The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set Page 30

by J P Sayle

  Martin’s questions about the large boulders that sat at the bottom of the cliffs had them stopping. Brad explained the weather, along with the sea, had created the perfect combination for coastline erosion. The sand and clay cliffs were no defence against nature. Brad expounded the government had placed the large boulders in certain places to reduce the impact. Not that he felt it was making much difference when you looked at how close the erosion was to some of the houses on the cliff.

  He pointed. “There used to be an old mill about where we are standing now. I think I remember it from my childhood, though I’m not sure. Anyway, it fell into the sea around twenty-odd years ago due to the erosion. I think that may have been when the government had started using the large boulders.” He shouted the last words as the wind picked up, stealing his breath. He used hands to signal they should turn round.

  Brad’s eyes stung with sea spray and sand that danced on the air, as if fighting for supremacy. He felt the energy of the air hum against his gritty skin. He was almost disappointed to leave as he pushed through his secret gate. Though now he was out of the wind, he was grateful to be able to catch a sand-free breath. He loved it, but when it was wild, it sure as hell made it difficult to walk on flying sand.

  He felt Martin step into his back, adding much-welcome heat. Brad glanced back, words dying at the passionate desire in Martin’s expression. Brad swallowed past the ball of lust that had his cock jerk to life. They moved quickly towards Martin’s home in silence.

  Brad could feel his palms dampen with sweat as he thought about the bag he had brought over. He had no intention of leaving tonight. If Martin wanted him to leave, he was going to have to throw him out bodily. Brad had been gutted last night when he’d left. Feeling unsettled that Martin was so close, but yet he felt so far away. Having discussed it in depth with Princess, they’d agreed. Well, he had, but he was sure she agreed they should sleep in the same bed as Martin tonight. Brad had never experienced that with anyone, and he was now desperate to try it with Martin.

  Head buzzing, he cast a look at Martin feeling like a dork when he blushed. “Sorry, what did you say?”

  Martin’s amused smirk had his cheeks heating further. “I said, I think we will do dessert upstairs. Especially as you will be part of my dessert plans.”

  The husky threat made Brad shudder. Oh sweet Jesus. He started sweating, and his heart rate picked up trying to escape his chest. He blinked rapidly. How was he supposed to answer? Watching Martin retreat to his kitchen, all Brad could think was what a work of art his arse was. Hard, firm muscles filled his Levis to perfection. Brad let his eyes roam. Martin’s back muscles rippled under the black T-shirt that hugged like a second skin. Lips tingled at the memory of licking, tasting Martin’s body. Brad’s tongue snaked out, wetting his dry lips.

  Martin returned, carrying two plates. His devilish smile seared Brad with the intention he could see in their depths.

  “Come on, baby. It’s dessert time.” The growl had Brad moving double time.

  Martin’s next words had desire pooling in his groin. “Strip. Now.”

  Brad already felt on the edge. Oh God. But he rushed to comply with the snarled command. Excitement sizzled between them when Martin guided Brad to the bed, positioning him. Brad’s mouth dried as he let Martin tie his limbs to the bed. Brad wondered where Martin had got all this stuff from or who he’d used it on.

  The thoughts had his anxiety try to rear its ugly head, but Martin’s constant touch helped. Brad focused on the fact that he trusted Martin not to hurt him. Each caress reduced the buzzing in his head but didn’t stop the intensity that built between them. The air felt electrifying. Brad felt its touch when tiny hairs stood to attention. It increased with everything Martin produced. No matter how his pulse thundered in fear, his leaking cock gave away his excitement.

  Brad shuddered when his cock pulsed against his stomach, waving hello at Martin and trying to draw attention to Brad’s desperate need for touch. Not expecting the cold that hit his sensitive nipples, Brad shivered, then moaned in delight when the cold penetrated his skin. His nipples beaded as Martin smeared him with the chocolate dessert. Brad knew he was in trouble when the restraints held him firmly against the mattress. Unable to push into Martin’s touch.

  The smirk Martin gave him told him that that had been his plan all along. Groaning at the heightened need, Brad still tried to push into Martin’s touch.

  Martin spoke, fueling the fire inside Brad. “I think my dessert would taste better if I ate it off you. Then when I have had my fill of both you and the dessert.” He paused. Brad watched Martin bend seconds before wet heat engulfed his nipple. Hot breath ghosted over his chilled skin as he drew back.

  “Then you can eat yours off me.”

  He barely comprehended Martin’s husky words as his hot mouth descended again, caresses revving lust to breaking point. Brad’s limbs felt heavy as sensations bombarded. Martin’s hot, wet tongue slid the chilled dessert across his naked body. Chilling and heating simultaneously, plush lips devoured everything in their path, driving him wild.

  “I need you to stay still, baby. We don’t want to make a mess.” Martin chided him, but all Brad could take in was the vibrating lips that had his nipples painfully hard. The combination made his cock jerk and soak him in its attempt to fire for Martin.

  How the fuck was he supposed to stay still? “Oh Christ,” He groaned. Breath rushed out as chilled chocolate spread across his stomach and base of his turgid cock. The chill fought the heat, driving him mad, making his hips judder. The cheesecake melted, sliding off his balls and seeping towards his pucker.

  Heavy-lidded eyes watched as Martin grabbed something off the side. Brad begged. “Argh, please, oh Christ.” He was not sure what he was begging Martin to do: stop, start, or fill his aching channel.

  “Brad, do you know what this is?”

  Arse cheeks squeezed at the thought of where that object might be going. Breathless, he answered. “I am not sure. It looks like a small, curved dildo.” Heat seared as Martin’s lips curved in approval.

  Gravelly words raked as Martin teased his pucker with it. “This is a prostate massager.”

  His channel clenched as if trying to suck it deeper as Martin teased.

  “And it has a little secret”

  The rumbled words got lost when his brain shut down and sensation took over. Vibrations hit his prostate with precision.

  “You’re going to love it as it drives you wild, baby.”

  Brad’s eyes rolled as Martin’s lips got busy tonguing the cheesecake off his body. He babbled with incoherent words as his tied hands scrabbled, unable to stop the torture. Whimpers escaped in breathless gasps. He was unsure whether they were his or Martin’s.

  Cold hit his heated skin again, the slight chilling burn making him ache. The slide down his cock was too much. Sensations burst across his whole body. He jerked hard at his restraints when Martin’s hot mouth followed.

  “Eh, argh, ohhhhh, my… Godddd.” Brad thrust against the restraints, pushing the massager deeper. Mindless, he wanted to move in both directions. The suction was too much. His balls lifted hard and fast, and his orgasm fired like a bullet from a gun, choking Martin. Dripping cum slid down his chin mixing with the smeared chocolate. Christ, it looked filthy.

  Martin’s gleaming eyes told Brad exactly where that mouth was going. Brad licked his lips, mouth already anticipating what was to come. He was unaware his head had left the pillow as his eyes stalked Martin’s every move. Martin lowered down, teasing him.

  Brad snaked out his tongue, unable to resist a taste, “Oh, you… taste…. so…. Good.” He needed more, and he opened his mouth, sucking Martin’s chin. He loved the bitterness of his cum tangled with the sweet, fruity chocolate. He groaned as the taste sensation exploded fully in his mouth. Hell, they could make a fortune off this. Lips clashed, seeking to explore every crevice, swallow every moan. They belonged to Brad and no one else. Martin was his.

p; Martin’s hooded eyes trailed down Brad lazily. He sucked and licked the remaining cum off Brad’s stomach. “You, baby, are delicious.”

  Whining, Brad was unsure how much more he could take when Martin’s fingers slid lower. His relief was short lived when his backside juddered with increased vibration.

  “Oh… oh… Please make it stop.” Brad’s desperation had him sobbing when his cock winced back to life. The evil glint in Martin’s eyes warned him there was more to come. The earlier text message sprang forward with a vengeance. “Oh, Christ you are going to torture me?” Heat spread. Wailing, Brad strained against the bindings, begging for mercy. “Please, oh please take that thing out of my arse. It’s driving me mad, please.” His imploring was ignored. His legs were spread wider instead.

  Brad was convinced he could hear his skin sizzling as more cold cheesecake smeared his inflamed skin. He gasped, chest heaving, as words pushed past dry lips. “You’re going to make me come three times, aren’t you?” His accusation gleaned a mischievous wink. He groaned as Martin ruthlessly used his teeth and tongue, working him over, eating him alive. There was neither rhyme nor reason. Brad was unsure where Martin would touch next.

  His body strained against the ties when Martin’s hot mouth caressed. He teased Brad’s rim, tongue pushing against the dildo. Electricity poured into his bloodstream, firing every nerve cell. Brad screamed as his cock leapt and danced with joy as it sprayed Martin’s face and chest. He wheezed as his chest heaved. Shit. Brad sniggered when he realised he’d marked Martin in the most primal way. He shuddered in delight.

  Sucking in some much-needed air into his burning lungs, he tried to settle his racing heart. Their eyes clashed, and Brad couldn’t resist showing his satisfaction. Mine, mine.

  Martin’s nodded at him. “Yes, yours. Baby, I’m all yours.”

  Reality crashed through him. Fuck, he’d spoken out loud. Martin’s agreement hardly registered when Martin followed it up with a blistering kiss. Cum spread heedlessly between them when Martin reaffirmed possession in the most basic of ways. The kiss ferocious, its intensity burned into his bones as Martin claimed him. Nothing existed, just this, just them. Chests slid sinuously, mingling sweat with cum and heightening the musky aroma of sex as Martin focused on rebuilding the heat between them.

  He was not sure he was going to survive the night as Martin’s fingers tormented. Martin twisted and tugged his nipples. The edge of pain brought his cock back to life for a third time. His balls ached at the thought of another orgasm.

  Pity engulfed Brad when Martin’s deft hands played him like a fiddle. He knew round three was going to be epic. His body tensed, and his muscles quivered. He was unable to cope with everything that was careening through him. He felt feverish as the soft cotton sheets stuck to the sweaty skin of his back. His hands balled repeatedly, showing his agitation. “Arghhhhhhh.”

  Martin removed the dildo. Brad wanted to beg Martin to put the dildo back, forgetting its earlier torment as the empty feeling invaded.

  “Shush, baby, I am going to fill that tight little hole with something so much better.”

  Flames spread at Martin’s words.

  Brad thrashed. “Now, now, now, oh God give it to me nowwwww.” The burn of Martin’s cock breaching him was unbearable as he pushed in inch by inch, filling him. Unable to process anything as the stretch increased, he sucked air in fast and hard. His muscles clenched as pain took hold.

  Breathy words fluttered by his ear. “Relax, baby. Breathe through it. You can do this. Oh God, you need to relax, or I’m going to come. You’re squeezing me so good, baby.”

  Brad tried to listen to the breathless words, knowing he’d asked for this. The tension released enough for Martin to fill him completely. He panted, and his eyes glued to where their bodies met. Fuck, Martin had impaled him. Having never been in this position before seeing and feeling it for the first time was mind-blowing. Overwhelmed, he felt the urge to thrust so he could watch Martin’s cock sink in override common sense. Hips thrust hard within the restraints. Martin’s moans and gasps floated like music, driving Brad higher.

  Mindlessly, he said, “Please, oh dear Christ, argh, oh it feels so good. Martin.” Incoherent words poured out, and sweat slid down his temple soaking the pillow. Hands flailed, needing to hold on to Martin. He was frightened he was going to fly apart at any second. Heart racing, he pleaded for freedom. “Untie me.” Breathless, uncaring, Brad begged. “I need to touch you. Now.”

  Brad’s jaw clenched as Martin withdrew slowly. He was winded with the effort it took to hold still, and his disappointment was short lived as gentle hands unbound him, rubbing at the reddened skin. Pain flooded into his hands and feet, pins and needles shooting through his limbs as blood returned. “Shit, shit, shit.” He whined. Martin chuckled as hands moved to increase the circulation.

  “You have no one to blame but yourself, baby. I told you to keep still.”

  Giggles erupted when Martin inadvertently tickled him. Brad turned to escape finding Martin’s cock bobbing encouragement next to his face. Drooling and chewing his lips, he wondered if he could ask for what he wanted. He searched Martin’s face. Approval had the question out before he could change his mind. “Please let me taste, please.” He grinned when Martin’s cock jerked, leaking pre-cum at his question.

  “You want this, baby? You want to suck my cock. Taste me?”

  Frantically nodding, he watched, fascinated, as Martin stripped off the condom, dipping his fingers into the dessert. Heated gazes connected as fingers glided, smearing his shaft in chocolate mousse. An inferno built in his chest as he struggled to control his breathing. Need surged as Martin climbed on top, resting his thighs on either side of Brad’s head. His backside pulsed, knowing this was the entrée and the main event was yet to come.

  Harsh intensity had Brad thinking Martin sounded like a bear growling as he spoke. “Open up, baby. It’s time to get what you begged so nicely for.”

  Wanting to please, Brad stretched wide as satin-encased steel slid across his tongue. The deep musky aroma mixed with chocolate was arousing. He was unable to stop the slurping noises as his mouth filled so full of Martin’s cock. His tongue sought to taste everywhere it could reach. Sliding his tongue around the head, he sought the slit before delving in, mixing chocolate with salty bitterness. Choking as the head hit the back of his mouth, he felt saliva run down his chin when Martin pushed, then held still. Swallowing only had Martin pushing harder. Struggling words penetrated the fog.

  “Breathe through your nose, baby. You can take it. Take what I give you. Know that it pleases me.”

  He shivered. His hips pulsed as he focused on following Martin’s instructions, needing to please him more than taking another breath.

  “That’s it, baby. So good.”

  Martin rambled. Brad was unsure he was even aware when he watched Martin. His eyes rolled back as Brad feasted. Harsh noises filled the air. Martin’s hips jerked with each swallow. Fingers moved of their own accord, caressing and teasing Martin’s rim. Martin’s following curse was music to Brad’s ears.

  Brad dragged his teeth up Martin’s cock as he pulled back, chuckling when Martin gripped the base of his cock hard.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re too much. I want to fuck your tight little hole, and if you carry on like that, I won’t last.”

  Brad’s disappointment had him sighing, even when the smug smirk wanted to twitch to life

  “What have I created?”

  Giggling at Martin’s mock outrage and feeling him nuzzling his neck, Brad got lost in the sensations. Desire stroked as teeth raked his skin, making him tremble. Sharp stinging nips trailed up to his ear followed by hot little puffs of breath. He moaned as cold slick teased his rim. Knowing what was coming had Brad wanting to see. Pushing back a little, Brad wiggled. Martin’s raised eyebrows questioned. Brad was convinced he looked like a beetroot. His eyes automatically skittered away. “Err, emm, I want to watch.”

  Martin lowered his
head as if to catch his whispered words. Lips skimmed, caressing his cheek. “Watch then.”

  Martin pulled back, allowing for an unfretted view. Brad struggled to keep his eyes focused when Martin donned a condom before breaching him, waking his nerves and seeking that spot that would make Brad mindless. Time seemed to drift, the pleasure increasing with every move. Heated intensity built as they both watched Martin’s fingers.

  The climb was slower this time, yet more powerful, as Martin finally pushed fully inside, claiming him. Brad couldn’t tear his gaze away from their joined bodies. Martin had connected them in the most intimate way, making him feel truly special for the first time.

  He was coming to understand the look of adoration on Martin’s face as he stroked deep and slow into him. Slowly building the need inside him that would drive Brad insane. Their previous times had been fast and hard. This was so different. It was reverent.

  Shuddering as pleasure rocketed into his chest, he was unaware he’d tugged Martin closer. Lips touched, igniting a storm. The kiss deepened as lips locked, and tongues mimicked Martin’s thrusts. Hips sped up, and every moan of pleasure Martin released was swallowed. There was not an inch separating them. Martin’s ribbed abs created the perfect friction for his leaking cock. Martin’s cock tunnelled, hitting his prostate with deadly accuracy.

  His fierce expression hinted as to what was coming. The noise of slapping flesh sounded as if Martin was spanking him, making his desire pulse harder as he imagined the heat from his hands. Images too much when they combined with the noise.

  Martin’s whispered command, “Come.”

  It was the final straw. Brad convulsed. “Oh Christ, oh please make it stop… argh shit … Martin, please.” Brad sobbed. “It’s not stopping. Oh God.” Wetness continued to spread between their stomachs. His clenching arse muscles milked Martin of his orgasm. Breathy moans pushed into his mouth. He wished he could feel the pulses of cum inside him, and he felt jealousy that someone else may have had that experience denied to him.


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