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Into the Spiral (The Spiral Defenders Series: Book One)

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by Erin Danzer

  Chapter Six

  By the time Billy walked Ronnie home at a little after ten, she had almost completely forgotten about the mysterious Rick she met at the book store. She laughed at Billy’s jokes and held his hand even though she felt a little guilty for it at the same time. When he walked her up to her front door, she knew she had to tell him this couldn’t happen again.

  “Billy, I had a really good time tonight,” she began. He beamed, his blue eyes pulling her towards him.

  “So did I,” he agreed. “I hope we can do this again, maybe next weekend.”

  “No, Billy, I’m sorry, but we can’t. The age difference, even though it’s only four years, I’m afraid people around town would get the wrong idea about you. I think you’re a great guy and you’re really cute and funny, but we can’t date. I’m sorry.”

  His face fell as he considered her words and then nodded. “I know; you’re right. I mean, you’re beautiful and I had a really great time tonight, but you’re right. We can’t date. I don’t know why I thought we could.” He shook his head. “Maybe it was just because I helped rescue you last night or, well, I don’t know. But I’m sure there’s some guy your age that you’re interested in and I guess I should find someone my age to be interested in, too.”

  “I just… I hope we can still be friends,” Ronnie added, feeling completely lame for saying those pathetic words. But Billy’s eyes brightened and some of his smile came back.

  “I would like that. I can kind of be like another big brother to you or something.”

  “Or something, because I don’t think I’d ever want to kiss my big brother.” Her cheeks burned as she admitted her desire and she forced herself to keep looking at him. She couldn’t believe she just admitted that. His blue eyes darkened as he reached up to cup her cheek in his hand.

  “Can I kiss you, Ronnie?” he whispered. Ronnie’s heart pounded as anticipation zipped through her. This was it—her first kiss. Her tongue darted out to lick her dry lips, her mouth suddenly like the Sahara. She put her hands on his waist, not sure what else to do with them, as Billy’s other hand came up to cup her other cheek, framing her face.

  “Yes,” she replied and closed her eyes as his face neared hers. She tilted her head up, her heart pounding so loud she was sure the entire state could hear it thundering away. His lips pressed gently against hers. Ronnie’s breath caught in her throat as she waited for something more to happen. She sensed him move away, leaving her lips tingling with anticipation.

  “Good night, Ronnie,” he whispered as he straightened. She blinked a few times as she opened her eyes. His hands fell away from her face. He took a few steps down the walk before she felt completely coherent again.

  “Good night, Billy,” she whispered after him but he didn’t turn around. She didn’t know if he even heard her, but hoped he had. He just gave her a great belated birthday present. Even though she knew it couldn’t happen again, she wanted to treasure this moment for just a little longer.

  Ronnie felt like she was walking on clouds when she entered her house. The living room light was on and her mom looked up from the day’s sale ads as Ronnie closed the door.

  “How was the poetry reading?” her mom asked as Ronnie leaned back against the door. She grinned at her mom, knowing she looked suspiciously ridiculous but unable to hide her happiness. She wanted to run upstairs, call Andi and tell her all about it. But first she needed to answer her mom’s questions.

  “It was wonderful,” she sighed and her mom knowingly smirked.

  “I’m willing to bet that’s not all that was wonderful. Did I just see Billy walk you up to the door?”

  “Yes.” Ronnie prayed her mom wouldn’t ask for more details and was relieved when her mom let it go.

  “Well, I’m glad you had a good time. Shawn called about an hour ago to say he was back in town.”

  “Really?” Another big grin split her face at the news.

  “Yes. I told him you wouldn’t get home in time to call him and you will see him at school tomorrow.”

  Some of her enthusiasm died. “Oh. Okay. Well, can I call Andi really quick? There’s something I have to tell her and it can’t wait until tomorrow.” And she didn’t want to tell Andi about it in front of Shawn. Her mom sighed and looked at her watch.

  “You have fifteen minutes and then it’s time for bed.”

  “Thanks, Mom; you’re the best.”

  Ronnie raced upstairs and shut the door as she entered her room. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Andi’s number as she lay across the top of her blankets. Andi answered after the second ring.

  “Oh my god, he kissed me,” Ronnie squealed and Andi squealed with her.

  “Oh my god, that’s so awesome!” Andi exclaimed and then added hesitantly, “Wait a minute, which ‘he’?”

  “Billy. Who else?” Ronnie wrinkled her nose, some of her enthusiasm curbed by Andi’s question. What did she mean, who else? Who else was she out with tonight?

  “Well, I know you were kinda eyeing up that other guy and I didn’t know what happened after I left the coffee shop. For all I know, you went back to the reading and hooked up with him.”

  “Yeah, because I’m the type of girl who hooks up.” Ronnie grimaced, her elation over Billy’s sweet kiss gone. “You know, I just wanted you to be happy for me.”

  “Oh, Ronnie, no, I am happy for you. I was just confused. I am so psyched he kissed you.” Andi self consciously giggled and Ronnie knew she was trying to cheer her up. “Any tongue action?”

  Ronnie laughed as her cheeks pinked. “No, nothing like that. I don’t think he wanted to thrust his tongue down my throat after I told him we can only be friends.”

  “Wait a minute.” Ronnie heard rustling on her end as Andi sat up in bed. “You told him you only want to be friends and he still kissed you? He must really like you.”

  “I really don’t know if he does or if it’s something left over from him rescuing me last night. Either way, when I told him we could be friends, he said he could be like an older brother or something, and I said ‘or something’ because I wouldn’t want to kiss my brother, and then he asked if he could kiss me and I said yes.”

  “He actually asked to kiss you?”

  “Yeah.” Ronnie smiled at the memory. “He was very sweet tonight, but he’s really too old for me. Besides, I have my eye on someone else.”

  “Would that be the ‘someone else’ you met tonight or would that be the ‘someone else’ you’re going to see tomorrow morning?”

  Ronnie giggled. “Which do you think?” She glanced at her clock and frowned when she saw it was time to get off the phone. “But I have to go before my mom comes up here and yells for being on the phone too long. I’ll see you tomorrow at school.”

  “Before school, actually. I’ll pick you up at quarter to seven.”

  Ronnie nodded as her mom stuck her head in the door and said it was time to get off the phone. She told Andi good night and ended the call. Ronnie got up to change her clothes and sighed as she thought about kissing Billy. Even though he was twenty-one and old enough to be her older brother, he was still really sweet and she wished she was a out of school so she could try dating him. As it was, she would probably have better luck dating Rick than getting Shawn to notice her, let alone ask her out. She changed into her pajamas and crawled into bed. As she fell asleep, nervous butterflies fluttered in her stomach at the thought of seeing Shawn again. She couldn’t wait.

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