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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

Page 18

by J P Sayle

  Martin’s words made his cock throb. “I want to watch. Touch your pretty cock for me.”

  Holy fuck. Brad’s hands obeyed as Martin stepped back, sitting down, watching his every move.

  Was he going to do this? Brad was disbelieving of his own behaviour, but he became fascinated as he followed Martin’s instructions. Martin’s fevered eyes had Brad’s cock jerking. He sped up, wanting to please him. Brad felt he was suffocating. Gulping past the passion, he could taste his own lust. He was not surprised he dripped like a broken tap. It made his fingers slide easily. Beyond caring, he felt the pressure build and his balls tighten. He whimpered. His skin prickled under his slick hands, which moved in time with the pulsing need.

  Bewitched, Brad watched Martin move and grab a bottle of olive oil. His eyes grew wide. What the heck?

  “Give me your hand.”

  Automatically, he pushed it forward, positive it wasn’t a request. Brad quaked at the commanding tone. His fingers shook as the words penetrated the haze of lust.

  “I want to be able to watch you glide your hand up and down that pretty cock.”

  Directions. He was good at directions, so why couldn’t he follow what Martin was saying? Shaking his head, he tried to concentrate. He knew things were just getting interesting, judging by the amount of oil seeping through his fingers. The tap on his cheek made him slide his eyes up, past the rather large bulge. Gulping down the pooling saliva, Brad imaged what it would be like to taste Martin. Brad tried to focus on what Martin was saying.

  “Pay attention, baby. We are just getting to the fun stuff.”

  Any more fun and Brad was sure he would combust.

  “Work your hand up and down that very pretty cock. Slick it up real good. We don’t want you neglecting any part, now would we?”

  Brad shuddered at Martin’s evil leer. Complying, he really felt resisting seemed futile when his cock waved like a white flag in surrender. The oil dripped on to the floor unnoticed. The oil and his warm palm made him reel. His hand slowed as nerve endings burst to life, careening him towards the inevitable.

  “Stand up now.”

  The abruptness of the statement had him moving to obey. His cock bumped against his stomach as if nodding in agreement.

  “Pull your pants down and your underwear so I can see all of you.” The growl was hard to understand, but the intensity spoke volumes.

  As if drugged, Brad was becoming addicted to the rush. Like riding a bike with no brakes, unsure what will happen once you run out of the road but unwilling to put your feet down anyway.

  Impatiently, Martin yanked his clothes down to his ankles. Brad’s vision blurred. The air wheezed out of his lungs when Martin’s firm fingers gripped his cock. Had anything ever felt so good? Brad’s knees buckled as he tried to right himself. His axis felt faulty. It must be. Everything seemed upside down. How can that be? His eyes drifted closed. Nope. That didn’t help.

  Martin’s hand touching him intensified his whole world down to that one spot. He gasped as the roughened skin moved over his body, adding to the sensory overload and making Brad free-fall towards the finish line. Mewling in distress at the thought of it ending, he stood transfixed and watched the head of his cock disappear under large fingers. Pain gripped his sac as it rode hard into his body as Martin’s slick fingers caressed lower. Trembling, Brad grabbed onto the chair as he wobbled.

  The alarming growl made his eyes dart towards Martin.

  “Oh. What have we here? What a lovely surprise.” Martin’s hand slithered over his sac, pulling his balls down. “You shave or wax your balls, baby? So smooth. You’re full of little surprises.”

  The devilish gleam did nothing to calm Brad’s racing pulse, as words fled at what followed.

  “Do you like to play with yourself, baby? Feel the smooth skin under your fingers as you play. Do you want to play for me?”

  Brad found his head nodding as if on springs. The telly advert for car insurance flashed into his mind. Dogs’ heads bobbing in agreement, manically smiling. He was convinced he was doing the same. But he was too far gone to care. His hips jerked with each pull, tug, and caress. The latter driving Brad insane. It was not nearly enough but also too much.

  He could feel his hair sticking to his face with the strain. Air whistled past his lips. The slick, slick noises made him wither. Fuck, it sounded so dirty it was going to make him detonate. Feeling he was on the countdown, Brad tunnelled harder through Martin’s tight grip. The heat and friction made him burn. Brad whimpered as strong fingers slid under his sac. Rivulets of sweat slid down his back, seeping into the crack of his arse as if pointing out what was about to happen. He clenched as oily fingers stroked his hole. Dazed eyes looked for something to stay afloat.

  “Hold tight to the chair, baby.”

  Gripping the chair for dear life, Brad felt hot, slicked fingers press against his pucker. He bucked as sensations tempted him to push back. Brad could see the sweat drip from his chin to the floor, mixing with the oil. He was making a mess. The thought skittered through him making him chuckle before a needy moan filled the air.

  He withered, and his body shook as a finger breached his rim. The burn made him shudder. It was increasing his urge to push back, though he wasn’t sure if he was allowed. Brad listened to his instincts and let Martin lead.

  The grip on his cock increased. Heat spread inside him as Martin pushed against something that lit him up like a Christmas tree. The shocking feeling left him breathless. What the fuck was that? Surely he didn’t have a spark plug up his ass. He quivered as electricity sparked. His body jerked, unsure which way it wanted to move. His pucker clenched, frightened of losing its new-found toy. Why had it never been like this before?

  Relief shone, so immense it flowed as it was released from its dam. Reaffirming it, Martin touched that spot again. “What the fuck is that?” Brad howled his need for all to hear.

  Martin’s chuckle ghosted his skin. “Your prostate, baby. It feels so good, right?”

  As if to emphasise, Martin rubbed firmly. Brad’s eyes rolled back into his head as his body took over. Rocking with force against the hands that were working their magic, Brad lost himself in a world of pleasure. The scent of pre-cum increased; it intoxicated.

  Unaware, Brad’s legs buckled under the pleasure. Martin’s hot, spicy breath felt heavy, coating his inflamed cheeks as lips tantalised his.

  “Lie over the chair, baby.”

  Brad blinked, trying to clear his mind. That would expose his arse. Could he do that? Uncertainty rushed forward, shouting. Unsure what his face said, reassurance met his ears.

  “That’s it. Such a good boy for me.”

  Lulled by Martin’s reassurance, almost languid, Brad lay down without a murmur of protest. Warmth filled him. He felt safe, protected. His own vulnerability didn’t scare him as Martin encased him. The dark woody scent was soothing, even as it aroused. All there was Martin. Firm hands kneaded, oddly relaxing, unclenching. Brad melted into the chair. Only to have those questing fingers seek out its target. His butt cheeks clenched in anticipation. Martin prised his cheeks apart, making him bury his face in his hands. He felt the heat burn his hands.

  No one had ever been this close to his arse before. Was it hairy? When was the last time he’d waxed? Groaning, mortification complete, unprepared, he scooted forward, nearly overbalancing as the tip of a warm wet tongue touched his rim. Shit the bed, he had to look like a beetroot with his face on fire.

  The next flick took his breath. “Oh God, oh Christ, please, please.” He panted, and garbled words flew from his lips as Martin ate him like he was his favourite meal. The sounds of slurping were loud and so filthy, alerting anyone as to what they were doing.

  The grip on his hips increased. He wriggled so hard he could barely contain his body on the chair. The snarl was easy to interpret as fingers flexed, holding tight. As he felt Martin’s tongue breach him, Brad’s shout propelled like a grenade. “Please, yes, that. Oh God, I need it s
o bad.” Sobbing breaths pushed past his dry lips. He was oblivious to everything but Martin’s tongue. Frantic for more, gyrating, he pushed harder against Martin’s face. Brad felt he’d leave a bruise on Martin’s face he was grinding so hard, but he couldn’t find it in him to care.

  Need mixed with a whole load of want sat in the driver’s seat. The urge to look for his seat belt was overwhelming as his arms flailed, looking for anything to hold. Begging, he was past coherent straight to insanity. “Help me.” His throat was hoarse. The words barely a whisper. Brad felt utterly lost when Martin’s fingers joined the party, sliding in easily after all his effort with his tongue.

  The spank was so unexpected heat spread down his channel straight to his cock, spurting its approval on the floor. His galloping pulse made his head pound. He was distracted as two fingers breached him. The burn so welcome, taking the edge off, letting him breathe. As if aware, Martin spanked his bottom in the same spot several times—hard and fast. Heat exploded as fast as his breath. Greedy gulps were not helping. He felt as if he was running a marathon.

  Mesmerised, Brad floated, feeling himself drift on fluffy clouds, leaving nothing but the pleasure as it lapped sensually against his body and mind. A dreamy sigh escaped, contrasting with the sharp sounds of slapping.

  Wet heat, so unexpected, caressed the head of his cock. The suction pulled him over the brink. His hips thrust, and his cock bashed Martin’s teeth with force, but he didn’t stop. Brad’s piercing scream sounded thunderous to his sensitive ears as cum ripped from his cock. Face frozen in agony as the pleasure tormented. Life is changing. He was never going to be the same again. He rippled against the chair as the breeze cooled the air.

  Turning stunned eyes to the open door, he jerked at the accusing eyes staring back at him. Cringing at the heat for a whole different reason, Brad shivered. Burying his head in his hands, he felt Martin pull back. Huffing in frustration, Brad wiggled off the chair. His legs were not quite steady, but at least they held him up. Brad breathed a sigh of relief before yanking up his boxers and pants, not making eye contact with either Princess or Martin.

  He realised the music had stopped, and the silence now seemed deafening. Having nothing to compare to, he hopped from foot to foot. Decision made, he marched to the patio door on stiff legs, grabbing Princess. Turning, Brad chewed his lip. “Emm…. err…. thanks for dinner and err, well, emm… that…. err, you know.”

  Brad cheeks glowed, but his eyes were defiant as a chuckle escaped Martin’s wet lips. Scowling, Brad stalked to the front door. He felt Martin’s fiery stare as he moved. His body was screaming for him to turn back, but he kept going. Escape was paramount. Begging was not good when you didn’t know what it was you were begging for anyway. Shaking his head at his random thoughts, he grabbed the door handle with trembling hands. Words stopped him dead in his tracks.

  “Well, that was unexpected, and you were spectacular. Your taste is so sweet that even your cock has a hint of cherries. It’s like a little fruity gift. You are such a naughty baby, mmm.”

  Warmth encased Brad as a nose nuzzled into his hair, inhaling. Instantly relaxing back, he let Martin hold his weight. Relief kicked hard against his gut. The warmth grew, lessening his anxiety.

  Embarrassment gripped him as his cock jerked at the waft of cum on Martin’s breath. It made his mouth water for a taste. Brad turned his head away from Martin, mortified at his naughty thoughts.

  Martin laughed out loud. “You’re a little bit late to be embarrassed now after I had my hands and tongue all over your junk.”

  Brad stuttered, “Emm… thanks again. I am just going to take Princess home. Thanks for the… err, erm… well, for everything.” Sure a firefighter was better equipped to deal with the heat staining his cheek, he struggled for the right words.

  Martin interrupted, “It’s okay. Go on home. I will be away for a few days in London. I want you to think about us. What that means.” The tone brooked no argument.

  Elation spread like wildfire and he flashed Martin a smile.

  “Have you got a mobile?”

  Brad nodded not sure where this was going.

  “Give me your number, and I will text or ring you tomorrow when I have completed my business. If that’s all right?” Grabbing paper of the hall table as he spoke, Martin offered it toBrad.

  The loud meow had him glancing at the forgotten, and now very angry, Princess. “Could you write it down?” Brad asked as looked at Martin. He lifted Princess, showing his predicament.

  There were chuckles coming from Martin as he moved to the table. He crouched and started to scrible something on the paper.

  Nuzzling Princess’s neck, Brad attempted to apologise. As she turned her head away, Brad sighed, feeling aggrieved.

  “Okay, give it to me.”

  Looking back to Martin and reciting his number, he moved closer to check he wrote it down correctly. He reassured himself that he wasn’t foolish. People made mistakes all the time. Martin handed him a piece of paper. On which he had his name and several number printed in bold script.

  Martin shrugged. “Just in case you need to contact me for anything, those are all my numbers.”

  The pink hue in his cheeks was endearing. He was pleased he wasn’t the only one awash with embarrassment. Brad pocketed the paper. Not overthinking it, Brad turned back to the door. “Well, I will speak to you soon.” The question was clear. Hesitating, Brad looked back. The nod relieved the jittery feeling floating around inside. Brad acknowledged the nod before opening the door. Before he could step out, a hand halted him.

  Searching Martin’s face, he was hit by a sudden thought. He wanted to kiss him goodbye. Eagerness took hold, making Brad’s body move before his mind could register. Martin’s lips were amazing. Just like plush cushions you just wanted to sink into. How had he not noticed before? Plump, soft lips pushed against his, the fullness brushing lightly. Tingling sensations had his lips parting, inviting Martin to take what he wanted.

  The sudden swipe of a paw against his cheek caught him off guard, and he jumped back. Princess screeched in alarm. Brad looked sheepish when the giggle escaped. His hand fluttered across Princess’s fur, soothing.

  “Sorry. I better go. Good night.”

  Brad wanted to huff at the loss. But instead, he felt bemused as he rubbed at the buzzing in his lips.


  Princess chuckled, her eyes glinting in the darkness. She shuffled her body, curling into the warmth of the fleece blanket. Her chuckle sounded almost human. That couldn’t have gone better. Stage two went so much better than expected.

  She was hardly able to contain her excitement after poking her head through the door. Her little body had nearly combusted. It was years since she had witnessed that kind of excitement. She’d almost forgotten what humans did to each other. Brad and Martin had ensured her education was back up to date.

  She fanned her paw in front of her nose. Phew, had it gotten hot in that kitchen. The need to give them privacy had been a little more difficult than she wanted to admit. Well, a girl needed a little entertainment. Plus, she was hungry. She tried to be as quiet as possible. It was like being in the pictures. Something hot to eat and something equally as hot to watch, only entry was free.

  The interruption at the door, well, that was a little mischievous, but the heat between them had almost melted the fur right off her back. And at her age, that wasn’t a good thing. She was so attuned to Brad, knowing he was a little overwhelmed when the sex-induced haze had evaporated, she decided to help him out.

  Be mean, keep them keen sprang to mind. Not sure who said that originally, but it still held true. Princess rubbed her tiny bottom on the fleece as she settled.

  A smile lightened her deep blue eyes as she watched Brad shift on the bed. Brad’s arse didn’t appear to be all that comfortable as he squirmed again. She’d bet it still smarted from the spanking. Serves him right.

  She needed to tread with care, not wanting Brad to pull back. Espec
ially as she had sat in that bloody tree house for hours waiting for Brad to realise she had disappeared. Martin locking the side gate had been a bonus working in her favour. Brad had been so angry when she wouldn’t come out of the tree. It was comical. He had even stamped his foot. He had not wanted to go back in without her to protect him from Martin.

  Yes, things were heading in the right direction. If she had a map, she couldn’t have done better. The heat between the two of them would make things easier for her. The urge to rush pushed at Princess. Sometimes waiting just caused more complications. The justification was lost in the sound of her mother’s voice.

  “Princess, you know the rules. You can’t interfere with fate.”

  Burying her head in her paws, she crossed them over her nose. Her whiskers twitched as Princess ignored the voice. She wanted Brad to be happy. Brad had spouted off in the past about not wanting to be dominated by anyone ever again. The little show tonight most definitely proved him wrong. When it came to sexy time, he certainly liked a little domination.

  It was a shame Martin was going away for a few days. Hopefully, there would be contact now they had exchanged numbers. Princess needed to push a little at Martin now. Her mother was the best person for this. Her agreement was reluctant, but she would help with step three. Having to be satisfied with that, Princess closed her eyes, dreaming of things no little pussycat should. Hoping the next encounter would be just as hot.


  Martin looked out the window, scowling. It was so fucking bleak with the winter still clinging. People moved like scattered ants chasing nothing, only to repeat. He’d only been in London several hours, and he was wishing he was home. More shockingly, he’d struggled to leave.

  His tiredness battled with a headache that was squeezing his brain out of his eyes. London had always excited him. What had changed?


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