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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

Page 27

by J P Sayle

  “No, baby. We do this my way. I am in charge. It’s only a cock ring to stop you from coming without my permission.”

  Mesmerised by the thought, he mourned the loss of just letting go. He’d been so close. Brad reiterated his need, ensuring Martin understood how close he’d been.

  “I was so close.”

  Chuckling floated over Brad’s ass. “Yes, I know, baby, and that’s why I used the ring. I promise this will make it so much better. Let me show you.”

  Huffing, Brad lay back down, remembering how Martin had barely touched him, and he turned him inside out. Resigned, he offered up his arse. Words reaffirmed his decision.

  “There’s a good baby. You won’t be sorry. I am going to give you everything you need.”

  Pleasure had Brad preening, driving in recklessly and wanting what Martin offered now and forever.


  Brad’s submission was breathtaking. Preparing Brad gave him time to get a grip on himself. The cock ring sat snuggly, highlighting the smoothness of his sac and making Martin’s cock throb. Trembling with the violence of his feelings, he was desperate to ravage, plunder, and pillage Brad. His hangover hardly registered. The shower, pain meds, along with the coffee had done their job. Brad had done the rest.

  Brad’s temper had aroused him to the point of pain, though the jealousy demonstrated Martin wasn’t alone with his feeling. Every word Brad had shouted inflamed him, driving his need higher.

  Brad’s anger made Martin’s whole body palpate. Hell, Martin’s lust breaking its leash had removed the choice for both of them. But Brad stepping forward showed how brave he was, each step telling him this was what he wanted.

  Needy moans brought his attention back to the firm body undulating against his soft cotton sheets. Martin automatically soothed, and he kneaded the smooth, firm muscles. His honeyed cheeks showed where he needed to avoid. A small smile escaped at the thought of Brad wanting to please him. Listening to what he liked and then going to the extremes it would seem to give it to him. Shit, Brad’s screech had practically stopped his heart when he’d bounced straight off the bed. He was grateful that he hadn’t hurt him. How could he reward him?

  The devilish glint unseen flashed as he moved forward. The pale pink pucker slicked with Martin’s saliva glistened. Wanting more, he lent in his tongue and explored the hairless silky smooth skin. His stubble abraded Brad’s delicate skin making it pink up. He increased the friction so he could enjoy the effects. Brad’s greedy groans and thrusting hips told him everything. Firmly gripping his hips, Martin spread Brad’s legs as far as they would go. He feasted as the intoxicating ripeness mixed with Brad’s musk.

  Stopping, Martin drizzled lube over Brad’s pucker, watching it clench as the cold liquid pooled. Holding him open and using the tip of his finger he rubbed, teasing the rim of muscles. He felt Brad clench, wanting more.

  “Oh, oh please, push it in.”

  The begging whine was followed by a punch from his hips, pushing Martin’s finger deeper, sliding into his silky tightness. Craving more, he pushed his finger deeper, feeling the heat magnify. Going slow, he lent in and traced Brad’s rim with his tongue, easing the way for his finger. Martin groaned against Brad’s backside as he felt his own cock pounding a tattoo onto his abdomen and a darker musky flavour exploded over his tongue. Sliding his tongue in alongside his finger, he struggled to resist the urge to come unaided.

  Brad thrust back, smashing Martin’s face into his butt, driving Martin’s lust higher. He considered Brad might not be the only one in need of a bloody cock ring, Martin was frightened to touch his cock. Instead he gripped his balls tight. The ache was welcome. It had the urge subside, allowing Martin to refocus on Brad. Martin pulled back again, wiping his mouth. Needing another minute to calm down, he watched Brad’s bottom wiggle. The urge to spank was hard to resist.

  Giving in, Martin spanked him hard and fast. He pushed his remaining finger deeper, searching for Brad’s prostate. Brad wailed as his body went rigid. The sound of laboured breathing filled the air. Martin was unsure whose. He rubbed Brad’s hot spot mercilessly, knowing it would drive him wild. He was rewarded when Brad undulated mindlessly, babbling, his eyes rolling back. He thrust faster, wanting to take him higher.

  “Do you like that, baby? Do you like me licking your tight hole, filling your arse, stretching you for me, spanking you?”

  Brad withered harder. The filthy words drove them both to the brink. Needing to taste again, he pulled Brad’s cock free, and he noticed Brad’s desire had saturated the cotton under him. Martin nibbled on the head of Brad’s flushed cock with teasing teeth.

  Martin’s teeth clacked together when Brad forcefully pushed back. Checking his teeth, Martin laughed at his eagerness, but he was in charge. Looking at Brad’s wiggling arse, he didn’t resist spanking Brad until his backside glowed with his red handprints.

  “Now, baby, you have to behave. Pushing like that could have gotten you bitten.”

  Breathy moans muffled the muttered words. “You’re trying to kill me! I’m going to die.”

  Listening, Martin snorted. Bending forward, Martin’s hot breath flowed over Brad’s sensitive cock making him shudder. Martin growled his approval. “Well, dying is not on the agenda. We could try overloading you on pleasure. Now, that may just be the best way to go. So let’s see how overloaded we can get you.”

  Brad’s sobbing mewl was music to his ears. It showed him how much Brad was with him in reaching the end of this lust-driven race. Smiling, he engulfed Brad’s cock. Sucking hard, he set up a punishing rhythm. Martin used his finger to push deep into Brad’s slick channel, seeking to drive him wild. Craving more, he eased in another slowly, not wanting to hurt. He waited for the muscles to release before speeding back up. His tongue teased Brad’s slit. Bitter saltiness mixed with Brad’s unique flavour burst into his mouth. Moaning, Martin sucked harder. He wanted more. He was distracted by the smooth skin rubbing against his cheeks. Brad’s beautiful sac beckoned, making him release Brad’s rock-hard cock.

  Slick lips explored lower, sucking both balls into his mouth. Their warmth heated his tongue. Martin nuzzled into the base of his cock. He inhaled deep, all but salivating as his senses became engulfed in Brad’s musty scent. He could eat him whole. There was nothing he didn’t love.

  Brad’s impatient movements told Martin he’d reached his limit. Brad’s hands clung on. The contrast of stark-white knuckles against the deep red cover showed how tight he was holding. Sobs wracked his body as if he were in pain. His undulating body sought what it needed.

  Martin felt his control snap. His need no longer tethered under such extreme want. His hands trembled as he grabbed a condom. The opposite of what he wanted, but that was for a discussion at another time. He reassured himself he would get to feel Brad without anything between them.

  The condom felt too tight to his oversensitive skin. Martin worked fast, spreading slick into Brad. The indescribable heat gripped as he pushed his fingers into his silky channel, making his sac hug hard into his body. Martin prayed he could last a few more seconds. Heat seared through the thin latex as he sank past the tight rim. Groaning, he watched Brad as breathy whimpers escaped, his face scrunched. Knowing it wouldn’t take long for the pain to morph into pleasure, he was unable to look away. Stroking deeper, he inched in slowly. He knew Brad would be feeling the burn. The urge to thrust was nearly impossible to control as his fingers gripped Brad’s hips. He held him still as fingers marked him.

  He gasped past the urge—fucking hell, he’d nearly come. Un-fucking-believable. Christ, he was acting like a teenager unable to control himself. Knowing it was now or never, he moved slowly and pushed into the tightest channel he’d ever felt. Martin watched as his sweat dripped onto Brad’s sweat-soaked skin. Air whooshed out and filled the silence as Martin’s hips settled against Brad. The squeeze so painful he was positive his eyes had crossed. But God almighty, it felt wonderful. The sizzling heat made his nerve endings buzz a
nd ache with need.

  A hardly decipherable low-pitched rumble motivated him. “Please move, oh, oh please you need to move.”

  Martin could feel his pulse thundering through his veins as his hips thrust before he could fully comprehend the words. “Oh, I am going to make you scream, baby. It’s going to hurt so good that you’ll scream. So loud the whole neighbourhood will know how good you feel.” Necessity drove the words out, demanding so much more from Brad.

  Slapping rang as the bed creaked in distress. “Such a good baby. Look at you, taking what I give you. All mine. Say it!” Gravel need rasped past gritted teeth. “Say it.” Pushing harder, he needed confirmation. Martin pounded faster. Sweat stung as it dripped into his eyes, then onto Brad. Only this time it slid towards his crease. Eyes followed the path, and he was unable to resist bending forward to lick where he could reach. Their mixed taste built the insanity inside him.

  His animalistic tone didn’t frighten Brad, instead he babbled, “Yes, yours, only yours.”

  Seeing Brad’s dazed eyes roll at the pleasure caused a feral snarl to burst out of Martin. Brad’s final agreement shredded Martin’s remaining humanity. His vision blurred, and sweat-soaked hands fumbled under Brad, releasing the cock ring. Their bodies quaked, and ragged breaths filled the air. His balls pulled hard as cum jettisoned into the condom, claiming Brad as his.

  Hands reached under Brad, and Martin pulled back only to find his fingers covered in cum. Harsh chuckles escaped at the thought of Brad coming untouched. Martin could feel the adrenaline wearing off. Pulling out of Brad, he collapsed on the bed, careful not to crush him.

  Turning, he could see Brad tremble with tiny aftershocks. Martin’s arms felt like spaghetti as he struggled to lift to check Brad’s lifeless form. Air whistled past Brad’s open lips as it was sucked in, in greedy gulps.

  “You all right, baby?”

  A choked sigh was the only response.

  The glazed expression had him smirking in satisfaction. Settling back, he let his thundering heart slow down. Fuck, he was knackered. Brad was better than any gym membership. He hadn’t worked this hard in years. Unsure his legs would hold him, Martin contemplated the need to clean up. He decided he needed a couple more minutes.

  He winced when he finally moved. He removed the condom as he stood up. Okay, maybe not quite steady. He staggered to the bathroom and grabbed a cloth. He stopped in the doorway and let his eyes roam over Brad. He lay sprawled face down with legs hanging off the bed. His arse was glowing under the hazy lights that created rainbows across his slicked, honeyed skin. Swamped by his earlier need to own and possess, he fisted his hands at the thought of someone else touching him. The scars stood out in stark contrast. It was funny how he hadn’t paid them any mind earlier. He acknowledged his overriding need blinded him to everything, but now that it had abated, he could see each mark. Blending, years of abuse were evident in those puckered ridges.

  Rage seared, making bile burn his throat. Swallowing, he breathed deeply. The lingering smell of sex and cherries made him focus on what they had together. Now he just needed to convince this beautiful man he was more than his scars.

  Martin walked back to the bed. Easing down next to Brad, he gently cleaned his skin. Martin could feel the awareness seep back when muscles tensed under his hands.

  “Shush, it’s fine. I didn’t even notice them. All I could see was you. All I could feel was a driving need for you, baby. They make no difference to me, the scars.” Words floated against the rucked skin as Martin pressed his lips to each one. Exploring and attempting to show how he felt, he hopefully removed any doubt. He didn’t miss one. Brad’s muscles tensed with each caress, then slowly released until he lay languid across the bed.

  Not rushing, his tongue stroked. Then he blew cool air to tease the skin, loving each tiny shiver that rippled through him. Scars forgotten as pleasure took hold, Martin swore to himself he would treasure Brad forever. Sprawled, Brad jiggled his hips as Martin’s lips touched his side.

  “Eww, I’ve just rubbed against the wet patch.”

  Brad’s pitiful glance had a barking laugh releasing. Martin laughed harder at the mock glare.

  “Come on, we’ll go and have a shower.”

  He pulled Brad with him, but Brad’s shyness had his eyes looking away.

  “I don’t think I can stand. My legs are wobbly.”

  Grabbing hold and lifting, Martin cradled Brad to his chest. His steps faltered as Brad lashes fluttered against his neck.

  “Is it always like this? Will it be like this every time?” The earnest words had him hugging Brad closer. His emotions flooded his heart.

  “It can be with the right partner, and yes, I think it will always be like this between us.” Lifting Brad’s chin, Martin made sure he could see his eyes to show he was telling the truth. “It’s not just sex when your emotions are involved. It deepens the experience. You could feel it, couldn’t you, the connection?”

  Brad nodded, dimples winked as he offered up his lips for a kiss. Resisting the urge to sigh, Martin knew he was doomed if Brad ever found out what that woeful expression did to him. Convinced he was leaving a puddle of melted emotions behind, he gave in.

  Plush lips teased Brad’s lower lip, making small whimpers caress Martin’s senses. His tongue stroked deeper, seeking the familiar ripe cherry taste. Pleasure slid towards desire as their lips clung. He allowed Brad to take charge, letting his tongue thrust, claiming Martin’s. The bold move had Martin’s cock twitching and raising to half-mast. Brad sagged against him. His hands explored, awakening him fully. Fingers pinched at his nipples and tugged the gold bars.

  Breathless, Martin pulled back. “If we carry on like this, we will not get out of this room anytime soon.”

  Martin felt Brad moving, showing his frown. Concern had him pulling back. “Why the big frown?”

  Brad’s cheeks heated a second before he burrowed his head into Martin’s neck. Hot breath washed over his neck as Brad finally answered.

  “Well, I was thinking round two might be great right about now, but my arse is not quite in agreement with my brain, it would appear.” The mumbling took a moment to register.

  Martin roared with laughter. He loved the merriment that danced in Brad’s eyes. He encouraged Brad to wrap his legs around his waist.

  “Come on, let’s get clean.” Martin gave Brad a sly smile. “Maybe we can have round two in the shower, which doesn’t involve your sore arse, baby.”

  Brad pouted. His lower lip poking out was hard to resist. Martin lowered, sucking and biting it. He became distracted by hands that were wandering over his body. Brad again took control, grinding his cook while tugging the tiny bars in Martin’s sensitive nipples. “Shower now.” The husky snarl was hardly recognisable.

  As they stepped into the shower, Brad wouldn’t let go. Arms clung like ivy snaking everywhere. Missing nothing, Brad’s fingers tormented. His hot, wet mouth got in on the action as he licked up his neck, lighting Martin’s very short fuse.

  “You’re playing with fire, baby.” He felt the heat scorch his body. Martin’s needy tone told Brad how desperate he was getting. Tilting his head, he gave Brad access. Brad continued his path to what Martin felt would be his destruction. Unsure when he had lost control, or how he’d created a monster. Teeth raked his neck, and he straggled to drag air in. Brad attacked, biting harder. His fingers twisted and tugged at Martin’s piercings. Martin’s legs juddered as he fought to remain standing. The pain took him to the edge far too quickly, and he was shocked by the strength of his arousal.

  Brad’s innocence was gone. It seemed to be replaced by a nymphomaniac. Brad slithered against him. Electrifying him till the hairs on his body stood as erect as his cock, which buried itself between Brad’s arse cheeks, tunneling, begging for attention. Too far gone to stop, he whimpered as Brad clenched his arse and set up a furious rhythm while creating delicious friction. Relentlessly his cock throbbed. Pain pulled him under as Brad bit his nipple. Knees
buckled as he ejaculated over the shower floor.

  Swaying, Martin pinned Brad to the tiles. He devoured his mouth, using the wall to hold them both up. Gasping, he breathed in the hot steamy air. He rested his forehead against the cool tile. He was wrecked. His control became obliterated. Martin was stunned into silence. What the fuck had just happened?


  Holy fuck, Brad was stunned speechless. He could feel cum dripping down his legs. Steamy heat caressed as Martin devoured his mouth. Where had this wanton creature been hiding? Chewing Martin’s plush lips, he ground his own arousal against Martin’s hard thigh. Even though his arse ached, he wanted more. Now! Gripping hard, he yanked Martin’s hair and pulled him closer.

  God, it was not enough. Brad whimpered, chasing Martin’s lips when he pulled away. Martin’s tormented smile weakened his body.

  Brad couldn’t resist. “That was hot.”

  Martin’s husky approval threw wood on the blazing fire that raged inside Brad. “It was more than hot. It was intense, baby. I don’t remember ever doing that before. You slay me.”

  Brad’s eyes gleamed when Martin’s husky laughter mixed with steamy heat. Catching his breath, he was disappointed when Martin put him down. He chewed his lip, unsure what he should do now.

  “Wash me clean, as you seem to have got me all dirty with your naughtiness.”

  Brad clutched the cloth like a lifeline as anticipation made him breathless at being able to touch anywhere he wanted. Saliva pooled in his mouth at the deliciousness in front of him. His hands shook in wonderment and made his stomach flip-flop at the thought of starting. Past encounters had allowed him little time to explore Martin’s body. Christ, he’d missed so much. How had he ever thought that he wasn’t interested?

  He was a sexual being with needs, it appeared. He just needed the right person. Now it appeared he couldn’t get enough. He was hesitant. Where to start? His eyes adored the large expanse of drool-worthy muscles. His fingers moved undirected as the need to touch overwhelmed him. Lust pulsed as his cock bounced against his stomach, but he ignored it. He didn’t want to waste the opportunity, not when there was so much fun to explore.


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