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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

Page 175

by J P Sayle

  Although worded as a request, Ellie was quite sure it wasn’t, so he crawled up onto the bed and lay face down. When there was a tug to his arms, he lifted his head.

  “I think we need to tie these hands behind your back. And then I’ll put a couple of pillows under your hips so I can make sure to display that pretty hole of yours properly.”

  His mouth dried at how aroused Connor was getting from explaining what he was going to do. The cock that had been flaccid mere moments earlier was now plumping. He ground down on the cover, wanting some friction to help with the ache in his balls that made him want to beg Connor to get on with it and fuck him.

  Not giving him a chance to demand anything, Connor’s hand spanked his backside with several hard slaps. Ellie humped at the mattress, mewling.

  “Stop being a naughty boy and stay still.”

  He argued back, gasping for air. “Daddyyyy, how… am I supposed…to stay still when you’re spanking…me?”

  Hot breath ghosted his ear as firm hands pulled his arms into the centre of his back. “Do you want Daddy to tie you down to keep you still?”

  A shiver rode down his spine as his hips bucked and his cock swelled painfully. The ache was so intense his eyes crossed with the urge to come.

  “Are you struggling to find your words for Daddy? That’s okay. I’ve got plenty,” Connor whispered seductively in his ear as his wrists were tied with something soft.

  Ellie exhaled and willed his body to behave. Connor moved back, and he thought he had himself under control, but then Connor lifted his hips, and cool cotton brushed over the tip of his cock. He writhed and moaned, his backside clenching at the sensations driving him to distraction.

  “Oh, sweetheart, is Daddy making it too hard for you?” The evil chuckle kept Ellie’s mouth shut as he didn’t want to make things any worse for himself.

  Once Connor had splayed his legs open and his hips were raised so his shoulders and chest lay on the mattress, Connor hummed. The bed shifted, and Ellie’s body prepared for what was coming. Something slick and cool was teased against his pucker. His bottom clenched as the warm finger pressed against his hole but did nothing more than tease. He mewled in distress as the pressure built, but Connor didn’t breach him.

  He was not sure how long Connor teased the lube into his flesh, but Ellie’s hair was stuck to his cheeks with the effort to keep still and not push back.

  “You’re such a good boy for Daddy,” said Connor, but not a second later, the fingers that were teasing him were replaced with a stinging, sharp pain to his hole.

  His breath trapped in his lungs, but not having time to regroup, the air whooshed out as the second strike hit. His eyes filled with tears at the pain, and he cried out, but to no avail. The next slap got him pushing his face into the mattress, his teeth chewing on the cover. The pain spread through his channel as he bucked, unsure if he wanted more or for it to stop. The sharp, stinging pain spread out like wildfire, burning everything in its path. He gasped, his head rearing up at the next blow as his cock ached and throbbed.

  “Daddyyyyy… Daddyyyy… helpppp… meeeee…” he screamed, his body shaking with the need to come and doing his best not to.

  “Do not come, boy, until I tell you to.”

  With Connor’s husky demand, Ellie squeezed his eyes shut and sucked in several breaths. His wet cheek pressed against the damp cotton. He willed his body to listen to Connor, but nothing stopped the ache from building into a searing ball of need that throbbed down his channel, into his sac and cock. It dripped and bucked against the pillow, soaking it. He ground down and back, meeting each swat to his hole.

  He was no longer feeling the sting because the burn was consuming him. He writhed with each stroke. As quick as it had started, it stopped, and he sagged with relief that he’d been able to do as Connor wanted. The relief was short-lived when cold liquid dripped onto his hole, and his head strained up off the mattress. With the heat of his flesh, the liquid slid over his hole like a wet kiss.

  “Ohhhhh, Daddyyyy,” he wailed as his cock throbbed painfully. He fought himself, but his cock was having none of it. It pulsed, letting him know it was game over.

  In no time at all, he was toppled onto his side, and Connor was moving down to his cock.

  “Pleaseeeeee,” Ellie begged, even as his cock was sucked into Connor’s warm, wet mouth. His eyes rolled in his head, and hips thrust urgently as his cock strained and released spurt after spurt of cum.

  Collapsing against the cover in a sweaty mess, Ellie felt uncomfortable with his arms still trapped behind him. Opening his moist eyes, he glanced down at Connor, who lay replete, his head resting on Ellie’s thigh, his lashes shielding his eyes.

  “What, sweetheart?”

  Ellie sighed. How did he do that with his eyes shut? “My arms are hurting a little.”

  Connor rolled back immediately and shifted him to untie his wrists. Gentle hands rubbed until the tingling in his arms stopped. Too tired to move, he let Connor move him until he was snuggled into his chest. The heat lingered in his arse as a constant reminder of what they’d done. A smile lit his face as he buried it in Connor’s chest. Who knew there were other uses for a ruler?

  “Why are you giggling?”

  Ellie lifted his head. “Who knew there were other uses for a ruler? I’m sure that when you use it at school, Daddy, all you’ll be thinking about is my bottom.”

  Connor groaned, and his eyes crinkled. “Why did you say that? Now that’s all I’ll be thinking about. And what have I said about using that childlike voice on Daddy.” His eyes twinkled with mirth, but there was a dark promise that Ellie didn’t miss, and he shivered.

  He lowered his head, using his childlike voice, “I’m sorry, Daddy,” he said, working on keeping the smile to himself.

  Arms tightened around him. “Why is it that I don’t believe you?” Connor brushed his lips across the top of Ellie’s head as he sighed in defeat.


  There was a loud clanging, letting everyone know it was the end of the school day. Connor blinked his eyes back into focus as he lifted his head from the exam paper he’d been marking. He dropped his pen on the desk, piled up the large stack of paperwork he’d been slowly ploughing through, and rolled his shoulders. The light tap at the door made him glance up and shout, “Come in.”

  Instantly, he wished he’d not bothered to answer when Miss Reardon poked her head around the door. Seeing his office was empty aside from him, she came in and shut the door.

  “Connor, I’d hoped to catch you before you left.”

  Connor made a show of checking his wristwatch, and his brow arched when he looked back at her. Why had she hoped to catch him when the school day had just finished? There was something about the look in her eyes when his gaze met hers that caused butterflies to take flight in his stomach.

  These frequent visits he’d received over the last two weeks were starting to grate on his nerves. That sense of unease had made him take the time to contact the other headmasters across the island to check what the routine was for the board of education to visit. Their replies of once or twice a school term did not bode well for him and confirmed his suspicions. The bitch was up to something.

  He sat back in his chair and steepled his fingers, looking at her over the top of them. His lips pinched together as he waited to see what it was she wanted this time. His gaze travelled over the severe black suit that looked as if it had been made with a box in mind. It was square and very unflattering. The black shoes were clumpy and caused her legs to look like she had cankles.

  When the silence lengthened, Connor struggled to keep still. Her beady eyes watched him as you would a bug under a microscope.

  “Have you decided who you will be bringing to the ball on Friday?”

  The snappy way she suddenly asked the question set his teeth on edge. This time he did shift in the seat, recalling his conversation with Ellie after the night he’d used the ruler for the first time.

Connor rolled off the bed and dried cum flaked off his skin. “Ugh, I think we need a shower, sweetheart.” Not giving Ellie a chance to snuggle back into the duvet, he dragged it off him.


  Laughter tickled his throat at the outrage and childishness Ellie was displaying. He didn’t question how much he loved it when Ellie used his childish voice. It did the oddest things to his heart and his cock. Sidetracked by the tongue poking out, he leant over Ellie and sucked the tongue between his lips and bit gently on the tip. Responding with a groan and shiver, Ellie went to deepen the kiss. Connor pulled back, his cock complaining as it tried to unglue itself from yet more dried cum. “We need a shower. And your arse has to be a little sore?”

  Ellie’s brow wrinkled, and then he pouted. “Now that you come to mention it, yeah, it is, Daddy. That ruler really makes my hole sting.”

  There was something in his tone that made Connor worry. “Was it too much, sweetheart,” he asked as he cupped Ellie’s cheek.

  “No, Daddy. It was a little intense to start with, but I wouldn’t mind if you did it again.” Ellie’s lashes lowered, and his cheeks darkened. When he fidgeted, Connor glanced down.

  “You liked it a lot, I think.” He wagged his brows at Ellie’s plumping cock.

  “Stop it, Daddy. You said we had to shower,” Ellie complained in a petulant tone, getting off the bed and walking off towards the bathroom, a little bowlegged.

  Connor followed, doing his best to swallow his laughter.

  In the shower, Connor remembered he had wanted to discuss the Easter Ball. Washing the soap off Ellie, he turned him so they were face to face. “Would you like to be my date at the end-of-term Easter Ball?”

  Fiddling with the washcloth he was holding, he didn’t miss Ellie’s brow lift or his eyes narrowing.

  Ellie stared at him, the steamy air gathering around them as the water cascaded out of the showerhead.

  “I’d love to, Daddy.”

  Air rushed out as Connor exhaled and inhaled. Joy filled him from top to bottom, leaving no space inside him untouched. His mouth claimed Ellie as the cloth he held dropped to the floor unnoticed.


  Fingers snapped in front of his face, and Connor blushed with a start.

  Blinking away the images of how he’d repaid his boy for agreeing to be his date, Connor swallowed. “I do apologise. I have a lot on my mind. You mentioning the ball”—he shrugged—“I was running through the checklist of things that still needed doing.” The lie rolled off his tongue, even as the heat of his embarrassment lingered. His gaze on Miss Reardon, he dared her to call him out.

  “Oh, well, is there anything I can help with?”

  The sly glint in her eyes was enough for him to shake his head. “No, I have some very apt students assigned to what needs to be done.” Connor shuffled the paperwork in front of him, acting as if he was busy. “If that’s all, I have a pile of marking to work through.”

  The truth was, he had no intention of doing it in school. The plan was to take it home and do it while waiting for Ellie to come back. They’d established a routine in the last week, and he loved that Ellie was happy to spend every night at his. He still hadn’t the courage to ask Ellie to move in with him, though. Maybe this weekend they could talk about it?

  When Miss Reardon coughed repeatedly, Connor realised he had been rude. “Thank you for stopping by.” On that, he lowered his head, picked up a pen, and pretended to read what was in front of him.

  Sighing with relief as the door opened and then closed, Connor got up and quickly filled his briefcase. He poked his head out of the office, and seeing the outer office was empty, he headed out into the hall. The students were long gone. He remembered how fast he used to escape the minute the bell rang. Students over the decades never changed; they were all in a desperate hurry to leave.

  Much like him, he supposed. In the car on his way home, he detoured to the supermarket to collect a few things for dinner. Back in the car, a thought hit. He hadn’t answered Miss Reardon’s question about his date for the ball. Had he done it on purpose?

  What did it matter? Ellie was going to be his date, and that was the end of it, regardless of what the school board thought. As far as he was concerned, it was none of their business.

  Arriving home, he got out of the car and opened the boot to grab the shopping. His head turned, a smile lighting his face when Nick wolf-whistled at him again. His eyes twinkled as he grabbed the shopping and stood up. “You do know that you’re supposed to act like a grown-up. And why aren’t you working?”

  He gave Nick’s smart trousers, pressed shirt, and fitted navy jacket the once-over. “You got a hot date or something?” he asked before Nick could answer.

  “I’m off to the solicitors to sign on the dotted line for the house and transfer the money over. Then it’s official. Brody and I will be the proud owners of our own home.” The joy on Nick’s face was contagious. Connor laid down the grocery bags and grabbed at Nick, giving him a giant hug. “I’m so happy for you,” he said in a choked whisper.

  Nick stepped back, grinning. “Stop getting all mushy on me. I’m trying to keep it together here and look presentable for my boyfriend.”

  His watery eyes and trembling mouth made Connor sniff up as he reached for the shopping. “All right, mushiness over. I haven’t seen you for what… a week. Is everything okay? You haven’t been having any problems with you know who?”

  A frown marred Nick’s face as he shook his head. “It’s all been rather quiet, and I have to say as pleased as I am, I’m also worried that this is us caught in the eye of the storm, right before it moves and blasts us all to kingdom come and back.”

  Avoiding how his belly knotted at the very idea, Connor shifted. “Has Max said anything at all about the time he was…wherever he was?”

  “Nope, he’s been rather vague about it all. I’m not sure if that’s because he’s been told to keep quiet or because he didn’t want to say more and frighten us further. Remember, he knows what these people, or whatever they are, are capable of. We don’t.” Nick’s brows drew together as he carried on talking. “No, strike that. I’ve had some experience, and it can fuck your life up good and proper.”

  There was such sadness replacing the happy smile Nick wore a minute earlier Connor sighed. “Sorry. I’m not much of a friend. You were so happy when you strolled up.”

  “Oh, stop, it’s a reality of having been given such a wonderful gift. It just would have been easier if Christina hadn’t decided to play games with us first.” He sighed, his hands running through his hair.

  “Listen, go on and sign those papers. Remember, she didn’t stop you finding your soul mate. She just delayed it for a bit.”

  The returning grin on Nick’s face made Connor relax. Two minutes later, he waved Nick off and went into the house. His mind was full of thoughts about what this Otherworld was like and if Max would answer his questions.

  After unpacking the shopping, he went in search of Morgana. When he came up empty downstairs, he went to check his bedroom. There was no sign there or in the spare room, so he wandered back downstairs. He hesitated at the front door. Before he could overthink it, Connor was out the door and walking down Aaden’s path when he heard a shout behind him.

  “Hey, Connor,” Brad said as he crossed over the road, giving him a tentative smile.

  Connor waited for Brad to reach him. “Hi, Brad, I was just going to see if I could find Morgana and maybe see if Max was up to answering some questions I had.”

  Brad’s eyes widened. “Then you and I are on the same page. I was coming to do the same thing. I was talking to Nick earlier, and as much as he tries to hide his worry about the witch, I know he’s scared about what she’s up to.” He trailed off, his gaze moving to Aaden’s home.

  “Oh, shit, I’ve just realised with Nick out there won’t be anyone to let us in,” Connor complained, wishing he’d thought about it earlier.

  Brad’s hand
delved into his pocket, pulling out a key, and his smile returned. “It’s not a problem, Aaden gave me a key since Princess took up residence. I can come and go as I please.”

  Following Brad, Connor listened to him chatter nervously as he opened the door. It was something he noticed Brad did when he was uncomfortable. The men had invited him and Ellie into their circle, and they’d spent a few nights in both Brad and Martin’s home, along with a couple in Joe and Stuart’s. The hope was that eventually Brad would feel a little more relaxed in his company, but for now, Connor kept his distance, praying it would ease Brad’s tension.

  There was so much written about what had happened to Brad in the newspapers. It had been big news in England when Brad’s father was accused of trying to murder him. It saddened Connor to learn about the years of abuse he’d suffered, ultimately turning him into a recluse. That is, until he met Martin and fell in love with him.

  From what Connor could gather, they were the first pair of soul mates. Then came Joe and Stuart, then Aaden and Greg, quickly followed by Nick and Brody. Now there was him and Ellie. Was it just circumstance that they’d all become friends? Or that they all had moved to the island?

  No matter how hard he thought about it, Connor hadn’t found an answer that seemed to fit the situation they were in. Shaking off his worry, he stepped in behind Brad as he shouted for Princess.

  They stood inside the silent hall and looked at each other. Brad moved first, strolling through into the kitchen. “Where are you, Princess?” he called out.

  There was a sound of paws padding on wood, and then a tiny black cat appeared from the hallway. Brad bent down, a beautiful smile gracing his face. “There’s my girl. I missed you.”

  Princess padded up to Brad, and her neck arched as she pushed her furry cheek to Brad’s. The genuine affection between the two of them made Connor smile.

  Lifting Princess into his arms, Brad stood. “Where is Max, Princess?”

  Her head turned towards the patio window, and Connor spotted Max sitting with Morgana next to him in the afternoon sun. He walked towards the glass door, searching for a key to open it. Connor opened the door and called out. “Morgana, I’ve been looking for you. Hey, Max.”


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