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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

Page 142

by J P Sayle

  Brody had a moment to wonder if maybe Nick was repulsed by his behaviour when dazed cerulean eyes opened in shock at tasting his own essence. Then Nick was devouring his mouth, seemingly enjoying the taste of his own cum. Nick licked deep, his tongue duelling with Brody’s. He growled as they fought over the last of the flavour.

  Nick rocked against Brody’s straining cock. His body reacted instantly to the aggressive desire. His steel-hard cock found the stimulation just enough to fire hot spurts of cum over Nick’s silky pants and naked skin.

  Brody pulled back. Shock warred with reality.

  Holy shit!

  He blinked in bewilderment. The dazed satisfaction on Nick’s face made his lips lift in smug satisfaction. His gaze moved of its own accord down Nick’s back to the dripping wet manties. His cock twitched at the sight of the wet material clinging lovingly to Nick.

  He wondered what other treats Nick hid in his underwear drawer.

  He sidestepped where his mind and sexy imagination was trying to take him, not sure asking now was maybe the right time.

  “Let me get something to clean us up with. Well, that is unless you fancy a shower.” He wagged his eyebrows at Nick but was disappointed when Nick seemed to shutter his face with a bland expression.

  Concerned, he searched for something to say, anything to bring back the languid smile of seconds ago. At a loss, Brody watched Nick move to grab his T-shirt, covering up.

  Brody took a deep inhale when he caught sight of his cum dripping down Nick’s backside. He coughed. He wanted to beat his chest and act all caveman. Instead he aimed for causal as he swiped the towel off the floor, wrapping it around his hips.

  He scrutinised Nick, trying to get a read on him as he dressed.

  Brody resisted the urge to sigh out loud when he sensed the walls Nick normally hid behind were being erected right before his eyes. Fuck, even the Great Wall of China would be easier to climb than Nick’s walls. He’d somehow lost the opportunity, and he didn’t even know how.

  Okay, I do. I shouldn’t have let my dick rule when we had a chance to talk first. How was I supposed to think rationally with Nick in tiny silk pants?

  He cursed silently and went to the bed. He sat, trying to figure out how to approach the mess that was their relationship. He just prayed he hadn’t somehow made it worse.

  “Nick, can you come and sit down?”

  He went for friendly, even when Nick sent him an angry glare before he stomped to the bed, perching as far away from him as possible. Brody clenched his teeth, praying for patience.

  “I know I’ve done this arse about elbow. I should have made sure we talked first about this stuff between us before I… er… well…”

  “Oh, for God’s sake. You sucked my cock. I could have said no, but I didn’t. So stop stressing about it and spit out what you want to say.”

  Nick’s angry interruption had Brody’s back go up in temper. Gripping the towel, he flexed his hands into the thick fluffy material to stop himself from strangling Nick. He willed himself to sit still and stop the colour rising in his cheeks at Nick’s blatant behaviour.

  “All right, keep your ruddy hair on.” His anger spilt out into every word. Maybe not as controlled as I would have liked.

  Brody clamped his lips together, forcing himself to take a deep breath and think about where he wanted to start.

  “I want your word you’ll be quiet and let me explain some things to you.” Brody’s brow rose when Nick opened his mouth. He was pleased when he didn’t have to say anything as Nick shut it just as quickly.

  “Okay then. I wanna start by saying I broke up with Luke on Christmas day, and yes, before you say it, it was a shitty thing to do over the phone. Unfortunately my phone died during the conversation and…” Brody swallowed the bitter taste that rose up. “I was too chickenshit to charge it and ring him back. I had no clue Luke intended to come here, I thought when I got back we’d talk and that would be that.” Brody shrugged when Nick fired a look of disbelief at him. “Anyway, what you witnessed in the kitchen was not desire; it was shock. And okay, my body might have enjoyed it for a second, but my head—my heart—wanted no part of it. I mean that. As far as my head and heart were concerned there was only one person they were interested in and it wasn’t Luke. Can we get that straight right here and now.”

  His shoulders relaxed a fraction at Nick’s slow nod, but Nick’s pinched brow said he wasn’t out of the woods yet.

  “The stuff you think that went on between me and your brother in the past. Let’s be clear. It was a kiss, only that. It was that stupid night. We’d had way too much alcohol, and it would seem a little hocus pocus to get us going. I love your brother, but as a brother. He is my best friend, and that is all I feel for him: friendship and brotherhood. Nothing else, okay?”

  The second nod came a little faster. Brody’s stomach settled. Now the hard part. How do I talk about my past wants versus my new ones without sounding like a perv?

  Brody licked his dry lips, searching for the right words to explain the things he’d started to recall about his feelings for Nick. When he’d gone home after their epic stand-off, he’d spent a considerable amount of time trying to remember before the campout with Aaden. Little by little, his memories of the time before came back to him. He wasn’t sure if he’d purposely forgotten them or Christina’s juju fucked with his head, but in any case, they were back now with a vengeance. And now a part of him wished they’d remained lost forever. What they say about ignorance is bliss, he sure as hell knew that now.

  The memories gave him cause to rethink his whole life, his wants and his needs. And for that he’d like to kick Christina’s backside from here to kingdom come for making him doubt his own feelings, his emotions. The trust he’d held in who he was as a person now seemed fundamentally flawed. And if he felt like that, how was he supposed to expect Nick to trust what he was going to tell him about his feelings?

  Brody opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He found sitting wasn’t helping when Nick was so physically close yet mentally so far away from him.

  The floorboards creaked as he stomped across the floor and back. He turned and flung his arms in the air. Grabbing his damp hair, he pulled hard in frustration. He growled, “I don’t know where to start. Fuck’s sake!”

  “Stop overthinking it and just start. I’ll ask questions if I don’t understand. But stop with this angry bear crap. It’s making me horny, and we aren’t going there till this is resolved.”

  The finality when Nick spoke had Brody stop and pull himself together. He’d go back to the horny part later if Nick was still talking to him after his confession.

  He spoke carefully, picking his words. “I remembered how I felt about you when we first met and all the times after I would come to hang out with Aaden.” “Bloodyshittinghell! I was a pervert.”

  Way to go, you arsehole, just blurting it out like that.

  But now he’d started, he couldn’t seem to shut up. “I wanted to mess you up, do stuff that I shouldn’t have been thinking about.” His voice trembled when Nick’s startled eyes flew to his face. Brody felt the colour drain from his cheeks when he saw pain and something else he couldn’t interpret before Nick lowered his eyes, shielding them.

  He all but ran to Nick, gripping his icy hands. “Please don’t shut me out. It took a lot to confess what I remembered. I couldn’t stand it if you shut me out now.”

  He pleaded.

  He froze when instead of pulling away, Nick slid his arms around his bare middle, drawing him closer. Nick tilted his head, offering his lips in a gentle, soothing kiss. He let Nick take the lead. The drugging kisses seemed to meld from one to the next. Soft lips encouraged him to open and let Nick taste him. Tongues slid sinuously together, teasing, while teeth nibbled his lips before Nick sucked his lower lip into his mouth. Brody whined for more.

  His chest heaved when Nick finally pulled back, letting him inhale some much-needed oxygen. The glazed desire he could see held him
captive as rough fingertips traced his face, cupping his cheeks.

  “I don’t think you’re a pervert. I’m hurt that we lost all those years when we could have spent time together. Just being boys until…”

  A little chuckle had Brody smile. The words broke through the fear he’d held for the last couple of weeks, thinking he’d lost any chance if he confessed to how he’d felt all those years ago.

  Nick continued talking, making his heart skip a beat.

  “Your lusty thoughts got the better of you, and you finally ravished me.”

  Nick’s attempt to lighten the mood fell a little short of the mark when the hurt was there for all to see. The loss of what they could have had finally registered fully as Nick laid his head on his shoulder and released a sad sigh. Nick’s shoulders slumped before he rested against Brody.

  The weight of sadness felt as real as Nick lying against him. Brody swallowed the ball in his throat, blinking back the tears.

  How the hell do you recapture your youth? And a life that could have been lived if it hadn’t been stolen?


  Christina prowled around the hotel room, frustrated she couldn’t check in and see how things were working between Brody and Nick. A sudden thought had her shout, “Morgana. Morgana. Where did you get to?” She cringed at her petulant tone before whirling round at the huffy voice behind her.

  “I seriously wish you’d stop shouting like an old fisherman’s wife. It’s so unbecoming, Christina.” Morgana eyed Christina. Her eyes sparked with interest at the new outfit she wore today. The figure-hugging, deep red cashmere jumper was paired with skinny-fit, indigo jeans and knee-length cherry-red leather boots. Morgana wondered if she could breathe properly in those close-fitting clothes. They have to be cutting off her circulation, surely?

  “Old fishwife, harrumph.” Christina twirled around. “Do I look anything like an old fishwife? Remember I’ve been there and done that before.” Christina couldn’t hide the shudder thinking of her past. She shook off the thoughts, not wanting to dwell on her past miserable lives.

  She smoothed her hands down her body, remembering the reaction she got from the men this evening, when she’d ventured into the bar.

  “Pull your head out of the gutter, missy, and focus on the problem at hand.” Morgana’s whiskers twitched in humour at Christina’s newfound interest in the opposite sex. She knew Christina had never really experienced sex, not personally. Oh, the bodies she’d inhabited had, but for some reason she’d blocked those aspects of relationships, masking it with magic so she didn’t have to be bothered by it. So it was quite interesting to see her now wanting to experiment for the first time. Morgana smirked and wondered what the king would think of this new development.

  “Morgana, are you listening to me?”

  Christina’s whine had her focus back on why she’d answered her call.

  She gave a condescending sneer. “Why, yes, my dear.” Morgana rolled her eyes when Christina flicked her hair before flouncing to the darkened window. She turned back to face her with what Morgana could only describe as an ugly frown.

  Hiding her humour, she gave in and explained what she knew. “You’ll be pleased to know Brody returned last night and there were some developments, to put it delicately, between Nick and him.” Morgana paused, considering how to explain this next bit without Christina cottoning on to her spell being broken. “I think them being closer may have weakened your spell.” Morgana watched Christina closely to see if there was any suspicion. Noting none, she carried on.

  “Brody has recalled his feeling for Nick prior to your spell and is feeling none too friendly towards you. But to fix this, you’re gonna have to face him, and for that matter, Nick. You have to help them sort through these new feelings.”

  “What… seriously… no way… howthehell…” Christina’s stuttered refusal made Morgana sigh.

  “Are you for real, Christina? Seriously, you have to show the king you’re sorry, and the best way to do that, as he told you already, is to fix what you broke.” Morgana’s angry tirade was met with stony silence.

  Morgana plonked her furry bottom down, staring Christina down.

  “All right, you win. I’ll go tomorrow, but if they kill me, you’ll be sorry.”

  Before Morgana could stop it, a chuff escaped at her huffed words. The piercing hazel stare she received had her paw sweep across her nose to stop the next one from escaping and landing her into further bother.

  Now all Morgana had to do was stop Princess from clawing Christina’s eyes out.


  She gave one last fleeting thought to the rough ride Christina could be in for before teleporting to Max and Princess to prepare for the next round.


  Nick strolled aimlessly around B&Q, watching Sunday morning shoppers wander with trolleys and baskets, some with an air of excitement. Whereas others, he noticed, looked like they’d prefer to be doing anything other than DIY shopping on a chilly Sunday morning. He sympathised while ambling towards the section he needed, not looking behind him to see if his shadow was still there.

  Why would he? When he could sense Brody’s presence no matter how close he was, and yesterday only made it worse. His head was all over the place with what happened, in particular the chat Brody wanted to have with him post epic orgasm. How could Brody even form a coherent thought, never mind sentences? Brody’s obsession with talking about the past was starting to rattle Nick’s cage.

  Why couldn’t Brody just leave the past alone?

  Did he really need to relive every painful memory of his awkward childhood? Yeah, he got that he didn’t need to hide—well, in principle he did. Thoughts of tearing down walls he’d spent years building to stop Brody and his brother from finding out his secrets terrified him. It was going to be easier said than done when he’d built a damn good defence. Hell, he’d bet even China would be impressed with his wall building.

  The thing was, every time Brody used his sad puppy dog eyes, he all but melted into a puddle of goo at his feet. If you asked him, they should be banned because he’d caved in quicker than a chocolate Easter egg when you cracked it open.

  Yep, banned.

  They’d somehow managed to have a civil conversation with Brody peppering him with questions while relaxing on his bed. And okay, he’d seen Brody’s disappointment when he’d dodged some of his questions. Fuck. He was asAaden for too much, too soon.

  Nick’s hands twitched at his sides as he released a low growl. The man walAaden up the aisle towards him edged away, not making eye contact. Nick kept moving, pretending he hadn’t noticed. His sleep-deprived mind didn’t care. He only wished it was because he’d been having fun all night. But alas, it was all this talk about the past. And maybe he’d been aroused by thoughts of a naked Brody in the next room. It still stung when Brody rejected the idea of them spending the night together right off the bat.

  What greeted him in the bathroom mirror this morning made him consider going straight back to bed. The sunken, tired eyes and dark circles made it appear as if he’d gone all Goth, running amuck with black eye line. But he’d promised Aaden he’d finish off the last little bits of the kitchen before he started on making his table. So he’d been a good boy and hauled his arse down for breakfast.

  He chuckled at how entertaining breakfast had been. All three men seemed hard-pressed to act normally around him. He supposed he’d been to blame when no one wanted to address the big elephant in the room: Brody’s and his new relationship.


  Was that what they were now in, a relationship?

  He scratched at his scruffy, tangled hair, unhappy about how his stomach jittered at the thought of being in a relationship.

  He willed himself to drop the subject.

  Forcing himself to think about what he’d come for, Nick dug the crumpled list out of his baggy jeans and looked down the aisle signed for what he needed.

  He mused. At least Greg hadn’t had
the chance to talk to Brad or Joe about what had happened. There was no way Greg would have missed the vocal symphony he’d created when Brody played him like a conductor, making him hit all the right notes. No. He shook his head as his cheeks flushed; there was no way they’d missed that.

  Nick glanced behind him and sighed when he spied Brody’s dark head bent over some drill bits, his lower lip caught between his even white teeth. Nick’s body stirred, remembering how Brody’s mouth felt wrapped around his hard length. Lowering his hand, he glanced about before pushing his cock into a more comfortable position inside his jeans, grateful the material hid his discomfort when several small children ran past giggling.

  Nick huffed loudly. Feeling put upon, he stomped to the aisle where the nails and screws were stored. He brushed his fringe out of his eyes and searched the packed shelves for what he wanted.

  Nick grabbed the nearest box of screws, not checking they were right when he felt a warm presence at his back. He refused to turn around when Brody’s aftershave tickled his nose. Something else he couldn’t stop: Brody’s insistence on coming with him this morning.

  Who gives up a lazy Sunday to trail around the shops? No one in their right mind, that’s who.

  Nick ignored Brody, stalking towards the bank of tills after quickly grabbing the remaining items on his list. He didn’t worry about Brody following; he knew he would. Nick pushed aside the warm glow that wanted to fill his chest at the thought of Brody following him anywhere.

  His feet faltered at the soppy thought.

  What will happen when we both return to the UK and there are hundreds of miles separating us? Would Brody still want to carry on doing whatever it is we are trying to do now?

  His brows pinched together with uncertainty. There were so many questions that needed answers. Maybe Brody was right and they should talk more before they move forward with whatever this was.


  His face paled when the word echoed through his heart and soul.


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