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Traitor to the King: A Tale of the Benaga Sisters

Page 48

by Clare SM Keating

  “I don’t know what it was, Karayan, but why are you holding a stone?” Damara questioned nervously in surprise as she pulled herself up from Anouk and strolled towards her friend. He stared down at the glowing blue object within his hand for a few moments before turning to Damara with a soft chuckle. The Karayan had almost forgotten he had been carrying the stone, but he was glad of it as everything calmed and the world seemed to focus on him and it. He could tell that Damara already believed that the creature to have come to save the day had been summoned by the power of the stone and that was a much safer way to think on the matter. Damara though squatted before the stone and it seemed to turn the same shade of purple as her hair, perhaps even recognising her and reassuring her it was friendly. “It was so hard to believe that the stone I was grasping for was real… it didn’t feel right and… and I don’t know how to explain it, but the stones have a familiarity about them.”

  “Well that’s interesting… should mean you’ll be able to find the rest, in due time, perhaps it’s even your fate Damara.” The Karayan stated, gently shifting the stone into her open hands so that she could hold it again. Damara’s body shivered gently in relief to hold it and to feel its power shifting about her as if it were talking to her. The dark feelings she had received from the Hive Demon and her first encounters with this stone had faded, as if it had been using those sensations to try and warn her about the dangers that were coming. If these dreams and vibes were the language of the stone’s magic, Damara knew she would have to keep very quiet about it and only tell the two people beside her who really understood. The Karayan patted her shoulder gently, she did not even flinch at the sight of his claws or the strange look of his foreign body. “When I told the King about what had happened with the men in the woods when you’d found the stone, we agreed together the risk of traitors was far too high. No one could be trusted as there was always the chance higher beings could have been manipulated, so Otzell made a fake stone using a quartz crystal and I hid the real thing in my shroud.”

  “Oh your poor shroud… it’s such a dear thing, I don’t think either of us could have made it thus far without it.” Damara beamed as she gently stroked the living fabric upon her head and then felt a curious vibration of delight, almost like a purring from the colonial creature. The Karayan’s remaining pieces reacted the same, only to realise the embarrassment they were causing their owner and to suddenly expand and stretch out over his body again to protect him. He gave a soft chuckle before Damara passed him the stone again before turning to look towards her exhausted and bloody sister with a soft whimper. Her eyes then rolled over the great stones of the wall and the world about her where she could still hear people already weeping over the dead. “So… is it over?”

  A day passed with everyone still on edge but no sign of approaching danger or anything left within the citadel. There had been some of the monstrous creatures lurking within the deeper tunnels and a few had even managed to find the secure route to the Benaga Household on their escape and decided to smash it to pieces as a final act of rebellion. The girls had not returned home to see what had happened, but they had been informed by Martum when he had assisted Skabrat in searching for former prisoners and enemies amongst the rubble of the prison where the wave had not reached deep enough to penetrate. Martum had been given permission to go to the hospital wing set up in the Jovial Hall of the King’s Palace where all the wounded were resting and being treated whilst the Hall of Memory housed the dead being prepared for exposure. Martum had been shocked to know that the girls and the Karayan had been sequestered to a side room where the servants would usually sit during great celebrations and that Droy had also been placed amongst them. Martum had already done a special job for Droy whilst he’d been scouting the ruins of the prison and he was thankful that the only thing his beautiful partner had lost in the battle was the tip of an ear!

  “Good day everyone, may Nabuto shine down upon us all with glory for what we have overcome. I know it’s always a bit patronising after battle to hear that kind of stuff, but you wouldn’t believe how excited everyone is about what happened now that the enemy is truly gone and the dead had been gathered. Gorammi has been busy and apparently the Karayan was called up to the king this morning, so I think he’s been asked if he could help the Undertakers out. Half the remaining army has been asked to help, even that fat nephew Sindrik, or whatever, has pulled his finger out to help. The men on the walls were quite lucky, but only because Jarl and Gilfony worked so hard together to fight that monster when the others ran.” Martum sighed as he closed the curtain to the room behind him and slumped onto the bed left absent by his master as Droy grimaced from the bed beside it. Droy’s arm was bandaged and healing fast thanks to the power of the waves, but like everyone the healing was not yet complete and the Mage Circle were still inspecting everyone for signs of illness after the encounter. Droy’s missing piece of ear was a point of shame for him, particularly because it had been nicked off by a sharp piece of rock that had exploded past his face and cut his cheek in the process. Martum noticed the expression upon his lover and gave a chuckle. “Vanity is the curse of beauty… you look more manly with that scratch!”

  “Don’t you dare! I can hardly look at myself in the mirror, let alone imagine what’s happened to all our friends and comrades who are suffering worse. Besides, I thought you were still helping Skabrat find things around the prison… is there any sign of Loteg?” For mentioning the name Droy suddenly caught his breath in a gentle gasp, realising that the thoughts were heavy not only in his mind but in Anouk’s as she lay on the flat bed staring up into oblivion. Since she had been brought in the other day she had barely moved or slept, eaten or drunk… but she talked whenever they weren’t expecting her to and Droy blanched. He was using the mention of Loteg as code to Martum, to ask if the book had been located, but at the same time he was also very nervous about the strange scholar, especially because Loteg was supposed to be a freeman now for surviving that ordeal… if he had survived. “I’m sorry Lady Benaga…”

  “He’s not dead, I would have felt that much… but I doubt any of you will find him again. He’s gone somewhere unusual… somewhere he can observe and calculate and prepare for whatever great thing it was he feared was on its way.” Anouk stated rather softly, bored perhaps and exhausted from the fact she was still trying to comprehend what she had seen and what happened to her. The hole in her chest had corresponded with part of the scar to have sat across her body and to her own surprise it had been completely healed by the wave to leave the scar even more broken, which only made her more suspicious. But she turned to look at both Martum and Droy with a soft sigh before she sensed Damara was going to ask something soon too. “I’d rather you did not share my view on Loteg’s survival with anyone else, he’d still be called a blasphemer no matter what he chose to do in life. Anyway, how long till Molwesa is brought back and how are Jarl and Gilfony fairing?”

  “A messenger was dispatched yesterday afternoon, apart from the work for the masons on a few deep buildings and what not, the place hardly looks like it was touched, so the King decided it was suitable for them all to return. Jarl’s leg is healing, and he should be back to normal soon enough… his father hasn’t left his bedside and when his father’s not awake old Mensor is checking on him and Dalrik… Takerus’ body was found this morning by Turret Captain Oratangion, whose still at his post even though he lost a hand in the fall of the wall, he’s tenacious.” Martum chuckled as he thought over the fellow who was not only an old and good sparring partner with his shield, but a cantankerous captain at the best of times. It amused them all to hear it and Damara breathed a sigh of relief to know that Jarl was not too badly hurt at all, even though she felt as if it were not her right to care. But she was nervous about the other matter and Martum gave a slight grimace over the situation with Gilfony. “He’s lost an eye, his face is quite scarred from it but thankfully there’s no infection… the only person even daring to go over and give him me
dicine to help with the pain is Master Tyfuga, everyone else thinks it’s pointless.”

  “Why would they deny him relief? Tell me Martum… what are they going to do to him?” Damara whimpered softly, guilty because she had never shown Gilfony the same level of affection as Jarl even though he had never betrayed her. Gilfony had been the most amazing friend Damara could have hoped to have amongst the nobles and yet she had let him down by remaining loyal to the idea that someday Jarl would remember his promise to her. Even though he had shown himself to be a hero in this struggle, Damara was not blind to the laws regarding traitors and their families and she shuddered to think that, as the next heir of the family, he could be killed. But to her horror the situation was already far worse than could be imagined and she practically swooned as Martum lowered his head in dismay and shook it gently.

  “Decimation – the traitor’s bloodline culled to an excess of ten generations. The family is so small it would be wiped out in just two generations and that poor young elf is doomed. He’s made a plea already to accept the punishment on his own for the sake of the women and children in his family not here to defend themselves, but the council is undecided. No one really wants to see anything bad happen, they’ve all been checked with magic and there’s no hint of demon around any of them… but in light of what happened no one wants that kind of risk.” Martum sighed fitfully before noticing the way Droy beckoned him over. With both Anouk and Damara quite content about their otherwise illegal relationship, the pair embraced one another in a tight hug as they thought over the poor fate of one of the day’s heroes. Damara sighed sorrowfully and lowered her head at the thought that the humble family of only twelve individuals would be so easily culled and yet there was truly nothing that could be done for them.

  Anouk listened and thought over the situation carefully and with a grimace of frustration. As her status had been returned, alongside the forgiveness of the King had come the requests… twenty-four requests Anouk could make from anyone including the king himself that could not be contested easily. She had to use them very carefully and had thought maybe to use one to clear the taboo between Jarl and Damara so that they might be permitted to marry when he was considered suitable once more, but now her mind was thinking of something else. The requests had strict rules, one could be used a week and yet they could be used to save lives in extreme circumstances… but there had to be a reason to it. In thinking over the matter in her mind, Anouk knew that she would be committing herself and her sister to something truly difficult and there would be countless repercussions should her choice be wrong.

  Worse still, it would mean she was giving in to something she felt was completely and utterly against her morals and yet it would save twelve innocent lives.

  “Damara… you have every right to disagree with what I am about to ask, but if you truly wish to help then it is the only way. But I must know if you would be willing to give up every aspect of your freedom for the sake of another’s life?” Anouk stated calmly, and Damara turned to look at her in complete surprise before her head nodded. Damara was not sure what her sister was truly asking of her, but she had the feeling it would be a bitter herb to swallow. She could see from the way Anouk was already starting to shudder and grit her teeth that the request was against Anouk’s personal wants and it both humbled and terrified Damara to see such an expression. “If I were to claim I had been undergoing arrangements to marry you to Gilfony… I could use the Requests to save his whole family. But it would mean you would have to give up any hope of being with Jarl again and you would have no choice but to marry Gilfony.”

  “Can the council be convinced of such a thing?” Damara stated in surprise, her mind suddenly knotted as her heart was ripped apart by the thought she must choose between Jarl and saving lives. Any good Deep Elf would honour life above personal pleasure and it was within Anouk’s rights to decide whom Damara should marry, but this was a bit of a shock. Yes, Gilfony would have been second choice to Jarl and he would be a good and noble husband… but could she really give up Jarl just like that when the barrier between them could so easily be removed?

  “Our house was destroyed, I can claim there were letters there being sent between myself and Alagpo regarding the matter due to the unexpected marriage. The priests have to burn all letters regarding family correspondence once read so it will be my word against no ones. Besides, they all know he was second choice and he would honour that arrangement if I were to make it. But could you?” Anouk questioned and Martum, guessing that he was going to be needed to take a letter to the council, bolted to her side with pen and ink from the nearest table. Anouk began to scribble down the statement and her belief in the arrangement, even if it was going to cause a real stir. She knew that, if Damara agreed to it, they could save Gilfony but that he was too proud a being to just accept the help. She knew that at heart, Gilfony would permit himself to be judged, he was not afraid to be labelled a traitor when the truth was within his heart and Anouk respected that as she gave a soft sigh of dismay. “It is a cruel fate for a brave warrior to suffer after such a great victory and a sour note to all. Gilfony would accept help no other way than this, he may even try not to accept the arrangement… but it’s up to you Damara.”

  “I know… and I will agree to it.” Damara stated with a sudden sigh of dismay. “After-all, Jarl has already stated before that he wishes to go to North City and find Kirlia’s family to tell them what has happened and offer some kind of aid. Even if we were to get through the three year wait between, the taboo around it would be too great and who knows how many offers will have come and gone before we were to realise it… it could never really be. I have been a foolish child too long sister, it is time I grew up and took responsibility.”

  Anouk was feeling guilty for forcing such a thing from Damara, were she like any other member of a noble family than there would be no guilt or even question to the situation, it would just be. But Anouk could not do such a thing lightly and that afternoon she had managed to gain permission to go for a walk to a very particular tunnel that was said to be good for healing. No one was truly willing to stand in her way no matter what she decided after what had occurred above, but Anouk felt troubled in more ways than one as she stepped in a great blue robe with her head covered and her feet bare towards the Corridor of Music. It was a simple section of cave below the King’s Tower that was permitted for use by anyone seeking solace and was unique for its beauty and its sound. The Corridor was simply a pocket chamber with stalactites stretching down from the ceiling and dripping water into a curious dish shaped seat within the stalagmites below, the minerals made the water change colour depending on the weather above and how much water from the Viren was flowing down its way. The musical aspect came from a curious structure built there by the first pilgrim Deep Elves to have survived the first major attack by a Fallen God as a reminder of the sanctuary that existed here. There was a delicate thread-like line of glittering magic that sat across the line of stalactites and was tied around great metallic bowls and gongs and chimes so that each drip of water caused a sudden great vibration of joy to echo around the little pocket.

  It was a place Anouk had not been to since the death of her parents, when she had begged Nabuto to aid her in all things and right now she needed him to tell her if she was doing the right thing.

  But Anouk was startled to step into the cavern lit by a single candle and find the shrouded form of the Karayan sitting there, as if he’d known she would come with the mask grinning across at her. When Anouk stepped inside she checked behind herself automatically, hoping that there would be no sign that anyone had followed her before the Karayan stood up and came to her. He stretched out his hand for her to clasp and she did so gently before lowering her head and pressing it to his chest as the first ping on the gong echoed around the cavern. Fearfully Anouk whispered her doubts and her guilt into his dark shroud, memories of what had been beneath it clouded and veiled by the haze of agony and fear. She wanted to ask him what
she had seen before the red figure had covered him from the eyes of enemies and she wanted to know exactly what had happened to them both when their hearts had been returned. The Karayan could sense it and he breathed a soft sigh of frustration as he patted her back and then stepped away from her into the wider enclave of the cavern.

  “I owe you something Anouk, something I didn’t quite understand but should have revealed to you the moment I scared you off…. There’s a reason I’m able to heal you, but this secret is for us alone.” The Karayan sighed gently as he stood in front of her, his body trembling just as hers was to know such a truth. If he showed her there was always the risk she would run away from him forever, but the Karayan knew her heart and she knew his, there would be no running and there could not be anything more than affection. With a soft sigh as he turned to check for danger, he pulled off the shroud completely in front of her and revealed the muscular form beneath. He was curiously a kind of bronze colour on the skin, his body littered in black lines almost like scales, his back and arms actually covered in golden scales and his body hairless. He stood there for a moment, before he pulled the mask from his face to let her see the strange black tattoos about his mouth. Anouk stared at him in shock for a moment, her eyes locked onto a glowing patch of his chest where there was a visible scar and then the Karayan breathed a soft sigh. “You see the body of one of the Cannibals in your old stories… but this is just the vessel chosen for the warrior soul I hold. I will show you the truth, but do not run from me.”

  Anouk nodded her head at him in response, although her eyes could already read the mark upon his chest with familiarity and understanding. Indeed, the moment his body seemed to shift a curious glow came about him as a long reptilian tail began to wave about in the air and great black bat-like wings emerged from his body. Great spikes shuddered along his spine and his forehead grew a series of sharp curving horns as his body widened and developed more visible golden, bronze and black scales along the lines drawn into the skin. Anouk’s eyes swelled in shock, first seeing the boy that she saved in her childhood before the entire body changed into something that was glowing with golden light and the Karayan’s citron eyes glittered with the light of the sun above that she could not see. Immediately she collapsed onto her knees, her jaw dropped as she whimpered through the tears now trickling down her cheeks… there was no doubt what the Karayan really was as he stood there with holy light streaming about him.


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