Shattering Dreams

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Shattering Dreams Page 25

by Catherine M Walker

  Kyle was his best friend; they were closer than brothers but still, that was something he wasn’t ready to share.

  The other thing he’d never shared was the parting words of the Sundered who had killed his mother and all the guards, but who had left him alive. They were seared into his brain. You will join our ranks soon enough, brother. He had been too young back then to understand what had happened or how unusual it was for him to be alive, let alone to understand what the man had meant.

  “I need a drink—several, actually. Let’s head into town. At least it is easier from here and we don’t have to sneak out.” Alex glanced at Kyle and led the way from the garden.

  Kyle knew a deflection when he heard it but for now was willing to let it go. He called out to Jess, letting her know they were heading into town. He wasn’t surprised to know she was already in the courtyard waiting with the horses. It was this time of the year; they always ended up in a bar on the anniversary of Alex’s mother’s death.

  “Let’s try not to destroy the bar this time. Last year your father and mine had to rebuild the publican’s bar for him.” Kyle clapped a hand between Alex’s shoulder blades as they both walked out of the garden and back into the Fourth’s Compound, heading toward the main entrance and the courtyard where their horses waited.

  Kyle’s eyes flicked over to Marcus and he flipped a hand signal to the guards, letting them know that they were heading into town (although given how many years in a row this excursion had occurred, he knew the guards were ready for it). This was the one time of year they were never surprised. Alex always took the anniversary of his mother’s death hard. Kyle knew there was something that his friend was keeping from him and this year he was determined to find out what it was.

  He’d been just as determined in previous years, to no avail.

  Alex thanked the barmaid for refilling his drink, not paying much attention to his surroundings. They had made their way to the Barrel. It was their favourite haunt to escape the Summer Palace; there wasn’t as much competition in Callenhain as there was in Vallantia but the beer and wine they served was comparable to the best. While there was music and laughter in the dimly lit but packed bar, his mind kept going back over the moments of his mother’s death he could remember from his childhood, as it always did on the anniversary of her death.

  Still, there was something in that memory of the small boy he had been that was niggling at the back of his brain. It was causing him to review it over and over in his head, trying to work out what was causing him to be uneasy. It wasn’t like there was anything new in that memory, yet he knew there was something wrong.

  Jess nudged him with her foot under the table. “What’s wrong, Alex? Other than the obvious, of course.”

  Alex looked up and smiled, taking another sip of his beer before he answered. “There is something about the memory of my mother’s death that is bugging me, but I can’t work out what it is. Something just makes very little sense.”

  He saw Kyle and Jess trade glances before Jess shrugged, took a drink and spoke so that both he and Kyle could hear. Show me, Alex. Show us the memory. Maybe we can help you understand what is wrong and put this to rest.

  Kyle nodded and signalled to the barmaid to refill their mugs before replying in kind. Yes, brother, show us. We are both more adept at killing than you—perhaps we can help puzzle out what it is about the memory, besides the obvious that is jarring with you.

  Alex took a deep breath, trying to settle his nerves, aware his hand shook as he placed his mug on the table. Alex nodded then concentrated on what he remembered from that day. Drawing both Kyle and Jess inside the barriers he kept between himself and the outside world, the images, sights and sounds from that day flicked through his mind. It had been the subject of his nightmares since he was five—only William had ever been able to wake him from them.

  As the images flicked through his brain, he interpreted to his friends as best he could. I was on a picnic with Mother. I was trying so very hard to impress her. Alex smiled despite himself at the first part, the memory and images of his childish self, trying so hard to impress his mother, and he heard his friends chuckle at the images, which were backed up by his childish inner monologue.

  Then Alex sobered, feeling a tear trace down his cheek, knowing what was coming. He’d seen the memory, the flashing images, the sounds, repeatedly since he was five years old, waking screaming from sleep. The whistling noise, the grunts and gasps of pain, the guards and servants crumpling to the ground. Stumbling back as his mother pushed him, her voice, the last thing she’d said to him. “Run, hide …” echoing though his brain.

  Looking up, confused, despite screaming at himself not to look, not to see her death this time. The fear on her face, the dark figure, her head being wrenched back, a large knife drawn across her throat. Warm blood splattering on him, her lifeless broken form crumpling to the ground. Then staring, terrified, into the face of the Sundered One, the sharp bark of laughter, the final words ringing through his head. You’ll join our ranks soon enough, brother.

  Alex only knew he’d caused a commotion in the bar, screaming and throwing the mug he was holding, when he saw his own guards holding back the Barrel’s muscle that maintained position on the door.

  Alex closed his eyes, taking a trembling breath, hearing Marcus’ calm, confident voice assuring the barkeep all would be fine, that the King would compensate for any damages. Hearing muted voices around the bar mutter “Queen’s death …”, he gathered the hood of his cloak had fallen back. It wasn’t the first time he’d gotten out of control on the anniversary of his mother’s death.

  Alex allowed his friends to pull him back onto the bench he’d been sitting on. Slumping against the wall, he shook and held back the sob that wanted to escape. Hearing a thump on the table, he looked up to see the barkeep place new goblets on the table, pouring a double measure of an amber liquid in them. As Kyle went to offer the barkeep money, the man held up his hands, declining the offer.

  “No, My Lord, it’s unnecessary. My niece was a servant in the hunting party a few weeks back. She tells me she’d be dead if it wasn’t for the bravery of you, Lady Jessalan and His Highness. She said the three of you protected them all against the Tainted ones, at the risk of your own lives. My family is in your debt; you are all welcome here anytime you need.” With that, the barkeep placed the bottle on the table. “My family makes that, it’s new. If you like it I’ll get you more.” The barkeep turned, making his way through the ring of guards and back to the bar. He gestured at the musicians in the corner, who started up playing again, and sent his barmaids around with full jugs of beer to fill up the mugs of his other patrons.

  Alex took a steadying breath, wiping the tear from his cheek. He picked up his goblet, considering the amber liquid it contained for a moment, then raised it to his friends, who matched his gesture before throwing back the contents. Alex’s eyes widened in shock as the fiery liquid spilled down his throat. Glancing at his friends, he knew the barman would have a hit as soon as everyone found out about the new product.

  “Marcus, arrange for a shipment of this to go to the palace. Some for our own stocks and some for the King. I’m sure he will like it. Make sure the barman is paid well.” Alex reached for the bottle and poured them all another measure of the liquid gold, placing the bottle onto the table before looking up at his friends. Not being able to put off the moment any longer, he ran his finger through his hair, looking up at them.

  “Well, anything?”

  Kyle and Jess looked at each other, seeming to come to a silent accord, although Alex knew they weren’t talking since he’d know if they did. It was Kyle who spoke up first.

  “The Sundered One killed your Lady Mother, but you knew that. He wasn’t alone.” Kyle took a sip of his drink and glanced at Jess.

  Jess looked down, contemplating her drink, then took up the conversation. “There were arrows, Alex. The guards, servants—all of them were taken out by other people. The Su
ndered One killed your mother, but others assisted in the kill by taking out any who would protect her. That was the ‘whistling’ noise you remember, the flight of the arrows.”

  Alex caught another look between his friends before Kyle continued. Your Lady Mother was Tainted, Alex. She pushed you, but not with her hands. She told you to run, but only you would have heard it. The order reverberates in your head because she ordered you with her mental voice to run. Your child self wasn’t confused, I’d say you always communicated with her that way. I’d say it’s why you are so good at it.

  Alex looked at his two friends, stunned, then turned his thoughts inwards, running through his memories again, trying to pay attention to all the details. Not that he needed to, he’d replayed that incident from his childhood repeatedly—more times than he could count. Alex took a steadying breath, this time to calm the burning anger that burst inside as he realised they were right. There were others there that fateful day. Others that had never been found or even looked for; everyone accepted the obvious: a Sundered had killed his mother, along with the guards and servants.


  Assassins Hunt

  Thinking of the Skull’s Assassin he’d encountered made Kyle smile in anticipation. He realised he was taking more time dressing and arming himself than normal. Kyle grinned at himself in the mirror as he tugged at the edge of his long black shirt. He caught sight of Bennett’s grin in the mirror and his eyebrow rose.

  “She’ll take one look and ravish you, My Lord.” Bennett laughed at his lord’s look of astonishment. “Oh, come now. You’ve not had a single lady to your bed since you had that encounter with the female assassin and you’ve obsessed about her since. Now, go. Don’t keep her waiting; I’m sure with your skill you’ll be able to track her down.”

  With that last piece of advice, Bennett bowed to his lord and left the room. Kyle looked at Alex, who sat in the corner, through the mirror. His friend grinned at him but he could see he was concerned even before Alex spoke.

  “I should come with you, Kyle. I’m not sure you continuing to chase after this gifted Skull Assassin by yourself is such a good idea.” Alex was subdued, his concern clear.

  Kyle turned and faced his lifelong friend, the man he considered a brother. “I’ll be fine, Alex. I grant you she is dangerous but I need to find her before she finds me.”

  Alex shook his head. “I’m not sure you’re thinking straight when it comes to this girl, Kyle. You’re enamoured with her, she’s all you can think of—and don’t deny that you want to bed her. Despite what everyone seems to think of me, you’ve bedded more women than I have and don’t go to bed alone!” Alex chuckled, taking the sting out of his words, amused despite his concern for his friend.

  Kyle laughed and walked toward Alex, dragging him in for a quick hug. “I’ll be fine, brother, cease your worrying. I’m more at risk from an angry lord discovering that his lady has been having an affair with me than I am from the mysterious assassin.”

  Kyle laughed outright as his friend snorted and threw him a filthy look. “Like any of those lords followed through after they found out you were the lord their lady was sleeping with.”

  “Alex, I don’t know why, we only had that brief meeting, but I feel drawn to the assassin. I’d rather bed her than kill her. To be honest, she’d be an amazing source of information on the League of Skulls if I can sway her loyalty to our side. This dance is mine to make, Alex, although I appreciate the show of support.” Kyle clapped his friend on the shoulder as he shook his head and headed toward the door.

  “Just be careful, Kyle, and don’t sire any illegitimate children by her. I’m not sure your mother would be so forgiving as to accept a Skull’s Assassin into the family fold.” With that last parting shot, Alex left Kyle’s apartments to follow his own pursuits.

  Despite his best intentions, he laughed in delight at his opponent, who grinned back at him. Gazing into her eyes, he reached forward and drew back her hood, revealing her face. Kyle’s breath caught as he was captivated and almost lost in her dark brown eyes and delicate features.

  Keeping his eyes on hers, he took one careful step after another until he was pressed up against her. He could feel her breath on his cheek as she turned her head to one side. Smiling, he raised one hand to her cheek, turning her head to him. He lost himself in her eyes again and brushed his lips against hers.

  He felt the bloodlust and rage rush away to be replaced by simple lust and desire. He felt his breathing rate increase as his free hand sheathed his dagger and snaked around her tiny waist.

  “My name’s Kyle.” Kyle licked his lips, realising his throat was dry.

  Her delighted laughter rang out; it was light and carefree in that moment, causing him to smile.

  “I know who you are, Lord Kyle. You’re notorious in certain circles and your kill count is higher than mine. My name’s Alyssa.” This time Alyssa took the initiative and locked her lips onto his. He was aware when she sheathed her own blades then made short work of his shirt, which ended up in pieces on the floor of the abandoned warehouse.

  Once again, Kyle was lost and Alyssa’s name kept repeating in his brain like a litany as he pulled her shirt over her head, guiding her back toward a pile of discarded bales and cloths in the corner behind her.

  Laughing, they both paused between kissing each other, their hands diverting from their mutual exploration to pull off their boots and trousers. Then they fell onto each other.

  Lost in the lust, Kyle spared a moment to think perhaps this was yet another sign of his descent into the world of the Sundered—sudden inescapable, overwhelming emotion—before losing himself in Alyssa.

  Kyle gasped and wrenched himself back, at the sudden sharp pain that seem to shoot through him, blinking at Alyssa, gasping as the pain ran through him, yet somehow unable to tear his eyes away from her.

  “Alyssa, what——” Kyle shuddered and groaned as yet another sharp pain ran through him.

  “You can’t be a virgin, Kyle.” A smile curved Alyssa’s lips, then she raised one hand in dismay. “Oh, you’ve never had sex with the gifted before! I’m sorry, my love, if I’d known I would have warned you, instructed you.”

  Kyle looked at Alyssa, confusion, wariness and lust warring within him. Even though a part of him screamed caution, he gave into the lust and kissed her.

  “No, I’ve never had sex with a gifted.” Kyle had meant to say more and ask for clarification but lost himself again as Alyssa flipped him onto his back and reared up, moving her hips in a smooth rhythmic motion that took Kyle’s breath away.

  Alyssa’s eyes bore into his own and a smile curved her lips as he groaned in pleasure. “Let me show you what it means to bed one of your own, my love.” With that, he felt a burst of pleasure run through him. Kyle stiffened and screamed as the pleasure overran him, everything forgotten except this moment with Alyssa, then on the second burst of pure bliss his eyes rolled as his world dissolved into ecstasy, his vision darkening with spots of light dancing before his eyes.

  Kyle groaned, waking gasping as the memory came back to him. His eyes flared open to find himself entangled with Alyssa. She smiled at him, her hand tracing absent patterns on his chest. “Welcome back, my love.”

  Kyle took her hand and turning her hand kissed her palm. “Thank you, my love, I’ve never been rendered unconscious like that before. What was that?”

  Alyssa blushed and lay down on top of his chest with her head in the crook of his arm. “We’re both gifted, so I forged a bond—it’s what the gifted do and, well, that was the pain you felt, but then we can feel each other’s pleasure. It multiplies. Did you like it?”

  Kyle chuckled, still lost in his desire and lust for her. Propping himself up on one elbow, he rolled on top of Alyssa, getting lost in her eyes once more. Running his fingers lightly down the side of her face he brushed her hair back then lent toward her, kissing her before whispering in her ear, his voice low and husky.

  “Show me what you did so I
can return the favour?”

  Alyssa chuckled breathlessly as he began kissing his way down her body, then she groaned, pushing him back, capturing his eyes with her own once more. “Yes, but that will happen another night. Dawn is on us and you have to get back to your Master’s house, as I must get back to mine. Tonight? If you’re not busy.” Alyssa looked down and blushed as if she was embarrassed at being potentially too forward.

  “Never too busy for you. Shall we meet here?” Kyle looked around and wrinkled his nose. “Although perhaps we can find somewhere better for our tryst.” He sat up, dragging her to him, and kissed her, his voice deep and husky when he spoke. “Tonight might be too long. Are you sure you must go back? You could come with me.” Kyle kissed her again and felt her melt into him.

  “I wish I could, but the Skull Lord will notice my absence. Tonight. I’ll meet you here tonight.” With that, Alyssa rose, pulling on her discarded clothing. Kyle chuckled and did likewise, except for his shirt, which was in tatters.

  Fully dressed, Alyssa faced him again and noticed his tattered shirt and the marks she’d left on his chest during their lovemaking. She blushed again and ran a hand up his chest, one small step taking her into his arms, where she sank into his kiss. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to mark you up like that and I’m sure that shirt was expensive.”

  Kyle laughed. “It’s okay, it’s not the first shirt I’ve trashed.”

  Alyssa looked up at him, her eyes sharp, causing Kyle’s heart to pause, and a thrill of fear ran though him. “I’ll warn you, I know Lord Kyle Xavier Strafford’s reputation. I’ll not share you with anyone. Lady or otherwise.”


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