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Damn Me: A Paranormal Demon Romance (The Demonology Series Book 4)

Page 9

by Felicity Brandon

  You will. His tone was so sure, its arrogance riling me further. I can keep you here forever, little Guardian.

  Why are you doing this? My eyes slid closed, tears flowing as I sent the thought to him. Why are you doing this to me?

  “To put you in your place, Cathy.”

  I gasped at the sound of his voice, turning my head to meet the murmur much closer to my ear than I’d expected. My eyes flew open, meeting his mocking stare. “M-my place?”

  “Yes.” He smirked. “A Guardian, you may be, Cathy, but once you give yourself to me, you accept my absolute supremacy.”

  I groaned, the tension at my core tightening again, bristling with hurt as it coaxed the beginning of another orgasm from my weary form. It was difficult to think with the neverending ordeal playing out between my legs, hard to grasp his words, let alone understand their ramifications. “But I have a job to do,” I breathed. “An important role.”

  “Not anymore.” He arched a dark brow at me, those nearly black eyes sparkling like diamonds in the shadows. “You relinquish your role from today in return for your life. You shall never protect ungrateful souls again.”

  “Fuuck!” I screamed as the pleasure shredded me, every muscle clenching in protest.

  How dare he do this to me?

  What gave him the right?

  What gave him the fucking right to bind me, to intrude into my psyche, to make these demands?

  Satan laughed, but the sound was muted as I tried to catch my breath. It was as if my brain was close to the edge, near to the maximum of what it could tolerate, and all extraneous functions were bring closed down. I couldn’t deal with his cruel, teasing tone, so I chose to ignore it. I didn’t want to meet his ridiculous expectations, so I rejected those, too. All there was now was my wet, pliant body. My limbs stretched out, captured by invisible binds and the punishing, pitiless plastic of the vibrator.

  At that moment, it all seemed clear.

  It was never going to stop, was it? I would be here for all time, spread and subjugated in this horrendous and humiliating way, at his mercy—at the whim of the evilest genius of all time. That was my fate.

  “You are so dramatic,” he chuckled. “To answer your questions, though, I have every right, little Guardian. It is my will, which is stronger, my power, which is greater, my vision, which is clearer, and there is nothing you can do about it.”

  My mouth fell open, the infernal torment of the pulsing predator at my sex already on course to push me past the precipice again, and now there were his words to goad me further. This was Hell, there was no doubt about it. This was my penance for Damon, my punishment for permitting my virtue to be polluted by a creature who had fallen so low.

  “Make it end!” I didn’t care that I was crying now, that his prophecy had been proven to be true—I was more humbled and fearful than I’d ever been. He was right. I had been brought back down to Earth with a thud and well and truly put in my place. “Please, Master, end it now!”

  He gazed down at me, his expression curious, as though he’d never seen anyone beg for mercy before, but then, that couldn’t be right. A beast as nefarious as Satan surely relished my pitiful pleas—these were the moments he existed for.

  “Make it end, you say?” He rose into the air, stretching out over my body as he hovered. “Now, why would I do that?”

  “Because I’ll do anything.”

  There was no conscious thought on my part as I made the promise. No calculation. No concessions. They were merely the words of a desperate woman, so consumed with the torment of the pleasure he’d bestowed that she knew, without a doubt, she would submit to anything he demanded in order to make it stop. Whatever I assumed I’d been no longer mattered. The proud woman with independence and fortitude was lost in the millions of shards of glass he’d created when he smashed into my life. Now there was nothing but this overarching need to make the vibrations stop, the frantic core of me that was going to burst into flames if he didn’t relent. I’d have fallen to my knees and kissed his fucking feet at that moment if he’d only promised me a reprieve.

  “That’s an interesting thought.” His lips curled as he no doubt read my most private thoughts once more. “Perhaps I shall take you up on that offer one day, little Guardian.”

  “Please.” That was as heartfelt an entreaty as I’d ever made to anyone, the desperation in my voice was real, and I prayed he recognized it. “Please, Master.”

  “You shall be mine, then.” He smiled, lowering over me until the fabric of his shirt grazed my exposed nipples. “I make you no promises, and you need not make me any vows, except this, little Guardian.”

  “What?” I gasped, wishing I could reach up and touch him, but whatever restrained me was too strong, especially in my weakened state. “What should I vow?”

  “That you will remember.” The pulsing at my clit slowed. The dreaded thing still ran on, thrumming with wicked intent, but the intensity was less now. His mouth skimmed over mine, hot, aniseed breath lulling my drained mind as he beamed down at me.

  “What should I remember?”

  I’d forgotten how fucking handsome he was, hadn’t I? How had I managed that? How had the power of the pulsing implement been able to persuade me from that entrenched reality? Yet, face to face with the devil, it was obvious, his snares were designed to appeal, entrance, and capture, and by God, they worked. Now there was some relief at my clit, all I can think about was that dark, salacious glint in his eyes and how it would be to be consumed by him. Devoured by the devil himself.

  “Your place.” His voice washed over me now, swathing me in solace like warm air on a cold morning. “What is your place, little Guardian?”

  I blinked up at him just as the vibrator shifted, angling away from my clit for the first time in what seemed like hours. I moaned at the change, relieved, of course, to be free of its insistent torment, yet simultaneously bereft at the loss. Even though that was insane. There was no way I could miss the device that had made me suffer for so long.

  “Cathy.” His lips twitched at my hesitation, or perhaps it was my thoughts he helped himself to. I couldn’t be sure. “What is your place, little girl?”

  “Wherever you tell me to be,” I murmured the words to him, and even though a part of my brain registered the fact I was telling him what he wanted to hear, another aspect almost believed me. “I’ll do what you say, be what you need me to be.”

  “You surrender.” He winked at me, those two words perfectly summating the sentiment I had been trying to convey.

  “Yes.” A spike of emotion rose in me at the concession, fresh tears pricking in my eyes. “Yes, I suppose I do.”

  “Do not look so sad,” he chided, one hand reaching for my face and stroking a tear away idly. “Capitulation is the beginning. For you, Cathy, the mortal I could not kill, there will be no end to the pleasure we shall weave. No end to the affection I shower on you, no finale to the pleasure you will enjoy.”

  “No more pleasure, Master. Please.” My gaze fluttered closed, trying to reconcile the myriad of emotions ricocheting around me. On the one hand, I wanted to submit, wanted this ordeal over, yet, on the other, I stood to lose everything I had ever known. Everything I stood for.

  “Not like that,” he purred, the vibration of his tone drawing my eyes open once more. “Not as a punishment for your insolence and bad behavior. I mean real pleasure, the sort you seek, the kind you lust after. The variety that drenches you with need and desire.”

  I gulped at the intensity of his gaze as it speared me, unsure what to say.

  “Your pussy is nice and wet now, is it not?” That tantalizing brow rose at the embarrassing question. “It must be after so many climaxes.”

  Fleetingly, my eyes closed again. I knew what he wanted now. It was what they all wanted in the end. “Yes, Master.”

  He shook his head at me. “Not that,” he assured me. “Not now.”

  “What then. Master?” My brow furrowed, unsure what he had in min
d. Surely, he wanted to claim me? I was, after all, in the perfect position for him to ravage.

  “I want to taste you!” he seemed excited at the prospect, his palms pressing into the satin on either side of my shoulders for the first time since he’d levitated over me. “I want to devour the sweet little cunt of the mortal who caused my kin such concern. I want to eat her out until she screams for my cock, and only then, once she is ready to beg for it, will she have me.”

  I drew my lips between my teeth. Damon had introduced me to the act he referred to, but he’d never made it sound so fucking sordid before.

  “What do you say, little Guardian?”

  My head spun with his velvety words. “Th-thank you, Master?” I wasn’t even sure they were the right response anymore.

  “You are welcome, Cathy.” He chuckled at my expression. “And now I am going to kiss you.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Impulses were the remit of the devil, or so the gospels said. Good Christian mortals should never give in to those primal instincts, the needs that spoke of brutality, self-endeavor, and carnality. Those things were to be ignored and repressed at all costs. Those things, like the people who indulged in them, were to be scorned at and derided. Not my little Cathy, though. Not the blonde, writhing mess of a woman sprawled out on the satin before me. She would not be derided for succumbing. She would be rewarded.

  As for my own impulses, I reveled in them.

  The way my cock strained at the sight of her panting body. The way I ran my tongue over my teeth as I leaned over her body, the scent of her arousal intoxicating as it filled my nostrils. And the way all my instincts told me to surrender to the whim spiraling in my mind and give her what I had promised.

  Kiss the girl.

  My right eyebrow arched as my mouth grazed over hers, the breathy mewl escaping her lips sealing the deal. I would have to claim her now. I would taste her mouth before I opened the flood gates, moving south to devour the pussy that would now be mine—that was mine—that would soon offer us both an abundance of pleasure.

  Oh yes! The echo of her thoughts reverberated from her mind, her eyes fluttering closed while my lips claimed her. That’s amazing. That feels amazing!

  My tongue flicked into her mouth at the praise, emboldened by her fresh groan, the sound lost to my capturing kiss.

  “Is that good, Cathy?” My tone was sardonic as I pulled away, every fiber of the impish woman already straining to convey the fact it was good. Cathy may not understand the magnetic pull between us, but it was there, and even in the midst of her recent desperation, she had felt its tug, the way it compelled her, the way it would always command her obedience while she was in my grasp.

  “Yes.” Her eyes flickered open, and I waited with bated breath to see if she would add the final word I wanted to hear. “Master.”

  I grinned at her compliance, lowering my face to plant a fresh kiss on her chest. She had such wonderful breasts. Large enough to be of interest, yet small enough to be pert and delicious. In the many centuries I had roamed, I had seen just about every size and shape imaginable, deciding long ago that each had their merits, but gazing down at Cathy, I would have sworn her form represented perfection. A bosom this desirable deserved to be worshipped. “Then you have merited more,” I told her, peppering her goosing flesh with caresses as my attention turned from one breast to the other. “Much more, and this is where it begins.”

  “Oh!” I paused, half expecting her to refer to that blaspheming entity again, but this time, she surprised me. I didn’t even hear the thought in her mind.

  “Do you like your nipples to be teased, I wonder?” I rose above her again, eager to see her responses.

  “I don’t know, Master,” she admitted, a blush crawling up from her neck with the admission.

  “Damon never tested the theory?” I was surprised, assuming he would have tempted and teased every part of her in the long hours they had shared.

  “He,” she paused, sucking her lower lip between her teeth. “He seemed more focused on other places.”

  I laughed at the innocence of her reply. A virgin she might no longer be, but it seemed Miss Bateman still had a long way to go before she could be considered corrupted. My cock ached at the realization. I could not wait to be the one who had the pleasure of besmirching her brilliant mind.

  “I see.” I tilted my head at her before my attention returned to her glorious tits. Her nipples beaded under my gaze, my fingers rising to stroke one while my hot breath blew over the other, abandoned one. “So, I shall have to find out for myself.”


  Above me, her head strained to lift from the confines I had set her and witness what I was doing to her body, but I insisted she remained passive. Cathy was not here to observe. She would be played with like an instrument, taunted until I gave leave to grant her pleasure again, and then, she would be truly mine. Not just the woman Damon had conquered, but the one who had inspired such anxiety among my kin, the one who had caught my eye.

  “Worry not,” I assured her, pinching the sensitive tissue between my finger and thumb just a little harder. “I have ways to offer your perfect little nipples, just the right amount of pressure.”

  “I…” She swallowed, panting as she tried to process my words. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “You will.” I smiled as I released her bud, and opening my hand, the clamps I had envisioned appeared at my digits instead. I willed them toward her waiting teat, opening the metal arms as they approached. Having chosen the gentlest variety I could imagine, I did not expect any lasting issues as I directed the open arms over her nipples, but the hiss she rewarded me with conveyed the intensity with which her body met the resistance.

  “What is that?” She willed her head an inch from the sheets, the power of her resolve somehow bending the restrictions I had placed on her movement until she could eye the silver clamp now attached to her left nipple. “What is that thing, Master?”

  “Just clamps to ensure your stimulation continues while I move to your gorgeous cunt.”

  “Don’t.” Her eyes squeezed shut. “Please, don’t speak about me that way.”

  I chuckled at her frantic demand, dismissing it as easily as I would have dismissed any other request. No mortal commanded me, not even the tantalizing Guardian. “I shall speak as I choose, and in any case, language has no power of its own. It only has what you mortals assign to it.”

  I attached the second clamp while she panted at my response, watching gleefully as her face screwed into a ball at the new sensation.

  “I just do not like the word.” She answered between gritted teeth, her ricocheting thoughts, confirming just how ill-prepared she was for the pain, but that did not concern me. Cathy would soon settle into the feeling of the clamps, and I suspected she would marvel in them, but if I was wrong, so be it. She would endure for me, regardless. “It is crass and unnecessary.”

  “Look at me.” I leaned up against her body, pressing my lips into her mouth once more before she complied and met my gaze. “There are few restrictions I will impose on you, beyond those that bring us both more hedonism, but one of them is this. You shall not think to dictate to me, whether it is in language or physicality. I am Satan, leader of all the dark realm, and my will shall win.”

  Her eyes widened at my verdict, as though I was telling her something new and startling.

  “Say that you understand?” I nudged the clamp at her left tit intentionally, relishing the flicker of pain in her gaze as she acknowledged the hurt, and with it, the point. She was the one who had welcomed demonic affection, the one who was hopelessly contained, and the one who would bend, not me. If I wanted to use, how did she put it, crass language, then I sure as hell would use it. I neither needed nor sought her permission or approval. “Tell me, you do.”

  My mouth grazed over hers before I rose to meet her reply.

  “I understand, Master.” The tremor in her voice told
me how hard it had been for her to cede the point, though there was little denying it, stretched and naked as she surely was to my bed.


  My lips twitched at her admission. It was one of the first signs of surrender I had seen from the human. Of course, I had her here, strewn and vulnerable, but any man with enough brawn or intellect could have achieved such a feat. I wanted more than just her physical submission. I wanted her head to surrender, as well, and when the time was right, I would command she offered her soul.

  Cathy would give me everything—she just did not know it yet.

  “And now, back to the cunt in question.” This time I used the word on purpose, dipping back down her body and smiling at the audible gasp that escaped her throat. Her breasts were a scintillating sight as I made my way past her clamped nipples on route to one part of the woman I was yet to explore.

  Her thighs splayed wider at my approach, one point of my index finger halting their progress once she was sufficiently stretched open.


  There was that pained tone again, the one that spoke of her angst and powerlessness, though naturally, I knew better than to believe the trickery. Confused she may be, upset even at her own surrender, but Cathy was fooling no one. My attention had inspired passion. I was close enough to my prize to assess her responses for myself, and I could smell just how horny Cathy was. Hell, I could see how wet she was, and reaching out one digit, I ran my fingertips gently over her seam.

  “Shhh.” I smiled at her jerking hips, pausing to catch my breath at how fucking wonderful she was. With one instruction on my part, the dark blonde hair at her pussy disappeared, leaving only a thin line of hair at her lips. “You are beautiful. Let me enjoy you. Let me worship you.”

  Strained whimpers answered my requests, but I paid them no heed, pressing down on her inner thighs as I breathed in the mouth-watering aroma of her again. A pussy this delectable needed to be eaten as often as possible. Running my tongue up the length of her seam, I paused at her clit, teasing the ball of tissue as she writhed below me.


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