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Shattering Dreams

Page 9

by Catherine M Walker

  He listened to the drone of conversation between his father and the Lord Kessalan, trying to stay at least semiconscious until his father dismissed the lord and was ready to speak to him. He smiled as he recognised the whining, protesting note in Lord Kessalan’s voice as his father’s aide herded the unfortunate man out of the office. William waited until his father sat down in the chair next to him and heard the distinctive noise of the breakfast tray settling onto the coffee table.

  A hand touched his shoulder and he opened his eyes to see his father holding out a steaming mug of coffee to him.

  “Thank you, Father. I hope your business with Lord Kessalan wasn’t too important.”

  William took the cup being handed to him and took a small sip, smiling as his father snorted in response. While the lord was from an old family that had money, they were not influential enough to have their permanent suite here in the palace. They had a house in town and reserved day rooms if the need brought them to the palace long enough to require a space of their own. Those were always at a premium and booked months in advance. William shook his head and pulled his scattered wits back to more important issues than the Lord Kessalan.

  “Lord Kessalan has his own concerns with the rise of attacks from the Sundered on villagers and farmers on his lands. He slipped in a petition for me to give the Killiam Order legitimacy as a guild, which I refused. He is old and quarrelsome but will require watching.” The King looked irritated but not alarmed by his last meeting.

  “Ah, well that might explain why he invited Scholar Clements to the palace.” William frowned, concerned. “We’re getting a lot of reports of the Sundered of late, Father. There has always been a few, but we seem to get reports every other day about it.”

  “Yes, it’s unusual. We will investigate the claims. Not that I think they will find much, except some destroyed lives.” The King sighed, realising the futility of the actions he could take. “I’ll discuss our options in council; we at least need to be seen to be protecting our people.”

  William hesitated. “This is right up Alex’s area of interest Father; it’s one of the few things he has ever studied other than the sword. He reads every report on the Sundered attacks. If anyone can track down and sort out the problem of the Sundered, legitimate or otherwise, it’s Alex. I have no doubt that will also involve Kyle and Jess.”

  The King shook his head. “I don’t doubt you, William, it’s just not the right time to involve him. What with the kidnap attempt and this time of the year, he always struggles around the time of your mother’s death. I’ll consider bringing him in later when things have calmed down. Now, how are they all?”

  William nodded, agreeing to his father’s will. “Alex is resting, and according to Aaron, he will be fine, as he always seems to.” William frowned slightly and sipped his coffee. “Jessalan is in the hands of the healer Jocelyn, who reports she is responding well to treatment and will be as good as new in a few days.” William paused, taking another sip of the steaming liquid as his eyes flashed up to meet his father’s eyes.

  “Alex is, no matter how we may despair, one of the Tainted. To the uneducated and some so-called educated, he’s the product of legend, the Fourth Child. The record keepers have been at great pains to assure me that despite all appearances he will not sicken and that he is a lot stronger than he appears. I doubt they would be as enthusiastic if they knew the truth. What of Kyle?” The King picked up the coffee pot from the tray and refilled his son’s mug.

  William smiled grimly at the understatement. No one would envy Alex if they knew he was one of the Tainted, with the power of the veil running through him. The Royal Archives told them that there was a time before the Sundered War where those who used the veil were greatly valued for the power they possessed. Then some sickness spread and more often than not, those that possessed the power of the Veiled World went mad. They became the Sundered, sinking into madness and killing all those who stood in their way. People now would kill any they even suspected of having the ability to channel the power, even children. Superstition ran deep, even amongst the educated, dating back to the tales of the Sundered War. Thousands died during the Sundered War to protect the Realm from the incursion of the others, the Sundered ones—or Tainted, as the people called them today.

  They revered the original Fourth Child, the Great—many times Great—Uncle Edward Rathadon, the man legend said had all but single-handedly saved them all from the Sundered. What history didn’t tell them was that his Royal Highness Edward Rathadon, fourth son of the then King, had also possessed the power of the Veiled World. So did his closest companions and the men and women who surrounded him. It was one of the Royal Family’s closest guarded secrets in this day, that the ability to possess the power of the veil, the Taint, ran through the royal line. Although it had been a long time for any of them to be as powerful as Alex appeared to be. It was even more unfortunate that he also happened to be the fourth child of the king, just like Edward. What people had long forgotten was that those who could wield the veil had once been held with high regard not just in high society but in the guard and throughout the Realm. Back in Edward’s day, they were not referred to as the ‘Tainted’. The known events from that time in history had warped into legend and Alex and his friends lived with all the expectations one would expect with a product of legend.

  William shook his head and sipped the coffee that his father had poured him. “Thank you, Father, it’s already been a long day. Kyle is not doing well. Given his reputation, I’d guess they poured more of the drug into him than either Jessalan or Alex.” William matched his father’s frown, lost in thought.

  Young as Kyle was, he was already well known as the ‘Shadow’ to some, the one who was always one step behind Alex. It was whispered in certain circles that he was a deadly fighter, an assassin trained with uncanny abilities. They were close to the truth.

  “It’s what I would do if I were inclined to kidnap Alex and those around him. Reports suggest that rumours are already circulating outside of the palace and guard that Kyle is not the young drunken lord he appears to be. He’s pulled Alex out of trouble too many times and he has done it rather too well.”

  The King sighed, wishing, not for the first time, that his son’s blood didn’t run so with the Taint of the veil, that he’d never had a fourth child. It hurt; he knew the whole legend of the Fourth had sprung from a lie. Edward hadn’t been born ‘normal’ as they insisted today. He’d been born wielding the veil. When the Realm was threatened by those of his own warped kind, Edward and his friends stood between those with the warped power, infected with madness and the commoners, he’d fought for them all. It was just unfortunate that as far back as the known records traced, a fourth child was only born to the royal line when the Kingdom was threatened. Given that the fourth son of a King in those circumstances was the most expendable, he was thrown at the pointy end of any conflict. Thus, a legend was born that seemed to need managing.

  No one looking at Alex now would ever think he could be competent at anything except drinking and partying. Few would imagine that he might be a threat. But under the surface, he was just that. Masked and hidden, trained in the Veiled World (so the record keepers said) by his dead relatives—the former ‘Fourth Child’.

  Alex was his fourth child, but was also a drunken, irresponsible party-boy Prince. Driven to wild excesses through a combination of childhood trauma, being the fourth son, and the hard reality of being one of the Tainted seemed to have eluded everyone. Thankfully.

  Alex’s closest friends were also wrapped up in the whole Legend of the Fourth just because they were Alex’s friends. If it weren’t such a headache to manage he’d be inclined to laugh; while records of the Fourth Child and his general attributes abounded, less was known about the Fourth Child’s friends, the Companions. Details of the Companions were elusive, but they were always there with the Fourth Son, so the record keepers and ordinary people alike just ran ahead of the actual truth and made it up. It w
as incredible how they could fit the smallest detail into their legend and make it fit.

  As a result, Kyle bore the tag of the fighter; allegedly, he was just as deadly as the Fourth Child, sometimes more so, called the Shadow of the Fourth. Everyday people today referred to those who were assassin-trained as ‘Shadows’, although they had lost the knowledge of where the term originated.

  How the Companions prepared was never agreed upon—that helped the average person and historians interpret what they knew any way they wanted. Legend had it, the Shadow’s skill became clear well before trouble started, unlike the Fourth Child, who remained masked until trouble stirred. All of it was built on a lie. The Fourth Child and his Companions, both historically and now, all bore the Taint, which gave them their remarkable abilities. It remained hidden until push came to shove and circumstances made them use those skills more overtly.

  It didn’t help that Kyle was an excellent swordsman, a master—not that many knew—trained as an assassin. Being as close as he was to Alex and the Royal Family, he was regarded as a worst case scenario defence. If all else failed, they’d have to get through Kyle first to get to Alex or any member of the Royal Family since he mixed in their inner circles.

  The King stirred, realising they were both lost in their thoughts.

  “He’s not had much choice in that. Kyle is one of Alex’s companions, and it’s becoming well known he is one of the best swordsmen in the Realm; is it any wonder the ignorant label him as the Shadow?”

  The King watched his eldest son’s face for his reaction and, as he had thought, William showed no surprise at all.

  William nodded. “I agree, I haven’t been able to get past his guard, either armed or unarmed, in training for the last year, for all I’m older and have been training longer than he has. He is developing a hard edge that is unmistakable, though he keeps it hidden.” He paused for a moment. “Or at least, he did until the other night. He dispatched one kidnapper when she threatened Alex with an efficiency that surprised even Marcus.”

  The King frowned, sipping more of his coffee before asking, “Jess?”

  William shook his head. “Yes, they are wrapping her up into this foolishness. The three of them match known details of our ancestor and his best friends a little too much. Lord Callum Barraclough is Jess’ ever-so-great Uncle. One of the few things known about him was his ability to hunt. An ability that Jess has in common—that, and being in Alex’s inner circle of close friends.”

  William considered his next words with care. “Aaron said they were all given a poison that inhibits their contact with the veil, which is why they all got so sick. Kyle ingested enough to kill him, but Aaron thinks he has brought up enough of the drug that he will live.”

  His father looked at him, startled. “There’s a drug that will stop them using the power of the veil? Why haven’t the healers mentioned it before? Could it prevent them from becoming Sundered?”

  William grimaced and relayed the rest of his conversation with Aaron and the consequences that the healers had found with the drug. William paused, noting his father looked a little disappointed but not surprised by the information. He carefully brought up his next concern although he had no doubt that it was something his father had already considered.

  “It does raise the spectre that this was a deliberate attempt on Alex’s life. Although thankfully it appears that Alex is somewhat resistant to the drug.”

  The King shook his head and was about to reply when his harried looking assistant came in, bowing.

  “I’m sorry, Your Majesty, Your Highness, but Your Majesty you have the meeting with the security council.” Karl waited for his master’s reply.

  “Yes, Karl, I haven’t forgotten. All right, William, get some rest. It will be a long night with the Heights Protectorate Delegation here. Keep me updated on Kyle’s condition; I know that Nathaniel is worried and would appreciate any extra help we can give to his son.” The King moved toward the boardroom off to one side of his office with Karl following in his wake. He paused. “We leave for the Summer Palace next week after the Protectorate Delegation returns to the Heights; plan for the Complex of the Fourth to be opened. Alex, Kyle and Jess can move in there. In the meantime, arrange for extra guards to be placed on all three of them.”

  William felt his eyes widen. “Father, you know Alex doesn’t want the rank, he never has.”

  “He doesn’t want it but it is his, regardless. I don’t see it will put any extra pressure on him he doesn’t already have. It will, however, give the three of them a little privacy and extra protection, which is one reason the Fourth’s Complex was built. Make sure all the associated arrangements are made.”

  With that last order, the King turned and walked into his office.

  Karl followed the King, stopping at the door. “Leave those arrangements with me, Your Highness. I’ll see things are done, and brief you with the details when you wake to see if there is anything else you think needs doing.”

  William acknowledged this offer with a brief nod of his head and Karl closed the door to the office, disappearing into the King’s inner sanctum.

  William sighed then went off to find his brother Daniel—another issue that made him groan. Daniel would not be pleased that his irresponsible little brother would be elevated and recognised as The Fourth, with the title, responsibilities and powers it inferred. William shook his head; he would have to cope with it. He figured Daniel could keep tabs on everyone while he got some sleep and then when he woke he’d have to break the news to Alex.



  Alex stretched out on his bed, feeling better than he knew he should if his rather vague memories of the night before were accurate. He had a rather hazy memory of being seen by the healers but gave up trying to tease the details from his memory. Opening his eyes, he sighed as he saw his brother Daniel lounging in the chair next to him, his feet propped up on the bed.

  “So, back in the land of the living, are you?” While Alex could only hear polite enquiry in Daniel’s tone, he knew he’d be a fool to believe it. His usually reticent brother was angry with him.

  “Yes, Daniel, I’m awake. What’s wrong now? Did I miss some important breakfast this morning or something?” Alex knew he’d said the wrong thing when he saw the flash of anger on his brother’s face.

  “You will have to grow up some time, Alex. You put not only your own life but both Kyle’s and Jessalan’s in danger last night.” Daniel watched Alex’s face, seeing that his words weren’t having much of an impact.

  “Oh, come on, Daniel. You’re a little overdramatic, aren’t you? It was fun.” Alex stopped, startled as his brother sprung forward and grabbed him by the shoulders, cutting off his train of thought.

  “The drug given to Jessalan last night could have killed her, Alex. She’s lucky that her hunter friend got her out of the establishment in the Quarter and back here where the healers got to her early. Kyle wasn’t as lucky as you; given his reputation, they gave him a lot more of the stuff. Aaron has been tending to him all day. Kyle killed for you last night, you fool!” Daniel glared at his brother, wondering how he got through so many scrapes unscathed. His dear brother should have been dead by now, yet here he was, behaving like he’d just had a night out on the town, seemingly with no ill effects at all.

  Alex struggled upright, lurching out of bed and scrambling for some clothes.

  “What? I don’t remember … what happened last night?”

  Alex ran to his bathroom and performed hasty ablutions before pulling on clothes that had been laid out for him, all the while searching his memory of the previous evening, but he had only a vague recollection of a blonde, then being hustled out of a house just before dawn and brought back to the palace. There were healers in the mix somewhere as well, which gave him pause. He walked toward the door before Daniel stopped him.

  “It’s not common knowledge yet. I’m sure William will fill you in when he wakes. Some fools tried to kidnap
you last night and demand ransom off our father for your safe return. They gave toxin to all three of you. Kyle more than the two of you—they were scared of his reaction—but they took him and Jess right along with you. Jessalan got out first with the aid of some hunter. Kyle regained consciousness somehow; he killed a guard who was keeping watch in the hallway between the rooms they kept you in then snapped the neck of the blonde you were with just before she was about to plunge a dagger into your chest. He collapsed when he got back here. Aaron said all the activity caused too much of the poison to run through his system. He nearly died today, Alex.”

  Daniel saw that Alex was concerned but did not relent or show any sympathy toward him. Instead, he followed behind as his brother spun, opened his door and ran down the hallway past startled guards. Daniel walked out and closed the door; he called after the guards as they pelted after Alex.

  “It’s all right; he’s not going far, just to Lord Kyle’s rooms.” Daniel shook his head. Once more, his little brother had the guards chasing after him. He breathed deeply, trying to suppress a burst of irritation. He seemed to be the nursemaid today. He continued in the other direction toward his older brother’s rooms. It was time for him to stir.

  Alex burst into Kyle’s rooms, passing through the receiving room and into the bedroom, skidding to a halt as his sister Elizabeth glared at him. He saw Kyle, looking pale and shaken, propped up in his bed by pillows with Aaron sitting on the other side, still monitoring his patient. He barely noticed as Elizabeth let go of Kyle’s hand. He walked up to the bed, propping himself on its edge.

  “Kyle, I’m sorry, it’s all my fault. Daniel told me what happened.” Alex watched Kyle’s face as he smiled.

  “It’s all right, Alex. I think it might have been the kidnappers’ fault, not yours. Maybe we’ve been to The Tankard too much—they were well prepared for us, it seems.” Kyle was trying to look alert and well, but failed. He sank back into his pillows, and within moments of closing his eyes, he was asleep.


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