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Shattering Dreams

Page 22

by Catherine M Walker

  Ed took a breath and pulled the veil to him, disappearing into its folds, trusting that Cal and Kat would use their own methods to at least try to track down what had changed.


  Compound of the Fourth

  Alex brushed his lips on Amelia’s palm, causing her to blush at the attention such a small action drew from those close enough to catch the moment.

  “I’ll see you again soon, my heart.”

  Alex let go of her hand and drew his horse away from the carriage she rode in with Elizabeth. Until their union was formalised, Amelia wasn’t a part of his household, although in reality all those in the inner circle of the court at least knew it was just a matter of time. Amelia had dealt well with some negativity and sniping from some of her peers, though had been shocked at the assault and now moved, associating instead with the inner circle of the courtiers. While there had been some rather uncharitable reactions from that circle as well, they were at least a little more restrained. She had recognised that some of them had courted her favour, a situation she had been shocked at and had discussed with Alex. Alex smiled, remembering her reaction to it since she’d spent her life in such circles, although somewhat insulated from such behaviour until it became common knowledge that she was being courted by him.

  He spurred his horse, raising one hand in farewell, not looking back even if he was tempted to. It was a temporary parting after all. His party broke off from the main group and headed off on a spur road that looked like it had been cleared and repaired. Alex chuckled, realising that it had been. It led through the trees around the side of the Summer Palace to the Compound of the Fourth. The Fourth’s Wing at the Summer Palace had its own private entrance; he remembered exploring it when he was younger. It had shown signs of age and disuse, the courtyard overgrown with weeds growing wild up through the cracks in the cobbled courtyard. The compound had been closed for generations with only basic upkeep to stop it becoming a wreck. He’d been wondering what he and his friends would ride into, yet the state of the access road showed that perhaps his father had been planning this move for longer than he’d known.

  The rest of the journey to the palace had passed without incident, except the hunting trips. Alex had been surprised by the addition of the three guards to their hunting parties, yet the successive hunting trips had helped forge them as a hunting party. The three guards had merged with them so they became a tight fighting unit. While not all of their hunting excursions had turned up results, they had at least helped to forge them. Alex still wished he’d been able to go off on his own rather than risk his friends but had to concede that some groups would have been too much for him to take on alone.

  He’d also learned the healing trick, to heal small cuts and injuries rather than on an instinctive level as he realised he must have been doing so before. Another thing that had changed from his brush with veil sickness, it was hard to tell but Alex felt that he was stronger now than he had been before. Still, this gave him cause for concern, one he had not divulged to Kyle or Jess, or even his healer, Aaron. It brought the dark spectre of being overwhelmed by the Taint even closer. Shaking his head, he pushed his dark thoughts aside, knowing it did him no good to worry about it; whatever the future had in store would happen, regardless.

  Through the trees, he could see the wall and the side gates of the little-used entrance to the palace. As they reached the tree line, a trumpet blared from his own ranks. Two of the guards spurred their horses to the lead, one on each side, each raising the banner of the Fourth, alerting those on the gate of their Prince approaching. His party clattered over the stonework laid in the outer courtyard as the large gates swung open without even a hint of disuse or neglect. Riding into the inner courtyard, Alex had time to notice the guard, his household guard lined up with his household staff, something that would take him time to get used to. The guard stood at attention while the captain of the household guard snapped a crisp salute, only relaxing as Alex passed him into the courtyard, before yelling for the gates to be secured.

  Alex had no sooner dismounted than a stable boy, wearing his crest on his livery, ran forward to take the reins to his horse and led it away. Alex shook his head at the evidence that the Fourth’s Compound even had its own stables.

  Not even looking around, Alex knew his household staff would be stuck there in the courtyard until he entered, given what happened at the main entrance. He couldn’t abide making them stand out for longer than they had to. Jess and Kyle fell into step with him as he clattered up the stone staircase to the large, ornate wooden doors embossed with the crest of the Fourth. The doors were pulled open by two attentive young household staff who were bursting with pride at being selected for this big task, today, of all days. Alex knew they were sons of his adult household staff co-opted into his service. He smiled and nodded his thanks as he passed inside the doors. The day the Fourth was installed in the Fourth’s Compound for the first time in many generations.

  Alex took a few steps into the reception room as the doors closed behind them, before gasping and stopping mid stride, looking around, wide-eyed even though he’d grown up and spent his entire life surround by luxury. The Fourth’s Compound was even more stunning than the Royal Wing. Alex hadn’t realised until that moment it wasn’t just a wing—it was a compound, as its name suggested. It appeared to be a miniature palace. He traded a startled glance with Kyle.

  “This can’t be, I mean I’ve heard the Fourth’s Compound was its own ‘world’, but this, it can’t be—it’s like a palace within the palace.”

  Alex continued gazing around the opulent entrance and they walked through the large open reception area before casting an incredulous glance at Kyle, who just grinned at him.

  The ever-competent Joshua, who had come on ahead to supervise setting up his Prince’s new accommodation, spoke up from where he’d been standing to the front of a line-up of the inner household staff.

  Walking forward, he gestured further into the room and walked with Alex toward it. “It is, Your Highness. Inner and outer reception rooms, dining room, guards’ rooms, a small kitchen, laundry and staff wing—well, it’s all here. It even has its own walled gardens, courtyard, stables and exit. The actual Fourth’s Wing is back here; this is the main entrance and reception area. Come, Your Highness. They’ve even put on breakfast for you, we knew you would have had an early start today and likely not had much besides your morning coffee.”

  Alex laughed and followed Joshua, with Kyle and Jess trailing behind looking around the rather ostentatious public reception room. They walked through yet another set of doors with a pair of the Elite on guard, who snapped to attention as they walked through.

  Alex threw a glance over his shoulder and grinned. “It’s okay, Marcus, I promise you I plan to find this comfortable inner sanctum and food and crash for the next few hours. Mess up the bed if it’s made and get more sleep. I’ll explore later. You should get rest before then yourself. You must have had way less sleep than I have.” Alex laughed as Marcus let a rare chuckle escape.

  “Yes, Your Highness. I’ll brief the guards, and I might just do that after I’ve seen my men installed in their new barracks.”

  Marcus bowed as Alex, Kyle and Jess disappeared into the inner sanctum of the Fourth’s Wing.

  Alex looked around the sitting room they were led into, with its comfortable chairs of all different sizes arranged around a series of coffee tables. He slumped into the closest chair, groaning as he did so.

  “Damn, we got up too early this morning, with all our nightly excursions. I need at least a few hours more sleep than what I’ve had. We all do, I’m sure.” Alex slumped back in the chair, sighing as he sunk into the cushions. “This is comfortable. I could sleep in this chair.”

  Alex threw a glance at Jess, who laughed. “I know. Now you mention it, I could use more sleep myself. Still, can you believe all this, Alex?” Jess’ hand made a little flitting gesture at their rather palatial surroundings as she sagged into a chair

  “No, not really. This place seems much bigger than what I was expecting. I had an image in my head of a wing tacked onto the end of the Royal Wing, only with its own entry and exit.” He switched his gaze to the door as a servant came in and, without asking, poured him some coffee, placing it on a small coffee table within reach before going back to breakfast on offer, selecting a few pastries—his favourites—and placing them on the coffee table with a slight discreet bow.

  Miranda then turned and served both Jess and Kyle, topping up their drinks and food plates then excusing herself with no fuss.

  Kyle smiled. “I vote we all have this ‘early morning snack’, go get more sleep, then explore when we wake up. I don’t have the energy to do much else right now.”

  All three looked at each other, then burst out laughing. Alex looked at his two closest friends in the world and closed his eyes. Memory flooding him, he winced. “I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused you both. I know, I can be an obnoxious royal idiot. I don’t understand how you’ve both put up with me.”

  The laughter died. Kyle and Jess smiled at each other, then back at him. Kyle chuckled again and shook his head. “No more than me, my brother. Besides. It’s the Taint we all bear—we all act out because of it. It’s better than hiding here in the palace moaning about our fate, though.”

  Jess shook her head. “You’re not obnoxious, Alex, any more than I’m the ‘harlot’ my Lady Mother thinks I am.” Jess closed her eyes and pushed the hurt that memory brought her, despite the trails of power from the Veiled World, reaching out its fingers to her, through her, almost willing her to forget.

  “Now we’re here, I think I should go back to trying to track down that assassin I ran into.” Kyle swallowed the last of his coffee, then glared at the coffee pot sitting on the coffee table nearby, which was not close enough for him to reach without moving. He contemplated hauling himself out of his comfortable chair before the ever-competent Miranda bustled in and, without a world, filled up not only his mug but his plate and Jess’ and Alex’s as well.

  Alex watched his friend over the rim of his coffee mug. “I still don’t understand why the League of Skulls would embroil themselves in a plot to kidnap us. It’s a move that just makes little sense.” Alex stopped when he saw that Kyle’s attention had wandered, then shook his head. “Do you think it’s wise to track her down?”

  Kyle brought himself back to the conversation with a visible effort, grinning at Alex.

  “Might as well. I think we need to try at least to work out what is going on—the only avenues left are the League of Skulls and the assassin. Besides, I’m intrigued by the assassin; she is one of the Tainted, Alex, Jess—whoever she is, she is like us.”

  Jess chuckled. “I’d say your mysterious assassin is cute in a rough way, too.” She shared a look with Alex, and they both laughed.

  Alex cut Kyle some slack. “Just be careful. I know this is your thing, but if you are right, she is dangerous. The assassin didn’t survive as one of the Tainted out there on the street by being incompetent at her chosen profession. If you need backup, let us know, and we’ll come with you.”

  Jess looked at Alex and frowned. “No, Kyle, come and get me. Alex, it’s likely you were the real target. Kyle and I were in the way and likely always would be no matter where they had tried to take you.”

  Alex opened his mouth, intending to object, but saw that his friends were of the same mind where this topic was concerned. He pushed it aside as an argument to have with them another day since it would take the pair time to track down the League of Skulls members.

  Alex found himself diverted, his mind connecting to the servants, the guards.

  “So how long do you think they have all been training for this moment, waiting for an excuse to move us in here? The Elite we’ve been training with, they’re my Elite. The servants, everything.” Alex threw his head back and laughed. “I even remember arguing with Father about the number of servants and guards we had.”

  Kyle and Jess looked at each other dumbfounded, then back at Alex before they both swore.

  “Damn it. He planned to put guards on us all along. Your father was just waiting for the right moment. Why the hell didn’t we see this before now?” Kyle was annoyed with himself for not picking up on the obvious before Alex did.

  Jess looked at the outraged faces of both Kyle and Alex and laughed. “Of course they planned—they knew. They may have been protecting and hiding that we are Tainted but they know what it could mean and that time when we could become one of the Sundered; well, it could happen anytime. We are within that age now.”

  Alex and Kyle sobered at the thought, and Alex looked around at the surrounding opulence.

  “Ah, well, I guess we have a little more privacy now, and the fallout can be contained a little if we all break. On that cheery thought, even though I want to explore, what I’m going to do is find a bed and sleep. I don’t care if the bed is not made, I’ll explore when I wake up.” Alex gave them a self-depreciating smile. “If I’m back to being a self-indulgent twat feeling sorry for myself when I wake up, smack me over the head and tell me to get over it.”

  Alex hauled himself out of his chair and took a couple of steps, glancing at the nearby Miranda, who appeared as she always did.

  “Please, I need a bed, or I’m just going to fall asleep on the lounge.”

  Miranda curtseyed. “Your Highness, follow me, your chambers are ready.”

  Alex felt his energy fading as he was led down more corridors, past more guards, then into yet another reception room before being led into a chamber with one of the largest, most comfortable beds he’d ever seen. He waved Miranda off and almost collapsed on the edge of the bed, pausing just long enough to pull off his boots before crawling up into the centre. He had almost fallen asleep when his door opened and Amelia slipped in, pushing sleep to the back burner for a space of time.

  Alex stretched, rolled over and relaxed, feeling no immediate need to move. He realised the stillness seemed a little strange. The camps had been anything but quiet and still—even the Royal Wing in either the Summer or Winter Palaces weren’t still. Oh, everyone tried to be quiet, but petitioners even made their way through the Royal Wing into the King’s chambers on matters of ‘great importance’, arguing and talking through their case the entire way. It was quiet. Restful.

  Alex felt the veil gather and, without thinking, slipped into its folds and found himself looking at his uncle sitting on the chair against the far wall of his bedroom.

  “Uncle, it’s been a while since you’ve graced me with your presence.” Alex grinned at his Uncle Rathadon, seeing a smile he was familiar with mirrored back at him.

  “You seemed to have everything sorted, Alex. Besides. You should get time to enjoy your new home.” Uncle Rathadon chuckled as he gestured around Alex’s new luxurious surroundings.

  “You know, I’ve contemplated letting Father or at least William know I’ve been chatting and training with you, but somehow I think I’d find myself subject to the healers and dosed up to my eyeballs with medications.” Alex smiled as his uncle laughed at the idea.

  “I’m not sure the timing is right for that yet, Alex. You are correct, though, I suspect you would find yourself in the hands of the healers. Still, you know you can burn off whatever medications they try to give you.”

  Alex watched as his uncle looked away, considering his next words.

  “Spit it out, Uncle, what’s wrong now?” Alex was too relaxed to be concerned with whatever it was.

  “I’ll be gone for a space of time, so will Kat and Cal. There are some … circumstances we need to check out. You will all be on your own—try to stay out of trouble.”

  Alex didn’t know if he should squirm or laugh. “I’ll try my best, Uncle, although it seems trouble finds me.”

  Ed snorted at that, amused. “Enjoy your day. This place was my sanctuary in my day, a place where Kat, Cal and I could escape the pressure, the looks
and intrigue of the court. Oh, and I approve of your attachment, Alex, you show good taste, she will transition well I think.” With those last cryptic comments his uncle dissipated and Alex, sighing, let go of the veil’s folds.

  Alex rolled over in bed and wrapped his arms around Amelia, kissing her on the lips, enjoying a moment of relative peace. Her arrival had delayed the whole rest thing and pushed it right out of his mind for some time.

  Shaking the last of the mist of sleep from his mind, he slipped out of bed, drawing her with him. He helped her into a robe that was her size, which had been left on the dressing rack, before he slipped into a comfortable lounging robe himself.

  “Your servants must be used to me, Alex. This is new.” Amelia smiled and ran her hand down the smooth, silky fabric. “Not one of mine and I don’t think it would fit you somehow.”

  Alex looked at Amelia, draped in the green silken robe made for her. With her head nestled into his shoulder, slim build—if he was honest, a fantastic figure—black hair and incredible eyes, Alex was stunned he hadn’t noticed before she pushed the issue that she was all grown up.

  “As soon as our relationship became common knowledge, you were doomed to have clothing start appearing in my rooms; the servants are very efficient.” Alex shook his head and chuckled.

  Amelia blushed, then rose on her toes, pulling his head down and kissing him. “Thank you, Alex, I think it is the first time you have called what we have a relationship.”

  Alex smiled and kissed Amelia back. Closing his eyes, he held her for a moment. Then, looking around, he became astounded as his surroundings registered. His current bedroom was larger than his entire suite in the Royal Wing. He reached back with one hand and, twining his fingers through hers, led her across the expanse of his room, which included his own sitting room. He walked to double doors and opened them, peering inside to see row upon row of clothes on one side. Empty racks and shelf space were on the other side, except for some rather new looking dresses that were intended for Amelia. At the far end, there was yet another door. Alex looked at Amelia wide-eyed, feeling like a child exploring a new world. She stifled her giggles with the palm of her free hand. Smiling as he walked through all the clothes, he realised, seeing them all like this, he was a clothes horse. He opened the next door and, as expected, saw the bathing room, containing the biggest bath he’d ever seen.


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