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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

Page 99

by J P Sayle

  Drawing in the crisp, wintry air, Aaden found himself propelled forward before his mind could catch up. The need to touch impossible to resist, so he didn’t. Opening the car door, he bent to lift Greg out. The sound of another engine had his head lift, thinking he was going to have to kill Nick if he’d forgotten something, Aaden let out a distressed groan.

  His eyes rolled heavenward. “Why me, hey? Why the hell does everyone have to show up fucking early?”

  His angry growl had Greg’s head fire back, his red hair flying around his face as confusion shimmered behind the misery his face couldn’t hide. Aaden lifted his hand, pushed the hair behind Greg’s ear, and cupped his smooth cheeks. He brushed his lips over his, offering a feather-light kiss. Their warm breath mingled. The sweetness he tasted on his lips had Aaden want to tell Brody to go and get lost for a few hours.

  Aaden gave an internal sigh, knowing he wouldn’t, so he forcibly made himself step back. Releasing Greg’s face, he looked away from the soft tempting mouth that pouted up at him.

  “I’m sorry. Sorrier than you can imagine.” He let out a loud huff, blowing his fringe out of his eyes. He scowled over the top of Greg’s car before he continued to explain. “It seems that my friend has decided to arrive a couple of days early.” He cast Brody a quick glance as he exited his car. His large frame encased all in dark grey, towered over the small metallic pewter Honda.

  He looked back at Greg. “I promise, later there will be no more interruptions, even if I have to bloody barricade the house to make sure.” His harsh, whispered promise had Greg’s sky-blue eyes darken. The understanding sat squarely between them. The promise of what was to come had Aaden’s body tighten further. His cock unrelenting, it didn’t understand why it had to wait.

  Aaden took another couple of steps back, readjusting himself, attempting to hide what was clearly a very large, hard problem. He groaned at the contact. His mind searched for anything that would help.

  His gaze moved back to Brody who was emptying the boot of his car. He remembered he hadn’t, as yet, told Nick that Brody was coming for a few weeks’ holiday. The epic fight he knew that would ensue between him and Nick had his cock wilting faster than a lettuce leaf left on a hot plate.

  Happier with the state of his arousal, but not so happy with how he was going to explain Brody’s arrival to Nick, he strolled over to help bring in Brody’s bags. The sound of Greg’s car door shutting, and his feet slapping quickly behind him on the concrete, had him turn. Greg’s gaze was firmly fixed on Brody. Aaden tried to figure out why Greg was suddenly scowling, a ruddy flush working its way from his face down his neck.

  Greg barged past him, pushing his hand out to his friend, speaking. “Hi. I’m Greg, Aaden’s boyfriend. And you are?”

  Aaden watched in fascination, not sure if it was jealousy he could hear in Greg’s strained voice. Brody appeared unconcerned as he took Greg’s hand, giving it a firm shake.

  “I’m Brody. That big oaf over there’s my best friend since high school.”

  While responding, he gave Aaden a sly smile over Greg’s head. Aaden found his nails biting into his palms when Brody’s gaze roamed over Greg’s tight-fitting shirt and trousers. The appreciation he could see in his grey-green eyes had him striding to Greg, dislodging Brody’s hand as he pulled Greg into his body. It was only then that he felt the icy coldness emanating from Greg’s trembling body.

  “Come on, let’s get your bags inside, and we can do the introductions there. Greg’s freezing his backside off out here.” Aaden rubbed at Greg’s shoulders before grabbing one of Brody’s bags and leading everyone into the house. Brody speaking had him whirling around, looking at where his friend’s eyes were focused.

  “Now that would be such a pity because, Greg, your backside is a thing of beauty.”

  “Get your eyes off what belongs to me, or you’re gonna find yourself sleeping in a hotel.” His threat rumbled past the ball of emotion choking him.

  Greg’s shivering body hardly had taken two steps when he flicked Brody a sly smile before adding an extra punch to his swaying hips while walking up the path to the house. Aaden gripped the bag he was holding tighter. The urge to punch Brody in the face competed with dragging Greg upstairs and tanning his brazen backside for flirting.

  Gritting his teeth, Aaden thrust his jaw towards Brody. “Inside, troublemaker. Remember, if you touch him, I’ll have to break you in half.” Aaden ignored the raucous laughter that followed him into the house.

  Aaden heard Greg in the kitchen. He assumed he had gone to put the kettle on. Shutting the door, he dropped the bags at the bottom of the stairs. He looked over to the lounge doorway where the two new bed frames and mattresses were sitting.

  “Well, it’s a bloody good job I ordered two. Otherwise you might have had to share with Nick.” Aaden chuckled at Brody’s sudden coughing fit, his eyes red and bulging, streaming as he gave Aaden the finger.

  “Hey, he’s not that bad. And remember, squirt is only half the size of you.” Aaden wasn’t sure what was up with Brody, but the closed expression he gave him when he stopped coughing had him plucking at his lower lip.

  First, bloody Nick, and now Brody was acting all weird. What the fuck was up with the both of them?

  Aaden heard Greg shout from the kitchen, distracting him. Giving Brody one last look, he pushed his concern to the back of his mind, reminding himself to ask Brody about it later. “Come on, it sounds like Greg has coffee ready for us. Then we’ll get you settled. Well, we will once I have your bed set up.”

  He heard mumbling behind him, not bothering to respond to Brody’s griping. He rolled his eyes, wondering if the next couple of weeks were going to be worth the hassle.


  The sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach announced who it was when his phone chimed.

  Greg dragged his bare feet across the varnished floor in Aaden’s bedroom. Lifting the phone, his brow crinkled. He opened the message box, holding his breath waiting for the axe to fall. The message was short and to the point. “Come over to mine when you are free, M.”

  Greg felt Aaden’s arms circle around his waist, pulling him back into his warmth, enfolding him in a hug that spoke volumes. He would be there, no matter what happened this evening. Greg licked his dry lips and turned his head to look over his shoulder. “Have you let Nick know he can come back home. I’m sure he was only hiding out because I was coming to offload.” Greg hesitated, not sure how to ask Aaden if he’d come with him. He was encouraged when Aaden offered a warm smile.

  Drawing in the comforting scent of Aaden’s body wash, he tucked his face in his neck before speaking. “Will you come with me to Martin’s?” His muffled words received a nod and a shudder as he let go of the breath.

  A breath he’d not realised he’d been holding. A breath he noticed that caused goosebumps to rise over Aaden’s exposed skin. Greg chuckled, happy to be distracted when Aaden ground his clothed cock against his backside.

  Aaden’s sexy-as-sin rumble filled his ear, making him shudder. “Later, you little minx. When we have this little problem sorted and our guests are settled. Then I’m going to show you exactly how much I like your hot breath on me.”

  Greg heaved a disappointed sigh when Aaden pulled back and slipped on his boots, finishing dressing. Aaden’s offer of a shower after they had spent a few hours talking with Brody and then tidying up Nick’s mess in the kitchen had perked Greg right up. Well, that was till he realised he was showering alone because Aaden had insisted on building Brody’s new bed before he showered. Only just returning a few minutes earlier after Greg was dressed.

  Greg worked on trying not to be too despondent about how things had turned out. The fact Brody had listened along with Aaden to his tale of woe without interruption was gratifying, especially when they had both started poking holes into his conviction it was his error.

  Hell, he loved that Aaden was convinced he’d done nothing wrong and that Brody, who he had only just met, beli
eved Aaden, that Greg wouldn’t make such a massive error. Greg chewed his thumb. He just needed to convince himself of that because he had seen the file and the errors. They were as plain as the nose on his face.

  “Come on, Greg. Brody can come over with us and meet the gang. He may be able to offer his keen senses, suss out what happened or who is messing with you. Because, after all, you said this afternoon, I think someone is setting you up.”

  Aaden dragged his unwilling backside downstairs to feed Max who sat watching them. Greg pondered what he’d said as Aaden texted Nick. He heard a chuckle leave Aaden when his phone pinged immediately.

  “It would seem Nick has been back for hours and has been entertaining himself in Brad’s makeshift gym. Come on, let’s go and sort this mess out.”

  The confident tone in Aaden’s voice had Greg push back his shoulders, forcing himself to act confident, even if that was the last thing he felt.

  The possible distraction of sexy time with Aaden now seemed a long way off as he shivered and trembled in the freezing evening wind, standing waiting for Martin to open his front door. Greg attempted a smile at Aaden when he dropped his arm around his shoulders, hugging him into his body heat.

  Why did he always feel like a furnace, even when he only had a long-sleeved T-shirt on, and I have the same amount of protection, and I’m fricken freezing?

  “It’s cause I’m hot stuff, my red beauty.”

  Greg wanted to grumble at Aaden for yet again listening in on his thoughts, but the words died on his lips when he remembered Brody was standing behind him.

  Martin’s face came into view as the door opened in front of them. Greg immediately offered an apologetic smile, he stepped closer, ready to agree to anything to make amends for the fuck-up he’d created.

  Before he could get the promises out, Martin pulled him into his arms, stopping him dead in his tracks. When he hugged him close, the smell of Martin’s aftershave tickled his nose when an angry growl and large warm hands yanked him back.

  “Mine.” The one word hung in the air as Martin stepped back from Aaden, his hands held high in surrender.

  “I know he’s yours, just like Brad is mine. I get it. I understand. I just wanted to apologise for my shitty behaviour today. Come on in, it’s colder than a witch’s tit out there.” Martin ushered them into the warm hall. Only then, he noticed the large man stepping in behind Aaden.

  He was as broad as Aaden, maybe a couple of inches shorter. Rich mahogany hair was cropped into a trendy style that left the sides short and the top longer. His grey-green eyes were piercing, seemingly missing nothing, as he watched the interaction between him and Aaden. His square jaw and wide, generous mouth gave him a hard appearance, which suggested you wouldn’t want to mess with him. The grey bomber jacket, polo neck jumper, and grey slim-fitting trousers oozed sex appeal. Martin was convinced he wouldn’t have been out of place on a catwalk.

  His body hummed in appreciation. He may love Brad beyond reason, but it would seem his body hadn’t forgotten what it could be like to be dominated by an attractive man.

  Martin realised he was standing staring and letting in the cold. He shut the door, locking out the icy chill. He offered his hand to the stranger, “Hi. I’m Martin, Greg’s boss.”

  “Brody. Aaden’s friend from years back. Nice to meet you.”

  Brody’s deep, sexy voice had Martin reconsider if he wanted this man anywhere near his Brad, never mind his own reaction. He felt his hackles rise when Brody squeezed his hand a little harder than was warranted before releasing him.

  Martin shook out his hand, reluctantly encouraging them to follow him into the kitchen.

  The tense atmosphere made it hard for him to fathom if it was due to his nasty comments to Greg this morning, the fact he’d touched Greg in a way Aaden clearly didn’t like, or if it was Brody’s presence.

  Martin sighed, not sure how to broach the subject without pissing someone off.

  Leading everyone into the kitchen, he automatically searched for Brad, then Princess. Brad had his back turned to him, his red sweater bold against the blond hair that gleamed under the lights as he stirred something on the stove. Martin hummed in pleasure, his worries about Brody fading instantly when Brad sensed him and flicked him a beautiful dimpled grin.

  He relaxed his stiff shoulders, but his thoughts diverted when he didn’t see Princess on her cushion. Her absence was more noticeable when Max was about, but as Max had been MIA for the past few days, he’d felt sure she would be swanning around, lording it over everyone. He made a mental note to talk to Brad about Princess’s own MIA behaviour after everyone had left.

  He felt the tension rise in the room when Nick gave a sudden indrawn breath, noticing Brody when Aaden stepped aside. He wanted to groan at the look of horror crossing the small blond sprite’s face, that’d been charming the pants of Brad when he’d gotten home.

  Martin had found himself immediately liking Nick when Aaden had introduced them earlier in the week. His cheeky humour and instant friendly affiliation with Brad had endeared him to Martin. Brad’s circle of friends was growing, but it was still tiny. Joe and Nick seemed to give him a new-found confidence that only friendships could offer. And he was eternally grateful for it when the confidence spilled over into all areas of their life.

  Martin let his gaze linger on Brad’s swaying hips. He could totally get Aaden’s outburst. If anyone so much as touched his baby, he’d want to punch their lights out. The jealousy was ridiculous, knowing Brad didn’t want anyone but him, but it didn’t stop it from rearing its ugly head every now and again. And Brody being here had him on high alert, even though Brad had yet to notice him.

  Martin shifted, willing his body to behave.

  He let his thoughts turn to the men sitting at the table, hoping it would help reduce his predicament. His hands twitched to sort out the problem, but his senses decided to go into overdrive. He had a sudden feeling things were about to start unravelling fast if he didn’t take control.

  Martin felt Greg still beside him, upon seeing both Stuart and Joe sitting with Nick at the kitchen table. Brad seemed oblivious to the atmosphere shift as he continued to potter at the stove, creating divine smells.

  Martin motioned for everyone to sit at the table, pleased that it sat eight people. Otherwise he didn’t know what he would have done. “Brad’s making dinner. I assume you haven’t eaten yet?” He lifted his brow to Aaden. “That’s if you want to join us. It’s roast beef with all the trimmings.” The loud rumble Aaden’s stomach made had everyone burst out laughing.

  “Yeah, laugh it up, you gits.”

  Aaden’s response and pinched brow had Martin bend in peals of laughter, tears running down his cheeks, knowing full well Aaden had wanted to deny his hunger before his body had betrayed him.

  Greg glanced at everyone in the kitchen, trying to figure out what to do. The laughter had eased a bit of the tension that had risen. He went with the others to the table to sit. Only then did he notice Nick’s mutinous face, drilling holes into Brody. A Brody, who swaggered to the table resembling one of the gunslingers from the Magnificent Seven. He parked himself next to Nick. The broad smile he offered up did little to prevent Nick’s blond eyebrows from pinching tightly together before Brody spoke in that dreamy, sexy timbre.

  “Hey, squirt, how’s it hanging?”

  “Fuck off, Brody.” The musical response had the whole room erupt, with the exception of Nick and Brad, who turned, only just noticing the other man.

  “Oooh, hello and who is this lovely bit of man candy?”

  Brad’s timid question and flushed cheeks had a grumbling sigh escape from Martin, who’d changed his path to the table to go over and grab Brad.

  Greg couldn’t stop the grin that lit his face when Brad found his feet dangling from the ground as Martin laid a big smacker on his lips. The heat in the kitchen went from warm to blazing when Brad wrapped his legs around Martin, getting fully on board with the show of dominance.
/>   Greg knew he wasn’t the only one squirming at the overt sexiness pouring from both men.

  He glanced around the table, a little shocked to see Nick ignoring everyone as he picked at his fingernails. Greg felt sympathy at the lost look Nick’s white-blond hair didn’t quite hide as he tipped his head forward when he saw Greg looking at him.

  Willing to be distracted from the reason they’d been summoned, Stuart interrupted Martin.

  “Come on, Martin, put Brad down. I’m sure Brody got the message loud and clear.” Stuart’s laughing comments had Martin ease back. Greg saw the look of devotion pass between them before Martin gave Brad one more quick peck and dropped him to the floor with a pat to his arse. Greg wasn’t sure what the look meant when Brad lifted his flushed, dimpled smirk to Martin. But Greg had a feeling that the pat to his backside was a warning from Martin that Brad’s sparkling eyes seemed only too happy with.

  “Okay, okay, shall we get back to the reason I invited you over.”

  Martin’s strained-sounding voice made Greg shrink into the chair. Not making eye contact with him. Greg looked up under his lashes when Stuart touched his arm. A small comforting smile lifting his mouth had the ball of nerves in his stomach ease a fraction.

  I’m right here, my red-headed beauty.

  Greg knew he’d started when the thought popped into his head. He tried valiantly to keep his face neutral meeting Aaden’s onyx gaze. He let him know he’d heard his projected thought. How was this even happening?

  Greg felt a warm presence in his mind and tried not to freak out when Aaden sent him more positive thoughts through their link. Greg felt his face start to glow. He wasn’t sure what expression he offered Aaden, but the hum of satisfaction pulsing through their link made his blood thrum through his veins. It started inside his chest, spreading out when Aaden shifted to sending X-rated images that flooded his mind and had him move his hand down. Greg pushed at his hard, unrelenting cock under the table as it tried to escape. Wanting to groan, Greg retaliated, sending an exceptionally lude picture of him bent over, his cheeks parted, while his fingers sunk into his tight channel.


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