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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

Page 153

by J P Sayle

  Suck firmly in “didn’t give a fuck,” he marched to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. Putting the taps on full, he dropped a dark glittery purple bomb into the steamy water. The fragrant aroma of lavender rose from the bath, filling the steamy air.

  He watched it dissolve with a slight feeling of trepidation when a purple glitter residue coated the rim of the bath as the water rose. He eyed it, but he shrugged off his concern when he turned off the taps and stepped into the soothing water.

  Sinking down, he let out a sigh as he inhaled the warming and relaxing scent of lavender. Tutting at his own forgetfulness, Nick’s nose wrinkled in disgust. Why did I forget the one thing I needed?

  He grumped about his lack of phone to meditate with. Resting his head on the bath pillow, he tried not to overthink it. He closed his eyes and let his mind float, along with his body in the fragrant water. He focused on slowing his breathing down, hoping against hope it would stop the rioting thoughts he’d had since Christina rocked up last evening and commandeered all of Brody’s attention.

  He blew at his fringe when it tickled his sweaty brow.

  He opened his eyes and stared at the mermaid-patterned glass of the shower. He wondered if there was anywhere on this planet to hide and stop him from thinking about Brody.

  He sighed. Not coming up with an answer, he sank lower into the steamy water.

  He could admit, now that he’d calmed down, that it really wasn’t Brody’s fault he hadn’t delivered on his promise last night. Nick had been wound tighter than a spring in a clock, by the air of expectation between them.

  Hell, the heated flashes flying off the pair of them could have sparked a natural disaster in a dry forest. What it had sparked instead was Nick’s temper. His hopes had turned to ash when Christina showed up, looking the worse for wear. Her garbled talk of a girls night, followed by a half-arsed explanation about what had happened had left him fuming and really not in the mood to listen when Brody settled down, getting ready to interrogate her.

  Yeah, he knew he could have handled it better. Sulking and acting like a child maybe wasn’t the best way to go.

  Crap, shit, bugger.

  Surely, watching his hopes die quicker than the Phoenix in one of the Harry Potter movies should be taken into account? Especially if you took into consideration the hell he’d endured waiting two whole weeks!

  Fourteen whole nights.

  That was not to say he hadn’t tried at every opportunity to persuade Brody to reconsider the “two-week dating first and no-sex” rule.

  He fiddled with the powder blue bath scrunchie. He huffed at the sound of a wet plop, watching in horror the purple glitter create patterns on the white-tiled wall.

  He looked at the arm still hovering over the water. Squeaking in alarm at the sight, Nick lifted a leg. His eyes widened at the fine blond hair that he could normally see was now covered in purple glitter.

  He shot forward. Water sloshed over the side of the bath, leaving yet more streaks of glitter in its wake. His alarm growing by the second, he leant over the bath, reaching for the scrunchie. He jerked and stared in disbelief at his trembling hand. His fingers tightened at the urge to throw the offending scrunchie that spread yet more glittery oily residue over his skin.

  “Bloodybuggeringhell!” He squealed.

  He leapt up, uncaring of the mess he was making, and Nick stepped out. Oily glittery water dripped all over the tiled floor. He cursed up a storm at how much mess he was making and how he was going to have to clean it before Greg got home.

  Nick made a mad dash for the shower, walking straight in. He flicked on the taps without thinking. Nick yelped at the first punch of icy water hitting his warm body. He jumped back as thousands of goosebumps sprang to life. He shuddered and cursed, willing the water to heat.

  He stilled at a sound coming from behind him.

  Oh. This is so not going to be good. So much for a relaxing bath!

  He forced himself to turn, albeit slowly to avoid the chilly water, Nick clutched his heaving chest. He peered from under his eyelashes, convinced Aaden was about to give him merry hell for making a glittery mess all over the bathroom.

  Seeing Brody standing in the open doorway, Nick sagged. His humour returned at the sight of Brody’s jaw hanging open. He giggled at what he and the bathroom looked like. He wondered if they resembled the advert where everything the guy touched turned into Skittles. Only for Nick, he’d turned everything a nice glittery purple.

  A fit of giggles consumed him when Brody managed to snap his mouth shut, only for his grey-green eyes to widen when they took in Nick’s sparkling skin.

  “What the hell have you been doing in here? For God’s sake, it looks like you stole a box of glitter and decided to paint the bathroom and yourself. You know Aaden is going to kick your arse for this,” Brody shouted.

  Nick’s brows shot up his forehead. The angry tirade was the last thing he’d expected. It removed all the amusement from Nick’s face. He gave Brody a “fuck you” stare, daring him to keep going. “Get lost, Brody. Go find yourself something else to do. You’re good at that,” he snapped.

  Nick faced away, stepping into the warm spray.

  Brody, ignoring his angry demand to leave, shouted over the sound of the shower. “What’s this about you looking at spaces to rent?”

  With effort, Nick kept facing the wall, uncertain why that sounded more like an accusation than a question. Was this what had got his knickers in a twist?

  Nick groaned under his breath, knowing exactly who’d yanked on Brody’s chain. Aaden. The fucker!

  What was there to gain by riling Brody up in this way?

  Ignoring the noises coming from behind him, Nick fought the urge to look over his shoulder and see what the hell Brody was doing. He prayed that if he ignored him for long enough, he’d up and leave. He didn’t like the heaviness in his chest. He stilled his hand on its way to grab the shower gel off the shelf.

  Why did he try to fool himself that life was so much better without Brody in it when it was complete bullshit? Hadn’t all the years of only being sort of friends pale into insignificance over the last two weeks? Two weeks of being the centre of Brody’s sole focus. Fuck, it was intoxicating. He felt worthy, as if he’d finally found his place in the world where he made sense. Therefore, shouldn’t he feel pissed about last night? It wasn’t just the sex he’d wanted. No, he wanted the same deep connection Aaden and Greg had. And the others, Joe and Stuart, and Brad and Martin, they got to have what he wanted. Was it selfish to want it now?

  He didn’t think so.

  The witch showing up last night brought back all the pain he’d endured at her hands. And yes, he could see she was sorry. But sometimes it wasn’t enough for what she’d stolen from him. So why Brody couldn’t see that last night and make her leave he didn’t know.

  He jolted out of his musings at the sound of the bathroom door shutting. His shoulders slumped at the thought that Brody had left him alone, yet again. He choked back the sob stuck in his throat, and swiping at his wet cheeks, he told himself they were wet from the shower.

  Nick grabbed for the shower gel, pouring a liberal amount into his hands. A tiny sob escaped when he noticed how much glitter was covering his cock and balls. Lathering up his hands, he paused at the unexpected blast of cool air filling the shower stall.

  Nick twisted round so quickly water splashed Brody’s naked chest. A gorgeous naked chest that happened to be mere inches from him. His eyes widened. He was not sure if he was shocked or aroused when he felt his heart rate accelerate at a rate of knots, which left him sucking in big gulps of scented, steamy air.

  He willed his legs to hold him up as blood rushed south. Nick’s gaze devoured every inch of Brody’s aroused cock. It stood proudly pointing skyward, and the meaty head shone in the overhead lights. Nick laved his lips, anticipating the taste on his tongue. Before he could consider what he was doing, he sunk to his knees. Any and all anger he felt was washed away under th
e waves of desire to consume Brody in big greedy gulps.

  The hard tiles bit into his flesh as water pelted his hair, slicking it to his skull. Frustrated, Nick dragged his hands through the tangled wetness, shoving the hair out of his eyes, needing to see. He stared from under wet lashes. His gaze travelled down Brody’s firm pecs and erect rose-tipped nipples, down rippling abs to the treasure trail of soft, slicked hair nestled at the base of Brody’s erection.

  His hands trembled. Edging closer to Brody, Nick inhaled the scent of musk and Brody’s own unique odour. It drew him like a bee to a flower seeking the nectar, and his mouth nuzzled into Brody’s groin. Nick inhaled the stronger scent. Waves of intoxicating need and want took hold. He gripped Brody’s hips. He held him steady, drawing his tongue up the crease of Brody’s groin. His lips lifted at the low groan and needy whimper Brody made when he sat back.

  “No, don’t stop. For the love of God, not now.”

  Nick tutted at Brody’s rasped demand. “You’re not in charge here; I am. You’ve made me wait; now you’ll go at my speed.” Nick gave a flirtatious smirk when Brody let out a low growl.

  “You’re gonna torture me slowly, aren’t you?”

  Nick threw an evil grin up at Brody. He paused, shocked at the naked want pinching Brody’s face and the heavy-lidded desire he could see in the depth of his grey-green eyes. So much more than he’d hoped, Nick tightened his grip, planning on ensuring that look stayed firmly in place.

  Nick licked a leisurely path down the crease of Brody’s groin leading to his heavy sac. His balls were already high and tight. He chuckled, not lifting his mouth when Brody’s cock nudged the side of his cheek as he nuzzled deeper.

  Taking his time, Nick took several deep inhales, seeking out where Brody’s scent was strongest and then tasting. His lips teased the silky flesh. He dragged his mouth lower, encouraging Brody to widen his stance. He groaned in approval when his legs widened, allowing Nick’s slim shoulders to sit between his quivering thighs.

  Rolling his tongue around one of his balls, he slowly drew it into his mouth, sucking gently, then giving it a little nip. The corner of Nick’s lips tilted up as he listened to the low whines and moans coming from above. Encouraged, he gave the same attention to the other ball.

  Nick opened his mouth wider. Wanting to fill his mouth, he cupped both balls, sucking them into his willing mouth. Nick shivered. Overwhelmed by the scent and taste, he moaned. Being stuffed so full was heaven. The only thing missing was Brody’s cock. A cock that was twitching and leaking pre-come in front of his face, reminding him it was waiting for the same treatment. Nick sat back, wiping at his mouth, his eyes glued to the straining, hard length in front of his face.

  “Please suck my cock, please, please.” Brody’s pleading chant and thrusting pelvis were more than he could resist. Nick relented. Taking hold of his cock, he was a little surprised his fingers didn’t quite meet. He eyed the gorgeous, thickly veined cock with some trepidation when his arse clenched.

  “Yeah, it’s going to burn so good,” Brody rasped.

  Nick raised his startled wet lashes to meet Brody’s desirous stare. It was almost like he’d read his mind.

  “We’ll see about that. But it won’t be going anywhere near my arse until you’ve made sure I’m nice and loose.” Nick panted breathlessly at the very idea of Brody working him over and getting him ready to accept his fat cock.

  Nick shuddered violently when Brody cupped his cheeks, forcing him to look him dead in the eye as he threatened, “I’m going to work you over so good, Squirt. I use my tongue and fingers until you’re so loose, and then I’ll slide right to the hilt, like knife through butter. Nothing will stop me from sinking deep in one thrust.”

  Nick felt his orgasm rise so fast he panicked. Heart thundering, he broke eye contact, pulling away from the touch scorching his skin. His hand released Brody as if he’d been burnt, and going straight for his own balls, he tugged painfully hard.

  He glanced up as heard a low chuckle, only to wish he hadn’t when his body reacted to Brody’s unrepentant smug sneer.

  Nick looked down, ringing the base of his cock when the sneer ramped up the fireworks that were desperate for the final fuse to be lit, so they could explode.

  His chest heaved at the effort to hold back his orgasm. He squeezed the base of his cock, letting the dull ache build in his sac until it was enough to tamper down the wild tingles racing down his spine, through his sac, and up his cock.

  He didn’t know how long he knelt for before he felt confident enough to relax his cramped fingers. He breathed a sigh of relief when the fireworks turned into tiny sparks that were banked enough to just offer a pleasurable hum to ride over his sensitive skin.

  He hungrily eyed the slick, angry-looking cock pointing at him.

  Nick blinked the water out of his eyes. Not giving Brody a chance to stop him, he lunged. Using his weight, he pushed Brody’s hips back towards the tiled wall. He grinned when Brody wobbled and his back thumped against the wall. Nick didn’t give Brody a chance to move, and sucked his cock straight to the back of his throat, swallowing deep. The loud exhale was lost under a vulgar stream of curse words that would have made a sailor blush.

  Nick paid no mind to the ranting when Brody’s hands threaded into his hair, gripping tight, holding him still. Brody worked his length down Nick’s throat, forcing him to relax and open as wide as possible. His throat worked to take all of him. Nick gagged and tried to relax further, not wanting to disappoint Brody. He felt his saliva pool and slide off his chin when his nose touched Brody’s groin. He would have sighed in relief if his mouth wasn’t stretched to capacity.

  The continued flow of nonsensical words above him as he looked up at Brody’s blissed-out face was enough to make him hold still. Nick swallowed, letting his throat give a wet kiss to the head of Brody’s cock. He tried to keep it clasped for as long as possible before the need for air had him ease off a little.

  Chest heaving, Nick inhaled deeply. Making sure he had Brody’s full attention, he squeezed his balls until he opened his clenched eyes. Brody stared intensely at him through half-lidded eyes. Nick licked around the top of Brody’s cock, teasing his slit. Tasting the burst of flavour, he sucked hungrily on the tip, needing more before he deep throated again.

  Nick’s lashes lowered, but he didn’t break eye contact. He desperately wanted Brody to see exactly how much he enjoyed having him fill his mouth, his throat.

  A fuzzy haze clouded his mind when his lungs started to scream for some much-needed oxygen. Only when he felt his vision cloud did he pull back, panting. Spit dripped down his chin. He gave Brody an impish smile before he repeated the move. The cooling shower spray did little to help lower the temperature in the cubicle. A steamy haze rose around them. Nick wasn’t sure if it was from the water or the heat they were generating between them. He couldn’t find it in him to care. Sweat mixed with the spray of the water while he continued to drive Brody wild with his mouth.

  The aching in his jaw and stiffness in his knees added to the feeling of power Nick felt at owning every moan, whimper, whine, and shudder he could see, hear, and feel beneath his hands and in his mouth. Drunk on the sensations, Nick used his mouth with a ruthlessness that made Brody’s legs quake before he could lock them out.

  Nick’s chuckle died at the back of his throat when large, wet fingers stroked down his Adam’s apple. He swallowed deep, feeling the light pressure. A groan rumbled free when Brody jerked violently, his hands moving to grip Nick’s head. He held him firmly but didn’t stop him from pulling off when he needed to breathe. Nick groaned again, bracing this time for the thrust of Brody’s hips. He tilted his head a fraction, letting him slip a little deeper.

  Nick let the delirious feeling of floating take hold. His body loved the dominance of Brody’s jerks and thrusts, the feel of his firm hold as he used Nick to pleasure himself.

  His hazy mind lost in the pleasure as everything blurred, leaving his cock to its own device
s. The sensory overload was more than he could take, and Nick withered. His hips thrust into the steamy air. The touch of the moist warmth was too much for his cock. Nick wailed around Brody’s cock. His body strained, frantic to let go. Holding on to Brody’s hips, needing something to anchor him, Nick moaned around his hard length, sucking hard. Brody’s body shuddered under his tightening fingers. Knowing Brody was lost in the pleasure was all it took for Nick’s body let go.

  A strangled cry escaped when his pelvis bucked, his cock pulsing hard. He felt endless sprays of heat land onto his thighs and stomach, making him falter as he tried to regain his composure. Nick heaved in relief when his body finally relented enough that he could focus back on Brody.

  He constricted his throat around Brody’s length.

  “Oh fuck… oh God… yes… that… fuck more… Jesus wept… fuckkkkkk.”

  His mouth too full to smile, Nick felt his lips twitch when Brody shouted. His cock swelled, going rock solid. Nick swallowed deep, knowing Brody wouldn’t last much longer. He swirled his tongue around his pulsing length before sucking deep, using his throat to clasp the head in a sexy kiss. Brody’s howl and punishing hold on his hair were enough for Nick to raise his heavy-lidded eyes to Brody’s, demanding silently that he give him his reward. The fire blazing in Brody’s now silver eyes warned him. Nick eased off a little but kept the head of his cock firmly between his lips. He teased the meaty head, circling around the raised edge, scraping his teeth none too gently around the rim. Wanting to taste more of Brody’s salty essence, Nick pressed the tip of his tongue hard into his slit. With a loud cry and painful tug on his hair, Brody filled his mouth with spurt after spurt of hot cum. Nick couldn’t find it in him to complain about the ache in his jaw when his reward was more than worth it. He struggled to swallow as cum dripped out the sides of his mouth. Drooling saliva and cum, Nick didn’t stop sucking. He didn’t care how he looked. Not now when all the dreams he’d ever had merged into reality. He sucked greedily, slurping on the hard length, wanting to ensure he sucked Brody dry.


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