Shattering Dreams

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Shattering Dreams Page 27

by Catherine M Walker

  “Welcome, Amelia, it’s nice to have another little sister!” William grinned and kissed her before throwing a cheeky grin at his brother. “Although, why you would lower your standards to accept Alex is beyond me!” William laughed as Alex reclaimed Amelia and, in an adult manner, stuck his tongue out at his brother before dissolving into laughter.

  Kyle grinned as he walked from the doors that led from the Fourth’s Compound to the Royal Wing, having a good idea what this summons from the King was about given Alex’s parting comment earlier in the day. He already knew Alex had been closeted with his father and brother for some time. Kyle followed the servant who had come to fetch him, led to the private family dining room in the Royal Wing. It was rarely used since the King dined with the court most nights. Only on special occasions did he dine with the family alone.

  Kyle thanked the servant as he was ushered into the room and grinned as he saw Amelia, adorned with the circlet that proclaimed her as the Consort Elect of the Fourth. Not wasting any time, he crossed the room and, pulling her from Alex’s arms, hugged her before kissing her on the cheek.

  “Congratulations, Amelia.”

  He then turned and hugged Alex. “Congratulations, Alex, I guess we really will be brothers now.”

  Alex grinned at Kyle and reclaimed Amelia. “Thanks, Kyle. I can’t image you are all that surprised, though.”

  Kyle shook his head and laughed. “No. So the formal presentation is tomorrow, I take it?”

  William, overhearing, grinned. “You would be correct. Tonight, however, we get to have our very own private celebration.”

  A helpful servant appeared at his elbow with a glass of wine, which he accepted. He raised his glass in salute to the couple and took a sip. Kyle nearly dropped his glass as a wave of pain, followed by anger, assaulted him. Only just managing to hide it, he took a sip and endured until the worst was over. As the pain washed over him, Kyle threw back his drink, not caring that it was likely superb wine brought up from the King’s private cellar for the occasion. His glass wasn’t empty long before it was topped up again by an attentive servant.

  Kyle smiled at his friends, thankful that they had noticed nothing at all, and wondered how he would get through the evening under their scrutiny without giving away he had a problem. Kyle pushed aside the thought of confessing to them all. It wasn’t appropriate since tonight was about Alex and Amelia, not about him.


  Encroaching Madness

  Kyle slipped through the shadow paths, grateful he’d held himself together long enough to slip away from the palace. It helped that everyone was distracted by Amelia and Alex right now. His desire to kill again rose almost as high as his desire to meet up with Alyssa; almost equal pulses of lust and rage were running through him, overpowering him. Only the thought that he would meet up with Alyssa soon kept him moving and stopped him from falling to his knees. He’d tried to suppress the sudden bloodlust and pulsing anger that assaulted his mind, then realised that trying to fight his conflicting emotions was what had caused him a great deal of pain. He wasn’t consumed by it, but he felt he was losing more of himself as time passed. Kyle knew he would kill again this night—that would settle some bloodlust and rage he felt. Meeting up with Alyssa was sure to suppress the rest.

  Kyle smiled as he saw Alyssa in an abandoned courtyard below and he almost moaned in pleasure just from the sight of her. Startled, Kyle nearly laughed as he realised she used that trick from last night, the bond she’d created that had blown his mind away with pleasure. Throwing off the shadows, he walked across the courtyard, gathering her, unresisting, into his arms.

  “I don’t know how you do what you do—you will have to show me how to do that bond thing so I can return the favour.” Kyle bent his head, his hand rising to brush the strand of brown hair that had escaped from her hair tie and kissed her, feeling his lust rise.

  “All in good time, Kyle. I’m sorry, but I have work to clear up first but I didn’t want to leave you here waiting and wondering where I was. Do you want to come and help? It will go quicker than me doing the kills by myself.” Alyssa ran her hand up his chest, her eyes staring into his own, causing Kyle to shudder, a soft moan escaping his lips as she sent him another small burst of pleasure.

  “If you keep doing that, I’ll be too distracted to kill anyone. Who’s the mark and what has he done? Or don’t I want to know the finer parts?” Kyle stepped back, somewhat reluctant, and grinned at her.

  Alyssa smiled in return. “Oh, it’s the last of the clean-up from that botched attempt to abduct Prince Alex so it’s kind of right up your alley.” Alyssa held out a hand to him and he grabbed it in his own, allowing her to lead him through the streets, both drawing the shadows to them to obscure their passage.

  Kyle felt bloodlust rearing up inside him, bubbling just below the surface, and allowed it to wash over him. The rage was still in the background but he knew that once he starting killing that would rise too. Still, now he wasn’t fighting against the lust and rage, he noted that the pain had receded.

  Alyssa stopped and pointed to a small apothecary shop with the lights still on, testifying that someone was still inside. “Inside are the men who supplied the drugs used on you. My Master doesn’t like loose ends.”

  Kyle nodded his understanding and realised he should have been relieved that the men he was about to kill had an involvement in the abduction attempt, so for him it was a legal kill. He found he didn’t care; he would have killed them anyway.

  Kyle moved over to the window and glanced in, seeing two men inside the shop, which was filled with row upon row of bottles containing powders, liquids and herbs. He looked back at Alyssa and held up two fingers. She smiled at him and nodded. Cocking her head to one side, she walked toward the door.

  Kyle raised his eyebrow at the rather straightforward approach, shrugged and followed her into the shop. While both men paused and looked up, neither of them looked all that surprised to see Alyssa. It was almost like they were expecting her. They were putting together what looked like an order.

  “I’m not sure what he wants this time but if you write it down on the pad on the bench, we’ll get to it. We’ve just got to finish up this order first.” The man who spoke was a balding fat man, in counterpoint to his partner, who was tall and skinny and didn’t even look at them.

  Alyssa said nothing, simply circling as if she was heading for the bench, yet Kyle knew it was so she’d get a better angle on the fat man. Kyle circled around and placed himself in a position to take the tall skinny one. He waited just long enough for Alyssa to make her move, her knife darting forward and stabbing the man in the chest, who gaped at her, uncomprehending. Kyle moved forward as the tall skinny man looked up, struggling to comprehend what was happening. Grabbing him by the hair, he hauled his head back, exposing his neck. His long hunting knife ripped through the man’s throat, his blood spurting. Kyle felt laughter well up inside of him. Hearing the door open and multiple bodies behind him, he span around. There were five men and, looking at the boxes, they were there to collect their order.

  They stumbled into the room, not in that moment aware that the owners were slumped dead on the floor with their blood pooling out.

  Kyle leapt on the first man, losing himself as rage, bloodlust and the thrill of the kill took over. A part of him knew that Alyssa fought next to him but they were outnumbered. These men, after their initial startled response, knew how to fight and Kyle’s eyes widened as he felt them draw on the veil.

  Kyle lost himself in the battle, aware of nothing except anger, rage and the kill.

  He came back to himself to find Alyssa gripping his knife hand, staring into his eyes. “He is dead, my love. Come on, I know you’re hurt; come back, we need to get out of here before someone else shows up.”

  Kyle struggled, realising that he was sitting on a dead man he’d stabbed multiple times in his rage. He was covered in blood. He looked at Alyssa, lost in confusion as the bloodlust and rage were still
to the front, consuming him, threatening to overwhelm him again. He closed his eyes and tried to push it back, groaning.

  “Alyssa, I’m too dangerous, it’s too strong—you need to get away from me.” Kyle found he was shaking with the effort. Then he felt her move closer, her hand on the side of his face.

  “Look at me, my love, it’s okay, I can help you. You lost yourself for some time there in the kill. Come on, trust me. I’ll get you back and cleaned up.” Kyle felt himself rise at her bidding. He stumbled as he stood and she wrapped her arm around him. He found, with her closeness, that the rage receded and he was retaining some of himself.

  Kyle realised he must have lost time again, finding himself on the floor of his own bathroom. He’d been stripped down and Alyssa was cleaning the blood from his body with cloths.

  Flashing images of the fight and what he’d done came back to Kyle. He groaned and bit back a sob. “How can you stand me, Alyssa, what have I done?”

  Alyssa paused, drying him off, and he felt her lips brush his own. “Shh, it’s okay Kyle, everything will be okay. You’re cleaned up. Come on, let’s get to bed. I can help you.” Alyssa stood, grabbing his hand, and helped him to stand. At her urging, he made it to his bed.

  He rolled onto the bed on his side, covering his face, trying to muffle the sob that escaped his lips. Alyssa climbed up on the bed and over him. He felt her hands on him, stroking, soothing, her voice murmuring to him.

  “It’s all right, Kyle, this happens. I can help. I may not have as much of the Taint as you but I’ve seen this before. Trust me, Kyle, let me in.” Under Alyssa’s expert hands, Kyle felt his body respond, despite his inner turmoil.

  Kyle moaned and pulled Alyssa to him, burying his head in her neck. “Powers, Alyssa, it hurts, help me, please …” Kyle broke off in a moan as he felt a small burst of pleasure run through him. He felt her lips brush against his shoulder.

  “Look at me, Kyle. It’s okay—you’re going to be okay.” Alyssa’s eyes bore into his own and he found he couldn’t turn away from them. He didn’t know whether to groan in agony or pleasure as Alyssa rolled him onto his back and straddled him, stoking him. “Just concentrate on me, Kyle, on the pleasure. Drop your bloodlust and just concentrate on me. I know you want me, Kyle, you desire me, I can feel it.” Kyle found the bloodlust slipping away, replaced by his desire for Alyssa. Along with it, though, came pain.

  “It hurts, Alyssa—powers, it hurts. The only time it doesn’t is when I’m lost in the kill or lost in you.” Kyle raised his hand, cupping her breast and massaging her, smiling as her own breathing came faster and her nipples hardened, realising he wasn’t the only one lost in desire.

  “Relax, my love, you’re hurting. Let me do the work. Just look at me and feel your lust; lose yourself in it.” Alyssa grabbed him and guided him into her, riding him, rocking with increasing intensity. Kyle moaned as she sent another burst of passion down the bonds and he climaxed.

  He lost himself again but this time he had lost himself in Alyssa. When he came back to himself, she was lying down beside him, her hands still tracing random patterns on his chest. He could feel a strange fire seeming to follow across his skin wherever her fingers trailed and as he turned his head to look into her eyes, he also felt the steadying, soothing pulse coming from her.

  It’s okay, Kyle. You’re all right now. You won’t feel the need to kill again this day or tonight, your bloodlust is satiated by the killing frenzy tonight. I can help you control your pain and rage. It’s okay that you love the kill, the blood—you are an assassin. You will learn to use it, rather than letting it use you. Her words continued to whisper into his brain even as he drifted off into an exhausted, sated slumber. Sleep, give yourself to me, my love, trust me, I will help you. See, no more pain now. Sleep.

  Kyle was aware of the fire that traced patterns on his skin, the steady dual pulses, one causing pleasure to roll through his body and the other a steady, soothing pulse, calming his mind and body.

  He heard whispering voices, one hers, one not.

  Please, master, he’s not like the others, don’t make me do this. There was a pleading note in her mind voice that he hadn’t heard before.

  Not now, but he will be, unless we help him. You know the risk, child. Now begin, as you were instructed.

  The other mind voice was male, firm, cold. Kyle tried to resist them, finding himself drowning under the impulse throbbing through him. The whispering voices continued, oddly echoing each other. The male voice first, then Alyssa’s. He could not quite grasp the meaning of the words.

  A part of his brain shrieked at him; he tried to struggle, yet the urgency drifted away under the spell of the voices and the fiery pattern that flared across his skin. He had the impression the words were ancient and held power but under her ministrations he gave up and let slumber take him as the fiery net enclosed his mind and body in a web he couldn’t break free from. Under the administrations, he was compelled into sleep, into forgetfulness.

  Kyle felt awareness flood him again and took a deep breath, feeling calm. Closing his eyes, he sighed. He hadn’t felt this good in months. Frowning, he had a vague recollection of leaving the palace to meet Alyssa. He’d lasted for two days then discovered he was burning with the desire to see her again and the need to kill; rage had pulsed through him. Opening his eyes, he found that he stood in the middle of a small home, trembling as the realisation hit him that he was covered in blood and that none of it was his.

  There was a man, sprawled on the floor, his head almost hacked from his body. Then Kyle flinched as memory came back to him in a series of flashes. He fell to his knees as if struck by physical blows. He remembered a man calling out from his doorway in anger and threatening him with a sword as he’d gone to walk through their small yard. Killing him had been easy.

  The woman, the dead man’s wife, he guessed, had thrown herself on him. He’d plucked her off and thrown her against the wall. The power of the veil augmenting his natural strength, she’d hit the wall with such force, he remembered hearing the crack as her head slammed into the wall and she slumped to the ground.

  Then the children, they’d been wailing. He had two flashes of memory, he’d run them through with his blade, revelling in the kill, in the blood he was spilling. They hadn’t died straight away; their wails became pitiful until they slowly silenced and bled out.

  More men had come, guards attracted by the screaming, and he’d butchered them in a rage-fuelled frenzy.

  Kyle took a trembling breath. There was a part of him that was horrified by what he’d done. There was another part of him that was calm. The rage, madness, pain—it was gone, and in its place was calm.

  Kyle felt her mind, reaching out to him, calling him, and without thought he slammed up his barriers against her. He didn’t know how he knew, but somehow he felt the Skulls Assassin was involved.

  Kyle shook himself and with one final look around the small home and the family he’d slaughtered, he drew the veil to himself and escaped into the Veiled World, careful to keep his barriers around his mind.

  As he moved through the shadow paths, he smiled. At least he’d learned he had mental barriers and that he had to lower them himself to let another gain any kind of control.

  His flight stopped, and he realised he was at his father’s country estate; it was quiet, not even his brother was in residence. Keeping the shadows pulled around him, he concentrated and appeared in the corner of his own rooms. While he may not have lived in or visited the estate for years, he knew that his Lady Mother kept his wardrobe stocked with suitable clothes that would fit for all occasions.

  Assured that there was no one to hear him, Kyle stripped off his bloodied clothes and went to the bathing room. He drew water into the tub, not even bothering to warm it. He plunged beneath the water as soon as it was full. Shuddering as the cold water washed over him, he grabbed a cloth and soap and scrubbed himself clean, trying not to pay attention as the water became tinged with blood.
r />   After several tubs of water, he stepped out and grabbed one of the thick towels from a nearby shelf and dried off, moving back to the main room as he did. Still locking himself down, not allowing himself to think, he moved to his wardrobe and smiled, as he’d been proven right. His mother, or at least one servant, had kept his wardrobe stocked with a selection of clothing, including a set he knew was a recent addition, bearing the crest of the Fourth’s Companion. Kyle grabbed a pair of soft black trousers and a dark blue shirt, shying away from his usual brown or black.

  After dressing, he gathered his bloodied clothes and walked over to the fireplace, all set waiting to be lit. He lit the fire and, after waiting for it to rise into a nice blaze, sighed as the heat washed over him. Piece by piece, he burnt his ruined clothes.

  Kyle shuddered and felt a tear track down his cheek as he slumped against the chair behind him and buried his head in his arms.

  “Powers, what have I done? What am I becoming?”


  Companions’ Confessions

  Kyle woke, startled, half rising from his position curled up on the mat in front of the fire, hand reaching for a blade he wasn’t wearing, only to settle back down on hearing a voice almost as familiar as his own.

  “It’s all right, Kyle, it’s just me. I got worried when you didn’t come back last night and tracked you here.” Jess walked over to the fire and placed more wood into the fireplace before settling next to him.

  Kyle swallowed then, shuddering, sank into her shoulder. The movement racked his body as tears trailed down his cheeks. He felt her move, then wrap her arms around him, pulling him to her, making soothing sounds, one hand stroking the side of his head like she was soothing a hurt child. She didn’t ask him questions, but he felt her help reinforce the barriers he’d placed around his mind. He sighed as the clamouring at the edge of his awareness, the whispering voice and pulses of rage, faded and were blocked.


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