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Shattering Dreams

Page 29

by Catherine M Walker

  The regular sounds intruded again and he could hear the rhythmic thump of booted feet running as more guards came hurrying into the ballroom. Sobs and screams still rose from the courtiers, who were still pushing and shoving, trying to get out of the room, unaware that the threat had been dealt with. Surprised, he glanced toward the Dias and saw his father’s Elite ushering the King, his brothers, sister and Amelia out the royal entrance toward safety.

  Alex realised that while to him the battle had seemed to take forever, in reality it had lasted just minutes. Still, it had been long enough that his chest was heaving and he was sucking in air after his exertions. He looked at Kyle, who still knelt next to the lifeless body of the assassin and he realised his friend was descending into shock.

  “Kyle, brother. It’s ok, she’s dead. She can’t take you now.”

  Kyle stared up at him, his eyes wide, before leaning against his shoulder, trying to suppress the shudders. “Powers, Alex. I—” Kyle’s words came to a halt as he looked at the blood on himself. Her blood. Alex closed his eyes and drew his free arm around his friend’s shoulders, looking over to Jess, who knelt on the other side. He may not have said the rest out loud but they both knew in that moment Kyle wished he hadn’t survived the encounter. That was an emotion that Alex was familiar with, having battled with it himself since his mother had died.

  Closing his eyes against sudden fatigue, Alex took a deep breath. Noting he was in too awkward a position to place his sword in his hilt, with a brief glance back he handed his weapons to Marcus, who stood at his back with a ring of Elite. The three of them sat, unable to contemplate moving, as exhaustion fell over them.

  Alex laughed and saw the shock on the faces of his friends. He shook his head, explaining. “You think I’d learn to stop drawing every damn bit of power I can when we’re threatened. I want to curl up and sleep now.”

  Alex realised that he’d been awake for some time, just not aware. He snorted as he decided that the concoction the healers had given him after the events in the ballroom must have been a very strong sleeping draught. One benefit of that was that he felt more rested than he could remember having been for a long time. Even that normal dragging weight of exhaustion he’d come to associate with the Veiled World was gone, as if it had left him alone for the night. It may have been because even in sleep he’d had his barriers up. Alex wasn’t sure when or how he’d learned that skill but it was handy.

  “How is Kyle, Aaron?”

  Alex knew without opening his eyes that the healer was sitting in a chair near his bed. He still felt a heavy lassitude he guessed was the drugs. Alex knew he could shake it off if he reached for the power of the veil but was content to rest for the moment. He turned onto his side and opened his eyes to see the healer sitting there as he’d guessed.

  Aaron stood and walked over to his patient. “You will have to stop doing this, Alex, it’s not good for you to drive yourself to the level of total exhaustion so you collapse. You will rest today. If I find you doing anything strenuous or trying to leave the Fourth’s Complex I will have the guards hold you down and then give you a sleeping draught to make sure you rest.” Aaron paused, glaring at his patient, who chuckled.

  “Okay, Aaron, I will rest today. I was already inclined to anyway in case you hadn’t noticed. Now, how is Kyle?” Alex was relieved to see there wasn’t much strain or concern in Aaron.

  “Recovering, Your Highness. Jocelyn is a proficient mind healer. What that Shadow Assassin did to Lord Kyle is unconscionable. She was very skilled and powerful, a twisted healer’s gift. We do our best to strip any power from those who misuse their gifts in that way. Lord Kyle will recover, it will just take time for him to heal—but he will heal. I wish you had called me in the first instance when you discovered what had been done to him.” Alex found himself pinned by the physician’s glare.

  “Sorry, Aaron, Kyle seemed to be on the mend. If that assassin hadn’t made a reappearance he would have recovered on his own.” Alex smiled at the physician’s obvious concern and anger over what had been done.

  “Fair enough, Your Highness, he might have. For now, at least, he will remain under Jocelyn’s watch until she is certain he is well and truly on the mend. As you discovered, with the state his mind is in, it is easy for another person to take over right now.”

  While speaking, Aaron had been mixing another of his concoctions and held it out to him, his gaze not shifting until Alex sighed and took the goblet, swallowing the contents in one smooth motion. Satisfied, Aaron took the goblet back off him and placed it on the table by the bed.

  “That was just an herbal mix to help you relax and mend. Since you are cooperating there is no need for a sleeping potion.”

  Alex considered Aaron, wondering how much he could push the subject. “So, healers know more about the veil and those with power in our world than most people guess?”

  Aaron sat back down and stared at Alex before nodding. “Yes, Your Highness, we know a great deal. There are many with power in our ranks, like Jocelyn and myself, although all lean toward the healing gifts.”

  The last was a concession that Aaron had never made, at least not to him. Alex knew the public did not realise that healers used the Taint, even if they used it in a different way to the Tainted.

  “I knew you had power, Aaron, I can feel it, see it.” Alex was more curious than anything else. The murky Realm of those with power and the stigma attached to anyone found to be wielding more than just a trace of it meant it was a subject that was not discussed all that much. Alex was starting to realise that those with power were more prevalent than he, let alone members of the public, realised.

  “Yes, Alex, more than a little. Most of us in the healers’ ranks are gifted. It’s something we go to great lengths to hide. Oh, most know we have healing gifts, but do not realise it is the same power as that running through those who break, whose minds sunder with the power. We don’t quite have as much as those poor souls. So now the subject has come up, how are you, Your Highness?” Aaron once again pinned his patient with his gaze.

  Alex almost squirmed. He had the distinct impression that if he lied or tried to play it down, Aaron would know. “I’m all right, but sometimes I get lost and confused. It feels like my brain is about to explode; pain, anger—extreme emotions of any sort just seem to drive me insane.” Alex paused and looked at Aaron but saw no sign of shock or horror in the physician’s face or demeanour. “I hear voices though the veil, clamouring at me, echoing through my head. It gets confusing; it’s hard to know where they end and I begin. I take it there is nothing that your kind can do, otherwise you would have done it already.” Alex was astounded that his voice was so matter-of-fact, with so little emotion, given what they were talking about.

  “I’m sorry, Your Highness. No, there isn’t much we can do except what we have been doing for all three of you. Those with limited gifts, we can sometimes help, but you are all too strong for us, there is too much of the power flowing through all of you.” Aaron looked back at him, sincere and earnest. “If we could take this burden from you all we would have by now.”

  Alex closed his eyes so he couldn’t see Aaron’s reaction.

  “Will I turn into one of the Sundered, Aaron?”

  The silence stretched but Alex continued to wait, knowing an answer of some sort was coming and that he wouldn’t like the response. Yet, somehow, he still wasn’t upset. He was almost relieved to talk to someone outside of the three of them about what was happening to them. He also guessed, given Aaron’s ‘no nonsense’ manner regarding the issue meant that he knew as much, or rather more than, anyone else in the Realm did about the Sundered.

  “I’m sorry, Your Highness, I can only go on other subjects I’ve monitored and the healers’ doctrine handed down from master to apprentice. Some become the Sundered. Some seem to disappear. The pain, anger and confusion you describe, the feeling of being overwhelmed, is common to most but is symptomatic of all the Sundered that I have heard abou
t. You know the voices are not your imagination, that they are other Tainted ones, like yourself. You have that advantage over many.”

  “Thank you for being honest with me, Aaron.” Alex smiled a little.

  Aaron stood and walked toward the door. “Rest, Your Highness. I’ll be back later to check on you.”

  “Am I at least allowed out of bed, Aaron?” Alex smiled at the physician’s stern glare.

  “Yes, Your Highness. No swords, or running around. You may remain in rooms or your outer receiving rooms or you may visit Lord Kyle. That is it. Try your best to stay away from the power, at least for today; you’ve drawn too much of it lately.”

  Thinking of the assassin’s last words, Alex rolled onto his side so he could catch the healer’s expression. “Do you know about the Killiam Order?” He was rewarded by a flash of surprise on the healer’s face.

  Aaron grimaced. “The Killiam Order has been around for a long time, Alex, founded by a man called Gale Killiam; his son was killed by a Sundered. You would do well to avoid them. Their ranks are filled with healers, scholars, aristocrats and even commoners.” Aaron walked back across the room as he spoke and sat on the edge of the chair arm. “On the surface they are Lore Keepers, yet their primary mission is to see all those with power are killed. They are the order that has drummed up fear and superstition in the masses for those with power over the generations.”

  Alex nodded. “Why would Alyssa fear the Order? She was Tainted, powerful.”

  Aaron snorted at that. “I doubt she was all that powerful as far as the Sundered are concerned. She seemed quite young and I’d say only broke recently.” Aaron smiled sadly then continued. “If she grew up where there is a strong chapter of them, knowing she was Tainted, they may have given her cause to fear them. They are fanatical.”

  Alex frowned. “Why haven’t I heard of them before?”

  “Your father has never allowed the Order to establish a firm foothold here and will not acknowledge them as a legitimate guild. He didn’t want you to be subject to their hatred and fear, Alex.” Aaron stood and headed to the door. “Get some rest, Your Highness.” He closed the door quietly behind him.

  Alex thought about everything he’d been told and contemplated if he wanted to get up. For once, he was happy enough to laze around and even had the physician’s injunction to do so. For the first time, Alex did as he was bid and rolled over to sleep a little bit longer.

  Tomorrow was soon enough to track down the lair of the Skull Lord.


  Tracking the Skull

  Jess turned, seeing Damien approach, and smiled. She hadn’t seen him for some time, although she had to admit she’d been preoccupied with everything that had been going on.

  “My Lady Jessalan, it’s good to see you again.” His smile broadened and he took her fingers and kissed them, causing giggles and whispering from some ladies who were trailing behind her. She’d just broke away from Elizabeth’s entourage from an excursion into town yet had seemed to inherit some of the women who’d insisted on wandering after her.

  “It’s been too long, Baron Harper, but I’ll forgive you since the new estates the King conferred on you must consume your time. Come, walk with me, tell me everything that’s been going on.” Jess played along; she could tell that Damien had something to tell her.

  Damien smiled and stepped to her side, presenting his arm to her in a courtly fashion, looking back at the ladies that clustered behind. “If you will excuse us, ladies, I have important things to discuss with Lady Jessalan. I’m sure you understand.”

  Jess turned and flitted her hands at the ladies in question, who pouted at her but stayed put. She noticed Damien looking at Megan and Callum then back at her.

  “I’m afraid the ‘go away’ hand gesture doesn’t work on the Elite, although I can guarantee they are loyal; they will stay out of ear shot if I ask.” Jess kept her voice low but knew Megan and Callum heard her anyway, since they dropped back a few more discreet paces.

  “It’s not that I doubt their integrity, it’s just that what I’ve found out is, well, I don’t know how they will react. Or Kyle, let alone His Highness.” Damien looked troubled and took a deep breath, keeping his voice low. “Is there somewhere that has an overview of the training yards? Somewhere discreet? This is about the man His Highness asked me to look for—I think I’ve found him.”

  Jess felt her eyes widen at the implication. She nodded and guided their way to the upper floors of one of the corner towers, which had large windows overlooking the training yards below. She held her hand up at her guards who acknowledged her order and stayed back near the door, out of earshot if they kept their voices down.

  Damien licked his lips then scanned the training yard below, gesturing toward an Elite standing in the far corner.

  “He doesn’t have the tattoos, although those can be faked; however, he fits the description you gave me. His friends call him Baine; he has the same name and the distinctive scar.”

  Jess looked down and caught sight of the man in question and felt herself stiffen as she understood Damien’s hesitation in bringing this information straight to Kyle or Alex. She watched the man then looked over her shoulder and gestured for Megan to step forward.

  “Megan, who is that man?” Jess gestured to the guard down below.

  Megan looked at her then down into the training yard, her eyes narrowing.

  “That is David Baine, My Lady. He almost got kicked from the Elite years ago but His Highness Prince Daniel likes him. He’s assigned to His Highness’ protection detail more often than not.” Her eyes tracked back to Jess before she asked. “Is there something I should know, My Lady?”

  “Not right now, Megan. Thank you.” Jess turned back to look at the man below, her face pale. “Thank you, Damien, leave this with me. Do not let Kyle or Alex know. Or anyone else. It amounts to treason.”

  Damien swallowed and nodded before adding. “There’s one more thing. Prince Daniel leaves the palace and attends an old residence in town, some meeting of a group called The Killiam Order. Some offshoot scholars’ order. Not much seems to be known about them, but that one, Baine, is the only guard who goes with him. They’ve been there three times already, every second Tuesday.”

  Jess frowned at the name given it sounded familiar, yet she couldn’t place it. “I’ll look into it. Thank you.”

  Alex found that once he decided, he was more at ease. He’d felt a deep burning anger since he’d seen his friend curled up in shock, shivering in pain. That anger had only grown as he’d seen Kyle’s memories of what transpired.

  Freeing Kyle of the psychic bonds Alyssa had bound him in had taken hours of painstaking work, wrenching them out one after the other, pulling away the light web of power that seemed to run like spider silk over his body and through his mind. Every time he had broken one of her bonds, the smaller bindings of power had tried to fill the gap and repair what he had cut. It had been a relief when Kyle passed out with the pain.

  Yet, in Kyle’s memories, he saw her face. He knew every place they’d met up, and that Kyle had made inroads in tracing her and, he suspected, her master’s hiding place. Alex had heard the memory of her voice, the whispering words echoing through Kyle’s brain, insidious. While Alex couldn’t understand the words, he could feel their power and knew Kyle’s unconscious brain was following her instructions, even though she was dead; trying, he suspected, to reconnect with Alyssa. Alex was not convinced that he would not fall to another if they came for him.

  It was the assassin’s brazen attempt to come right into the heart of the Summer Palace, placing them all, including the King, at risk that had prompted his current plan of action. Although Kyle had helped defeat her, it had taken all three of them to kill her. Alex knew Kyle had been in turmoil since. Uncertain if he would have been capable of standing against Alyssa without their help.

  While Alex knew that in the long run Kyle would bounce back and the experience would be good for him, right now it was
hard to see the uncertainty in his friend. Kyle had always been confident; he remained so with a blade in his hand, but his confidence with women, or rather Alex suspected, his judgement of them, had shaken his confidence.

  Although he doubted the rest of the court guessed how shaken he was, Alex knew and so did Jess. Alex also suspected that William had guessed, since he not only knew all the details of what had happened but how close Kyle had come to becoming enslaved to Alyssa. William had intervened with women a few times when they had cornered Kyle in the court.

  Alyssa had brought the fight to their home. Alex was determined to take it to hers. It was time for him to track down and pay a visit to the League of Skulls and teach them that declaring war on the crown was not advisable.

  At a noise behind him, Alex flicked his eyes toward the door in the mirror and saw William walk in. They stared at each other through the mirror, although Alex didn’t turn from his task of getting ready. He placed his secondary weapons in their various sheaths on his body, hidden from view, at least to the untrained eye.

  He watched as his brother moved to the side bar and poured himself a glass of liquor. William grabbed a second one and rose it in his direction, his eyebrow raising in enquiry. Alex smiled and shook his head. While alcohol rarely affected him in the same way as it did others, he could burn the effects from his system with the power of the veil if he chose; he felt he was better off waiting until after he got back from the night’s planned activities. He finished getting ready then, satisfied, turned and walked over. Smiling, he gestured for William to take a seat before taking his own and just waited.


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