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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

Page 58

by J P Sayle

  Princess had yet again struggled to understand humans, these strange notions they took were beyond her. Joe had somehow let a monster into his life, but at least that seemed to be over now. The trip to the gym and his confused thoughts seemed to have settled while Joe was spending so much time with Stuart.

  The problem that nagged was Aaden, she did not understand what his role was or even if he had a purpose. The quiet conversations had worried her that maybe Joe wasn’t as interested in Stuart. So she’d hatched a plan, irritating Stuart so that Joe would be distracted from the message he’d received the previous week. She had worked extra hard to ensure they didn’t spend any time apart, hoping it would strengthen their feelings for each other. She was getting a little miffed there hadn’t been any declarations of love, but she had a feeling it was coming, even if Joe was a bit grumpy today.

  She was immensely pleased with herself for the way things were going, even if she had been scolded yet again for interfering by her mother.

  Thumping above her alerted to Stuart’s whereabouts. Smirking, sneaking upstairs, she headed slowly towards the bathroom door. Waiting for just the right moment, she rented the air with an almighty howl. Stuart’s loud scream pleased her a second before he spun around on his uninjured leg, his pee spraying her coat. Jumping back too late Princess shook her sodden fur in disgust, scowling she slinked back.

  Stuart’s gawking expression turned to mirth, before laughter ripped stridently through the air making her hackles rise. Aiming, she launched at him only for her legs to dangle mid-jump as freezing cold hands stopped her. The scent, not someone she knew had her claws draw, ready to strike.

  “What on earth is going on here?”

  Crap, Joe. Looking up she caught the disbelieving glance he cast between her and Stuart, his nose twitching in disgust she was sure at the smell of urine that probably clung to her.

  Going on the defensive, she snuggled in batting her eyelashes. A scent not human clung to the coat Joe wore caused her hackles to rise, but this time for an entirely different reason. Her alarm grew, jumping out of Joe’s arms she ran out of the room. What on God’s earth was that smell? It had been centuries since she had bothered with the opposite sex, yet that smell made her want to hunt down the owner and feast on him.

  Lurking outside, she headed for the tree house. Distracted, she forgot that she still stunk of pee or that she hadn’t got the chance to pay Stuart back. Princess felt the worry burrow deep as she rested her head on her paws.

  Maybe she shouldn’t have interfered again? Huffing, no it had all worked out in the end for Brad and Martin as it would for Stuart and Joe. She would need to put out some feelers and find out who owned that scent, and then maybe that would calm her nerves.

  Her mother’s quiet chuckles filled her head, rolling her eyes in fear. Oh God, what was she up to?


  He realised a little too late after Joe had stormed out, he may have pushed too hard and laid it on a bit thick with the invalid thing. He had done everything in his power since yesterday to assist even if his leg now throbbed like a rotten tooth ache. Shifting on the soft pillows, sighing in pleasure as it they took the weight of his aching leg cushioning it.

  Now that he was relaxed he could feel his lingering anxiety return, after yesterday’s run in with Joe. The fact he was distant after returning, seemingly looking as if he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Several times he appeared to gather himself up to talk about something that, if his face was anything to go by, was going to be very unpleasant. So Stuart had done the only thing he could think of, he’d avoided Joe like the plague. He knew he was being a coward but he was frightened he was going to say he was leaving.

  Scratching his head he gazed out the window, the weather truly seemed suited to his Sunday mood. His melancholy thoughts filtered through the same as the rain that was currently drenching the path. He absently thought he should have swept up the dying leaves, the rain would surely make them slippy underfoot, and he couldn’t afford to fall and injure his other leg that was for sure. Joe would be well and truly be pissed off then.

  Stuart no sooner thought about Joe, when he heard the slap of socked feet on the wooden floor two seconds before he came into view. Appreciating it too late to escape, Stuart slanted his gaze up, giving a tentative smile. Moving to make room for Joe, he grimaced, massaging his fingers into his aching thigh.

  Avoiding eye contact, Stuart felt the cushions move next to him. Joe gently lifted his leg and placed it over his own making Stuart groan when Joe pushed his hand away, replacing them with his own. His warm fingers kneaded the bare flesh, slowly massaging around the discoloured skin. Feeling the tension rise between them, Stuart was uncertain how to broach the subject of what was wrong. His own worry about what it could mean for them had him hesitating. One quick look at Joe’s despondent face advised the game was up, Joe knew he’d been avoiding him.

  The internal sigh not helping, Stuart pushed his worries aside. “Is everything okay?” The need to make it better overruled his fear. Desperately needing a drink for his parched throat, he grabbed the glass on the table, drinking deep. To hide his shaking hands he clutched the back of the sofa, feeling his uncertainty grow when the silence increased.

  The urge to move, to pace had him tensing knowing that would not help his painful leg. Also, who knew you couldn’t pace with crutches? Well not unless you wanted to end up on your arse, that is. Though he tried not to think about that or that Princess had, yet again, riled him into acting stupid.

  Joe’s hesitant voice had him darting his eyes up.

  “Em, well… it’s just… em that my friend Aaden is coming for a visit, he should be here by the end of the week. He has just texted to say he has sorted his travel arrangements.”

  Stuart felt himself choking back the jealousy, making it impossible to swallow when bile burned his throat. “Where is he planning on staying?” His growl snapped out through gritted teeth.

  Joe carefully removed his hands, swivelling towards him as if bracing for a fight. Taking several deep breaths, Stuart tried to unlock his aching jaw, controlling the urge to shout and demand answers. He didn’t interrupt when Joe spoke, even though he wanted to.

  “I didn’t realise but Ms Stevens’s house is up for lease and Aaden has decided to rent that for a few months.”

  How could Joe’s meek words make his blood boil, Stuart was baffled. His throat burned as if he had rubbed it with sandpaper, he hardly recognised his own voice when he spoke.

  “For a few months? Here? Across the road?” His eyes searched Joe’s face for what he wasn’t sure, but the heated flush had Stuart wanting to demand answers he wasn’t sure he wanted.

  Questions rattled around wanting to escape but the fretful worry etched in Joe’s beautiful chocolate eyes held him in check. Wincing Stuart pulled his leg off Joe’s lap, needing a bit of space. Praying for patience when Joe’s Adam’s apple bobbed and his brow furrowed making Stuart believe Joe was carefully considering his answers.

  The quiet deliberation made Stuart’s insides knot with anxiety, what the hell was he missing? He scrutinised Joe, watching him wet his lips several times and making them glisten in the firelight, teasing Stuart with images he valiantly tried not to think about. Moving his hand, Stuart attempted to conceal his obvious desire. He figured now was not the time for his libido to start kicking back in. The pain in his thigh had removed any thoughts of sex over the past couple of weeks, but it would seem the brain controlling his cock had other ideas.

  Joe’s lowered stare told him he had not missed Stuart’s reaction to those delicious wet lips. Getting the distinct impression Joe would distract him in a heartbeat, Stuart shifted away from temptation.

  “What’s going on Joe?”

  Seeing him slump back on the sofa in defeat. Stuart watched with interest as Joe plucked at the edge of his shorts, unravelling the hem. Thinking Joe was lost in his own thoughts, Stuart jerked when he spoke, making the knots j
am tighter together inside him.

  “Aaden is a good friend from the army. He has been helping me with a little problem I had with my last boyfriend.” Joe’s avoidance of eye contact made his heart drop. The angry way he spat the word boyfriend out, had Stuart forming a picture that he wasn’t sure he liked.

  Swallowing past the hurt of Joe wanting a boyfriend before, when all he had done since he got to the Island was put up walls, and issue rules, it was messing with his head. Feeling his hands clench with the urge to pound his miserable asshole of an ex made him push them under his legs.

  The one question that nagged at Stuart was what the fuck was wrong with him that Joe didn’t want him? Building up a full head of steam he missed what Joe was saying. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he tried to be patient. “Sorry, what did you just say?”

  A sudden sadness seemed to spread between them, blanketing them as Joe spoke. “It’s too long a story to go into. So this is the short version, okay?”

  Stuart noted Joe didn’t seem to want a reply when he rushed on.

  “I dated a man called Joel for several months. Before it became very obvious that we both wanted different things out of life.”

  Joe’s lack of elaboration only made him antsier, fidgeting, he tried to get comfortable. Unsure where the conversation was going but his gut told him he wasn’t going to like it when Joe nervously carried on.

  “One night he decided to take things a little too far and thought it would be good to choke me.” Joe voice trailed off, not making eye contact.

  Stuart could see the embarrassment creep up his neck and face. The urge to hold him close battled with his anger. How could Joe have been so stupid to get involved with such a dickhead and put himself in danger like that? Unable to sit any longer he staggered up, grabbing his crutches, putting distance between them.

  He felt Joe’s withdrawal the instant he pulled away, figuring his anger was not going to help the situation, but fuck he needed to move. He limped across the room, making sure to avoid the rugs, he considered whatever had happened was clearly the root of Joe’s issues with having relationships, trusting him. He’d known Joe was holding a lot back from him before, but he wanted answers, now. Anything to release the tension that made him want to unleash his anger on Joe. He knew he’d be sorry if he did so instead he demanded an explanation. “I need you to tell me everything, now.”

  His demand had Joe’s head shooting up, his eyes smoldered with fire, clashing with Stuart’s angry gaze. Not backing down he towered over him, careful not to scare him but he wanted him to open up desperately. Holding his breath he waited to see if Joe would trust him enough to share his story.

  Joe’s defeated expression did nothing to relieve the tension between them. “Okay, you asked for it.”

  Thumping back to the sofa as his legs shuddered under him with each horror Joe revealed from the past several months. His earlier anger dissolved so fast it left his nerves raw, Joe’s story ripping and tearing at his heart and soul. The vileness of his story scraped at Stuart’s control. Never a violent man, he felt the rage at the injustice Joe had endured fight to be let out.

  His comprehension of Joe’s past letting him finally see why his trust issues were so big, so hard to overcome. The unease caused when Joe spoke reverently about Aaden sat like a greasy ball inside, the slide of jealousy rolling over him making it difficult to escape it. Stuart accepted Aaden had helped Joe to escape, but was there more between them? Why was Aaden coming now? Was it really to help or was he after something from Joe? His hands clenched at the thought of Aaden touching what belonged to him.

  Joe continued to talk, pulling him from his jumbled thoughts. “The thing is, Aaden only found out last week that Joel had been given a dishonourable discharge from the army. Only problem is it happened several weeks earlier. I thought I was safe, so I had informed the army I had temporarily moved to the Island. I haven’t given them your address. They only have my number, but it wouldn’t take Joel long to find out where I live, if he really wanted to know.” Joe’s own panicky movements had him jumping up. He paced in front of Stuart, letting him feel the waves of Joe’s nervous energy combine with his own.

  Out of all that had been said, Stuart couldn’t get past Aaden’s ‘temporary move’, hell the rest was just some asshole flexing his muscles, being a total knob.

  “Aaden is coming to help and support me, just in case Joel decides to show up again.”

  The urge to grind his teeth at Joe’s simple explanation had Stuart’s jaw ache. What the fuck was he, Scotch mist? Stuart looked at his injured leg, okay maybe he wasn’t quite up to kicking ass at the moment but he could help protect Joe, he desperately wanted to. No he needed to show him that he could help protect him. The problem was that he wasn’t sure how he could, if Joe didn’t see that he could or would, given half the chance.

  Stuart felt overwhelmed, wanting some reassurance himself he reached forward, grabbing Joe’s hand and pulling him towards him, mindful of his injured leg. Joe’s rigid form spoke volumes, the stress taking its toll on both of them. Speaking, Stuart tried to allay Joe’s fears. “We’ll work this out together. I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  Sitting down awkwardly, he cursed his gammy leg when he struggled to pull Joe in his lap. Stuart hugged him close, offering silent words of love he felt uncertain would be accepted if he chose to voice them.

  Stuart’s tense muscles relaxed when he felt Joe melt into his embrace. Sighing in pleasure when Joe seemed to take comfort from him. Stuart wanted this, these moments. Maybe this would be enough to show how much he cared.

  “Thank you for not judging me and offering to help.” Joe’s whispered words ghosted over his face making tiny shivers ignite sparks throughout Stuart’s body.

  Pulling his thoughts out of the gutter with difficulty, Stuart took his courage to ask for what he really wanted. “Joe, I want a relationship with you.” Stuart felt the shock ripple through Joe at his own words, not sure if that was good or bad. Stopping Joe before he could say anything, Stuart placed his fingers on his lips, silencing him.

  He had started, so I was damn well going to finish before my courage failed me, feeling resolute he carried on. “I get you have had a bad relationship which has tarnished your opinion of them. I’m glad I understand your reasons now, but what we have is different, surely you know that.”

  Okay maybe that came out sounding a little demanding, but it was needed as far as he was concerned. Joe’s slight lift up in his lips under his fingers had hope flaring in his chest, the feeling of love taking hold. He strained to convey them as he spoke. “We need to work together, build some trust between us so we can build a relationship together and that means no more secrets, okay?”

  Joe’s small nod had Stuart’s anxiety releasing its tight grip on his insides. Stuart removed his finger and replacing it with his lips, using the kiss to relay the depth of his feelings. Shifting his mouth he nibbled at Joe’s full lower lip sucking it into his mouth, loving the little whimper it evoked. Stroking his tongue along the seam of his lips seeking entry, tongues slid reacquainting. The slow deep glide into pleasure made him breathless as their mouths mated, both of them taking what they needed from each other.

  Joe’s unique flavour hit him squarely in the balls as the hint of apples teased him. Seeking more he deepened the kiss, sucking on Joe’s tongue. The rapturous groan had his hips thrust up into Joe’s pert ass. Its perfection had him grinding harder, feeling his need rise between them. If this was the only way he could communicate, to show Joe that he could be trusted, then so be it.

  Thinking about the horrors Joe had endured. Stuart’s fingers moved to gently cup his throat, caressing even as Joe’s body stilled. Feeling the loss when Joe pulled back panting, he stared into Stuart’s eyes searchingly. Stuart knew Joe was not ready to accept his words of love, even if he was ready to offer them. Instead he conveyed them with his eyes, his touch, needing to show him there could be more than hurt, anger,
and fear between them.

  Stuart watched Joe carefully tightening his fingers just a fraction, he saw the fear leap into his eyes. Joe’s hands twitched against his chest, but he didn’t move away. Stuart held him gently, his fingers caressed, trying to convey that they wouldn’t cause harm. The slight tremor that quaked Joe’s body seconds before air rushed out, ghosting across Stuart’s face, had him wondering if he was wrong.

  Stuart scrutinised Joe when he urged him on covering his hands, encouraging him to get a firmer grip. Following Joe’s direction, Stuart leant forward, sucking on Joe’s plump lips to divert them both, but the audible groan Joe released when he increased the pressure, had Stuart’s cock hardening to steel. That and he could visibly see Joe’s cock trying to escape his jeans had him rethinking. Joe most definitely liked this kind of play. It took trust and understanding of limits to be able to get off in that way.

  Stuart banked down his anger at what Joel had tried to steal from Joe. Mindful that he could cause a setback if Joe thought he was angry at him, he eased back pulling his hands away cautiously. Stuart smiled in reassurance at Joe’s frowning face.

  “I think we should take this someplace where we can lay down and get naked.” His husky words had Joe jumping up like an eager beaver making Stuart’s laughter erupt out, “eager much, sunshine?”

  The cheeky flirty grin Joe threw at him had him grinning, “Well it has been a while and my balls are blue, man, with all that cuddling and no relief, you were driving me insane.”

  Struggling to contain his cocky smirk, Stuart tried to hide his face from Joe, Stuart halted as Joe’s finger jabbed at his chest.

  “You did it on purpose?” Joe accused.

  Giving him a noncommittal smile he didn’t need to know he wanted all Joe’s orgasms for himself as selfish as that may seem. Following Joe’s provocatively swaying hips. Stuart ignored his own awkward movements even if they were pissing him off. He thumped behind careful not to jar his leg.


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