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An Uncommon Whore

Page 18

by Belinda McBride

  “I love you, Lio. Always have.”

  “I know that, Griffin. You showed me that very first night that you found me. You’ve shown me every hour of every day since.” I reached up, stroked his face, and cupped the eye patch gently. “And I have cherished every moment with you. Call me a selfish bastard, but I won’t let you go, Grif. Never.”

  And just like that, belief spread across his face. Belief and joy. The smile he gave lit him, made him young and wicked and dangerous. He laughed and pure joy flooded me, sheer elation at seeing life and hope awakening like the dawn in this man who was my life.

  He laughed, wrapped both arms around my body, and held me tight. Forever in his arms wouldn’t be such a bad thing, not if he kept holding me like this. I grinned foolishly, too giddy to stop. I felt young. I felt new. I had a past behind me and a future before me. The circle wasn’t yet closed, but it wasn’t broken. Not anymore.

  “So when are you going to fuck me?”

  I struggled up enough to look at him, to see if he really meant it. His legs parted, and I settled into the cradle of his pelvis, feeling his rigid cock against my slick belly.

  “Right now, Grif. Right this fucking minute.”

  It would have been easier if he’d given me his back, but Griffin wanted to hold me in his arms. He wanted to watch my face as I took him. He lay on his back, his legs parted wide while I worked his tight hole with my oiled fingers.

  He’d tolerated it well that first time, so I wasn’t shy with him. I oiled his anus, his scrotum, and his cock, making everything slick and wonderful. I fucked him with my finger till he grew impatient for more. I rose onto my knees, dragging the tip of my glans into position.

  “You know the routine, Grif.” I couldn’t help the shit-eating grin that I wore.

  He nodded grimly.

  “Relax. Take a deep breath, and let it out as I push.”

  He bore down as I pressed in, and I bit my lip, fighting my body’s need to spasm into climax as my cockhead breached his muscular anus. He was hot and slick and powerfully tight. I muffled a curse and pulled out, then pressed back in a bit deeper.

  His eye was overbright. The expression on his face was slightly wild, and why not? Griffin was challenging all of his preconceived notions about himself as a dominant male. He was willingly participating in an act that made him vulnerable to pain, to unexpected pleasure, and to the emotional storm that accompanied it.

  I looped my arms under his legs, finally pressing in till the smooth skin of my groin kissed his ass. Griffin gulped down a deep breath, his head finally dropping back to the pillow. He swallowed hard; the muscles of his throat beautifully arched.

  I fondled his cock, and as I thrust gently into his ass, I smiled when I felt it twitch every time I passed over his gland.

  “Are you all right? Any pain?”

  He nodded jerkily, finally meeting my gaze. “Burns a bit.” When I withdrew, I dribbled more oil onto my cock.


  He didn’t answer; he simply nodded.

  He was feeling it, the unexpected pleasure that came from being penetrated this way. His cock dribbled a bit of precum; his scrotum was tightly drawn to his body. I lowered his legs and leaned forward, covering his body with mine.

  The oil and sweat made us slick, adding another layer to the tapestry of pleasure we were weaving.

  The tension ebbed from his face, replaced by pleasure. His powerful arms encircled my waist and hips. True to form, Griffin began to control my tempo, and the angle at which I penetrated his ass. He leaned up with a slight groan and caught my mouth in a searing kiss. I had no choice but to follow where he led, and right now, he was chasing bliss. He was kissing my neck, my chest, his sharp teeth catching my nipples, raising my urgency by the second.

  There would be no teasing this time, no raising the bar only to lower it. His arousal climbed, and I followed willingly. His panting breath caught. I felt the powerful clench of his muscles on my cock, and his groan of release was deep and guttural. His semen jetted hard, slipping between our already slick bodies. Feeling his seed on my skin was the last straw. White light flashed into black starlight, and I came.

  His hand clasped my ass as I bucked hard into his depths. He pulled me harder, deeper, and all concerns for his comfort fled. He was big, powerful, and was flying on that burnished edge of pain and pleasure. His body jerked again; this climax was dry and most likely painful in its intensity. We finished together, moaning and panting, our union sealed in sweat and seed and the blood that seeped from the scratches he’d furrowed into my skin.

  Griffin hadn’t needed to submit to prove he loved me; I’d known from our first time together. He’d needed to surrender to prove to himself that he could love and be loved in return. He’d given me his faith, and now his trust.

  Griffin had never surrendered completely to his lovers, not even to Suzan. He’d always held on to his control, and just now, Griffin’s control had shredded.

  The panting had become deep, chest-heaving sobs. He buried his face against my sweaty chest and trembled. All I could do was be there, stroke that thick dark hair away from his anguished face, and say nothing, because there was nothing to say.

  Griffin had surrendered to me and found that he was still powerful, whole, and unconquered. He’d learned that love wasn’t a contest. There wasn’t a victor. He’d surrendered to me, and in doing so, he’d won.

  Chapter Seventeen

  BEFORE I was prepared, we fell out of ID space. For the first time, I saw the distant, hazy blue image of the planet that was now my home.

  It was not as blue as my old home, nor as large. Yet the rugged little planet held untold riches and unlimited opportunity for those with courage and imagination. Thus far, it hadn’t been a kind place to my people. Luckily, I had the imagination. As a whole, we’d have the courage.

  We did a preliminary geo scan, mostly for my benefit. The planet was indeed abundant in water; underground lakes and aquafers trapped the precious resource under granite shelves deep below the surface. The rocky soil was balanced and fertile; it needed only irrigation and seed to make it come to life. Granted, I might feel differently once I set foot on the surface, but nothing could be as ugly as the red dust of Warlan.

  “Your Highness—”

  I shot a glare in Carlotta’s direction, and she pressed her lips tightly together. Judging by the fleeting appearance of a dimple on Griffin’s cheek, he found my reaction amusing.

  “In private, call me by my first name. We’re family.”

  Her eyes sparkled with humor. I was frightened of what was to come. Those two were excited. Joyful. I breathed deeply, letting calm descend over me. The chip had enforced passive feelings, but it had also provided me with coping techniques. I was no longer in need of anger control.

  “Helios. Carlotta’s ships have checked in. They’ll join us in orbit, if you approve.”

  I nodded.

  “Four of our own ships will be arriving within the hour. All are freighters carrying building supplies and goods. Another fourteen ships will be arriving over the next week. They’re currently collecting personnel who’ve been stationed at various outposts and planets.” Griffin handed me a tablet, with tables updating the ships and soldiers we were expecting. Several were on unmodified vessels and were still months away.

  “How long will it take to upgrade those ships?” I asked.

  “As long as it takes to convince Randall Scott to work his magic.” He grinned, a rather mean expression on his face.

  “What exactly is the deal with him and you?”

  Griffin’s face shuttered. “Not much to tell other than what I already told you. And I have some suspicions about the guy. He’s a monster, but a monster with a conscience.”

  “He’s a psychopath,” Carlotta said, her voice cold and angry. “I know he’s your pet madman, but at some point, he’s going to turn on you.”

  Griffin shook his head, started to say something, and then closed his

  “Have we made a deal with a devil, Grif?”

  He looked up at me and smiled sadly. “No deals, Helios. I make sure he’s got food and supplies. Our people are safer because of him. He’d go truly insane if he wasn’t occupied. And if that happens, I promise, he’ll be off that rock of his and out hunting.”

  Chills ran over my flesh.

  “Then use him, Griffin.” Carlotta stood up, turning to face us. “But the day he vanishes, it’s on you to hunt him down. And make no mistake, I’ll be with you to make sure you do the job right.”

  On that, she left the bridge, leaving us in the dim light, staring at each other. Outside, just coming into view, three ships hovered in formation. Within an hour, another arrived. By the end of the night cycle, we were eight. And we were going home.

  Carlotta returned. She’d showered, swept her hair back into a variegated braid, and had donned an all-black flight suit. I realized I was still ruffled and weary. Griffin needed a shave. We took turns in the tiny head, showering with water rather than waves. I dried my hair and wrapped a towel around my waist, sitting patiently as Griffin carefully braided the length of my hair into a complex braid.

  He was obviously the father of girls. He had a damned gentle hand. I closed my eyes, drifting away into relaxation, savoring the last hours and minutes of the journey. He wrapped his hand around my jaw, caressing my throat with the other, and trailed kisses over my eyelids, down my cheeks, finally settling on my lips.

  “I will always love you, Lio.”

  “You’d better.” I opened my eyes. “Always.” I put a touch of command in my voice and was gratified that he didn’t dispute my words. I’d wear him down eventually. In time, he’d have no choice but to believe what I’d told him. I’d given him up for my marriage. Later, for the priesthood and then for the planet.

  This time around, I’d never give him up again.

  “How are we going to coordinate this landing party?” It was time to step back to reality. Time to put my forces to work. I opened my eyes slowly, watching as the vulnerability on his face fled. He hardened, becoming the officer I knew so well.

  “There’s a plateau, it’s a safe distance from the settlement. It’s over a mile in width, longer on the approach. The freighters will go in first and deploy our forces. Carlotta’s ships will go in next, then our more agile ships. The Aida will go in last, with the three of us.”

  “Will they fight?”

  He sighed. “Our own soldiers will land first. We’ve got enough manpower and weaponry to discourage any attacks. But we’ll be bringing the Aida down here.” He picked up his tablet and showed me a diagram. The Aida would land closer to the settlement. “I want you front and center. We’ll be flanked by the Talisians, backed up by our own people.”

  I nodded. “A show of power, but not aggression.”


  We left the cabin and returned to the cockpit. Carlotta paced, her attention divided between us and the three ships. How long since she’d been among friends?

  Griffin continued. “A team will begin offloading supplies. Food, clothing, and building materials will go a long way toward allaying their fears.”

  There would be hundreds more to house and feed in a very short time—thousands as all the soldiers came home. I watched Carlotta and saw a play of emotion over her face. No doubt she hurt for her own people—for those who’d been exiled to space and for those who had been left behind. She met my gaze and smiled sadly, and for the first time I saw the queen that she should have been. The queen she would never be. There was tragedy in that beautiful face and disrupted future. But the time to ponder was at an end. She took the pilot’s seat, and Griffin settled into the navigator’s seat. And again, I was behind them, in the center. I watched as the first of the freighters moved forward, orbiting lower and lower, until it was only a blip on the screen. The second followed and then the third. When our turn came, I was ready.

  OUR WELCOMING committee was frightened and defensive, their weapons drawn on the well-armed soldiers arrayed to our sides and behind us. By unspoken agreement, I strode out front, clad in clothing Griffin had chosen for me: a long black vest over a white tunic emblazoned with a golden starburst. The crest of Astrum was etched into the heavy fabric of my vest, both front and back. Tall, soft black boots rose over my black trousers. My golden kilij hung at my side, all the claim to the throne that was necessary

  In all, it was stern, subdued, and sent a powerful message. One the councilmembers arrayed before me could not mistake. I was back, and I was taking power.

  Behind them, children were ragged and gaunt. Fear etched their faces into expressions far too old for their years. When the armed adults saw Griffin’s head towering behind me, their weapons were lowered in uncertainty.

  A woman broke from the crowd, and Carlotta stepped up, putting herself between me and the potential threat. She recognized my sister before I did and quickly stood down, a trio of her warriors moving to her side.


  As soon as I saw her, my cold anger fell away. I found myself wrapped not only in her arms, but in years and years of warmth and love. I held her tightly, feeling her tears soak into my shirt, feeling her hand groping, grabbing on to my braid.

  “Diedre,” I whispered, unable to squeeze anything else from my throat. She let go, stood back, and stared.

  “You’re so different….” She looked at the tail of hair that she still grasped and then cupped my cheek. “I have the feeling you have many stories to tell.” She was close enough to whisper.

  “Just one, and it isn’t for telling here.”

  She looked up at me, taking in the lined eyes, the smooth skin. “You are absolutely beautiful, but I get the feeling that you didn’t choose to look this way.”

  “You see too much, Dee.”

  Her eyes filled with tears.

  She was still lovely, still striking, but there were lines of fatigue around her eyes, and she was thinner than she should be.

  “Alexander… they wanted him to stay behind. He’s at the village with the priests. He’ll probably sneak away!” Her eyes were bright with tears and pride. “I told him he had my permission to disobey, just this once.”

  I nodded, glancing at the small crowd closing in on us. Alexander was heir to the kingship and still very young. It was only right that he’d be kept away from what could become an explosive situation. My men were healthy and armed, but the settlers numbered in the thousands. The small crowd was growing larger by the moment.

  To my back were Carlotta and Griffin and their soldiers; to my front were faces that were familiar yet unknown. One man approached, a look of angry disbelief on his face. His attention was on Griffin. A group of robust-looking men flanked him, their weapons at the ready. The council had organized their own militia. I felt fury again, righteous and hot.

  “Hawke, we sent you and Markus out with specific orders, which you failed to carry out. And now you’ve returned with a stranger as well as what appears to be a show of force. Explain yourself!”

  “Captain Hawke,” I corrected softly. The man glanced at me, then back at Griffin, who he took to be the greater threat.

  Griffin stepped up and stood next to me, so close that our arms brushed. The weapons of the villagers had come up once again, but I saw uneasy glances cast in my direction. There were whispers, furtive gestures.

  One voice carried on the air. “That’s King Helios! It is!” Whispers rose to murmurs, and within seconds, a soft roar was running through the crowd.

  A laser rifle clattered to the ground, followed by another, and then another. Before me, a man dropped to his knees. I recognized him but couldn’t recall his name. He reached up and clasped my hand. He was followed by another and then another. Hands pulled at my clothing, ran down my skin. They touched me, and I allowed it.

  Panic welled up inside me. What could I possibly do for these people? How was it that my very name brought desperate hope to their eyes?
Griffin squeezed my shoulder and then looked at the man who had challenged him.

  “Councilor Evan, my primary directive was to locate and return with King Helios. Indeed, it is the standing order of the entire military. I found him, and I thought it best to return with him immediately. I have also recalled all military units.”

  “Why didn’t you warn us? We’d have arranged a reception of some sort!” His face had gone red and shone with sweat. He still didn’t look at my face.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw the slight figure of a man break away and run toward where the settlement must lie. He was bearing the news of my return. Looking back at the councilman, I saw a glimmer of something in his expression… dismay? Fear?

  “Just coming home is enough, Councilor. And Captain Hawke was observing established protocol. It would have been unwise to announce my survival where the message could have been intercepted.” I kept my voice smooth and even, trying to reassure the crowd.

  “Where is Markus?” He addressed Griffin, pointedly ignoring me. It was not a particularly auspicious beginning with the council.

  Again, I answered. “Markus Dayspring broke the law on a planet known as Warlan. He was accused of attempting to murder an upstanding citizen and was captured in the act. His fate is grim. We’ll do our best to intervene on his behalf.” It was the truth, in a sense. I did intend to find my cousin and demand the truth. I needed to hear his confession of treason. I needed to hear that he’d collaborated with whoever arranged my enslavement.

  The records in my chip suggested that Markus had been among a small group of conspirators who’d helped to overthrow our kingdom and sold me into slavery. I still needed to hear it from him.

  The man went pale, and I heard several mutters from the crowd. Questions began to fill my mind. Where were all of the able-bodied men and women? Had they all been dispatched to space? Had the council conscripted them into an alternate defensive force?


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