Full Court Press
Page 6
“I had fun tonight.” He says, he glances down to his feet, shifting his weight slightly like he’s embarrassed.
“So did I, and I know Carson had the best time.” I smile at him, something shifting inside me when I think of the events of the day.
“I’m just glad we managed to avoid the paparazzi today. It’s usually not so bad, but I just knew that if they got wind of the two of you, the vultures would be out.”
I nod my head. I haven’t really thought about what it will be like for us, if people were to find out. I’m overanalyzing the situation when he presses one more soft kiss to my lips before stepping backwards.
“Don’t overthink it.” He winks, taking a step down. “Goodnight, Kels.”
Chapter Eleven
“So, tell me about your little date you had with Mr. Prince.” I look up from where I’m sitting at my desk in my classroom. My sister walks in and leans against the side of my desk.
“Don’t you have students?” I drop my pen and lean against my comfortable chair and turn slightly.
“Yeah, but they’re with my aide.” I laugh. Chrissy is a preschool teacher so she gets an aide every year to help.
“An aide is not for you to leave alone while you come chit-chat.” I laugh.
“Oh, I know, but I needed the scoop on that little rendezvous since you wouldn’t answer your favorite sister’s messages.” I roll my eyes at her comment. I purposely evaded returning her calls because I’d never be able to get off the phone with her. A text would turn into a call and I’m not sure how I’m truly feeling about all the sudden changes that have taken place.
“One, you are my only sister. And two, it wasn’t a rendezvous. Carson was with us the entire time,” I say.
“Whatever, now tell me.” I roll my eyes at her bossiness and I know I won’t get her out of my room before my students return from music if I don’t just spill the beans.
“We went to play laser tag,” I say, giving up the fight.
“Laser tag?” She stops before her face breaks into a full grin. “That is the sweetest thing. I bet Carson loved that.”
“You know he did.” I laugh. Carson is all boy, anything involving physical activity and pizza is right up his alley.
“So, how are you feeling about all of this?” she asks. I’m really not sure how I feel about any of it. It’s so fast and makes me nervous that not only could I potentially get hurt, but so can my son. Being a parent means making decisions that you hate, but someone has to ensure the safety of us both and that includes our hearts.
“I’m honestly not sure,” I reply. “I’m just paranoid. I think Kyle ruined me.”
Chrissy rolls her eyes, in her overly dramatic way that only she can master.
“Please. That asshole didn’t ruin you, he just put a dent in you. You are so much stronger than you give yourself credit, Kelsi. You are a damn good mother and you do it all with minimal help from anyone. Don’t let that dickhead decide your future. He doesn’t deserve it.”
I know she’s right, but it’s so hard to let go of the heartache and pain of something like your child being abandoned by his father.
“I know, I know you’re right, it’s just hard.”
She gives me a quick hug before heading to the door to return to her class.
It’s been three days since I’ve seen Landon. He’s called or texted every day and has kept his promise on taking things slow.
Landon: Good morning, gorgeous.
I stare at the screen of my phone. I get a message like this every morning when I wake up. The message is always from hours before because Landon is up early for practice and Carson doesn’t wake up until six AM normally, but it’s the weekend and he’s still snoozing in the bed next to me. He came in my room around two in the morning saying his throat hurt, with a bad cough and a fever.
Every morning his message makes me smile and I hate how this simple gesture makes me giddy. Kyle never did anything like this, I was always the one who initiated any type of contact during our entire relationship.
Me: Good morning to you. How was practice?
Landon: Rough. I’m ready to get home and jump in the pool.
Me: That sounds nice.
Landon: Why don’t y’all come over and we can throw some burgers on the grill. Carson can swim and we can all hang.
Me: I’d really love too but we can’t today. I’m sorry.
Landon: Am I moving too fast?
Me: Actually, no. It’s Carson. He has been sick all night.
My phone rings shortly after I hit send. I smile when I see Landon’s name pop up.
“Hello,” I whisper, trying not to wake Carson as I slide out of the bed and sneak into the living room.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Landon sounds out of breath.
“I’m not sure, he woke up around two and was coughing really bad then said his throat was hurting him. I can’t get his fever to break. I may have to take him to Urgent Care later.”
“Poor dude, I hope he feels better. I really wanted to spend the weekend in the pool with y’all. I even bought him a few water toys.”
My heart swells at the sweet gesture. “Landon, you don’t have to buy him anything.” He grunts through the phone.
“I know I don’t, but I wanted to. This pool is huge and boring to a kid.”
“Oh, the struggle.” I laugh and roll my eyes.
“Don’t get sassy, Kels.” His voice drops and I smirk.
“Oh yeah? What are you going to do if I do?”
“Open the door and find out.”
I freeze. No, no, no, no.
I rush to the door and look through the peephole. Landon is standing on my front porch, his phone still in his hand, pressed against his ear. I just got out of bed so my hair is piled on top of my head in a messy bun and I’m wearing an oversized T-shirt and my sleep shorts.
Without thinking, I yank the door open. I can tell I’m smiling like a dork because my cheeks are hurting.
“What on earth are you doing here?” I ask as I hold the door open for him to come in. His eyes roam my body and I become extremely self-conscious as he does. I’m not used to the way he blatantly just checks me out anytime he can.
“I want to drive you to Urgent Care.” He looks at me shyly.
“Landon, you don’t have to do that. Really.” He steps toward me.
“I know I don’t, but I want to.”
The look he gives me melts any reserve I had. He steps up beside me and presses his lips to my temple before he moves down the hallway toward my room.
I follow and step into Carter’s room to gather some clothes for him to wear. He’s only worn pajamas and probably needs shower.
I grab some things for him to wear and walk across the hall to my room. .
“Hey, buddy. How’re ya feeling?” Landon leans down and brushes the hair from my son’s forehead. “Gosh, you’re burning up.” He looks back to me with such a worried expression written across his face.
“C’mon, baby, you can just wear your pajamas to the doctor.” I help my son to a sitting position and grab the thermometer from the nightstand beside the bed. I run it across his forehead and behind his ear. 103.4.
“What is it?” Landon asks. His hand presses against the small of my back as he leans his large frame over my shoulder to read the thermometer. “One-oh-three?”
“Yes, we need to go.” Landon nudges me out of the way and gently places Carson in his arms and carries him down the hallway to the front door. I open the door and follow them out, locking up behind me.
Landon is quick to get Carson buckled into the booster seat in the back of his jeep and I move to the other side to get in.
The wait at Urgent Care was ridiculously long and the only reason we were moved to a room forty-five minutes after arriving is because Landon is Landon. When the receptionist laid eyes on him, she catered to our every need until we were pulled back.
The door opens and a young nurse practitioner walks throu
gh. She flicks her gaze to me then back at the file in her hand. “So, fever huh?”
“Yes, it started yesterday afternoon and we’re having a hard time keeping it down,” I reply.
“Obviously. You shouldn’t have waited this long to bring him in.” Ouch. That statement makes me feel like a shitty mother. She tosses her file on the counter beside the sink and moves to wash her hands. She is clearly someone who doesn’t love her job wholeheartedly and it shows.
She turns, tossing the paper towel in the trash can, and notices Landon standing against the wall. Her entire expression changes then.
“Hello,” she purrs. She actually purrs, like a cat. “I’m Alicia. I’m a huge fan.” She holds her hand out to Landon; he glances down at it quickly then pushes off the wall to stand beside the bed Carson is currently curled up in a ball on.
She shakes off the obvious rejection and grabs her stethoscope from her neck. I step back to give her room to check Carson out, but she chooses to stand on Landon’s side. A little too close.
I’m not used to being jealous, but this bitch is starting to hit a nerve.
She presses one end to Carson’s chest and listens as he breathes. She tells him to take a deep breath, which only causes him to cough uncontrollably and begin crying. I move closer to him and press a kiss to his temple.
“It’s okay, baby,” I whisper in his ear.
“It sounds like he may have bronchitis and possibly strep since you said his throat has been hurting. He will need to be swabbed for strep and possibly some breathing treatments to try to control this so it doesn’t turn into pneumonia.” She flicks her hair after placing the stethoscope around her neck again. Her attention zones back in on Landon and I visibly watch her hungry eyes roam his entire body.
Landon rolls his eyes and steps around the table, coming up behind me. He grabs my hand and stands there staring at her.
Take that, bitch.
“How long will he need to be on this medication and when will we see improvement?” I ask.
“Obviously, when he starts feeling more like himself, that’ll be when you’ll notice.” She rolls her eyes and walks to retrieve Carson’s file.
“Hey.” Landon’s voice is so deep it sends a chill down my spine. “Don’t talk to my girlfriend that way, treat her with respect. Especially when she is here with her very sick son and just trying to make sure he feels better.” She starts to cut him off but he refuses. “And, if you hate your fucking job, do something different. Your bedside manners are shit and need a lot of work.” He turns his back to her and steps near Carson to check on him. I risk a quick glance to Alicia to see her face red with embarrassment and her mouth hanging wide open.
She quickly exits the room and another nurse brings in the swab for his throat. We wait a few minutes for the test results, the nurse returns giving us a prescription for medicine to help treat the strep and bronchitis. It does not go unnoticed that he called me his girlfriend, either. I’d love to ask him about this, but my focus is all over the place with Carson as sick as he is.
Once we finally found a pharmacy open to fill his prescription and get his nebulizer machine for his breathing treatments, we head to my house.
“Looks like a storm is rolling in.” Landon is looking at the weather app on his phone. “Will you be okay here by yourself?” he asks as he glances in the backseat to a snoring Carson.
“I’ll make it.” I don’t mention how storms scare me shitless. I hate thunder and lightning and my anxiety often gets the best of me. Mix that all together with an extremely sick child and I might as well mix a Xanax with alcohol tonight.
“I can stay if you want. I don’t have practice tomorrow until the afternoon.” He shuts the engine off. “I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“Actually, I’ll take you up on that offer. I’m terrified of storms and the thought of this all happening while Carson is extremely sick already has me on edge.”
“It’s settled then.” We both hop out of the car. He grabs Carson easily and I follow behind with the bags from the pharmacy and his machine.
Chapter Twelve
After finally getting Carson to take his medicine and sit for a fifteen-minute breathing treatment, he finally falls asleep against Landon on the couch. Landon has one foot propped up on the coffee table and one arm stretched across the back of the couch, with Cars playing on the TV. Carson is snuggled into the side of Landon, his little mouth wide open, and he’s finally getting restful sleep.
I finish cleaning up the mess from the medicine and put everything in the kitchen. Carson has to do a breathing treatment every six hours, even through the night, so I set an alarm on my phone to wake me up.
I walk to the couch and gently move Carson from Landon’s side. Landon wakes up with a startle before wiping the sleep from his eyes. He shifts his weight to meet my gaze.
“Here, let me do it.” Before I have a chance to argue with him over it he takes him from my arms and walks down the hall. I rush to get ahead of him to pull the covers back for Carson. Landon easily slides him in and I pull the covers up to his chin like he likes it and tightly tuck him in on each side. I lean up and brush the hair from his forehead and place a kiss there.
“Goodnight, Momma,” my son says as we walk toward the door.
“Goodnight, baby boy.” I smile as I say it.
“Goodnight, Daddy,” Carson says and Landon and I both freeze. My eyes go wide. Panic sets in. Not only for me or my son, but for Landon. Carson has never had a father figure and I knew something like this would happen if I let Landon get too close.
“Night, bud.” Landon smiles down at me, but his smile isn’t as bright as usual. I step into the hall, closing Carson’s door behind me quietly.
Landon is sitting on the couch, his elbows on his knees and his face resting in his hands. I slowly move to take a seat next to him on the couch.
“Landon, I –“
He cuts me off, turning toward me he takes my hands in his own. His large ones are so warm and calloused. “I’m scared you’re going to panic and pull back now.” I’m frozen. Stunned really.
“What? I’m scared that this is too much for you,” I say.
“Not at all. I’d be happy for the little guy to call me Dad. I know it’s too soon, but it doesn’t bother me at all. He deserves a dad that cares.”
“How do we move forward now? I’ve never done this before, Landon. I’m kind of freaking out.”
He moves so he is kneeling on the floor directly in front me. He grabs my face between his hands and forces my gaze to his.
“Don’t freak out. I want this, Kels. If I didn’t, I’d have been gone a long time ago. You and Carson are all I think about. I mean, I plan dates with him in mind because I know that he is a permanent fixture. I want this to go far. What I’m feeling right now…” He moves my hand to his heart and holds it there. His strong heart beats against my palm. “This is real. I’ve never felt this way before and don’t want to lose it.”
I stare at him, stunned by his small speech. I lean in and brush my lips across his. His hands move up my bare legs and continue to slide until they reach my hips. We continue kissing, and when my tongue brushes against his I lose all self-restraint. I grab his face between my hands and force him to stand as I do.
I walk him backward toward my bedroom. He turns me and presses me up against the door, his mouth moving down my neck. His hand reaches behind me and turns the doorknob. I gasp, expecting to fall, but at the same time Landon’s hands move over my ass and lift me in one quick motion. My legs wrap around his waist and my lips are back on his.
He moves quickly, pressing the door shut then walking to the side of my bed. He gently lays me on the comforter and stares at me for what seems like an eternity. So much is passing between us in this moment.
My eyes stay locked on his as I slowly lift the bottom of his shirt. He reaches behind his neck and tugs the collar up and over his head. His shirt falls to the ground and my eyes move from his, down h
is torso. His muscles are so well defined and broad. He has the most gorgeous eight pack I have ever seen, not that I’ve seen many. Kyle wasn’t much of a looker.
Landon leans down, gently raising my shirt and pressing soft kisses all along the faint scarring of stretch marks. He continues lifting my shirt up and tugs it over my head. I raise up and reach behind me, unhooking my bra clasp. He gently moves his fingers over my shoulder, pulling the straps down with him. A small groan escapes his lips when he finally gets full sight of my boobs.
I undo the button of my jean shorts and shimmy slightly to get them down my hips. His eyes connect with mine again as he hooks a thumb in each side of my underwear and pulls them down.
His hands roam up my body, settling when he cups one of my breasts in his large hand and squeezes slightly. A soft whimper moves past my lips as his finger brushes across my nipple. His mouth moves to mine, catching the whimper, his tongue working frantically against mine before he moves to my neck again. He continues working his lips over my skin until he reaches my nipple. He softly bites it, causing my back to arch. I reach out and fist the comforter beneath me. He groans before shifting to my other nipple and doing the same thing. His tongue swirls around before he sucks it hard into his mouth.
My hands move to his hair and I tug it gently. He continues his assault to my body as he moves lower. I raise up to my elbows as he blows against my middle. My head falls back and my eyes close involuntarily. I’ve never been a vocal person while having sex, but the moment Landon’s mouth makes contact with me, I damn near come off the bed. My legs squeeze against his head and I hear him chuckle. The vibration sends shivers up my spine. He continues until I physically can’t take any more and push him away.
He stands to his full height beside the bed and slowly un-does the button of his jeans. I watch as he pulls a condom from his wallet before tossing it on the nightstand and allowing his pants fall to the floor. He brings the condom to his lips and his perfect teeth rip the package open, he slides the condom down his length and crawls over my body, forcing me to lay back down. He kisses me sweetly, then look directly into my eyes.