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Swing and a Kiss: Carolina Waves Series Book 4

Page 13

by Tina Gallagher

  With no one here now, I let my thoughts wander to my conversation with Dale last night. I texted him after I got home and he asked if we could FaceTime. He’d been in a strange mood and after we talked for a few minutes, I found out why. He’s interested in moving things forward with our relationship and even mentioned telling Jeremy we’re dating.

  I’m not sure how I feel about that at this point. I mean, we’ve only been on two dates. Before I could ponder the situation any more, a couple entered with two children around Jeremy’s age and I turned my attention to them.

  After introducing myself and giving them my usual spiel, I urged them to check out the house and let me know if they had any questions. I’m hoping they don’t take too long exploring because I want to be out of here on time.

  Thankfully it didn’t take them too long to look around and come back into the kitchen.

  The woman, Cara, told me she loved the house and asked when they could come back and bring her father, who is a carpenter, to check it out. Her husband, Mark, said he was going to take the kids out back to explore the yard.

  I had her add her name and contact information to the sign-in sheet then handed her my card. “My information is on there. I’ll talk to the owners to find out their schedule and let you know what time slots are available this week.”

  “I know I shouldn’t sound too eager, but we love this house,” she said. “It’s the first one we’ve looked at that works for all of us and is in move-in condition.”

  “I’m not using a typical sales tactic when I say that there were a few other people who came through today that are interested in the house. But we’ll get you back so your father can check things out as soon as possible so you can make an offer if he gives it his approval.”

  Mark and the kids came back into the house and the girl, Sophia, ran over to Cara.

  “Mom, Mark said there’s probably room for a pool!”

  I’d wrongly assumed the children were both Mark’s but it turns out he and Cara had just gotten married the previous year. My surprise must have shown on my face because she went on to explain that they both had lost their spouses...her to a brain aneurysm and him to breast cancer. The two met at a grief support group.

  “I was afraid to get involved again after losing my late husband but I’m so glad I took the chance.” Cara looked at the clock. “I’m sorry we came last minute then talked your ear off about our newly-blended family.”

  I realized it was eleven o’clock and I really need to get moving within the next five minutes if I want to wear comfy clothes to the game.

  “No problem.” I packed the leftover fliers and sign-in sheet into my computer bag and slung it over my shoulder. “I’ll check with the owners and get back to you by tomorrow with a time.”

  Thankfully I can do that kind of stuff while watching Jeremy play. Part of my success as a realtor is that I get back to people as quickly as possible. After walking them to the door, I did a quick check of the house to make sure all the lights were off before heading out myself.

  Jeremy was sitting on the couch watching TV in his uniform when I got home.

  “I’m going to change and I’ll be right out,” I said as I headed to my bedroom and quickly changed into a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, and sneakers. I grabbed a sweatshirt and was walking back to the living room in record time. Jeremy had his head in the refrigerator when I returned and he emerged holding a brown bag and a bottle of water.

  “I packed you a sandwich, chips, and some grapes,” he said.

  “Oh honey, thank you.” I took the bag from him and kissed his forehead. “I appreciate that.”

  He followed me out to the car and tossed his bag in the back before settling into the passenger seat.

  “Are you pitching today?” I asked as we hit the road. I like to mentally prepare myself.

  “No, maybe tomorrow,” he said. “How did your open house go?”

  “It went well. There are a few people interested in coming to look at it again.”


  I thought about Cara and Mark and their newly-blended family. And also what she said about being afraid. It was in the back of my mind as I drove the rest of the way to the complex while Jeremy and I talked, jumping from topic to topic.

  “Do you think we can go to the Waves’ game Wednesday night? I don’t have practice or anything.” Before I could answer he added, “I know we don’t usually go out when I have a day off from activities, but I took some video of me hitting lefty off the tee and I want to show it to Monte and see if he has any pointers.”

  I’m still amazed Dale came over even after I got held up and couldn’t meet him to set up the net and tee in the backyard. Jeremy has been out there practicing with it every day, trying to perfect his swing.

  But as I thought back to our conversation last night, it kind of makes sense. He basically told me that he wants to move forward with this relationship and that would definitely include Jeremy.

  “I think we can make an exception and go to the game,” I said.

  “Thanks Mom. I can’t wait to hear what Monte says about the video.”

  I made a mental note to text Chloe and Hope as soon as I get to the field to set up an emergency FaceTime session with them for later tonight. My thoughts about what Dale said last night are so jumbled. Hopefully my friends can help me sort them all out before I see him again.

  Chapter 15


  * * *

  I towel dried my hair then pulled on a T-shirt. Dan and Jack did the same at their lockers next to me. Thankfully our weekend games have gone better than the one on Friday. It definitely helps the mood in the locker room.

  My phone buzzed on the shelf and I grabbed it to check the text message.

  Karen: I was hoping to talk to you about a couple things. Are you available for lunch tomorrow?

  “What’s wrong?” Jack asked.

  I turned the phone to face him and Dan. They both read the text and looked up at me with raised brows.

  “We haven’t spoken since Friday night when I basically spilled my guts to her over FaceTime. I’m thinking this isn’t good.”

  “You don’t know that,” Dan said.

  “Yeah, don’t jump to any conclusions.”

  I took in a breath and let it out slowly.

  “Well, whatever it is, I can’t avoid it.”

  Dale: Sure. What time?

  Karen: Twelve-thirty? I’ll meet you at Rudy’s Place?

  Dale: Sounds good. I’ll see you then.

  Karen: See you.

  No emojis, no xoxo, no “looking forward to it.” I’m not sure what to expect.

  “I’m gonna pass on dinner. I don’t think I’ll be very good company tonight.”

  Dan and Jack just looked at me but didn’t say anything as we walked out of the locker room. Hannah stood in the hallway talking on the phone. She smiled at Jack and wrapped up her call as we joined her. He kissed her then wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close and nudging his chin in my direction.

  “Show Hannah and get her take on it,” he said.

  I pulled up the texts and handed Hannah my phone.

  “This is it?” she asked.

  “That’s it until lunch tomorrow.”

  She looked up at me. “Don’t get all freaked out. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing.” I raised my brow. “It’s not. You said you missed seeing her this week. She probably feels the same.”

  I reached over and pointed to the I was hoping to talk to you about a couple things line.

  “Again, it could be anything,” she said.

  Taking my phone from her, I stuck it in my back pocket as we started walking toward the exit.

  “Where are we going?” Hannah asked, looking at each of us in turn.

  “I’m just gonna grab a pizza and go veg on the couch,” I said. “I’m tired.”

  Hannah stared at me, “Dale Montgomery, do not go home and pout.”

  “I promise I won
’t pout,” I said around a chuckle. She didn’t look convinced. “Seriously, it’s fine. I really just want to go relax, unwind, and watch some TV.”

  And think about how I’m going to keep Karen Walsh in my life beyond tomorrow.


  * * *

  I walked into Rudy’s with a sense of déjà vu. Last time I was here, I was attending Dale’s birthday dinner and felt just as nervous. I really didn’t want to do this over the phone or FaceTime. It’s definitely a conversation that needs to happen in person.

  As I approached the hostess, I spotted Dale at a table over by the window. He had his

  hands clasped behind his head, his eyes focused on the ceiling and looked more stressed than I’ve ever seen him. He must have spotted me out of the corner of his eye because he shifted his gaze to me then stood as I got closer to him. He awkwardly kissed my cheek then held my chair and pushed it in as I sat.

  “Thank you.”

  The waitress came over before he could respond and took our drink orders. I’d love nothing more than a few shots of tequila to get through this conversation but ordered lemonade like a responsible adult.

  I didn’t want to get into anything too heavy before the waitress came back with our drinks and to take our orders, so I opted for small talk.

  “Great game yesterday.”

  His smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Yeah, thankfully Friday’s game was a one off and we got it together again.”

  “Thank you again for the tee and net. Jeremy has used it every day since you set it up.”

  The waitress brought our drinks and asked if we’re ready to order. I hadn’t even looked at the menu, but wanted to get our orders out of the way so she didn’t have to come back immediately. I really want to get this conversation at least started before I lose my nerve.

  I ordered a tuna poke bowl and Dale got a crabby burger.

  “What exactly is a crabby burger?” I asked once she left.

  “A burger with crab meat piled on top. It’s also served with crab fries.”

  “Sounds yummy.” His eyes didn’t leave my face as I took a long drink of lemonade and swallowed. I set my glass aside, placed my hands in my lap, and twisted my fingers together. “I appreciate you meeting me for lunch. Jeremy has practice every day this week except for Wednesday and after our conversation Friday night, I wanted to speak to you in person.”

  He drank half of his sweet tea in one long gulp, looking like he wished it was whiskey instead.

  “I’m sorry if I came on too strong Friday.” He dragged his fingers through his hair, leaving it looking sexy and rumpled. “Spring training will be over before you know it and I wanted to be honest with you about how I’m feeling, what I’m hoping for here.”

  “And I do appreciate your honesty. Really. It just gave me a lot to think about.” He nodded, but stayed silent. “Dale I—” I gestured helplessly.

  I’ve thought about this conversation all day yesterday and can’t think of a single word to say right now. It really shouldn’t be this difficult. I reached for my lemonade and took another sip.

  “Dale, I think you were right. We can’t fully explore this attraction between us if we only see each other alone once every couple weeks.” He blinked slowly and his hands gripped the edges of the table until his knuckles turned white. “And unless Jeremy knows about us, we can’t jump in one hundred percent and give it a fair shot.”

  “So what are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that I’d like to tell Jeremy we’re dating and really see where this can go. If that’s still what you want.”

  Dale stayed still for a few seconds just looking at me before a smile spread across his face.



  He stood and took the two steps that put him in front of me then placed his hands on either side of my face, bent down, and kissed me. Resting his forehead against mine, he breathed out a sigh and said, “I thought you wanted to meet me to end things.”

  “Why did you think that?”

  He pulled back to look me in the eye.

  “Because we’ve only had two dates and I dumped a shit-ton of crap on you during our conversation Friday night. I was worried I’d scared you away.”

  I shook my head then shrugged. “I mean, this whole thing scares me but ignoring it or pushing you away won’t make it go away.”

  The waitress approached with our meals and Dale stood as she placed them on the table. After assuring her we didn’t need anything else, she left, and he took his seat looking much more relaxed than he had since I got here.

  “So when did you want to tell Jeremy?”

  “I thought I’d tell him tonight or tomorrow. He doesn’t have practice Wednesday and already asked if we could go to your game. Like I said, he’s been working on the tee every night and apparently took some videos he wants to show you to see if you have any pointers.”

  “Would you want to go for pizza or something after the game? It should be over by eight so if we keep it simple, you guys could be home by ten.”

  “Sure, that sounds good.”

  He picked up his burger and took a big bite. Now that we’ve faced the elephant in the room, I feel more relaxed and it seems like he does too. And that’s obviously kicked our appetites into full gear and we both dug into our lunch with gusto.

  “What do you think he’s gonna say?” he asked, then bit into a fry.

  “I’m not sure. I discussed this with Chloe and Hope and asked how they think he’ll react and they seem to think he’ll be thrilled. He knows and likes you so I’m leaning in that direction too but there’s still the unknown factor of how he’ll feel about me being with anyone who isn’t his father. So I’m hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.”

  “Do you want me to be there when you tell him?”

  “No, I don’t think so, but I appreciate you offering. I think I’d rather tell him without you there so I can get his honest reaction. I don’t want him holding his true feelings in just because you’re there. I mean, I’m not sure that he would, but I don’t want it to even be a possibility.”

  “I understand.” He finished the last bite of his burger and wiped his hands on his napkin. “But will you do me a favor?”


  “Please tell me how he reacts. Don’t sugar coat it.”

  I nodded. “I can do that.”

  Chapter 16


  * * *

  “Don’t even start,” I said to Jack as he caught me looking up at the stands as we stretched.

  He just laughed.

  “You busted my ass about Hannah so you have to let me have some fun.”

  Dan just ran to get a drink but I’m sure he’ll join in the fun once he gets over here.

  “So you’re all going for pizza after the game?” Jack asked.

  “Yep. She said he wasn’t upset about us dating, so that’s a positive thing. I don’t imagine I’d have a chance if he was against it.”

  Dan walked over and joined in the conversation.

  “Yeah, as much as I had my sights set on getting Sabrina back, if Lexi didn’t like her, it never would have worked out.” He folded over to touch his toes. “Thankfully they loved each other from day one. And you’re lucky with that, too.” He rolled back up. “Jeremy already knows and likes you.”

  “Yeah he likes me as me, not as his mother’s boyfriend.”

  “It’ll be fine, I’m sure,” Jack said. “Jeremy’s a great kid.”

  “Yeah, he is.”

  For the past couple years I’ve thought about what it would be like to get involved with Karen. I’ve never dated anyone with children, or if I did, I wasn’t involved enough to know. I know they’re a package deal and I think I understand what that entails.

  I finished with my stretches and headed back to the dugout. Just before I walked down the steps, I spotted Jeremy and Karen settling into their seats. I’m not reading too much into the fact that he’s n
ot coming down by the wall because they’re arriving later than usual.

  I waved and they both waved back so that’s a good sign. Karen and I FaceTimed after their conversation Monday night and she said Jeremy seemed okay about us dating, but I’m still a little nervous. Like I said to Jack, Jeremy knowing and liking me as a ballplayer is totally different than him liking me as the guy who’s dating his mother. But all I can do is take her word for it and be as good to the two of them as possible and hope for the best.


  * * *

  I told Dale we’d meet him at Antonio’s after the game. Since he had to shower and change, we beat him to the restaurant and ordered a pitcher of sweet tea and a large pie, half plain, half pepperoni and an order of boneless chicken wings.

  “Practice is at the high school field tomorrow, right?”

  Jeremy nodded. “At six o’clock.”

  “Okay, we can make that work. But I’m going to need you to come to another showing at that same house we were at today. It’s closer to the field than home.”

  Coming to the office or showings and open houses with me is old hat for him. He’s been doing it since he was little, even before Jason died. Thankfully he was always well-behaved, even as a toddler, so I felt comfortable taking him anywhere. I don’t bring him too often now that I let him stay home by himself for short periods of time. Today he came with me so I didn’t have to backtrack to get him at home before heading to the stadium. Tomorrow is the same. I’ll probably have plenty of time to get him to practice after the showing but I don’t want to take the chance the couple will linger and I’ll be running late.

  “Monte is here.”

  Jeremy must have seen his truck pull up because as I looked toward the door, Dale was standing just outside. I watched as he opened the door and stepped aside so an older woman could enter ahead of him.


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