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Traitor to the King: A Tale of the Benaga Sisters

Page 7

by Clare SM Keating

  “Lord Benaga, we didn’t know an execution or torture was planned… is the Chief expecting to see you so early?” They stated, referring to Anouk’s old tutor Skabrat, the only other woman to hold command and a rank thanks to being the eldest daughter of her bloodline and the only one to have significant poison ability. But though these new figures tapped their chins and ears in confusion, Anouk just smiled a little at them and gave a chuckle.

  “Not today, I’m here to visit Loteg now his isolation period is fulfilled. I will attempt to do so once a week in the early morning as permitted. I also came to see Talon.” Her words caused a wheeze of understanding and the guards nodded their heads and pulled their spears away. As they pulled a small door open to the side of the gate, Anouk stepped inside the little closet and waited for it to click shut and then whir downwards as she was taken to the main floor of the prison. Here there was a sudden cry and moaning of terror as the mentally ill, demonically incapacitated and the regular criminals felt her presence. Even if she were to walk through naked they would all still cringe in fear of the pain she could produce and her stoic, uncaring manner whilst doing so.

  Upon stepping to the fat and pompous looking warden in his red cap and black cloak, Anouk signed herself in as a visitor and permitted herself to wear a magic impeding manacle. It was a standard precaution as the guard led her out to a narrow passage that just fell into darkness; he then tied a lasso of rope about her waist, anchored it with his own body and held her steady as she scrabbled down the sheer slope into the chamber. The Death Cells were well named, for though given the ability to roam their cell and live in comfort, the person within could never get out and never see a lick of proper light. Most went mad from loneliness and ripped their eyes out to take to the surface, but Loteg was sitting comfortably in the light of the Gigi Crystals natural to Virenheim, reading his father’s journal.

  “You haven’t changed in the time since I last saw you, just perhaps a little more tired.” Loteg stated, barely turning from his desk as he continued to study his various transcripts and letters. Now permitted letters and visitations, the mountain built up over his imprisonment needed to be sorted and he was busy with it. Some were snippets of news around Organthra, others on the natural subject of anatomy and a surprising majority were letters addressed to the king for his freedom that were cruelly given to Loteg to answer and explain why he was a heretic.

  “The nightmares are back and on this occasion the dream of a child being taken from me. I couldn’t help but recall something your father had mentioned regarding my demon encounter.” Anouk sighed as she stepped over to the hunched figure with his blue hair now grown past his shoulders and his long-yellowed nails tapping at the papers. He made a slight sound of interest before Anouk wrapped her arms about his neck and pulled his head back into her chest before kissing his nose, causing him to blush severely. “I’m glad you went quietly… Gahlvrod would have loved to beat you into pulp purely for Valina’s fate.”

  “My mother chose to take her life in pride than die in shame, I have no hatred or regret over the matter; she did what she did. But I do envy the trouble it has brought upon you, Anouk.” Loteg stated with a soft sigh as he held his arms about her in return in a warm embrace. Had they not declared themselves Blood Bound under the ancient rituals of Nabuto when they’d finished their training, such interaction would be considered sexual and both would have been beaten under decency laws! However, Blood Bound beings were always seen as one half of the same being and if not for interventions on the part of her mother, Anouk and Loteg would have been expected to produce a child together to enter the temple or became a reserve heir to the Benaga Household. “My actions that day caused great suffering; I forgot our stance and made you appear honourless. For that single thing I thank your mother our marriage and love are forbidden… not that I would wish to sire a child to live in the shadows whilst the world above flourishes.”

  “I would not thank my mother for anything. But I do not regret our friendship or bond. You are brother to me and husband should I never marry by the time I’m one hundred!” Anouk mused as she shook him playfully in a tight grip and kissed his cheek. But Loteg grasped her hand tightly, kissed it affectionately and then sighed piteously.

  “Were you not Benaga… all your secrets could be revealed from the medical practices in Amber City. Your scar alone permits intrusions and prevents probing questions. My father did say something of forbidden techniques with memory and that he was present to see something done to you by your dear aunt. But his book is still filled with cryptic messages and I don’t want to break those codes in fear of what is there.”

  “I understand – I must go visit Talon now, but if you have a plea for the council or requests for next week, please tell me now.”

  The Karayan sat in the steam room of the lavish mansion with a scowl upon his face. He had remained comfortable all night thanks to a luxuriously soft bed, but upon waking had felt somewhat ashamed of the ridiculous extravagance of the dead general’s house. Though he now owned everything here and the titles of the general’s family, Higatso had been of no value to his family as a fifth son and so had lived a lonely life of womanising. Disgusted by many of the erotic artwork and other unpleasant features within this home, not to mention the amount of rooms, the Karayan had already decided to do something about it and move in his two new assistants, Droy and Martum.

  Already the pair had helped him navigate the maze of corridors and rooms in search of a bed chamber not filled with waiting whores. The women in other rooms had been terrified of course but Karayan had ignored them and requested only that they take whatever they wanted from the property with them. This had startled a few into being coy, but when he revealed the reptilian talons of his hands they had fallen silent. Karayan did not want their attention anyway, he was more eager to meet the Klangschwert again and judge their skills and powers. To his great relief that morning the young Damara had arrived to greet him and her friends, as well as to discuss party matters.

  Karayan had made sure nothing of his body was visible as he bathed in the steam room, but now he rushed to get clean fast. Once washed he grasped the fetid black cloth he had been wearing and ripped a piece off, letting it sit lonely within his great tanned claws for a moment as he whispered to it. As the rest of the garb fell onto the fire and burnt away in a flash, this lone piece suddenly wriggled and lunged forward, hooking its form about his human-like torso to cover him in a new dark shroud. It settled about him like a finely tailored suit, mimicking the robe shapes of the households here. He then pulled on his gloves and a gruesome muzzle to mask his mouth before stepping out dressed as ‘normal’ as was possible for a creature like himself. The only thing he had forgotten to cover was the soft mahogany brown hair that sat perfectly on just one side of his entire head. He was not sure what to do with that as he stepped into the light of the hallway and his new servants from Higatso’s house stared up at him in shock.

  “Wow… now he’s washed he really looks like an Aeron!” Karani blurted in her white and black dress as she looked up the corridor. Droy and Martum were both quick to grasp her mouth shut as if she might have offended him, but the strange being just strolled down the hall to stand in one of the many Meeting Rooms with them. He was a little startled to see all of them present but happy nonetheless; to his greatest surprise however they were not at all bothered or staring at his black and red muzzle with its ogre-like teeth. Their eyes instead were locked upon the hair of his head and it made him unnaturally bashful about it.

  The two males figured out that there was confusion there and swiftly beckoned him to sit down around a flat wooden table as fresh water and flat bread was brought out for them all. To this stark little set up, the Karayan’s thin eyebrows knotted and he gave a soft cough for attention, alerting Droy to his need for help. The gorgeous, almost feminine, elf stood up proudly and stepped to his new master’s side, bending down to listen to the low grumbles of his new general with a slight smirk. O
nly as he listened did he realise the situation and then turn towards the servants with a soft sigh. He stated calmly that the master had a different kind of setup in his home and therefore, for honour’s sake, he could not be seen to present guests with the food of the poor.

  Damara was surprised and Martum too, for such an idea was important to the Viren elves as they expected to remain humble in all things and eat only what was deemed suitable. Martum had become confused as he had spent all morning discussing how much stuff the Karayan wanted to get rid of in some kind of humble display to the other lords, which would piss quite a few of them off. Yet they could understand the concern of the creature as he insisted on tea at least. His servants complied and in a rush they found something suitable and were startled as he thanked them and asked to be forgiven for his rude manners. They were a little surprised and even more so when he drank a cup in a single drain and then bowed very low to them and followed this bow with a gesture none present had ever seen before. It was almost a fist motion as if he were restraining the urge to hurt them and Droy almost wailed at the thought of earning his first beating from his new master over something so simple. However, Karayan noted the manner and gave a grunt of frustration as he realised the confusion.

  “Don’t be stupid… it’s just a motion to say I’m ready for the day. I said you did a decent job and you did. I wouldn’t lie about my tea, I need to drink a cup every morning and evening to cleanse my body and your tea is different to me and better for it.” He grunted but they still seemed afraid and he gave a soft groan of annoyance. “Forget it, how about we go visit the council, so I can make my damn proposal to shift this garbage.”

  Anouk had received a happy surprise on arriving at the small grey-brown bunker structure where the council met. There was generally only one meeting every fortnight and petty local matters or religious matters were dealt with by the Council of Elders, those beings that had been living and working in their jobs so long that they were masters of their craft and used to figuring out such problems! Anouk knew that even as she marched to the true Council’s meeting, there were only three women present amongst the twenty noble households, her aunt as the Head Healer, herself as head of the Benaga Household and her old master Cania Skabrat. For Cania her time in this position would be brief as in five years’ time she would be succeeded by her currently underage brother and then Anouk would rarely see her old ally. But it was what Skabrat had already brought up from the prison that had come as a shock….

  Anouk’s concerns for being unable to speak to Talon before the meeting were waved aside as she stepped into the narrow hall with its single burning fire and spotted the individual standing beside her old friend. Talon, the son of the Benaga household’s butler Hunjo who was now retired, was standing beside a trio of lords talking towards the King who was hidden behind his collection of robed Watchers. A tall and handsome young male, Talon was standing beside them with a look of relief upon his features and Anouk almost chuckled as she strolled over, her ears straining beneath the hood to try and listen in. But as she looked at the group and noted Lord Yeruell nodding his head to the Watchers, she froze to listen to his words but was startled by the lord he addressed.

  “Lord Lutas, after careful consideration the King has chosen to agree with your thoughts on the matter. He has agreed that in times of severe stress and grief, respect for the gods and the rules can often be forgotten and risks taken that prove terrible. We agree that Talon’s actions were to save his wife and child in intention, that there was no malice or wish to slaughter either being. He will be relinquished into the command of his household, but any form of blasphemy noted to his person… with proof… will lead to his parole being revoked and an immediate death sentence. This is the will of King Otzell, may he be praised.” Lord Yeruell stated with a soft grunt of frustration before turning towards the shadowy forms of the Watchers and especially Lord Numart the head of the Watchers, for any objection from the king. When his words to praise the king were repeated by all present in the bunker alongside a bow that even Anouk copied, Yeruell then gave a surprisingly soft smile on his now visible and handsome face. “Then Talon, thank your assistants here, greet your master and then wait outside for her. I’ll make the arrangements with Lord Gahlvrod and Lord Togoll to sort the records and you will need to report to Lord Floryas each evening with a list of everything you have been doing each day signed by as many witnesses as you can get. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, my Lord, I thank all my friends, all the wisdom of the council, the watchers and the king but mostly I give thanks to Nabuto for this test.” Talon stated, dropping onto the floor in front of the raised platform where the king was sitting behind the cloud of his highly trained mages, kissing the pallid white stone of the floor in thanks and humility. He then stood up and turned to grasp the arms of Lutas and Skabrat in a show of gratitude before turning on his heel to face Anouk. The moment the pair made contact with their eyes, their faces lit up into massive smiles before Talon rushed to his master’s side and grasped her in a swift, sudden hug before bowing low to kiss her feet and then rushing off outside.

  Anouk was left standing and looking foolish as she realised that her dear friend and assistant had just been released from what was practically a life-long sentence. She agreed with the release of course, he was someone that she had sometimes looked to as a son and his incarceration had been unnecessary as his actions had removed the drowned child from his wife’s belly when she had already passed into death from the blood loss. He had not killed his wife or his child, it had been the ineptitude of the healers and the fact that surgery was forbidden under the ancient laws of Nabuto. Her poor friend would need absolute attention now and Anouk would make sure he and Damara were kept close together so both would still have their freedoms. However, her eyes locked onto the smug yet gentle expression of Lord Alvonse Elrid Lutas… Anouk’s greatest enemy and the one to have spread the rumours of her demonic possession involving sexual acts that Anouk knew had not occurred.

  Her face took on something resembling appreciation and gratitude, but her jaw clenched, and her lips twitched constantly with the snarl she was trying to force down. However, with the rest of the twenty lords stepping in to sit around the platform she dutifully stepped to her position, a black cushion to the right-hand side of the king as he sat on his throne. Sitting in cross-legged contemplation with her head downward in thought as the king whispered to Yeruell and he greeted everyone present, she prepared for the boring business of the season and the start to the ‘good times’ for Virenheim society. The boring conversations began with the various nobles talking about their duties and any complaints they had over the situation. When the usual matters were dealt with, the Karayan was brought up as a subject and followed by a cacophony of problems.

  “This whole matter is unacceptable.” The booming almost scoffing voice of Lord Caphoni, Head of the Surface Army, was the first to speak above the crowd. Anouk remained looking at the ground opposite her aunt, the Head Healer, listening in fascination at the fusses with her smirk hidden beneath her mask. For a green skinned being like Caphoni, the Karayan was an obvious insult as he oversaw the recruitment of foreigners into the citadel and the win had smacked his ego right down. Considering he alone was the one to decide what foreigners were allowed into the ranks and how much power they were permitted, Karayan was an uncontrolled possibly homicidal unpredictability that he had no power over. “He has not been checked out fully or even been through the quarantine procedures… we don’t know his capabilities, he could be a demon!”

  “He has no understanding of our culture or religion… how can he just be accepted into the rank Higatso claimed?” Lord Alagpo, the Head of the Religious Ordinance, was another being that had lost a deal of power in the acceptance of the battle’s result. In his case he had not baptised the stranger and therefore could not state that the blessing of Nabuto had been upon Karayan. Although he had been quick to point out Higatso’s reluctance to be humble and h
ad often been at odds with the figure, he should have been able to predict the change was coming thanks to his own communing with the gods. He was quick to agree with Caphoni and fuss over the risk of a demon and Anouk rolled her eyes at the ridiculous manner of it all.

  “We all agreed to the fight as our King decided the rules and the results. If you had a problem, you should have voiced it then.” Lord Chroniison, Head of the Gates, sighed gently from his position in the centre of the group. Everyone went quiet to look at him, knowing him to be a favoured pupil of the King and a friend to everyone. But his choice of words came as a shock to them all. No one could expect such a thing from him considering three of his men had been killed in the process of the stranger entering through a Dregg Tunnel and reaching the market place. He should have been just as livid as the others, but his words were correct, and the majority of the group nodded their head in acceptance.

  “It is true… no protest was made at any point during the battle and the King accepted the Karayan being without hesitation. If our King could see no malice within this stranger, then we should not expect him to be trouble.” Lord Numart stated slowly with his soft almost whispering voice from beneath his pitch cowl as he sat on the floor directly beside the king’s throne where the shroud swallowed figure of the monarch remained protected. A great grey veil was held by the other members of the Watchers to ensure that none of the lords could see details that were unwanted as the king itched in thought. His words encouraged the calm and Numart turned his shadowed face toward the Head of Mages, nervous Lord Zehna and the Head of the Sacred Stones, scowling Lord Sheran, with a soft sigh. “You said there was no fluctuation in the attitude of the stones and the Karayan would not have been able to pass through the tunnels without being revealed as a demon. Plus, the Dreggs in the tunnels made no attempt to stop him or even get close to him… therefore we can all agree he is not troublesome.”


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