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Dirty Obsessions: An Interracial Russian Mafia Romance (The Lion and The Mouse Book 5.5)

Page 14

by Kenya Wright

  A tall skinny man with bleached white hair walked toward us. He wore grey pants and a black t-shirt with the same circled A from the door drawn in white. A red towel hung from his pocket.

  Misha stopped us. “Give me a minute, Ava.”


  Misha went to him.

  “Oh, we’re not doing that. I see you all the time, Mikhail.” The man shook his head, walked past Misha, and stopped in front of me. “I would rather meet your ballerina.”

  Misha growled behind him. “We don’t have time for that.”

  “We pretty much control time.” The man extended his hand. “Nice to meet you, Ava Jones. I’m Circuit.”

  “Hello, Circuit.” I shook his hand. He kept the hold and didn’t let go. His skin was stiff and cold. Something hard was along his fingers.

  I looked down at them.

  “Oh, sorry. My grip is odd for people who don’t know me.” Grinning, Circuit let go of my hand and showed me both of his palms. “The shake might have been weird. You can probably feel the chips.”

  I studied his palms, noticing rice-shaped objects embedded under his skin. There were several sticking up from his palms. “Those are chips?”

  “Yes. I’m a biohacker.”

  “I’ve never heard of that.”

  “We’re a small group of odd folk all over the world who want to hack into our brains and bodies.”

  I widened my eyes. “Why?”

  “To be as superhuman as possible.” He turned his hands around, showing me that there were more rice-shaped things on the other side. “Inserting technology under our skin is one way to be superhuman.”

  Maxwell came to my side. “Wow. What does all of that do?”

  Circuit smiled at him. “All of these various implants do something different. This one on my thumb opens my house and car door. All I have to do is wave it in front of the locks and they click open. I have one on the tip of my index finger that vibrates when I’m facing north. It’s my personal compass.”

  Maxwell whistled. “That shit doesn’t cause an infection or anything?”

  “It’s titanium bars like a piercing.”

  “Never mind all of that.” Misha interrupted the conversation. “Did you get sight of the men I told you about?”

  Circuit rolled his eyes. “We have them. They’re on a plane to Japan right now.”

  “Interesting.” Misha turned his head up to another screen. “They want to be in the country when I shut off the system. Good. Keep our Rainbow Hats watching them.”

  “How many people you want on this? So far, everyone is watching the codes in Paris, the French, and also keeping tabs on the Lion.”

  “Get people off the Lion and focused on these Xecutioners in Japan.”

  “Should we call in more Rainbow Hats?”

  “Not yet.” Misha took my hand. “By the way, we’ll be staying here.”

  “Awesome. A slumber party.” Circuit smiled. “I’ll get to talk to Ava more.”

  “You won’t. Show everyone to the sleeping quarters and do your best to not bother them.” Misha gently took my hand and led us away.

  “He was interesting,” I said.

  “That’s one way to describe Circuit.”

  “And this place?”

  He gestured around him. “You know about my public tech corporation, but this is the meat of what I truly do. This is the. . .secret things that have garnered me a decent reputation.”

  “And not many people know about this?”

  “You’re one of the few. Not even my cousin knows the location.”

  Once again, Misha had peeled off another layer of him to show to me. Granted it was due to an emergency, but I was still happy to learn more about him.

  As we walked through, I scanned the place. “Why are some people wearing those black goggles over their eyes?”

  “It’s Virtual Reality headsets. The ones that have them on are actually off work right now. They barely sleep or go home. They prefer to spend all their free time in an electric world that they’ve created. Here, my office provides the highest level of VR—tech that’s not on the public market.”

  “This is one of the perks of working with you?”

  He smirked. “One of many. The pay is damn good.”

  “And Circuit is a supervisor for them?”

  “Exactly. If I’m far away and need control of a satellite or to mess with a city’s infrastructure, then I call him up to manage the crew.”

  “How much can you mess with a city’s infrastructure?”

  “Nowadays everything is controlled by computers. Bridges, Street signals, water and sewer systems, railways/subways, airports, and even harbors. It’s unlimited how much damage can be done if I was properly focused.”

  I tensed.

  He caught my unease. “Of course I wouldn’t do it. Shutting off a city’s airports and subways is a great way to have a target on my back for the rest of my life, unless. . .”


  “It was approved by the governing official.”

  “Who would approve you messing with the city’s systems?”

  “My cousin could make some calls to ease the authorities’ minds, letting them know that he had a particular goal to achieve and all would return to normal soon.”

  “That’s incredible power to have between the both of you.”

  “Too bad, I still haven’t figured out if having great power is good or bad.” He led us to a mahogany door, gestured for our guards to remain there, and waved his finger by the knob. The door clicked and opened on its own.

  I widened my eyes. “You have one of those rice chips in your finger?”

  “A few. Circuit is a more of an addict than a biohacker.”

  “And you?”

  “I think tech within humans is our inevitable future. I want to be at the forefront.” He raised his hands in the air. The lights came on.

  A luxury suite greeted my eyes. It looked like something out of a 5-star hotel. The massive room’s beautiful interior displayed numerous charming details—polished mahogany wood, ornate inlay ceilings, and plush carpet. A king-size bed sat in the center. A long black desk outlined the wall and held three large laptops. Four tv screens sat on the wall behind the laptops. An olive-green leather sofa and armchairs were on the left side of the room. On the other side, bookshelves lined the wall. Bonsai trees sat on one shelf. Tons of books stacked the others.

  Next to the shelf, a large tower of chess boards rested on a table.

  That’s an odd chessboard.

  I counted eight ebony boards stacked three inches above each other and held up by a silver panel. Carved moon phases embellished the panel. Pieces were on each board. The lowest board was a sight to behold. It was the only one that touched the table. Its legs were carved out of gold and studded with gems.

  I checked it out. “What is this?”

  The door shut behind him. “That’s three-dimensional chess.”

  I walked up to it. “I’ve never heard of this. How would you play it?”

  “The players use multiple boards to represent different levels, allowing the chess pieces to move in three physical dimensions.”

  O-kay. . .

  To say that the set was lavish would be a huge understatement. It was immaculate and filled with great craftsmanship. Glittering gold and silver adored each carved piece. And they all wore medieval garments that were exquisitely detailed and superbly gothic in appearance. And they weren’t the standard shaped chess pieces, they looked like actual kings, queens, knights, bishops, pawns, and rooks. Their faces stared back at me as if soon they would come alive.

  “Are the pieces handmade?” I asked.

  “You have a good eye. You can pick them up. Everyone always wants to.”

  I picked up a piece that I wasn’t familiar with.

  Is this a unicorn?

  The bewitching animal was craved from silver, yet the horn was gold. It weighed heavy in my hand.

I placed it back on the board. “What piece is this?”

  “The unicorn. It’s a special piece only in 3D chess.”

  “You’ll have to teach me this. I can play regular chess well, but this is something else.”

  “Circuit should be your true teacher. He always kicks my ass, but I would love to start you off.”

  I slipped my fingers along the highest board, making sure to not disturb the pieces. “Where did you get this from?”

  “Star Trek introduced me to it.”

  Smirking, I took my view from the chess boards and scanned the rest of the space. Tons of swords covered the wall near the bed.

  “Did you fence?”

  “I did at my private school, but was kicked out of the fencing class.”


  “They thought I was too violent.”

  I laughed. “Did they have a point?”

  “Perhaps.” Taking off his jacket and slinging it on the desk, Misha pointed further back. “Make sure you’re as comfortable as possible. Treat this space as yours. Anything you need, just ask me.”

  “Thank you.” I strolled over to the bathroom and peeked my head inside. It held a large freestanding bathtub, bidet, washbasin, and toilet. I returned my view to Misha. “How long will we be here?”

  “Until the threat is over.”

  I blinked.

  “And. . .” He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

  I leaned my head to the side. “And?”

  “For a few days, you will be down here by yourself.”

  I gulped in fear.

  “That’s to keep you protected. I must go to Paris to meet with my cousin. When I do, the Xecutioners may think I’m running from them. If they do, there’s a chance they could switch the contract back to you.”

  I let out a long breath. “I understand.”

  “I’m glad you do.”

  “Even if I didn’t, I would listen to your instructions.” I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “I put you in this mess. You saved me from being raped by one of those three men. And still, you have worked endlessly to keep Grandma and me safe.”

  “Ava.” He put his finger on my chin and tilted my face to him. “I will always work at keeping your family and you safe. Never feel guilty about that.”

  “Thank you.” I raised my hands, grabbed his palm, and studied his long fingers. “I can’t see the rice chip on your hand like I can on Circuit’s hands.”

  “As I said before, he went too far and jumped in right when this was a new thing. I waited.” He rubbed his index finger against my palm. “Can you feel it?”

  A subtle bump pressed against my skin. The chip was probably no bigger than a dot. I raised his finger and stared at it. “This is just to open your room here?”

  “It does several things. It also unlocks my laptops down here which holds top secret information. Things that many governments would like sealed. Additionally, there are locations and files my cousin wants stored for safekeeping. No one could ever get inside this room or those laptops without my finger.”

  “And many don’t even know that your finger is what unlocks it all?”

  “Correct. Only Circuit and now you.”

  Stunned, I opened my mouth.

  He smirked. “Can you keep a secret?”


  “You told me that I reminded you of Club Pleasure with all the secret entrances and hidden levels. You are correct, but I want to change that when it comes to you.”

  “I noticed. Each day you’ve been giving me an inside look.”

  He frowned. “This also means that you can’t walk away.”

  “You told me this was forever, Misha. Even though you said it while smacking my ass, I believed you.” I looked away. “I. . .I want that too.”

  He captured my chin and brought my view back to him. “Promise me that as I show you more of me, you’ll let me know if I’m scaring you.”

  I knew that he killed when he felt it was necessary and he could close a whole country if it suited him. What more could terrify me?

  With an intense gaze, he whispered, “Promise me, Ava.”

  “I promise.”

  Misha kissed me. I fell into his warmth, needing it more than I realized. Danger surrounded us. He’d now taken me underground and into a strange new world. All I could do was put my faith in him and hope for the best.

  I had no time to think more on that. Soon Misha had me on the bed. Frantic, we both panted between kisses and yanked at our clothes as if we were teenagers finally getting a moment alone to express our horny desires.

  “I’ll always keep you safe.” He had my shirt up and one of my breasts popped out of my bra. “Forever.”

  He lapped at the nipple.

  Moaning, I arched into him.

  “Be patient with me, Ava.” He lapped at the hungry point again. “I won’t have you hidden from the world for too long.”

  “I know you won’t.” Unable to touch him like I craved, I tried to roll him over so I could be on top. But his body represented a brick wall of muscle. He couldn’t be moved unless he desired to.

  He sucked on my nipple and pulled the other breast out.

  “Misha turn over. I want to ride you tonight.”

  “Hmmm. But the question is. . .should I let you?”


  He brushed his mouth against my nipple. “You have too much control when you ride my cock. I don’t like it.”

  I giggled. “Why not?”

  “When it comes to the bedroom, I’m the only one in control.”

  “If you have to say so, then you’re not.”

  “See. You’re always taunting me.” He spread my legs. “I believe you do this intentionally.”

  “I don’t.”

  “You do. You love it when I dominate you.”

  “Do you really dominate me?”

  Grunting, he released my body and rose, hovering over me. “You’re not sure?”

  I bit my lip.

  Fast, he unbuttoned his shirt but didn’t take it off. The flaps dangled on his side. He undid his belt and pulled it out of the pants loops. “Take off your clothes. Now.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “I’ll tear them off.” He folded the belt around his hand. “You must not like those jeans or shirt.”

  “What are you going to do with that belt?”

  “Whip you until you have respect for my cock.”

  “You are not whipping me with that belt!”

  He unbuttoned his pants, lowered them, and pulled out his cock. His thick length hung between his muscled thighs. “I’m not?”

  “You. Are. Not.” Smirking, I undressed and threw my jeans, shirt, and bra onto the floor.

  When I reached for my panties, he shook his head. “No. I’ll take care of that. Get on your hands and knees.”

  A shiver of delight spread across me. I did as he told me. In the end, he was right. I loved to taunt Misha. In public, he presented a very strait-laced and conservative persona. In the bedroom, it was the complete opposite. He was a wild dominating beast, constantly losing control and squirting cum all over me. And I loved this ferocious part of him. All the savage passion and lustful madness.

  Eager, I balanced on my hands and knees, pushing my behind in the air.

  Grunting, he lightly tapped my ass with the belt.

  I jerked in surprise. And then in true Misha fashion, he ripped my panties away and flung the torn fabric towards the floor. “Close your eyes.”

  Panting, I did as he requested.

  The next moment, warm leather slipped along my pussy and then up between my buttocks. I moved back, wanting more.

  “No.” He tapped me with the belt. “Stay still.”

  A tiny sting hit my flesh, delivering more pleasure than pain.

  “Hmmm.” He groaned. “Let’s have some fun.”

  Chapter 12


  Every cell within me yearned to smack her
ass hard with this belt. If only to prove that I could. If only to show her how much I controlled her body.

  In the end, it was all unnecessary. She was the only one who held control, whether she knew this or not.

  Whenever I was around Ava, my cock grew painfully erect. It was one of the consequences of being with my beautiful ballerina. She brought out the lewdest parts of me. It didn’t matter what went on around us. I always craved to be buried inside of her. What was it that shoved me into insanity? Was it the beauty that she possessed? Was it the vibrant richness of her brown skin or the graceful lines of her body? Was it the limitless depth of her soul?

  Whatever it was, I could find no rest until I feasted on her pussy, until my cock plunged deep within her depths. Even with the mounting threat around us, my cock stayed stiff. While she packed in the penthouse, when we rode in the limo, and even as I guided her through my underground office, my cock never softened. It patiently waited to attack, needing to be inside her moist folds.

  Will I ever get enough of Ava?

  Reaching out with my free hand, I stroked those moist folds and concentrated on her soft throbbing bud. “There’s so many things I should be doing right now, but when it comes to you, I have no sense of responsibility.”

  She moaned.

  I slipped my fingers slowly along her clit, discovering her desire, and taking each clue of what to do next from every moan. “It wasn’t always like this.”

  A loud moan left her.

  I drew a slow circle around the sensitive bud. “I am usually a man in complete control.”

  She moaned. “Misha.”

  Hunger drummed through me. Breathing in, I dropped the belt. “You make me crazy, Ava. I fear that will always be the case.”

  I leaned over and buried my face in her warm, wet pussy.

  She shrieked at first, and then it turned into a shivering moan. I brushed my mouth all over her folds. Her slickness smeared over my lips. I deeply inhaled her scent. I slid my cheeks against the moisture, lathering my flesh with her wet arousal. I poked her bud with my nose. Her natural fragrance rose higher. It made me hungry and wild for more of her. She drove me over the edge.


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