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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

Page 34

by J P Sayle

  He was starting to hate this feeling. He darted a quick look across the road and saw the curtains flicker. Moving, he eased Brad back inside, shutting out the intrusion. He felt pissed off that she had taken the edge of his happiness. He scratched the itch at the base of his skull. His unease grew, weighing heavy, and it made his gut churn. His body spoke volumes.

  Martin tried to shake it off. He let it go for now. But he would talk to Joe. It was time to ask a favour. Joe King, one of the few people he trusted. Stopping without thought, he pulled out his phone, checking for a message. Martin was shocked when he calculated how long it had been since he’d messaged Joe and still had no reply. Feeling like a bad friend, he’d not given him a thought.

  Typing a quick text, he saw the enquiring look on Brad’s face. He quickly put his phone away, not wanting to explain what he was doing or why.

  Brad’s statement had him squirming. “I’m not boring you, am I? Already playing with your phone is not a good sign when we haven’t even started the evening.”

  Martin gave a reassuring smile, kissing the tip of his nose. “I just remembered I hadn’t texted a friend back.” Shrugging the little white lie off, he felt justified that he didn’t want to worry Brad with his thoughts about the bitch across the road. The strained look Brad gave him had him rethinking. He gave in. His put-upon sigh escaped before he could pull it back. “I was thinking about what we are going to do about our nosey neighbour.”

  Brad’s scowl had Martin’s eyebrows arching. “I met her today in town. She could have frozen the balls off a brass monkey with her stare.”

  Martin rocked back with laughter. He couldn’t help it. “I have never heard that one before.”

  He let the subject drop, not wanting to spoil their evening. As he followed Brad, his nose finally acknowledged the spiced aromas spilling from the cooker. Martin’s stomach grumbled its approval.

  “Sit. It won’t take a minute to plate.”

  Brad pottered around him as he sat watching, feeling contentment. This could be their life. Crack addicts couldn’t crave their next fix as much as he wanted this to be his reality, his home, his life. He wanted this, always. There was that word again. He should be running for the hills screaming, but no, he was settling his backside down for the long haul.

  His parents had often talked about love with no boundaries, but how could anyone understand if they hadn’t experienced it first-hand. He’d never quite believed it was that simple, yet now, his eyes surveyed his very reason for living. He didn’t need anything more than Brad and his funny little cat.

  Winking dimples flashed at him as Brad plated his meal. Relaxing, Martin found enjoyment in the simple meal. He felt the intimacy build between them, along with the silent agreement that tonight Brad’s past was off limits. Candles glowed, casting shadows, highlighting golden skin. Dreamy eyes and soft, ripe lips called to him. Oblivious to anything, he moved without thought and pulled Brad to him.

  Brad legs gripped his waist as he lifted him, holding tight. Taking a second, he felt ridges under his palms. What was that? Martin gazed into Brad’s stormy depths that showed his pulsing desire. “Now what do we have on under these tight trousers?” Martin nuzzled, inhaling musky ripeness and nibbling on silky skin. Trembling legs gripped him tighter as Brad thrust his cock into Martin’s stomach. He moaned when Brad sunk his teeth into his neck, marking him.

  Brad’s show of ownership had his engorged cock going rock hard. Mashing their mouths together, he pulled him closer. God, he was perfect, but curiosity nagged, making him ease back. “Are you going to let me into your little secret?”

  Giggles teased his neck as Brads’ lips played with his ear. “Nope, you need to see for yourself.” His whispered taunts inflamed Martin beyond reason.

  He needed a flat surface, like now. He didn’t care where as long as they found one. If Brad carried on using him like a dog chew, he was going to embarrass himself. His interest in what was under the trousers was forgotten. He gasped, “Shit, baby, you need to behave, or else you’ll end up with another bruise on your arse.”

  Martin’s breathy moans sped up when Brad’s hands got in on the action. Martin felt his T-shirt ruck up as Brad’s small hands headed straight for his piercings. “Oh, Christ.” He ran on wobbly legs upstairs. They landed in a tangled heap of limbs on Brad’s bed.

  Brad wiggled, straddling Martin’s hips. His satisfied expression stroked Martin’s need. “Can I?”

  Martin arms felt laden with desire as he lifted for Brad, letting him remove his T-shirt. Brad’s mouth set to work to drive him out of his mind. Lips nibbled, grazing, tasting. Martin’s knuckles whitened as nails dug into his palms. Restraint nigh on impossible when wandering fingers joined the action.

  Martin took a deep breath trying to calm the fuck down. Only it wasn’t helping as he became intoxicated. He felt delirious as the scent of rich, ripe cherries aroused him to the point of pain. His body ached. Brad’s touch as he removed his clothing made goosebumps erupt. Each touch was absolute torture. Martin’s leaking pre-cum didn’t stand a chance of settling as wet heat drove him wild. Brad’s tongue torturing with delicious little flicks to his slit. The wet, slurping noises made him want to scream.

  Martin hand lurched down. Desperate, he yanked his balls down hard. As Brad circled the base of his cock, Martin panted past the urge to come in Brad’s hot mouth. Chuckles teased as Brad continued to feast. The cold had him stopping. “What the fuck?” Looking down, Martin tried to comprehend what the brown liquid Brad spilt over his cock was.


  Martin’s blown pupils barely registered what they were seeing.

  “We can’t waste such wonderful chocolatey goodness, now can we?”

  Martin knew Brad wasn’t asking a question, but God, he wanted to answer with a no. Wet slurps had him melting back. His gaze riveted to the chocolate smeared across Brad’s face. He saw Brad’s fingers trace the leaking sauce, but he wasn’t prepared as fingers breached, pushing in hard and fast. The burn bordered on painful. It was glorious. He moaned in sheer delight when Brad’s mouth pushed him past his limits. Fire burned through his already short fuse.

  Brad landed in a heap as Martin lost control. As he yanked at Brad’s clothes, they ripped, and the need to take blinded him to everything. He needed to get inside him now. Brad’s wide-eyed expression made it worse.

  Martin’s wonderment grew as he looked down. Fuck, Brad slew him. “A jockstrap, baby? Did you buy this special?”

  Brad’s bold red jockstrap made his skin glow. Martin eased back, needing to see. Caressing gently, Martin leaned down. His nose touched the soaking cloth as he inhaled Brad’s sexy smell. Lust curled inside at the thoughts of tasting Brad, of the salty bitterness filling his mouth.

  Releasing Brad’s cock from the tight jockstrap, Martin spread Brad’s legs so he could explore lower. Stopping when he spied the sauce. Martin leered at Brad before dribbling the cool liquid over his pucker. The thick syrup was different from anything he’d used before. This would be interesting.

  Stickiness spread, chocolate and cherries combined to scent the air. Christ, he could come just from the smell. He worked quickly as he was unable to wait any longer. Brad’s whimpers tempted him to rush, but he didn’t want to hurt him. Coating his cock with stickiness, he plunged deep, not thinking. Sweat slicked his body as his control broke when he felt Brad clasping him tight.

  Brad’s heavy-lidded desire was hard to resist, and Martin buried himself deeper. Brad’s squeezing arse had Martin’s eyes cross. He winced at the tight sheath. His balls flamed as if lit by a thousand fires. His bruising grip held Brad in place. He struggled to regain his sanity. He needed to know Brad was okay first. Martin’s eyes wheeled with the effort to stay still.

  Brad’s harsh demand was hard to ignore, and his body moved before the words penetrated his brain. “Please move now.”

  More than willing to obey, Martin thrust hard and fast. Eyes locking, he let the lust consum
e them both. Sweat dripped, eyes stung, but Martin ignored it all, not wanting to break their connection. He needed to see Brad lose control as much as he needed to breathe. The sound of skin slapping filled the room, mixing with Brad’s whimpered pleas. “Harder. More. Need it so bad.”

  Speeding, he gave him everything he had. The end was inevitable as Martin slammed his strangled cock into Brad’s tight heat. Ominous creaking filled the room. The battering ram that was Martin’s cock obliterated Brad’s prostate. Mindless, Martin fell forward, and his mouth sought Brad’s. Martin thrust his tongue into Brad’s delicious mouth, matching the rhythm of his hips. The kiss sealed his fate as he felt his release forcibly pulled from his body. Cum erupted into Brad’s willing body. He cried out, “Oh fu…!” Martin felt Brad crush his cock. The pain radiated up his body made him come harder when Brad came screaming.

  Martin’s brain simply shut down as pleasure took him under. He released his cum deep inside Brad, filling and owning him. He landed in a sweaty heap and rasped. His mouth was as dry as the desert. Fuck, he needed water.

  “You’re crushing me.”

  Brad’s muffled words had reality invade past the mind-blowing orgasm. “Shit, sorry.” Slurring as if in a drunken stupor, Martin moved, using the last of his energy, and dragging Brad with him. Ecstasy, this was truly it. Martin felt as if he was floating. This had to be nirvana.

  His arms flopped. Maybe he’ll get his energy back in a couple of years. He was just going to lie there for a bit longer. The reality he wasn’t getting any younger was chased by a second thought. At this rate, Brad would probably kill him before he had a chance to get any older, but what a way to go.

  He grinned at Brad. Oh yeah. Brad’s heavy breathing whistled past his ear. Smug satisfaction had his grin widening from ear to ear. He’d wrecked him. Brad would feel him every time he sat down. He chuckled. He liked that thought. He sighed in contentment. Martin pointed down. “So, was that what you bought today?” The stillness was not the reaction he’d expected nor the heated face buried in his neck.

  Martin’s senses kicked back in with reality. Fingers trailed over the tight straps hugging Brad’s arse. “This fits very snugly. Did you try this on before you bought it?”

  Tension sizzled when Brad remained silent. He rolled back over so Brad couldn’t hide. Understanding kicked into his sluggish brain. “Did you have to get measured, baby?” Martin watched Brad’s cheeks redden and his wary eyes glance away. A second later they came back. Brad poked out his chin, making Martin want to laugh at the indignant look.

  “Well, you see, the guy in the shop said they didn’t come in small, medium, or large, but actual sizes. I didn’t know my size, so he had to measure me because you can’t bring it back if it’s the wrong size. Personal hygiene, I suppose.” Words trailed off as Brad chewed his puffy lips.

  Martin tapped Brad’s arse cheeks lightly, whispering darkly. “Did you let someone touch what belongs to me, baby?” The menacing rasp belied the gleaming mirth. Brad quivered under his weight.

  “Emm, well… I… erm… kept my underclothes on. He measured me over them.”

  Brad’s squirming had Martin rolling fast. His evil grin was hidden as the noise of slapping filled the air.

  “Whaaaat is that for?”

  Martin’s hand warmed. His cock enjoyed the breathless puffs that hit his legs. “Let me be clear. This is mine, baby. We talked about this. You don’t let anyone, and I mean anyone, touch what belongs to me.” Redness spread, matching the jockstrap. Brad’s wails grew louder, but thrusting hips showed how much Brad was getting into his punishment. Smeared chocolate and cum spread between Brad’s legs, shocking Martin into stillness. Oh fuck, no condom. His fingers trailed down, eyes drawn to Brad’s seeping arse.

  Wiggling, Brad pushed back. He turned, flushed and sweaty, with uncertainty in his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  How could he break Brad’s trust? “I’m so sorry, baby. I lost control, and I forgot the condom. You don’t need to worry. I’m clean. I was tested not that long ago, and I haven’t been with anyone but you in months.” He was frustrated by his lack of care. What the hell was wrong with him? Fuck!

  A beguiling smile had him halting, confused. Had Brad not understood what he was saying?

  “It’s okay. I didn’t want you to put one on.” Furious red spread up his neck, but eyes held with Martin’s. “I wanted it. You’re mine. You said so. So, it’s okay cause’ it’s just us now.”

  Brad’s embarrassed simplicity had him swallowing twice as emotion swamped.

  “Oh, baby.” Moving forward, he let their brows touch. Martin rubbed his nose against Brad’s while his eyes glistened. “Yes, baby, I’m yours. Now and always.”

  Brad’s beautiful smile reflected back at him.

  “Come on, we need to shower.” Glancing at the sheets, he wrinkled his nose. “And a bed change. That looks gross.” Chocolate-smeared cum, he shook his head, nope, not so attractive now. Brad’s laughing eyes had him rethink. Well, maybe not.


  Tiredness dragged at him, the remnants of his nightmares hanging on. Several hours of exhausting sexcapades hadn’t been enough to stop them.

  Martin had driven him to distraction. He got him to agree to meet Stuart, but sleep wouldn’t let him hide from his fears. He’d lashed out. Oblivious to Martin, he’d scratched and clawed in his sleep, trying to escape. Martin had woken him at stupid o’clock. Sweat soaked, heart beating like he’d run a marathon. His nerves frayed at the memories. The stench of coppery blood burned his sinuses and made his eyes water. His stomach rebelled when he tried to shake off phantom pain. He trembled, even when Martin’s strong arms rocked him gently while kisses reminded him he was loved.

  Martin’s strength encasing him for the remainder of the night had not made the fear abate. His monster, fear, was waiting to attack when he turned his back. His confidence chewed up and spat out. How could he have been so cocky that the nightmares would simply disappear. He knew better.

  His squealing tyres pulled him from his distracted thoughts. Turning the wheel fast, he searched for a parking space. “It’s going to be fine.” He was unsure how many times he’d repeated it, and it still didn’t ring true. His strangled laughter didn’t sound reassured. Hell, he’d even meditated after Martin had left, trying to reinforce the positive.

  Horns blared. Crap. Waving his hand in apology, he tried to concentrate on parking. The last thing he needed was to crash. He got out of the car, with legs bowed and an arse that twinged with each step. He’d be feeling Martin for days. Lips curved against his will. There was no way he was letting Martin anywhere near his arse tonight. He snorted at the thoughts of being impaled on a totem pole. Okay, he’d asked for it, but his poor arse was paying for it today. At least it was distracting him.

  Halting mid-step, Brad felt uneasy. The tiny hairs on his neck rose in alarm. Whirling around, he searched his surroundings. Jittering, he saw nothing out of the ordinary, and he sighed in disgust at his behaviour. This meeting was messing with his head. Feeling icy cold slide down his spine, he picked up his pace. Something was telling him he needed Martin, like now. Cautious, he went with it.

  As he entered the office, all eyes turned to watch him, and he flushed to his roots. Brad put on a brave front. He smiled, aiming for friendliness. Brad stepped towards Martin’s office. He was grateful when Martin spotted him beckoning him in.

  “Great timing, baby.” The pleasure in Martin’s voice warmed Brad. “Ann, Brad has just walked in. Can you hang on while I ask him? Hi, baby, where is my kiss?”

  Kissy noises filtered through the speaker. In unison, eyes rolled at Ann’s childish antics. Brad ignored her. She couldn’t see, so he leaned forward, giving a quick peck when Martin reached for him. Martin’s brows rose at the wagging finger Brad pointed at him.

  “No,” Brad whispered as he warded off Martin’s advances.

  “I can still hear you, you know.”

  Ann’s laughter float
ed through the speakerphone. He was glad she couldn’t see his blushing face or Martin’s sheepish grin.

  “Can you get away Monday evening? I need to be in London for Tuesday. We would only be away a couple of days. Back Thursday. Ann’s just sorting the flights now. Is it doable?”

  Brad nodded. Looking at the phone, he tried to suppress the laughter that bubbled when Ann spoke again.

  “Was that a yes? You know I can’t see you, right?”

  Her miffed tone made Martin laugh. “That was a yes, you cheeky mare. See you Monday. Email the details, and I will print everything ready for Tuesday’s meetings. Remember I need the file on Hamilton. He’s a slippery bugger, and I want to make sure I have all the information before we sign.”

  Martin was all professional. Brad watched him work. Strong fingers played with his pen. Another suit today, charcoal grey in colour, the crisp white shirt complemented the pink-and-grey-flecked tie. Mouth-watering was all he could think. What was it about his ties that got him going?

  Lost in thought, Brad wondered what Martin would wear to their wedding. He startled. Where the hell did that thought come from? Jumping up as if scalded, he fiddled with the colourful paperweight. He needed to hold his horses. Hell, they’d only just declared they loved each other, and now he had them getting married. He turned as Martin tugged on his curls. He had been oblivious the call had finished, and now he could feel Martin’s scrutiny.

  “You okay about today?”

  Relief spread when he realised Martin had read his thoughts. Putting his anxiety down to Stuart. Okay, now he was anxious about Stuart. He sighed as arms held him.

  Martin offered him an out. “Come on, let’s go eat.”

  He went willingly, but he wasn’t sure he could stomach anything, but he was willing to try for Martin.

  Sarah’s offices situated in the same street as Martin’s offices and took up the whole top floor of the building she owned. It was a prime location for businesses Martin explained over lunch. When she had moved to the island, she soon realised the large international companies used the island as their base. They needed space to rent, so she’d purchased prime real estate on Athol Street.


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