others by lifting them up. Soon all were out except Tegan, who stood staring into the quickly approaching lava. He gave up, ready to forfeit his own life. He slowly walked toward the lava and his doom.

  “No!” Telon screamed, jumping back down, running to his brother. He caught Tegan just before the lava, tackling him to the ground. “Brother, you can’t quit like this! Your people need you, and there is still much to live for!”

  Leevite compelled his friends, “Get out of there!” It was too late. The lava blocked their exit.

  Erol saw what happened and went down his hall. He took his fist and plunged it through the floor, almost collapsing the entire tunnel. The rocks crashed down and created a damn that protected Tegan and Telon for the moment. He then reached down and pulled them just before the lava crept over the dam, reaching for the kill.


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