The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set Page 31

by J P Sayle

  Martin kissed his sweaty brow. His breathless words skimmed Brad’s forehead. “Why the frown, baby?”

  Brad could hear the underlying concern. He tried to hide, but the grip on his chin held him in place. “I don’t want to do it with a condom. I also don’t like the idea that you did it that way with anyone else that wasn’t me.” He poked out his chin, uncaring that his lips trembled.

  Martin’s hands traced his sulky lip, following it with the gentlest of kisses. “I have never gone bareback with anyone before. Never wanted to until now. I have never loved anyone before or needed that deeper connection.” Martin’s impassioned words left Brad reeling.

  Brad’s disbelief warred with the honesty that shone out of Martin’s eyes. Lips trailed to the corner of his mouth. “Would you like me to go bareback with you, baby? Show you how much I love you?” Martin nuzzled lower, lips sucking hard on Brad’s neck. Aftershocks had his cock jerk. Chuckles tickled his neck as Martin slipped from his body, leaving Brad feeling suddenly empty.

  Brad’s insecurity had him struggling to respond to the words of love. He was stunned. He wanted everything Martin offered. Could he love him so quickly? Didn’t it take time for love to be real? Did Martin just have that post orgasmic feeling that would go away when he left?

  Martin tugged on his lip. “I do, baby. I love you, and you may not be ready to say it yet, but I needed to tell you, okay?”

  Overwhelmed, he nodded. He would need to think about it, have time to digest and consider. Wrapping his arms around him, he hugged Martin to him, resting his head on his shoulder. Brad was convinced he’d disappointment Martin and was unsure what to say.

  He was pleased when Martin gave him an out.

  “Shower time. Then I think it must be bedtime.”

  Hesitantly, Brad leaned in, kissing Martin. “Well, it’s a good thing I brought my PJs then.” Brad grinned at his stunned expression. He skipped into the bathroom and threw a saucy wink as Martin chased him with rumbling laughter. Brad worried his lip. He just needed a little time to consider how best to discuss his past fully. Until then, he didn’t feel right declaring his love. Martin might change his mind when he knew everything. His stomach clenched at the thought of losing him. Drawing in Martin’s dark scent when he stepped behind him, he let the warmth spread as it gave him hope. He prayed things would work out.


  Peeking around the door, Princess preened as they headed for the bathroom. She had all but melted into a puddle at Martin’s declaration of love. Brad was the only sticking point. She was disappointed when he hadn’t responded. Consoling herself, she had time to work on him.

  She would be having words, well, maybe not words but strong body language with Brad when they got home. Knowing Brad’s insecurities held him back, thinking no one could love him, was a hard pill to swallow. That arsehole he’d barely dated had only made things worse.

  Now she needed to come up with something to make Brad realise that what Martin offered was real. The problem was she was unsure what else she could do. Martin was giving Brad plenty to think about or not, as the case may be.

  Smirking, she might have watched a little of his moves with Brad, but it was justified. It was her job to make sure they got together. A girl had to have some perks and get her kicks, even if her mother was not amused.

  Brad’s life had been quite boring up until Martin. Now it appeared to be anything but that. Paws waved in front of her tiny face. Christ, they were hot together. Brad had talked a lot over the last few days about Martin, all but gushing this morning. Sharing in graphic detail what Martin had done. Heck, if she could blush, she was convinced that would have done it. Was it any wonder she wanted to see what Martin had to offer.

  They needed to take it to the next level for Brad, and that required something special, but what? Stalking over to the bed, she made herself comfortable. She would need to give it some consideration, and while she did, it wouldn’t harm to keep an eye on things.

  Princess had noticed Brad had packed a bag earlier. Martin would just have to get used to her. Princess lay at the bottom of the bed. She was staying, it was as simple as that. Maybe she needed to work on Martin rather than Brad to unlock Brad’s love? She would speak with her mother on how to create a link with him.

  She picked her head up. The laughter coming from the shower had her smirking. Yes, things were moving along nicely. Settling down and purring her contentment, she ignored the whispering about her meddling. As if.


  Martin glanced up, feeling the clock mock him. Time was definitely not moving today. He was convinced it was on a go slow, and positive he could quote the hours and the minutes since he had last looked. He groused to the empty room, “Everything is conspiring against me.” Nearly three fucking days since he’d last seen Brad.

  He was over the moon Sunday night that Brad had actively planned on staying without being asked. He’d felt ten feet tall with plans for Monday night. The hot, wet kiss they shared after morning shower sex had him revving all day. Then work decided to play games with them. First, Brad had some computer glitch causing a delay in his implementation of the interactive module he was programming, resulting in him spending half the night working to fix it to meet his deadline.

  Martin could feel his pout just thinking about it. He’d even offered to help. Brad’s response made him feel better, even if he said he was a distraction. The surprise evening visit from Princess had lightened his mood. She was starting to grow on him. The weird feeling in his gut when she stared at him though was hard to explain. It was as if she was trying to communicate. Shaking his head, he knew he was being ridiculous, but the thought just wouldn’t let up.

  Brad spoke to the cat so often it seemed second nature. Hell, he paused as if waiting for her to respond. Princess did seem to find a way to convey her thoughts, that was for sure. He’d let her entertain him for hours in Brad’s absence.

  Planning to meet Brad on Tuesday, Martin had to be the one to cancel. Several new clients had flown in early from London to scout the island for future visits, wanting to watch the Tourist Trophy Races held in June. Unable to get out of showing them the island, he’d miscalculated and taken Emma with them. She had been fawning all over him, and he’d struggled to be civil as she’d pawed at him like a piece of meat in the butcher’s shop. Her behaviour sealed her fate. She was out.

  He hated being rash, but she had gone too far last night. To the point that one of the clients, Alex, had thought they were a couple. He’d shut it down fast, but not before he had seen the gleam of satisfaction in her eyes. It was the final straw. Unprofessionalism and now this predatory behaviour. Pencilling a meeting for Friday, he would give her a month’s wage as compensation; enough was enough.

  Normally the open-plan office and his open door policy had its advantages. He didn’t like barriers. Well, maybe he did at the moment as Emma caught his eye. Bending down, she showed off her round arse in the tight, black mini skirt. He glanced away. She was clueless if she thought that was sexy. Distaste had him shuddering. He couldn’t wait for Friday.

  Martin ignored Emma and focused on the light, airy space instead. It exuded a professional air and also offered a relaxed atmosphere. The plain cream walls had splashes of colour provided by framed artsy postcard-sized photos. The previous owner who was obsessed with photography had taken them, showing off the island’s tourist attractions. Desks split into triangles which gave everyone space around them. Martin loved the idea and replicated it in his London office.

  There were a total of fifteen staff of varying ages and a half-and-half mix of sexes. It seemed to be a balanced team, now that he had the time to get to know them. He glanced back at Emma. She was the one thorn in his side. He should count his lucky stars he was only having to get rid of her. He sighed. Sometimes it was shit being the boss. Distracted, he grabbed his lifeline as it buzzed. The text message icon had his lips curving.

  He deftly opened the text box, and his eyes wide
ned in distress as he read it again.

  How do you feel about short hair????? Bx

  What the fuck! Feeling physically sick, Martin trembled. He deleted the text he’d started to write and took a breath before he made a tit of himself.

  Please tell me you haven’t cut off all those lovely curls? I love your hair. I thought you were only getting a trim? XX M

  He careened around his desk the second after he’d thrown his phone, ignoring the several pairs of curious eyes turned towards him. He picked up the phone from the floor, checking it. He breathed a sigh of relief, but he could still feel the panic and temper. He wouldn’t have cut off his lovely hair, right?

  “Eh, Martin, are you all right?” Greg’s timid voice jolted some sense into him.

  He realised he stood stock still in front of his office door just staring at his phone. As he was looking out the door sheepishly, everyone pretended to be busy, but the silence was telling. They were waiting for him to respond. Before he could respond, movement caught his eye. Words died. His tongue was glued to the top of his mouth making it impossible to swallow. Saliva pooled. Oh my God!

  Brad glowed. There was no other word for it. Bright blond curls bounced around his cheeks. Several inches shorter, but no less sexy. His tropical green eyes glinted as if touched by the sun. His face was alive with mischief, and his hips swayed tauntingly as navy trousers hugged his lean legs. The bright blue polo shirt complemented the fitted navy jacket. Dark navy suede boots finished the look. Fuck, he looked like he had just stepped out of GQ magazine. Martin’s eyes were glued to Brad, ignoring everyone else. He readjusted his suit jacket, just in case everyone could see how pleased his body was to see Brad.

  The question had to be asked why no one had taken the time to see what was really underneath this shy, complicated man. Martin could feel the selfish gratitude as he stared at what belonged to him. Amazed he’d been the one chosen to love and treasure Brad. He was unable to stop the big arse grin as pleasure poured out.

  God, he’d missed him, and he’d only been minutes away. How the fuck would he cope leaving him for days? The urge to claim him, to take him home and rip those lovely clothes off and cancel on Sarah warred with common sense. Martin let his urge to touch overtake his common sense.

  Stalking towards Brad, he immediately lowered his mouth, seeking the familiar scents and tastes. Martin lifted Brad, needing him closer. Brad’s arms wound around his neck, holding tight. Brad thrust and ground his arousal against Martin’s stomach. He groaned. Awareness penetrated as a throat cleared.

  Reality had him turning as Brad burrowed his heated face into his neck.

  “Eh, sorry to interrupt, but do you need anything else from me before I leave tonight? I have sorted the expenses from our night out yesterday. So you don’t need to worry about them.” Spiteful aggression doused his arousal.

  The implied implication was clear, along with the blatant lie to everyone, but Brad. Fuck, why he had taken her? Tension had muscles bunching as he tucked Brad closer. He did not want to have to explain this in front of his work colleagues. He took a breath to calm himself before he said something he might regret.

  “Thank you, Emma. Though you needn’t have worried, the clients will be picking up the tab. It’s a pity you had to rush home. I was sure Alex might have shown an interest at some point towards you as the night drew on.” Anger heated each word.

  Brad’s tentative fingers drew small circles under his jacket as if attempting to calm him. He was grateful that he didn’t seem upset by the altercation. Martin sent a silent message to everyone in the room, do not fuck with him or Brad. Not letting Brad go, he stalked to his office, his banging door breaking the silence.

  Martin rushed quickly to explain, “I’m sorry, baby. There is nothing between Emma and me. I asked her to tag along last night. Now I’m not even sure why.” Words tumbled. His fear that Brad had been hurt by her innuendo pushed at him to make it right.

  “Shush, it’s all right. I know you’re not interested in her.” Brad’s warm fingers stroked his throat.

  Emotions rose, and before Martin could stop them, the words were out. “I love you, baby.”

  Brad’s sharp inhale had him stilling, waiting to see what Brad would do. The words had eaten at him, pushing to be free, so he had let them out. Was he pushing Brad too hard?

  He didn’t understand why Brad’s cheeks flamed a second before his lips nuzzled Martin’s neck. They moved higher, tracing the side of his face until they reached the corner of his mouth. Hot puffs of ripe cherry breath teased his mouth. He held his breath when he felt Brads lips barely touch before words floated between.

  “I love you too, Martin.”

  Martin felt his legs weaken. Brad’s words stole his breath as they hit him squarely in the chest. Heat spread like wildfire, making his arousal surge violently under the onslaught of emotions. Martin slammed their mouths together in a brutal kiss. His cock erupted in utter joy, pulse after pulse soaking his briefs. Martin yanked back, panting in disbelief. “What the hell!”

  Brad’s glassy-eyed expression was not helping. Martin’s knees finally buckled. Lurching forward, he tried to land on the edge of his desk but missed, and they slid to the floor with a thump. “Christ.” Martin groaned into Brad’s hair. “You make me forget myself, baby.” His husky chuckles rustled Brad’s curls.

  Taking a second, he reached up, searching for tissues. Mortification was final when Brad’s giggles tickled his ear. “I’m sorry, but did you just come in your pants?”

  He was powerless to look away from Brad’s victorious smirk and eyes that glowed with victory. “Okay, okay. Yes, I did.” Huffing, he pushed Brad aside, attempting to clean the mess in his trousers. Realising he was going to need to remove his briefs otherwise Sarah would get more than she bargained for. He got up. “I am just going to the bathroom. I won’t be a minute.” He aimed for nonchalant, but the cocky offer did nothing to reduce his mortification. He sure as hell did not need a hand.

  Arriving none the worse for wear at the restaurant, Martin was pissed to see the same handsy waiter from Friday. Grateful when he spotted Sarah, he dragged Brad with him, eager to escape. He ignored Sarah’s smirk. Glaring a warning over Brad’s head, he could feel the tension rolling off Brad as they approached Sarah.

  Touching Brad, Martin guided him into the seat opposite Sarah. “Sarah, I’d like you to meet Brad. Brad, meet Sarah.”

  Sarah beamed. Oh Christ, she needed to dial it back. She’d scare Brad to death with that bloody toothy grin. Tucking Brad under his shoulder, he offered support.

  Sarah grabbed Brad’s hand, holding tight. “Well, you are a cutie, aren’t you, so tiny I bet Martin could put you into any position. Bending you anyway he likes.” A raucous laugh exploded from Brad as Sarah winked.

  Martin stared in disbelief at the tears rolling down Brad’s face as he howled with laughter. He could see it how this was going to end. They were going to get on like a house on fire. He grumbled, “Why did I have to have a sister instead of a brother, tell me?” The demand was met with indifference as Brad and Sarah grinned at each other.

  “I think Brad should come and sit next to me. We’re going to be great friends.” The devilish glint had him worried as her next words hit. “We can share all of Martin’s and your secrets, especially what you get up to in the sack.”

  Martin choked. Water splattered the table. Her waggling eyebrows had his finger pointing.

  “Forget it, sister.” Martin’s threatening stare would normally have people cowering, but Sarah sniggered, ignoring him. With what appeared to be a pleased look on his face, Brad moved to sit next to her.

  Martin pouted.

  “Look, Brad. That pout shows how cute his face looks. Isn’t he adorable?” Sarah’s singsong voice was his only warning as she gripped his chin and planted a big, wet kiss on him. Shuddering, he used his sleeve to wipe in exaggerated movements.

  Brad’s beaming approval at their antics was the only consult

  Sarah settled back and started interrogating. Fascinated, he watched her work her magic. She milked information as you would a cow’s udder, and a constant stream flowed from Brad. Chatting like long-lost friends, they bonded over stories of Martin’s youth. Brad sparkled as if freed from the pain of his past with Sarah’s attention.

  Brad had stunned him earlier with his declaration. Hell, his body had spontaneously combusted in his pants. Nothing had ever happened to him like that before, but then Brad had never said he’d loved him before either. He felt like he would burst. The happiness just didn’t want to be contained.

  Now that the two most important people in his life had met and appeared to be in the throes of building their own love affair, he couldn’t be happier. Two years ago he had felt lost, unable to get past his parents’ death, the army’s betrayal, and Sarah’s lack of trust. He never thought this moment of completeness would happen, yet he had everything. His emotions blinded him. Needing a moment, he used their finished meal as an excuse.

  Catching the waiter’s eye, he asked for the bill. “Are we ready to go?” Both heads turned at his gruffness. Sarah gave him a reassuring smile.

  Excusing himself, he said, “I just need to use the bathroom.” Giving them both what he hoped was a reassuring smile, he left the table.

  As he stepped out of the bathroom, Sarah’s hovering form had him pulling back.

  “Are you all right?” Sarah pulled him closer as she spoke, concern etched into the lines around her eyes.

  “Nothing’s wrong. It’s just that they would have loved him. He is my everything. You and he are everything now.” Tears choked him as his lips trembled.


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