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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

Page 55

by J P Sayle

Joe couldn’t help the snigger when he caught sight of Stuart’s look of disgust.

  “It’s your fault, Stuart. You’re the one who though using chocolate ice cream as lube was a good idea.”

  He chuckled listening to Stuart mumbled complaints about ingrates, while he made quick work of re-making the bed. His ass flexed on full display for Joe as he leant over the bed to pull the fitted sheet tight. Joe’s quick indrawn breath had Stuart’s eyes meeting his, reigniting their lust.

  Images sparked inside Joe’s mind of him bent over Stuart, sinking into his body, feeling his heat grip Joe’s cock, caressing it while he sunk in deep. The overwhelming desire had him thinking of his past failed attempts at topping, thinking it may be different with Stuart. He didn’t often want to top, but on the odd occasion he’d given into his needs, it had been unsatisfying in a way he couldn’t explain. His preference, he thought, was to be on the receiving end of a nice juicy cock. His fascination with Stuart’s ass was giving him other ideas. The dirty imagines of what he could do to his ass had his cock bucking in agreement.

  The idea of filming them popped into his head, making his mind reel at the possibilities of watching it like a porno, but instead it would be them they would be watching. The drips landing on the floor showed how excited he was by the prospect. Joe shuddered, gripping his unruly cock that now seemed entirely focused on his latest idea.

  Joe’s eyes glued to Stuart’s buttocks as they enticed his mind and body, wanting to do more than watch. Stuart carried on making the bed, utterly oblivious to his inner turmoil. Joe stroked his cock in time to each movement of Stuart’s hips, his throaty moan filling the silence.

  Stuart’s stillness filtered past the haze of lust, but Stuart’s hooded eyes guarded his thoughts.

  “What do you want to do, Joe?”

  The significance of the husky question had Joe wondering what his face was giving away. Could Stuart see his thoughts? Joe gnawed his lower lip. Was this a genuine question? Joe could feel his nails dig into his palms, unsure he could ask for what he wanted. The nervousness had him heaving a disgusted sigh. He allowed the tumbled thoughts to fall out of his mouth unhindered. “I want to top and film us together, so we can watch it back, see what we look like together.”

  The words seemed to land like a tiny bomb between them, detonating on impact, if the little jerks of Stuart’s body were anything to go by. Crap, had he just revealed too much, plucking at his mouth he willed the words back. Unsure how that was possible, the urge to leave had him realising he had nowhere to go since they were in his room.

  “Crap, crap, crap.”

  Stuart’s raised brows told him he’d spoken out loud. Okay, it was not going the way he wanted it to. His cock deflated as the moment dragged on. Unable to stand still any longer, Joe stalked to the chair, tearing clothes from the pile he’d left after doing his washing that morning. Uncaring what he was putting on, his eyes flickered to Stuart who seemed frozen in place with the exception of his aroused cock that waved at him for attention.

  Joe pulled his top towards him berating himself, well, that went well!

  “Joe, stop!”

  The husky command had him freezing in place. A small ripple of anticipation slid down his spine at the heat in Stuart’s gaze. Joe still couldn’t resist giving Stuart shit, giving him ‘a have you lost your mind’ look before asking, “Why? Let’s just forget it.”

  The sound of Stuart’s impatient steps had him anticipating the touch, but Joe was quietly pleased when the contact was gentle. Stuart’s stark perusal demanded so much, it held him still. Joe didn’t hide his embarrassment at Stuart’s intense questioning focus. What the hell was wrong with wanting to watch them together? Hunching under the fierce watchful eyes, Joe glared back as he dropped the top preparing for the argument that was surely coming his way.

  “I don’t have a problem with you filming us.”

  The boldness of Stuart’s statement took the wind right out of Joe’s sails, but it added fuel to the burning inferno that was now churning through Joe’s insides. He gulped in air, hoping it would help calm his nerves. Before he could form a sentence, or decide how to respond, Stuart spoke, derailing any coherent thoughts he had.

  “The thing is, Joe, I’ve never bottomed, ever,” Stuart’s husky voice hesitated before continuing, “Though, I would be willing to consider it for you.”

  Joe lent forward not quite sure he’d heard correctly. Joe struggled to align his body and mind, when the possibilities buzzed around his head made his body sing.

  Stuart’s hands halted his forward motion. “If, and I mean if, I did consider it, I wouldn’t want that to be filmed, well not on the first attempt.”

  Joe latched on to Stuart’s uncertain charcoal gaze, unable to stop himself, he launched himself making them plough onto the freshly made bed. Joe could smell the combining scents surrounding them, the crisp, fresh scent of fabric softener, melted hot wax clashing with the smell of sex and chocolate. The odd combination shouldn’t have been arousing but were, as Joe sunk into the softness of the mattress, feeling the fresh cool cotton sheets warm and rub seductively against his skin.

  The bold white sheets a stark contrast against Stuart’s bronzed skin, his body creating a heady glow against the white for Joe to feast on. Joe’s heated perusal locked on to the evidence of their joint excitement. Joe used it to slide over the top of Stuart’s body, reversing their positions. His mind already focused on possibilities, even if it wasn’t now, it gave him hope for more together in the future. Happiness spread against his will, liking the thoughts of a future together. Joe knew he was fighting a losing battle, even if his mind thought there shouldn’t be a future, his heart was singing from a completely different hymn sheet and this had the word future all over it.

  Shaking off his thoughts, Joe shimmed down Stuart’s abdomen, tracing each mouth-watering dip and groove with his mouth. Paying attention to every reaction, every quivering muscle. Joe caressed, using his teeth, lips, and tongue to drive Stuart out of his mind, memorising every inch of his delicious body.

  Joe’s own heady pleasure grew as he was assaulted by the murmurs of approval and constant stream of incoherent sounds. Wanting only to please, Joe moved lower, feeling the wetness brush the underside of his chin, grinning at Stuart’s eager cock. Mischief lit up his face as he spied the melted ice cream. Pulling back a little to get a better look at Stuart’s cock, the slight curve at the top of his long length allowed it to rest on Stuart’s stomach. His wide girth had Joe’s small fingers struggling to meet, his ass thanked whatever cock God there was for small mercies.

  Feeling it buck slightly under his perusal, the leaking slit enticed Joe to do more than look. Taking his first taste, his eyes slid shut in pleasure as the salty bitter taste hit his taste buds along with Stuart’s dark spicy musk.

  Sucking him deep into his mouth, loving the feel as it rubbed at the back of his throat, he swallowed, giving the head a wet kiss. Growls and the feel of Stuart’s hands gripping his hair would have had him smiling if his mouth wasn’t full. He distracted Stuart by swallowing repeatedly, his hand slowly edged towards the bowl. Melted ice cream slid effortlessly over his fingers, the coolness perfect, not wanting to dampen Stuart’s arousal.

  Never leaving the juicy head, Joe nibbled and teased the blushing head, using his teeth to tease the fleshy skin under the head. Joe continued to distract Stuart, while it allowed him to drip small drops of liquid ice cream down Stuart’s shaft. Waiting a beat for Stuart’s reaction, it didn’t disappoint. Rearing up, Stuart’s back arched and groans saturated the air. The sounds inflaming Joe had his hips pulsing against the crisp cotton under him, seeking purchase to help ease the ache that was becoming unbearable.

  Joe pursued the ice cream, his heated mouth warming the chilled flesh. His slippery fingers gripped Stuart’s turgid cock, changing the angle of his head, trying to take him right down his throat. Joe’s eyes streamed as he choked, “Buggering hell, you’re too big.”

  Stuart’s groaning laughter had him lifting up, grinning, he poked out his tongue.

  “I can think of a better use for that.”

  Shivering at the palpable arousal in Stuart’s voice, Joe lowered his mouth sucking off the remaining ice cream. Wallowing in the creamy sweetness mingled with the slightly bitter taste of Stuart. It reminded him of salted caramel chocolate, loving the flavour, his lips sought to find more. He felt like an addict, he just couldn’t get enough.

  Joe pushed down on Stuart’s writhing hips to stop him from moving, quickening his pace, knowing he would come as soon as Stuart did. Stuart’s vibrating body made tingles race down Joe’s spine heading straight to his cock, making it pulse wildly.

  Stuart’s trimmed sac called to him, his heavy balls lay nestled between his powerful thighs. Joe moved his mouth lower, wanting to make Stuart soar, burrowing his nose into his sac and taking in the clean musky aroma, the tinge of his own soap not detracting from the overall spicy smell of Stuart. Breathing in deep, his mouth worked to capture the taste. Joe grunted in approval once Stuart opened, giving him better access as his legs fell wide.

  God he looks so yummy, not giving Stuart a chance to change his mind, Joe worked his lips and tongue in sync with his hand.

  The light hair covering Stuart’s pucker had him wanting to see what it would feel like against his tongue. Not sure Stuart was up for that he tentatively moved lower, feeling for any change in Stuart’s body language that would indicate he wasn’t happy.

  Increasing his hand speed, praying he’d distract long enough to get a little taste of his essence. Lapping at the skin just under his sac, the loud moan encouraged him to keep going. Using his other hand he slowly rolled Stuart’s sac up, rolling his balls firmly. Keeping his movements steady, inhaling, he let Stuart’s smell intoxicate his senses, ramping up his own need. Joe couldn’t stop himself from humping the sheets, he wished for a third hand.

  Trying not to overthink things, he let his tongue snake out, getting its first taste, swallowing fast for fear of drooling. His tongue moved quicker than his brain could catch up with, driving pleasure had pushed him forward harder than he realised.


  The shout gave him pause for all of two seconds before Stuart bucked his hips back into his face. Okay, he didn’t need to be told twice. Lapping, his tongue flicked, teasing his rim. Stuart’s ass moved back and forth as he chased Joe’s tongue. Joe pushed a little firmer, seeing how Stuart would respond to a being penetrated. Joe felt his teeth clack together making his jaw throb.

  “Fuck, careful, man, don’t want to have to explain to the dentist how you broke my teeth.” His criticism was met with Stuart’s loud chanting.

  “Oh fuck, please. Christ sake don’t stop… so close.”

  Joe watched Stuart writhe, his body undulating, seeking more of Joe’s mouth. “Dirty motherfucker, that’s it, show me what you want.”

  Loud whimpering had him diving back in. The urge to please Stuart seemed to drive his own need through the stratosphere. Stuart’s muscles quaked under his mouth and hands. Releasing his balls but keeping his strokes rapid on his cock, Joe sucked his finger into his mouth. He glanced up Stuart’s body. Appearing lost in his pleasure, eyes screwed tight, arms bunched above his head gripping the bed head. His body was rigid, every muscle tensed under the onslaught.

  A desperate cry rented the air as Joe placed his lips and tongue back where Stuart wanted them. Secretly pleased that he had Stuart at breaking point. Having never had a partner that desperate for his touch, made Joe feel invincible. Placing his tongue and lips against his tender sweet hole, Joe sucked, feeling the muscles loosen as he teased. Joe gave several small jabs with his tongue, enjoying Stuart’s response, widening his legs as far apart as they would go.

  Oh yeah, there we go, rubbing his finger around the edge of his rim, Joe’s tongue continued to push inching in a little, opening him. Gasping for air, Joe could feel his own cock soaking the sheet, the friction keeping his need to come on the very edge.

  Stuart’s balls rose, hugging tightly against his cock. No, no, not yet. Joe wanted more than anything to breach Stuart’s body before he came, even if it was only his finger. Joe settled his finger against his hole tapping it to let him know what was coming, before fluidly sinking deep.

  Holy Christ, Joe couldn’t hold back the moan. The heat scorched him, making his eyes cross. The tight squeeze had him desperate to replace his finger with his cock, to feel Stuart strangle it in the best possible way. His mind wanted to shut down at the idea, but his cock had other ideas, grinding hard into the soft mattress. His silent scream stretched his mouth open wide, cum spilled against his will. Breathless, Joe clenched down trying to refocus.

  He pushed his finger deeper, using his tongue for lubrication. Three thrusts were all it took for Stuart’s deafening roar to fill the heavy air. Cum sprayed them both before Joe pulled back, collapsing in a winded heap, gulping in large mouthfuls of salty air.

  Joe tensed feeling Stuart shift. Was this when things went tits up? When Stuart realised he’d been fucked when he said he wasn’t ready?

  Soft lips skated over his shoulder making Joe’s stomach start to untie the knots his silent doubts had caused. The quick grin Stuart threw his way before he jumped off the bed had him exhaling gustily.

  Okay, okay he liked it.

  “I more than liked it.”

  The muffled words through the bathroom door had him burying his head, him and his big mouth. Joe smirked, feeling peaceful lethargy steal over him. It took him under in seconds, and he never heard Stuart return.


  Stuart hollered up the stairs, “Come on, slow coach, I thought you said you were going to drive us to Go Ape?” What the hell was he doing up there? Striding, he took two stairs at a time, enough was enough, at that rate they would be late. Stalking into Joe’s room, Stuart paused, catching sight of the unmade bed he felt his groin tighten. He tried to focus on something else, but the smell of sex permeated the air making it nigh on impossible. Hell, at this rate I’ll be spending the day trying to avoid poking someone’s eye out.

  Stuart tried to shake off his wayward thoughts. The sight of the bed reminded him of Joe’s warmth cocooned in his arms. Fresh images flooded him, he readjusted his now fully erect cock. Groaning in distress, a driving need to take Joe on any flat surface he could find was making it hard to focus on anything else. His cock would be raw if they continued to fuck like bunny rabbits. Shit, he’d lost count of how many times he’d sunk into Joe’s heat, but it made him crave it even when he wasn’t near him. It didn’t matter how many times they made love, it never quenched his thirst for him.

  His mind jumped back to Thursday’s conversation. They hadn’t discussed Joe’s topping or filming them again, yet the thought had glued to his subconscious like chewing gum to a school desk. It was stuck hard, and was now like a giant snowball rolling down the hill gathering size and momentum in his mind, waiting to knock him on his bloody ass when he was least expecting it.

  Stuart inhaled deeply, attempting to stop the ache in his lower body the images were giving him. Only to torture himself with scents of dried cum and Joe’s distinct fresh apple smell, his palpable arousal had him hurrying out of the room.

  He halted at the top of the stairs, listening as his brow furrowed. Where the heck was he? Confused by the silence, Stuart searched the upstairs before heading downstairs, his frustration growing when he came up empty-handed.

  The empty house giving him time to think without Joe there clouding his mind. Joe’s rules gave him a constant headache if he let them. A relationship, God he really wanted one, but that one word seemed to stick in Joe’s craw for some reason. Alarm bells rang ominously between them every time Joe put up barriers, not even considering what Stuart could offer.

  Stuart could feel his jaw bunching, teeth gritting in irritation, his temper was growing with each step. He was starting to hate Joe’s ground rules. Joe’s insistence that th
ey keep it light, no heavy relationship crap should have had him jumping for joy. So why wasn’t he? Christ, sex on tap and no complications … he should be thanking the Gods, but no, there he was stomping around his house like an angry bear.

  The barriers Joe erected felt like he was trying to climb the Great Wall of China blindfolded, with no guide. Keeping his feelings under control was making him tense and short tempered, to the point he’d had to leave the room several times to get a grip on himself. Joe’s concerned and suspicious glances not helping either.

  He’d figured someone had hurt Joe, but how could he fight what he didn’t understand? His hands twitched at his sides before curling into fists, he wanted to pound the faceless fucker for putting that haunted look in Joe’s eyes any time he mentioned the word relationship, and it was getting worse.

  Lying awake feeling Joe curled around his body, his warmth perfect as he moulded himself into Stuart. The moment so pure, his love had overwhelmed. His thoughts had him grinning, he had accepted what he’d known deep down. Joe was his, some cosmic force had pulled at him the minute their eyes had connected all those years ago. The link finally snapping into place all these years later when he’d opened his front door several weeks ago. He knew they were right for each other, but how the hell did he make Joe see that?

  Stuart swallowed past his anxiety and frustration, fighting to release the knots that were tying him into big bows of neediness. He stalked into the kitchen automatically, searching for the one thing he knew would ease his stress. Where the fuck was he? For God’s sake!

  Reflecting on his need for some reassurance, Stuart had considered his options, shaking his head at his only option. Having sucked up his pride, he’d gone to Martin for advice. His smug satisfaction had nearly been Stuart’s undoing, Martin couldn’t help but rub his face in it. He had got past it; well sort of, if you didn’t count the nagging need to punch Martin’s lights out at odd moments.

  Stuart had sucked it up especially when Martin had assured him that Joe had relationship written all over him. The stingy little snippets Martin gave hinted at more significant issues. But on further questioning, all he had said was speak to Joe, be patient, and show he could be trusted. It had helped, but Stuart questioned, hadn’t he been doing that all along, showing Joe he could be trusted? Why was he the only one in the ruddy dark, why wasn’t Joe talking to him after what they had shared? He didn’t think he was the only one feeling the intensity of emotions, was he?


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